< Isaiah 64 >

1 “Oh, if you had split open the heavens and come down! The mountains would have shaken at your presence,
Enga anie ka hotriarinao ny lanitra mba hidinanao, ka hihorohoro eo anoloanao ny tendrombohitra,
2 as when fire kindles the brushwood, or the fire makes water boil. Oh, that your name would be known by your adversaries, that the nations would tremble at your presence!
Dia tahaka ny fandevon’ ny afony tapa-kazo maina sy ny fampangotraky ny afo ny rano mba hampahafantatra ny fahavalonao ny anaranao ka hangovitra eo anoloanao ny jentilisa.
3 Previously, when you did marvelous things that we had not expected, you came down, and the mountains trembled at your presence.
Raha nanao zava-mahatahotra izay tsy nantenainay Hianao, dia nidina, ka nihorohoro teo anoloanao ny tendrombohitra.
4 Since ancient times no one has heard or perceived, nor eye seen any God besides you, who does things for him who waits for him.
Fa hatrizay hatrizay dia tsy mbola ren’ ny olona, na nohenoiny, Na hitan’ ny masony, Izay Andriamanitra miasa ho an’ ny miandry Azy afa-tsy Hianao.
5 You come to help those who rejoice in doing what is right, those who call to mind your ways and obey them. You were angry when we sinned. In your ways we will always be rescued.
Mitsena izay mifaly hanao ny marina Hianao, dia izay mahatsiaro Anao amin’ ny lalanao; indro, Hianao dia tezitra, ary hita fa meloka izahay; Hatramin’ ny ela dia izany no toetray, ka dia hovonjena va?
6 For we have all become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous deeds are like a menstrual rag. We have all withered like leaves; our iniquities, like the wind, carry us away.
Fa samy efa tahaka ny olo-maloto izahay rehetra, ary tahaka ny lamba mihosin-drà ny fahamarinanay rehetra; Malazo tahaka ny ravina izahay rehetra, ary ny helokay mipaoka anay tahaka ny rivotra,
7 There are none who calls on your name, who makes an effort to take hold of you. For you have hidden your face from us and made us waste away in the hand of our iniquities.
Tsy misy miantso ny anaranao, na mifoha hifikitra aminao; fa efa nanafina ny tavanao taminay Hianao ka nandevona anay noho ny helokay.
8 Yet, Yahweh, you are our father; we are the clay. You are our potter; and we all are the work of your hand.
Fa ankehitriny, Jehovah ô, rainay Hianao; izahay dia tanimanga, ary Hianao no mpanefy anay, ary asan’ ny tananao izahay rehetra.
9 Be not too angry, Yahweh, nor always call to mind against us our sins. Please look at us all, your people.
Aza dia tezitra mafy loatra, Jehovah ô. Ary aza dia mahatsiaro heloka mandrakizay; masìna Hianao, tsinjovy, fa olonao izahay rehetra.
10 Your holy cities have become a wilderness; Zion has become a wilderness, Jerusalem a desolation.
Tonga efitra ireo tanànanao masìna, Eny, tany lavavolo Ziona, ary efa lao Jerosalema.
11 Our holy and beautiful temple, where our fathers praised you, has been destroyed by fire, and all that was so dear is in ruins.
Ny tranonay masìna sady mendrika, Izay nideran’ ny razanay Anao, dia voadotry ny afo, ary rava ny zavatray mahafinaritra rehetra.
12 How can you still hold back, Yahweh? How can you remain silent and continue to humiliate us?”
Ary mbola mahatsindry fo amin’ izany zavatra izany ihany va Hianao, Jehovah ô? Hangina va Hianao ka hampahory anay mafy loatra?

< Isaiah 64 >