< Ezekiel 18 >
1 The word of Yahweh came to me again, saying,
I puta mai ano te kupu a Ihowa ki ahau, i mea,
2 “What do you mean, you who use this proverb concerning the land of Israel and say, 'Fathers eat sour grapes, and the children's teeth are made blunt'?
He aha ra tenei whakatauki i whakataukitia ai e koutou mo te oneone o Iharaira? e ki na hoki koutou, I kai nga matua i nga karepe kaiota, a maniania ana nga niho o nga tamariki.
3 As I live—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—there will certainly no longer be any occasion for you to use this proverb in Israel.
E ora ana ahau, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa, e kore koutou e whai take a muri ake nei ki te whakahua i tenei whakatauki i roto i a Iharaira.
4 Behold! Every life belong to me—the life of the father as well as the life of the son, they belong to me! The soul who sins is the one who will die!
Nana, ko nga wairua katoa, naku; he pera i te wairua o te papa, naku ano hoki te wairua o te tama: ko te wairua e hara ana, ka mate tera.
5 What can be said about a man who is righteous and who carries out justice and righteousness—
Ki te mea ia he tika tetahi tangata, a ka mahia e ia te mea e rite ana, e tika ana,
6 if he does not eat upon the mountains or lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, and he does not defile his neighbor's wife, nor approached a woman during her monthly period, is he a righteous man?
Ki te mea kihai ia i kai ki runga ki nga maunga, kihai ona kanohi i anga ake ki nga whakapakoko o te whare o Iharaira, ki te mea kihai i poke i a ia te wahine a tona hoa, a kihai ia i whakatata ki te wahine e paheke ana;
7 What can be said about a man who does not oppress anyone, and he gives back to the debtor what was put up as security for a loan, and he does not commit theft but gives his food to the hungry and he covers the naked with clothes, is he a righteous man?
Ki te mea kihai tetahi tangata i tukinotia e ia, engari i whakahokia e ia tana taunaha ki te tangata i a ia nei ana moni, ki te mea kihai ia i tukino i tetahi, i pahua, ki te mea i homai e ia tana taro ma te tangata e hemokai ana, i hipokina e ia ki te kakahu te tangata e noho tahanga ana;
8 What can be said about a man who does not charge too much interest for the money he loans, and he does not take too much profit for what he sells? It is said of him that he carries out justice and establishes faithfulness between people.
Ko te tangata kahore ana mea i hoatu hei moni whakatupu, kahore hoki he hua i riro i a ia, ko te tangata i whakahokia e ia tona ringa i te kino, he pono ano tana whakawa mo tetahi, mo tetahi,
9 If that man walks in my statutes and keeps my decrees to act faithfully, then the promise for this righteous man is this: He will surely live!—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration.
I haere i runga i aku tikanga, i pupuri tonu i aku whakaritenga, i pono tonu te mahi; he tika tera, ka ora ia, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa.
10 But suppose that he has a violent son who sheds blood and does any one of these things that were mentioned,
Ki te whanau tetahi tama mana, he tahae, he kaiwhakaheke toto, a ka mahia e ia tetahi o enei mea,
11 (though his father has not done any of these things). He eats upon the mountains and he defiles his neighbor's wife, what can be said about him?
Ka kore ano e mahi i tetahi o enei mea pai, engari kua kai ki runga ki nga maunga, kua whakapoke i te wahine a tona hoa,
12 This man oppresses the poor and needy, and he seizes and robs, and he does not return a pledge, and he lifts up his eyes to the idols and commits disgusting actions,
Kua tukino i te ware raua ko te rawakore, kua pahua kino, a kihai i whakahokia e ia te taunaha, kua anga ona kanohi ki nga whakapakoko, kua mahi hoki i te mea whakarihariha,
13 and he lends out money at too high interest and he makes too much profit on what he sells, should that man live? Surely he will not! He will certainly die and his blood will be on him because he has done all these detestable things.
Kua hoatu i te moni whakatupu, kua tango i te hua: e ora ranei ia? E kore ia e ora: kua mahia e ia enei mea whakarihariha katoa; ko te mate kau mona; ki runga ano i a ia ona toto.
14 But behold! Suppose there is a man who bears a son, and his son sees all the sins that his father has committed, and though he sees them, he does not do those things.
Na, ki te whanau tetahi tama a tenei, a ka kite ia i nga hara katoa i mahia e tona papa, a ka mahara, ka kore e mahi i te pena,
15 That son does not eat upon the mountains, and he does not lift up his eyes to the idols of the house of Israel, and he does not defile his neighbor's wife, what can be said about him?
Kahore ia e kai ki runga ki nga maunga, kahore hoki ona kanohi e anga ki nga whakapakoko o te whare o Iharaira, kahore e whakapokea e ia te wahine a tona hoa,
16 That son does not oppress anyone, or seize a pledge, or take stolen things, but instead gives his food to the hungry and covers up the naked with clothes.
Kahore ana tukino i te tangata, kahore e pupuri i te taunaha, kahore hoki ana pahua; engari e hoatu ana e ia tana taro ma te hemokai, e hipokina ana e ia ki te kakahu te tangata e noho tahanga ana,
17 That son does not oppress anyone or take interest that is too high or make too much profit for a loan, but he carries out my decrees and walks according to my statutes; that son will not die for his father's sin: He will surely live!
E whakahokia ana e ia tona ringa i te ware, kahore hoki e tango i te moni whakatupu, i nga hua ranei, e mahi ana i aku whakaritenga, e haere ana i runga i aku tikanga; e kore tera e mate mo te he o tona papa; he pono ka ora ia.
18 His father, since he oppressed others by extortion and robbed his brother, and did what is not good among his people—behold, he will die in his iniquity.
Ko tona papa, i te mea i nui tana tukino, pahua rawa i tona teina, kihai hoki i pai nga mea i mahia e ia i roto i tona iwi, na, ka mate ia i runga i tona kino.
19 But you say, 'Why does the son not bear the iniquity of his father?' Because the son carries out justice and righteousness and keeps all my statutes; he does them. He will surely live!
Otira kei te mea koutou, He aha ra te tama te waha ai i te kino o te papa? Ki te mahia e te tama te mea e rite ana, e tika ana, a ka puritia e ia aku tikanga, ka mahia ano e ia, ina, ka ora ia.
20 The one who sins, he is the one who will die. A son will not bear his father's iniquity, and a father will not bear his son's iniquity. The righteousness of the one who acts rightly will be on himself, and the wickedness of the wicked will be on himself.
Ko te wairua e hara ana, ko tera e mate. E kore te tama e waha i te kino o te papa, e kore ano te papa e waha i te kino o te tama: ko runga ano i a ia te tika o te tangata tika, a ko te kino o te tangata kino hei runga ano i a ia.
21 But if the wicked turns away from all his sins that he has done, and keeps all my statutes and performs justice and righteousness, then he will certainly live and not die.
Ki te tahuri ia te tangata kino i ona hara katoa i mahia e ia, a ka puritia e ia aku tikanga katoa, ka mahia ano e ia te mea e rite ana, e tika ana, ina, ka ora ia, e kore ia e mate.
22 All the transgressions that he has committed will not be called to mind against him. He will live by the righteousness that he practices.
E kore tetahi o ona he i mahia e ia e maharatia ki a ia; ka ora ia i tona tika i mahia e ia.
23 Do I greatly rejoice over the death of the wicked—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—and not in his turning away from his way so that he may live?
He koanga ngakau ranei ki ahau te matenga o te tangata kino? e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa; he teka ranei ko ia kia tahuri mai i ona ara, kia ora?
24 But if the righteous person turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity and practices abominations like all the abominations that the wicked person does, then will he live? All the righteousness that he had done will not be called to mind when he betrays me in his treason. So he will die in the sins that he committed.
Ki te tahuri atu ia te tangata tika i tona tika, ki te mahia e ia te he, a ka rite tana mahi ki nga mea whakarihariha katoa i mahia e te tangata kino, e ora ranei ia? e kore ana mahi tika katoa e maharatia; ka mate ia i runga i tona kino i kino ai ia, i runga ano i tona hara i hara ai ia.
25 But you say, 'The way of the Lord is not fair!' Listen, house of Israel! Are my ways unfair? Is it not your ways that are unfair?
Heoi kei te mea na koutou, Kahore e taurite tonu te ara o te Ariki. Tena ra, whakarongo mai, e te whare o Iharaira, Kahore ranei toku ara e taurite? he teka ianei no koutou nga ara kahore e taurite?
26 When the righteous man turns away from his righteousness, and commits iniquity and dies because of them, then he will die in the iniquity that he has done.
Ki te tahuri atu te tangata tika i tona tika, a ka mahi i te kino, mate iho ki reira; e mate ia mo tana kino i mahia e ia.
27 But when a wicked man turns away from his wickedness that he has done and performs justice and righteousness, then he will preserve his life.
Tenei ano, ki te tahuri mai te tangata kino i tana kino i mahia e ia, a ka mahia e ia te mea e rite ana, e tika ana, ka ora ano i a ia tona wairua.
28 For he has seen and turned away from all the transgressions that he had done. He will surely live, and he will not die.
Nana hoki i whakaaro, a tahuri mai ana i ona he katoa i mahia e ia; ina, ka ora ia, e kore e mate.
29 But the house of Israel says, 'The way of the Lord is not fair!' How is my way not fair, house of Israel? It is your ways that are not fair.
Heoi kei te mea te whare o Iharaira, Kahore e taurite te ara o te Ariki. Kahore ranei oku ara e taurite, e te whare o Iharaira? he teka ianei no koutou nga ara kahore e taurite?
30 Therefore I will judge each man among you according to his ways, house of Israel!—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration. Repent and turn away from all your transgressions so that they will not be stumbling blocks of iniquity against you.
Ae ra, ka rite ki tona ara, ki tona ara, taku whakawa i a koutou, e te whare o Iharaira, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa, Ripeneta, tahuri mai hoki i o koutou he katoa, a e kore te he e waiho hei whakataka mo koutou.
31 Throw away from yourselves all of the transgressions that you have committed; make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. Why should you die, house of Israel?
Maka atu, kia matara atu i a koutou o koutou he katoa i he ai koutou; mahia hoki he ngakau hou, he wairua hou mo koutou; kia mate hoki koutou hei aha, e te whare o Iharaira?
32 For I have no delight in the death of the one who dies—this is the Lord Yahweh's declaration—so repent and live!”
Kahore hoki ahau e ahuareka ki te matenga o te tangata e mate ana, e ai ta te Ariki, ta Ihowa; heoi tahuri mai koutou, kia ora ai.