< Ezekiel 45 >
1 When you cast lots to divide up the land as an inheritance, you must make an offering to Yahweh; this offering will be a holy part of the land, twenty-five thousand cubits in length, and ten thousand cubits in width. It will be holy, all its area round about.
Kad budete zemlju ždrijebom dijelili u baštinu, prinesite kao prinos pridržan Jahvi jedan sveti dio zemlje, dugačak dvadeset i pet tisuća lakata, širok deset tisuća; to neka bude sveto područje uzduž i poprijeko.
2 From this there will be a five hundred cubits by five hundred cubits square surrounding the holy place, with a surrounding border fifty cubits in width.
Od toga neka bude za Svetište četvorina od pet stotina lakata i čistina od deset lakata uokolo.
3 From this area you will measure a portion that is twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width; it will be the sanctuary, the most holy place.
Od toga područja izmjeri u dužinu dvadeset i pet tisuća lakata, a u širinu deset tisuća: tu neka bude Svetište - Svetinja nad svetinjama.
4 It will be a holy place in the land for the priests who serve Yahweh, who come near Yahweh to serve him. It will be a place for their houses and a holy area for the holy place.
Taj sveti dio zemlje pripada svećenicima koji služe u Svetištu i koji pristupaju k Jahvi da mu služe: tu neka im bude mjesto za kuće; i to neka je sveto mjesto koje pripada Svetištu.
5 So it will be twenty-five thousand cubits in length and ten thousand in width, and it will be for towns for the Levites who serve in the house.
Dvadeset i pet tisuća u dužinu i deset tisuća u širinu neka bude levitima koji služe Domu: neka ondje sagrade gradove u kojima će stanovati.
6 You will designate an area for the city, five thousand cubits in width and twenty-five thousand in length, that will be next to the area reserved for the holy place; this city will belong to all the house of Israel.
Za posjed gradu dodijelite pet tisuća lakata u širinu i dvadeset i pet tisuća lakata u dužinu usporedo sa svetim područjem: to će pripadati svemu domu Izraelovu.
7 The prince's land will be on both sides of the area reserved for the holy place and the city. It will be to their west and to their east. The length will correspond to the length of one of those portions, from the west to the east.
Knezu pripada dio s obje strane svetoga područja i gradskoga posjeda - duž svetoga područja i duž gradskoga posjeda - od zapadne strane prema zapadu i od istočne strane prema istoku, a dužina neka bude jednaka svakom tom dijelu, od zapadne do istočne granice.
8 This land will be property for the prince in Israel. My princes will no longer oppress my people; instead, they will give the land to the house of Israel, for their tribes.
To neka bude njegova zemlja, posjed u Izraelu, da knezovi više ne tlače narod moj i da zemlju dadu domu Izraelovu po plemenima.'
9 The Lord Yahweh says this: It is enough for you, princes of Israel! Remove violence and strife; do justice and righteousness! Quit your evictions of my people!—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Dosta je, knezovi Izraelovi! Okanite se nasilja i pljačke i vršite zakon i pravdu; izbavite narod moj od svojih tražbina - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
10 You must have accurate scales, accurate ephahs, and accurate baths!
Mjerite pravom mjerom: pravom efom i pravim batom.
11 The ephah and the bath will be the same amount, so that a bath will be a tenth of a homer; the ephah will be a tenth of a homer. Their measure will be corresponding to the homer.
Efa i bat neka jednako hvataju: bat neka iznosi desetinu homera i efa desetinu homera - neka im mjera bude prema homeru.
12 The shekel will be twenty gerahs; sixty shekels will make a mina for you.
Šekel neka bude dvadeset gera; mina neka vam bude dvadeset šekela, dvadeset i pet šekela i petnaest šekela.
13 This is the contribution that you must present: A sixth of an ephah for every homer of wheat, and you will give a sixth of an ephah for every homer of barley.
Ovo je prinos koji ćete prinositi: šestinu efe od svakoga homera pšenice i šestinu efe od svakoga homera ječma.
14 The regulation offering of oil will be a tenth of a bath for every cor (which is ten baths), or for every homer, since a homer is also ten baths.
A za ulje ova je uredba: desetina bata od svakoga kora - deset bata jedan je kor.
15 One sheep or goat from the flock for every two hundred animals from the watered regions of Israel will be used for any burnt offering or peace offering to make atonement for the people—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
Od svakoga stada od dvije stotine ovaca sa sočnih izraelskih pašnjaka po jednu ovcu za žrtvu prinosnicu, paljenicu i pričesnicu - vama za pomirenje - riječ je Jahve Gospoda.
16 All the people of the land will give this contribution to the prince in Israel.
Sav narod zemlje duguje ovaj prinos knezu Izraelovu.
17 It will be the prince's responsibility to furnish animals for the burnt offerings, the grain offerings, and the drink offerings at the festivals and the new moon celebrations, and on the Sabbath days—all the fixed festivals of the house of Israel. He will provide for the sin offerings, the grain offerings, the burnt offerings, and the peace offerings for atonement on behalf of the house of Israel.
A knez je dužan davati žrtve paljenice, prinosnice i ljevanice za svetkovine i za mlađake, za subote i blagdane doma Izraelova: on neka se postara za okajnicu, za pomirnicu, prinosnicu, paljenicu i pričesnicu za pomirenje doma Izraelova.'
18 The Lord Yahweh says this: In the first month, on the first day of the month, you will take an unblemished bull from the herd and perform a sin offering for the sanctuary.
Ovako govori Jahve Gospod: 'Prvoga mjeseca, prvoga dana u mjesecu, uzmi june bez mane i okaj njime Svetište.
19 The priest will take some of the blood of the sin offering and place it on the doorposts of the house and on the four corners of the border of the altar, and on the doorposts of the gate to the inner court.
Svećenik neka uzme krvi te žrtve okajnice i neka njome pomaže dovratnike Doma i sva četiri ugla pojasa žrtveničkoga i dovratnike vrata unutrašnjega predvorja.
20 You will do this on the seventh of the month for each person's sin by accident or ignorance; in this way you will atone for the temple.
Tako neka učini i sedmoga dana istoga mjeseca za svakoga koji je sagriješio iz slabosti i neznanja. Tako ćete dovršiti pomirenje Doma.
21 In the first month on the fourteenth day of the month, there will be for you a festival, a seven-day festival. You will eat unleavened bread.
Prvoga mjeseca, četrnaestoga dana u mjesecu, svetkujte Pashu, sedmodnevni blagdan, kad se blaguju beskvasni hljebovi.
22 On that day, the prince will prepare for himself and for all the people of the land a bull as a sin offering.
Toga dana neka knez za se i za sav puk zemlje prinese june za okajnicu.
23 For the seven days of the festival, the prince will prepare a burnt offering for Yahweh: Seven bulls and seven unblemished rams each day for seven days, and a male goat each day as a sin offering.
Sedam dana blagdana neka prinosi za paljenicu Jahvi sedam junčića i sedam ovnova bez mane - svaki dan tih sedam dana - i svaki dan jarca kao okajnicu.
24 Then the prince will perform a food offering of an ephah for each bull and an ephah for each ram with a hin of oil for each ephah.
A kao prinosnicu neka prinese efu po svakom juncu i efu po ovnu i hin ulja na svaku efu.
25 In the seventh month on the fifteenth day of the month, at the festival, the prince will perform offerings on these seven days: Sin offerings, burnt offerings, food offerings, and offerings of oil.
Sedmoga mjeseca, petnaestoga dana u mjesecu, neka o blagdanu isto toliko prinosi sedam dana: isto toliko okajnica, paljenica, prinosnica i ulja.'