< Jeremiah 5 >

1 “Rush about through the streets of Jerusalem; search in her city squares, too. Then look and think about this: If you can find a man or anyone who is acting justly and trying to act faithfully, then I will forgive Jerusalem.
Miveziveze eny an-dalamben’ i Jerosalema ianareo, ka izahao sy fantaro ary tadiavo ao an-kalalahana, fa raha mba misy olona hitanareo, izay manao ny marina sy mitady ny hitsiny, dia havelako ny helok’ i Jerosalema.
2 Although they say, 'As Yahweh lives,' yet they are swearing falsely.”
Ary na dia misy aza manao hoe: Raha velona koa Jehovah, dia entiny mianian-tsy tò izany.
3 Yahweh, do your eyes not look for faithfulness? You struck the people, but they do not feel pain. You have completely defeated them, but they still refuse to receive discipline. They make their faces harder than rock, for they refuse to repent.
Jehovah ô, tsy mijery ny toe-panahy mahatoky va ny masonao? Namely azy Hianao, nefa tsy nahatsiaro naharary izy; Nandany azy Hianao, nefa tsy nety nino anatra izy; Nohamafisiny mihoatra noho ny harambato ny tarehiny, tsy nety niverina izy.
4 So I said, “Surely these are only poor people. They are foolish, for they do not know Yahweh's ways, nor their God's decrees.
Ka dia hoy izaho: Olona ambany ireto; Adala izy fa tsy mahalala ny lalan’ i Jehovah, na ny fitsipik’ Andriamaniny;
5 I will go to the important people and declare God's messages to them, for they at least know Yahweh's ways, the decrees of their God.” But they all broke their yoke together; they all tore apart the chains that bound them to God.
Handeha ho any amin’ ny lehibe aho lahy ka hiteny aminy, fa ireny dia mahalala ny lalan’ i Jehovah sy ny fitsipik’ Andriamaniny; Kanjo ireny koa aza dia samy efa nanapaka zioga sy nanito fatorana.
6 So a lion from a thicket will attack them. A wolf from the Arabah will ruin them. A lurking panther will come against their cities. Anyone who goes outside his city will be torn apart. For their transgressions increase. Their acts of faithlessness are unlimited.
Koa noho izany dia mamely azy ny liona avy any an’ ala, ary mandringana azy ny amboadia avy any an-efitra, ny leoparda miandry hamely ny tanànany, ka izay rehetra mivoaka avy ao dia viraviraina; Fa efa maro ny fahadisoany, ary fatratra ny fiodinany.
7 Why should I pardon these people? Your sons have abandoned me and have made oaths by what are not gods. I fed them fully, but they committed adultery and walked in great numbers to the houses of prostitutes.
Koa nahoana Aho no hamela ny helokao? Efa nahafoy Ahy ny zanakao ka efa nianiana tamin’ izay tsy Andriamanitra; Efa nampianianiko izy, nefa nijangajanga ihany ka nirohitra niditra tao an-tranon’ ny vehivavy janga.
8 They were horses in heat. They roamed about wanting to mate. Each man neighed to his neighbor's wife.
Tahaka ny soavaly tsara fahana izy ka nikarenjy tamin’ izay tiany, samy naneno tamin’ ny vadin’ ny namany avy.
9 So should I not punish them—this is Yahweh's declaration— and should I not avenge myself on a nation that is like this?
Tsy hovaliako va izy amin’ izany? hoy Jehovah; Ary tsy hialako fo va ny firenena toy izany?
10 Go up onto her vineyards' terraces and destroy. But do not bring complete destruction to them. Trim their vines, since those vines do not come from Yahweh.
Miakara eo amin’ ny mandany ianareo, ka mameleza, nefa aza dia levonina avokoa izy; Esory ny sakeliny, satria tsy an’ i Jehovah izy.
11 For the houses of Israel and Judah have completely betrayed me—this is Yahweh's declaration.
Fa efa nivadika tamiko mihitsy ny taranak’ Isiraely sy ny taranak’ i Joda, hoy Jehovah.
12 They have spoken falsely about Yahweh and they said, “He will do nothing; no harm will come upon us, and we will not see sword or famine.
Nahafoy an’ i Jehovah izy ka nanao hoe: Tsy Izy no izy; Tsy hisy loza hanjo antsika, ary tsy hahita sabatra na mosary isika;
13 The prophets will become wind, the word is not in them, so let what they say be done to them.”
Ny mpaminany dia hanjary rivotra, ary tsy ao am-pony Ilay miteny; Eny, izany no hanjo azy.
14 So Yahweh, the God of hosts says this, “Because you have said this, see, I am about to place my word in your mouth. It will be like a fire, and this people will be like wood! For it will consume them.
Koa izao no lazain’ i Jehovah, Andriamanitry ny maro. Noho ny nanaovanareo izany teny izany, indro, hataoko afo ny teniko izay eo am-bavanao, ary ity firenena ity ho kitay hazo ka holevoniny.
15 Behold! I am about to bring a nation against you from far away, house of Israel—this is Yahweh's declaration— it is a lasting nation, an ancient nation! It is a nation whose language you do not know, nor will you understand what they say.
Indro, efa hitondra firenena avy lavitra Aho hamely anareo, ry taranak’ Isiraely, hoy Jehovah, dia firenena mateza hery, Firenena hatry ny ela, Firenena izay tsy fantatrao ny fiteniny, ka tsy ho azonao izay lazainy.
16 Its quiver is like an open tomb. They are all soldiers.
Ny tranon-jana-tsipìkany dia tahaka ny fasana misokatra; Izy rehetra dia samy lehilahy mahery avokoa.
17 So your harvest will be consumed, your sons and daughters also, and your food. They will eat your flocks and cattle; they will eat the fruit from your vines and fig trees. They will beat down with a sword your fortified cities that you trusted in.
Ary hohaniny ny vokatrao sy ny haninao, hohaniny ny zanakao-lahy sy ny zanakao-vavy, hohaniny ny ondry aman’ osinao sy ny ombinao, hohaniny ny voalobokao sy ny aviavinao, sady horavany amin’ ny sabatra ny tanàna mimanda izay itokianao.
18 But even in those days—this is Yahweh's declaration—I do not intend to destroy you completely.
Nefa na dia amin’ izany andro izany aza, hoy Jehovah, tsy dia holevoniko avokoa ianareo.
19 When you, Israel and Judah, say, 'Why has Yahweh our God done all these things to us?' then you, Jeremiah, will say to them, 'Just as you abandoned Yahweh and served foreign gods in your land, so you must also serve strangers in a land that is not your own.'
Ary raha hoy izy: Nahoana Jehovah Andriamanitsika no dia nanao izany rehetra izany tamintsika? Dia hovalianao hoe: Toy ny nahafoizanareo Ahy sy ny nanompoanareo andriamani-kafa teo amin’ ny taninareo no hanompoanareo ny firenen-kafa any amin’ ny tany izay tsy anareo.
20 Report this to the house of Jacob and let it be heard in Judah. Say,
Ambarao ao amin’ ny taranak’ i Jakoba, ary torio ao amin’ ny Joda hoe:
21 'Hear this, you foolish people who have no understanding; who have eyes but you cannot see, and you have ears but you cannot hear.
Henoy izao, ry firenena adala sady tsy manan-tsaina, izay mana-maso, fa tsy mahita, ary manan-tsofina, fa tsy mandre:
22 Do you not fear me—this is Yahweh's declaration—or tremble before my face? I have placed a border of sand against the sea, an ongoing decree that it does not violate— even though the sea rises and falls, still it does not violate it. Even though its waves roar, they do not cross it.
Izaho va tsy atahoranareo? hoy Jehovah; Tsy mangovitra va ianareo eo anatrehako, izay nanao ny fasika ho fefin’ ny ranomasina, dia fetra mandrakizay tsy azony hihoarana? Ka na dia mitopatopa aza ny onjany, dia tsy mahavaky azy, ary na dia mirohondrohona aza, dia tsy mahahoatra azy.
23 But this people has a stubborn heart. It turns away in rebellion and goes away.
Fa ity firenena ity dia manana fo maditra sy miodina; Mihodìna izy ka lasa,
24 For they do not say in their hearts, “Let us fear Yahweh our God, the one who brings the rain —the early rain and the late rains—in their right time, keeping the fixed weeks of the harvest for us.”
Ary tsy manao anakampo akory hoe: Aoka isika hatahotra an’ i Jehovah Andriamanitsika, izay mandatsaka ranonorana, dia ny loha-orana sy ny fara-orana amin’ ny fotoany avy; Ary ireo herinandro voatendry ho amin’ ny fararano dia tandremany ho antsika.
25 Your iniquities kept these things from happening. Your sins have stopped good from coming to you.
Ny helokareo no nampiala izany, ary ny fahotanareo no misakana ny soa tsy ho azonareo.
26 For wicked men are found with my people. They watch as someone crouches to capture birds; they set a trap and catch people.
Fa misy hita fa ratsy fanahy ny oloko; Mamitsaka sy mijoko toy ny mpamandri-borona izy, mamela-pandrika izy, ka olona no azony.
27 Like a cage full of birds, their houses are full of deceit. So they grow large and become rich.
Toy ny tranom-borona feno vorona no mahafeno fitaka ny tranony; Ary noho izany dia tonga lehibe sy mpanankarena izy.
28 They have become fat; they shine with well-being. They crossed over all bounds of wickedness. They do not plead the cause of the people, or the cause of the orphan. They prosper even though they have not given justice to the needy.
Efa mihatavy izy ka mandimandina, dia mihoa-pampana amin’ ny fanaovan-dratsy; Tsy mety mitsara ady mba hahazoan’ ny kamboty ny rariny izy, ary ny adin’ ny malahelo tsy mba tsarainy.
29 Should I not punish them for these things—this is Yahweh's declaration— and will I not take vengeance for myself on a nation like this?
Tsy hovaliako amin’ izany va izy? hoy Jehovah; Tsy hialako fo va ny firenena toy izany?
30 Atrocities and horrors have occurred in the land.
Zava-mahagaga sy mahatsiravina no atao eo amin’ ny tany;
31 The prophets prophesy with deceit, and the priests rule with their own power. My people love it this way, but what will happen in the end?'”
Ny mpaminany maminany lainga, ny mpisorona: manapaka araka izay atoron’ ireny, ary ny oloko mankasitraka izany; Koa hanao ahoana re ianareo any am-parany?

< Jeremiah 5 >