< Isaiah 4 >

1 On that day seven women will take hold of one man and say, “Our own food we will eat, our own clothing we will wear. But let us take your name to remove our shame.”
Ngalolosuku abesifazane abayisikhombisa bazabamba indoda yinye bathi, “Sizakudla ukudla kwethu sigqoke izigqoko zethu; sivumele kuphela nje ukuba sibizwe ngebizo lakho. Susa ihlazo lethu.”
2 On that day the branch of Yahweh will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be tasty and delightful for those survivors in Israel.
Ngalolosuku uGatsha lukaThixo luzakuba luhle lube yinkazimulo, lezithelo zelizwe zizakuba ligugu lenkazimulo kwabasindayo ko-Israyeli.
3 It will happen that the one who is left in Zion and the one who remains in Jerusalem will be called holy, everyone who is written down as living in Jerusalem.
Labo abatshiywe eZiyoni, abasele eJerusalema, kuzathiwa bangcwele, labo bonke abalotshiweyo phakathi kwabaphilayo eJerusalema.
4 This will happen when the Lord will have washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion, and will have cleansed the blood stains from Jerusalem's midst, by means of the spirit of judgment and the spirit of flaming fire.
INkosi izagezisa ingcekeza yabesifazane baseZiyoni, izahlambulula amachatha egazi eJerusalema ngomoya wokwahlulela langomoya womlilo.
5 Then over the whole site of Mount Zion and over her place of assembly, Yahweh will create cloud and smoke by day, and the shining of a flaming fire by night; it will be a canopy over all the glory.
Lapho-ke, phezu kwayo yonke iNtaba iZiyoni langaphezulu kwabo bonke abahlangana khona, uThixo uzakwenza iyezi lentuthu emini, lokukhanya kwamalangabi omlilo ebusuku; ngaphezu kwenkazimulo yonke kuzakuba lesivikelo esinjengophahla.
6 It will be a shelter for shade in the daytime from the heat, and a refuge and a cover from the storm and rain.
Sizakuba yisisitho lomthunzi wokuvika ukutshisa kwemini, isiphephelo lendawo yokucatshela isiphepho lezulu.

< Isaiah 4 >