< James 2 >

1 My brothers, do not hold to faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with favoritism toward certain people.
Ẹ̀yin ará mi, gẹ́gẹ́ bí onígbàgbọ́ nínú ògo Olúwa wá Jesu Kristi, ẹ máa ṣe ojúsàájú ẹnikẹ́ni.
2 Suppose that someone enters your meeting wearing gold rings and fine clothes, and there also enters a poor man in dirty clothes.
Nítorí bí ọkùnrin kan bá wá sí ìpéjọpọ̀ yín, pẹ̀lú òrùka wúrà àti aṣọ dáradára, tí tálákà kan sì wá pẹ̀lú nínú aṣọ èérí;
3 If you look at the person wearing fine clothes and say, “You sit here in a good place,” but you say to the poor man, “You stand over there” or “Sit at my feet,”
tí ẹ̀yin sì bu ọlá fún ẹni tí ó wọ aṣọ dáradára tí ẹ sì wí pé, “Ìwọ jókòó níhìn-ín yìí ní ibi dáradára,” tí ẹ sì wí fún tálákà náà pé, “Ìwọ dúró níbẹ̀” tàbí “jókòó níhìn-ín lábẹ́ àpótí ìtìsẹ̀ mi,”
4 are you not judging among yourselves? Have you not become judges with evil thoughts?
ẹyin kò ha ń dá ara yín sí méjì nínú ara yín, ẹ̀yin kò sì di onídàájọ́ tí ó ní èrò búburú bí?
5 Listen, my beloved brothers, did not God choose the poor of the world to be rich in faith and to be heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?
Ẹ fi etí sílẹ̀, ẹ̀yin ará mi olùfẹ́: Ọlọ́run kò ha ti yan àwọn tálákà ayé yìí láti jẹ́ ọlọ́rọ̀ nínú ìgbàgbọ́, àti ajogún ìjọba náà, tí ó ti ṣe ìlérí fún àwọn tí ó fẹ́ ẹ?
6 But you have dishonored the poor! Is it not the rich who oppress you? Are they not the ones who drag you to court?
Ṣùgbọ́n ẹ̀yin ti bu tálákà kù. Àwọn ọlọ́rọ̀ kò ha ń pọ́n yin lójú bí; wọn kò ha sì ń wọ́ yín lọ sílé ẹjọ́?
7 Do they not insult the good name by which you have been called?
Wọn kò ha ń sọ ọ̀rọ̀-òdì sí orúkọ rere nì tí a fi ń pè yín bí?
8 If, however, you fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you do well.
Ṣùgbọ́n bí ẹ̀yin bá ń mú olú òfin nì ṣẹ gẹ́gẹ́ bí Ìwé Mímọ́, èyí tí ó wí pé, “Ìwọ fẹ́ ẹni kejì rẹ gẹ́gẹ́ bí ara rẹ,” ẹ̀yin ń ṣe dáradára.
9 But if you favor certain people, you are committing sin, and you are convicted by the law as lawbreakers.
Ṣùgbọ́n bí ẹ̀yin bá ń ṣe ojúsàájú ènìyàn, ẹ̀yin ń dẹ́ṣẹ̀, a sì ń dá yín lẹ́bi nípa òfin bí arúfin.
10 For whoever obeys the whole law, except that he stumbles in just a single way, has become guilty of breaking the whole law.
Nítorí ẹnikẹ́ni tí ó bá pa gbogbo òfin mọ́, tí ó sì rú ọ̀kan, ó jẹ̀bi rírú gbogbo rẹ̀.
11 For the one who said, “Do not commit adultery,” also said, “Do not murder.” If you do not commit adultery, but if you do commit murder, you have become a lawbreaker.
Nítorí ẹni tí ó wí pé, “Ìwọ kò gbọdọ̀ ṣe panṣágà,” òun ni ó sì wí pé, “Ìwọ kò gbọdọ̀ pànìyàn.” Ǹjẹ́ bí ìwọ kò ṣe panṣágà, ṣùgbọ́n tí ìwọ pànìyàn, ìwọ jásí arúfin.
12 So speak and act as those who will be judged by means of the law of freedom.
Ẹ máa sọ̀rọ̀, ẹ sì máa hùwà, bí àwọn tí a ó fi òfin òmìnira dá lẹ́jọ́.
13 For judgment comes without mercy to those who have shown no mercy. Mercy triumphs over judgment.
Nítorí ẹni tí kò ṣàánú, ni a ó ṣe ìdájọ́ fún láìsí àánú; àánú ń ṣògo lórí ìdájọ́.
14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith, but he has no works? Can that faith save him?
Èrè kí ni ó jẹ́, ará mi, bí ẹni kan wí pé òun ní ìgbàgbọ́, ṣùgbọ́n tí kò ní àwọn iṣẹ́ láti fihan? Ìgbàgbọ́ náà lè gbà á là bí?
15 Suppose that a brother or sister is badly clothed and lacks food for the day.
Bí arákùnrin tàbí arábìnrin kan bá wà ní àìní aṣọ, tí ó sì ṣe àìní oúnjẹ òòjọ́,
16 Suppose that one of you says to them, “Go in peace, stay warm and be filled.” If you do not give them the things necessary for the body, what good is that?
tí ẹni kan nínú yín sì wí fún pé, “Máa lọ ní àlàáfíà, kí ara rẹ kí ó má ṣe tutù, kí ó sì yó,” ṣùgbọ́n ẹ kò fi nǹkan wọ̀n-ọn-nì ti ara ń fẹ́ fún wọn; èrè kí ni ó jẹ́?
17 In the same way faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.
Bẹ́ẹ̀ sì ni ìgbàgbọ́, bí kò bá ní iṣẹ́ rere, ó kú nínú ara rẹ̀.
18 Yet someone may say, “You have faith, and I have works.” Show me your faith without works, and I will show you my faith by my works.
Ṣùgbọ́n ẹnìkan lè wí pé, “Ìwọ ní ìgbàgbọ́, èmi sì ní iṣẹ́.” Fi ìgbàgbọ́ rẹ hàn mí ní àìsí iṣẹ́, èmi ó sì fi ìgbàgbọ́ mi hàn ọ́ nípa iṣẹ́ rere mi.
19 You believe that there is one God; you do well. But even the demons believe that, and they tremble.
Ìwọ gbàgbọ́ pé Ọlọ́run kan ní ó ń bẹ; ó dára! Àwọn ẹ̀mí èṣù pẹ̀lú gbàgbọ́ bẹ́ẹ̀, wọ́n sì wárìrì.
20 Do you want to know, foolish man, that faith without works is useless?
Ṣùgbọ́n, ìwọ aláìmòye ènìyàn, ìwọ ha fẹ́ ní ìdánilójú pé, ìgbàgbọ́ ní àìsí iṣẹ́ rere asán ni?
21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered up Isaac his son on the altar?
Kí ha í ṣe nípa iṣẹ́ ni a dá Abrahamu baba wa láre, nígbà tí ó fi Isaaki ọmọ rẹ̀ rú ẹbọ lórí pẹpẹ?
22 You see that faith worked with his works, and that by works his faith was fully developed.
Ìwọ rí i pé ìgbàgbọ́ rẹ bá iṣẹ́ rìn, àti pé nípa iṣẹ́ rere ni a sọ ìgbàgbọ́ di pípé.
23 The scripture was fulfilled that says, “Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness,” and he was called a friend of God.
Ìwé Mímọ́ sì ṣẹ́ tí ó wí pé, “Abrahamu gba Ọlọ́run gbọ́, a sì kà á sí òdodo fún un,” a sì pè é ní ọ̀rẹ́ Ọlọ́run.
24 You see that it is by works that a man is justified, and not only by faith.
Ǹjẹ́ ẹ̀yin rí i pé nípa iṣẹ́ rere ni à ń dá ènìyàn láre, kì í ṣe nípa ìgbàgbọ́ nìkan.
25 In the same way also, was not Rahab the prostitute justified by works, when she welcomed the messengers and sent them away by another road?
Gẹ́gẹ́ bẹ́ẹ̀ pẹ̀lú kí a dá Rahabu panṣágà láre nípa iṣẹ́ bí, nígbà tí ó gba àwọn ayọ́lẹ̀wò, tí ó sì rán wọn jáde gba ọ̀nà mìíràn?
26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead.
Nítorí bí ara ní àìsí ẹ̀mí ti jẹ́ òkú, bẹ́ẹ̀ gẹ́gẹ́ pẹ̀lú ni ìgbàgbọ́ ní àìsí iṣẹ́ jẹ́ òkú.

< James 2 >