< Hosea 13 >

1 “When Ephraim spoke, there was trembling. He exalted himself in Israel, but he became guilty because of Baal worship, and he died.
Raha niteny Efraima, dia nampangorohoro, ka nisandratra tao amin’ ny Isiraely izy. Dia nanota ny amin’ i Bala izy ka maty;
2 Now they sin more and more. They make cast metal figures from their silver, idols as skillfully worked as possible, all of them the work of the craftsmen. People say of them, 'These men who sacrifice kiss calves.'
Ary ankehitriny dia mandroso manota izy, fa ny volafotsiny no anaovany sarin-javatra an-idina ho azy, dia sampy araka ny fahaizany, izay asan’ ny mpiasa avokoa; Ireny dia lazainy hoe: Aoka hanoroka ny ombilahy kely izay olona mamono zavatra hatao fanatitra.
3 So they will be like the morning clouds, like the dew that goes away early, like the chaff that is driven by the wind away from a threshing floor, and like smoke out of a chimney.
Koa ho toy ny rahona maraina izy sy ho toy ny ando izay levona, raha mbola maraina ny andro, sy ho toy ny akofa izay paohin’ ny rivotra hiala amin’ ny fa noloana, ary ho toy ny setroka avy amin’ ny varavarana makarakara.
4 But I am Yahweh your God from the land of Egypt. You must acknowledge no God but me; you must acknowledge that besides me, there is no other savior.
Fa Izaho no Jehovah Andriamanitrao hatrany amin’ ny tany Egypta, ary tsy mahalala Andriamanitra afa-tsy Izaho ianao, sady tsy misy mpamonjy afa-tsy Izaho.
5 I knew you in the wilderness, in the land of great dryness.
Izaho dia nahalala anao tany an-efitra, dia tany amin’ ny tany mampangetaheta.
6 When you had pasture, then you became full; and when you were filled, your heart became lifted up. For that reason you forgot me.
Araka ny ahitra teny aminy no nahavoky azy; Eny, voky izy, ka niavonavona ny fony; Koa izany no nanadinoany Ahy.
7 I will become like a lion to them; like a leopard I will watch along the path.
Ka dia tonga toy ny liona aminy Aho, toy ny leoparda amoron-dalana no famitsako.
8 I will attack them as a bear that is robbed of her cubs. I will rip open their chests, and there I will devour them as a lion, as a wild beast would tear them to pieces.
Mamely azy toy ny famelin’ ny bera very anaka Aho, ka mandriatra ny sarom-pony, eny, any no andrapahako azy toy ny fandrapaky sy liom-bavy; Ny bibi-dia no hamiravira azy.
9 I will destroy you, Israel; who will be able to help you?
Izao no maharingana anao, ry Isiraely ô; Manohitra Ahy Izay famonjena anao ianao.
10 Where now is your king, that he may save you in all your cities? Where are your rulers, about whom you said to me, 'Give me a king and princes'?
Aiza ary izay mpanjakanao, Mba hamonjy anao ao an-tanànanao rehetra? Ary aiza ireo andriambaventinao, izay nantsoinao hoe: Omeo mpanjaka sy mpanapaka aho?
11 I gave you a king in my anger, and I took him away in my wrath.
Nomeko mpanjaka ianao tamin’ ny fahatezerako, ary nesoriko izy tamin’ ny fahavinirako.
12 Ephraim's iniquity has been stored up; his guilt has been stored up.
Voafehy ny helok’ i Efraima, voatahiry ny fahotany.
13 Pains of childbirth will come on him, but he is an unwise son, for when it is time to be born, he does not come out of the womb.
Fanaintainana tahaka ny vehivavy raha miteraka no mahazo azy; Zazalahy tsy hendry izy, fa raha tonga ny fotoana, dia tsy mba mandroso ho eo amin’ ny fiterahan-jaza izy.
14 Will I rescue them from the hand of Sheol? Will I rescue them from death? Where, death, are your plagues? Where, Sheol, is your destruction? Compassion is hidden from my eyes.” (Sheol h7585)
Havotako tsy ho azon’ ny herin’ ny fiainan-tsi-hita izy; Hovonjeko ho afaka amin’ ny fahafatesana Izy; Ry fahafatesana ô, aiza ny aretina fandripahanao? Ry fiainan-tsi-hita ô, aiza ny fandringananao? Afenina tsy ho hitan’ ny masoko ny nenina. (Sheol h7585)
15 Though Ephraim is prosperous among his brothers, an east wind will come; the wind of Yahweh will blow in from the wilderness. Ephraim's spring will dry up, and his well will have no water. His enemy will plunder his storehouse of every precious object.
Fa Efraima dia hahavokatra eo amin’ ny rahalahy; Nefa ho avy ny rivotra avy any atsinanana, dia ny rivotr’ i Jehovah miakatra avy any an-efitra, ka dia ho ritra ny loharanony, ary ho tankina ny fantsakany; Hobaboina ny rakitra, dia ny fanaka tsara rehetra.
16 Samaria will be guilty, for she has rebelled against her God. They will fall by the sword; their young children will be dashed to pieces, and their pregnant women will be ripped open.
Hovaliana Samaria noho ny helony, Fa niodina tamin’ Andriamaniny izy; Ho lavon-tsabatra izy, ny zanany madinika hotorotoroina, ary izay bevohoka eo aminy hotatahana.

< Hosea 13 >