< Ezekiel 43 >

1 The man then brought me to the gate that opened to the east.
Zatem me je privedel k velikim vratom, celó velikim vratom, ki gledajo proti vzhodu.
2 Behold! The glory of the God of Israel came from the east; his voice was like the sound of many waters, and the earth shone with his glory.
In glej, slava Izraelovega Boga je prišla po poti od vzhoda, in njegov glas je bil podoben hrupu mnogih vodá, in zemlja je zasijala z njegovo slavo.
3 It was according to the appearance of the vision that I saw, according to the vision that I saw when he had come to destroy the city, and the visions were like the vision that I saw at the Kebar Canal—and I fell to my face.
In to je bilo glede na videz videnja, ki sem ga videl, celó glede na videnje, ki sem ga videl, ko sem prišel, da uničim mesto; in videnja so bila podobna videnju, ki sem ga videl pri reki Kebár; in padel sem na svoj obraz.
4 So the glory of Yahweh came to the house by way of the gate that opened to the east.
Gospodova slava je prišla v hišo po poti velikih vrat, katerih pročelje je proti vzhodu.
5 Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me into the inner court. Behold! The glory of Yahweh was filling the house.
Tako me je duh vzel gor in me privedel na notranji dvor; in, glej, Gospodova slava je napolnila hišo.
6 The man was standing beside me, and I heard someone else speaking to me from the house.
Slišal sem ga, kako mi govori iz hiše; in poleg mene je stal mož.
7 He said to me, “Son of man, this is the place of my throne and the place for the soles of my feet, where I will live in the midst of the people of Israel forever. The house of Israel will no longer profane my holy name—they or their kings—with their faithlessness or with the corpses of their kings at their high places.
Rekel mi je: »Človeški sin, prostor mojega prestola in kraj za podplate mojih stopal, kjer bom na veke prebival v sredi Izraelovih otrok in mojega svetega imena Izraelova hiša ne bo več omadeževala, niti oni, niti njihovi kralji s svojim vlačugarstvom, niti s trupli svojih kraljev na svojih visokih krajih.
8 They will no longer profane my holy name by putting their threshold next to my threshold, and their gateposts next to my gateposts, with nothing but a wall between me and them. They profaned my holy name with their disgusting actions, so I consumed them with my anger.
V njihovi postavitvi njihovega praga ob mojih pragovih in njihovega podboja ob mojih podbojih in zidom med menoj in njimi, so celo omadeževali moje sveto ime s svojimi ogabnostmi, ki so jih zagrešili. Zatorej sem jih použil v svoji jezi.
9 Now let them remove their faithlessness and the corpses of their kings from before me, and I will live in their midst forever.
Torej naj odstranijo svoje vlačugarstvo in trupla svojih kraljev daleč od mene in jaz bom prebival v njihovi sredi na veke.
10 Son of man, you yourself must tell the house of Israel about this house so they will be ashamed of their iniquities. They should think about this description.
Ti, človeški sin, pokaži Izraelovi hiši, da jih bo lahko sram njihovih krivičnosti in naj izmerijo vzorec.
11 For if they are ashamed of all that they have done, then reveal to them the design of the house, its details, its exits, its entrances, and all its designs, all its decrees and rules. Then write this down before their eyes so they will keep to all its design and all its rules, so as to obey them.
Če se bodo sramovali vsega, kar so storili, jim pokaži obliko hiše, njen slog, njene izhode, njene vhode, vse njene oblike, vse njene odredbe, vse njene oblike in vse njene postave, in zapiši jih v njihovem pogledu, da se bodo lahko držali njene celotne oblike in vseh njenih odredb in jih izpolnjevali.«
12 This is the regulation for the house: From the peak of the hill to all the surrounding border around it, it will be most holy. Behold! This is the regulation for the house.
To je postava hiše: ›Na vrhu gore bo njena celotna meja naokrog najsvetejšega.‹ Glej, to je postava hiše.«
13 These will be the measurements of the altar in cubits—that cubit being a regular cubit and a handbreadth in length. So the gutter around the altar will be a cubit deep, and its width will also be a cubit. The border around its surrounding edge will be one span. This will be the base of the altar.
In to so mere oltarja po komolcih: ›Komolec je komolec in širina roke; celo dno bo komolec in širina komolca in njena meja ob njenem robu naokrog bo pedenj in to bo višji kraj oltarja.
14 From the gutter at the ground level up to the lower ledge of the altar is two cubits, and that ledge itself is one cubit in width. Then from the small ledge up to the large edge of the altar, it is four cubits, and the large edge is a cubit in width.
Od dna na tleh, celó do spodnjega podzidka, bo dva komolca in širina en komolec; in od manjšega podzidka celó do večjega podzidka, bo štiri komolce in širina en komolec.
15 The hearth on the altar for the burnt offerings is four cubits high, and there are four horns pointing upward on the hearth.
Tako bo oltar štiri komolce; in od oltarja in navzgor bodo štirje rogovi.
16 The hearth is twelve cubits in length and twelve cubits in width, a square.
Oltar bo dvanajst komolcev dolg, dvanajst širok, kvadraten v svojih štirih oglih.
17 Its border is fourteen cubits in length and fourteen cubits in width on each of its four sides, and its rim is a half cubit in width. The gutter is a cubit in width all around with its steps facing east.”
Podzidek bo štirinajst komolcev dolg in štirinajst širok v svojih štirih oglih; in rob okoli njega bo pol komolca; in njegovo dno bo komolec naokrog; in njegove stopnice bodo gledale proti vzhodu.
18 Next he said to me, “Son of man, the Lord Yahweh says this: These are the regulations for the altar on the day they make it, for raising the burnt offering onto it, and for sprinkling blood on it.
Rekel mi je: »Človeški sin, tako govori Gospod Bog: ›To so odredbe oltarja na dan, ko ga bodo naredili, da bodo na njem darovali žgalne daritve in da bodo na njem škropili kri.
19 You will give a bull from the cattle as a sin offering for the Levitical priests who are the descendants of Zadok, those who come near to me to serve me—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
Duhovnikom Lévijevcem, ki bodo od Cadókovega semena, ki pristopajo k meni, da bi mi služili, ‹ govori Gospod Bog, ›boš dal mladega bikca za daritev za greh.
20 Then you will take some of its blood and place it on the altar's four horns and the four sides of its edge and on the surrounding rim; you will cleanse it and make atonement for it.
Vzel boš od njegove krvi in jo nanesel na štiri njegove rogove in na štiri vogle podzidka in na rob naokoli. Tako ga boš očistil in prečistil.
21 Then take the bull for the sin offering and burn it in the appointed part of the temple area outside of the sanctuary.
Vzel boš tudi bikca daritve za greh in zažgal ga bo na določenem prostoru hiše, zunaj svetišča.
22 Then on the second day you will offer a male goat without blemish from the goats as a sin offering; the priests will cleanse the altar just as they cleansed it with the bull.
Na drugi dan boš daroval kozlička od koz, brez pomanjkljivosti, za daritev za greh; in očistili bodo oltar, kakor so ga očistili z bikcem.
23 When you finish its cleansing, offer an unblemished bull from the cattle and an unblemished ram from the flock.
Ko narediš konec njegovemu očiščevanju, boš daroval mladega bikca, brez pomanjkljivosti in ovna iz tropa, brez pomanjkljivosti.
24 Offer them before Yahweh; the priests will throw salt onto them and raise them up as a burnt offering to Yahweh.
Daroval ju boš pred Gospodom in duhovniki bodo nanje vrgli sol in darovali jih bodo za žgalno daritev Gospodu.
25 You must prepare a male goat as a sin offering daily for seven days, and the priests must also prepare an unblemished bull of the cattle and unblemished ram from the flock.
Sedem dni boš vsak dan pripravljal kozla za daritev za greh. Pripravljali bodo tudi mladega bikca in ovna iz tropa, brez pomanjkljivosti.
26 They must atone for the altar for seven days and purify it, and in this way they must consecrate it.
Sedem dni bodo očiščevali oltar in ga prečiščevali in se uméščali.
27 They must complete these days, and on the eighth day and onward it will come about that the priests will prepare your burnt offerings and your peace offerings on the altar, and I will accept you—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.”
Ko se ti dnevi iztečejo, bo tako, da bodo na osmi dan in tako naprej, duhovniki pripravljali vaše žgalne daritve na oltarju in vaše mirovne daritve; in jaz vas bom sprejel, ‹ govori Gospod Bog.«

< Ezekiel 43 >