< Hosea 8 >
1 “Place a trumpet at your lips! An eagle is coming over the house of Yahweh because the people have broken my covenant and rebelled against my law.
Pon a tu boca trompeta, como águila, contra la casa de Jehová, porque traspasaron mi concierto, y contra mi ley se rebelaron.
2 They cry out to me, 'My God, we in Israel know you.'
A mí clamarán Israel: Dios mío, te conocimos.
3 But Israel has rejected what is good, and the enemy will pursue him.
Desamparó Israel el bien: enemigo le perseguirá.
4 They have set up kings, but not by me. They have made princes, but without my knowledge. With their silver and gold they have made idols for themselves, but it was only so they might be cut off.”
Ellos hicieron reinar, mas no por mí: constituyeron príncipe, mas yo no lo supe: de su plata, y de su oro hicieron ídolos para sí, para ser talados.
5 “Your calf has been rejected, Samaria. My anger is burning against these people. For how long will they stay guilty?
Tu becerro, o! Samaria, te hizo alejar: mi enojo se encendió contra ellos, hasta que no pudieron alcanzar inocencia.
6 For this idol came from Israel; a workman made it; it is not God! The calf of Samaria will be broken to pieces.
Porque de Israel es, y artífice lo hizo, que no es Dios; porque en pedazos será deshecho el becerro de Samaria.
7 For the people sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The standing grain has no heads; it yields no flour. If it does come to maturity, foreigners will devour it.
Porque sembraron viento, y torbellino segarán: no tendrán mies, ni el fruto hará harina: si la hiciere, extraños la tragarán.
8 Israel is swallowed up; now they lie among the nations like something useless.
Será tragado Israel: presto serán tenidos entre las gentes como vaso en que no hay contentamiento.
9 For they went up to Assyria like a wild donkey all alone. Ephraim has hired lovers for herself.
Porque ellos subieron a Asur, asno montés para sí solo: Efraím con salario alquiló armadores.
10 Even though they have hired lovers among the nations, I will now gather them together. They will begin to waste away because of the oppression of the king of princes.
Aunque alquilen a las naciones, ahora las juntaré; y serán un poco afligidos por la carga del rey, y de los príncipes.
11 For Ephraim has multiplied altars for sin offerings, but they have become altars for committing sins instead.
Porque multiplicó Efraím altares para pecar, tuvo altares para pecar.
12 I could write down my law for them ten thousand times, but they would view it as something strange to them.
Escribíle las grandezas de mi ley, fueron tenidas por cosas ajenas.
13 As for the sacrifices of my offerings, they sacrifice meat and eat it, but I, Yahweh, do not accept them. Now I will think about their iniquity and punish their sins. They will return to Egypt.
Los sacrificios de mis dones, sacrificaron carne, y comieron, Jehová no los quiso: ahora se acordará de su iniquidad, y visitará su pecado: ellos tornarán a Egipto.
14 Israel has forgotten me, his Maker, and has built palaces. Judah has fortified many cities, but I will send fire on his cities; it will destroy his fortresses.
Olvidó pues Israel a su Hacedor, y edificó templos, y Judá multiplicó ciudades fuertes: y yo meteré fuego en sus ciudades, el cual devorará sus palacios.