< Hosea 14 >

1 Israel, return to Yahweh your God, for you have fallen because of your iniquity.
Vrati se, Izraele, Jahvi Bogu svome, jer zbog svojeg si bezakonja posrnuo.
2 Take with you words and return to Yahweh. Say to him, “Take away all our iniquity and accept what is good, so that we may offer to you the fruit of our lips.
Uzmite sa sobom riječi i Jahvi se vratite. Recite mu: “Skini sa nas bezakonje i dobrohotno primi da ti prinesemo plod svojih usana.
3 Assyria will not save us; we will not ride on horses to war. Neither will we say anymore to the work of our hands, 'You are our gods,' for in you the fatherless person finds compassion.”
Asirac nas neće izbavljati i nećemo konje više jahati niti ćemo djelu ruku svojih govoriti: 'Bože naš!' - jer u tebe sirota milost nalazi.”
4 “I will heal their turning away; I will love them freely, for my anger has turned away from him.
Iscijelit ću ih od njihova otpada, od svega ću ih srca ljubiti; jer gnjev se moj odvratio od njih.
5 I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like the lily and take root like a cedar in Lebanon.
Bit ću kao rosa Izraelu; kao ljiljan on će cvasti, pustit će korijen poput jablana,
6 His branches will spread out; his beauty will be like the olive trees, and his fragrance like the cedars in Lebanon.
nadaleko pružat će izdanke. Ljepota će mu biti kao u masline, miris poput libanonskog.
7 The people who live in his shade will return; they will revive like grain and blossom like vines. His fame will be like the wine of Lebanon.
Opet će u mojoj sjeni boraviti, uzgajat će svoju pšenicu, vinograde gajit' što će steći ime vina helbonskog.
8 Ephraim, what more have I to do with idols? I will answer him and care for him. I am like a cypress whose leaves are always green; from me comes your fruit.”
Efrajime, što ti imaš još s kumirima? Ja sam ga uslišao i pogledao. Ja sam poput zelena čempresa: po meni si rodan plodovima.
9 Who is wise that he may understand these things? Who understands these things so that he may know them? For the ways of Yahweh are right, and the righteous will walk in them, but the rebellious will stumble in them.
Tko je mudar neka shvati ovo, i čovjek razuman neka spozna! Jer pravi su putovi Jahvini: pravednici hode po njima, grešnici na njima posrću.

< Hosea 14 >