< Exodus 31 >

1 Then Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,
И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
2 “See, I have called by name Bezalel son of Uri son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah.
се, нарекох именем Веселеила сына Урии, сына Орова, от племене Иудина,
3 I have filled Bezalel with my Spirit, to give him wisdom, understanding, and knowledge, for all kinds of craftsmanship,
и наполних его Духом Божиим премудрости и смышления и ведения, во всяком деле разумети
4 to make artistic designs and to work in gold, silver, and bronze;
и архитектонствовати, делати злато и сребро и медь, и синету и багряницу, и червленицу прядену и виссон сканый,
5 also to cut and set stones and to carve wood—to do all kinds of craftsmanship.
и каменное дело, и различная древоделства делати во всех делех:
6 In addition to him, I have appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamak, from the tribe of Dan. I have put skill into the hearts of all who are wise so that they may make all that I have commanded you. This includes
и Аз дах его и Елиава сына Ахисамахова от племене Данова, и всякому смысленному сердцем дах смысл, и потрудятся, и сотворят вся, елика заповедах тебе:
7 the tent of meeting, the ark of the testimony, the atonement lid on the ark, and all the furniture of the tent—
скинию свидения и кивот завета, и очистилище еже верху его, и утварь скинии,
8 the table and its utensils, the pure lampstand with all its equipment, the incense altar,
и жертвенники, и трапезу и вся сосуды ея, и светилник чистый и вся сосуды его,
9 the altar for burnt offerings with all its equipment, and the large basin with its base.
и умывалницу и стояло ея,
10 This also includes the finely-woven garments—the holy garments for Aaron the priest and those of his sons, reserved for me so that they may serve as priests.
и ризы служебныя Аароновы и ризы сынов его, еже священнодействовати Мне,
11 This also includes the anointing oil and the sweet incense for the holy place. These craftsmen must make all these things just as I have commanded you.”
и елей помазания, и фимиам сложения святаго: по всем, елика заповедах тебе, сотворят.
12 Then Yahweh spoke to Moses and said,
И рече Господь к Моисею, глаголя:
13 “Tell the Israelites: 'You must certainly keep Yahweh's Sabbath days, for these will be a sign between him and you throughout your people's generations so that you may know that he is Yahweh, who sets you apart for himself.
и ты заповеждь сыном Израилевым, глаголя: смотрите и субботы Моя сохраните: есть бо знамение между Мною и вами в роды вашя, да увесте, яко Аз Господь освящаяй вас:
14 So you must keep the Sabbath, for it must be treated by you as holy, reserved for him. Everyone who defiles it must surely be put to death. Whoever works on the Sabbath, that person must surely be cut off from his people.
и сохраните субботу, яко свята сия есть Господу и вам: осквернивый ю смертию умрет: всяк, иже сотворит в ню дело, потребится душа та от среды людий своих:
15 Work will be done for six days, but the seventh day is to be a Sabbath of complete rest, holy before Yahweh. Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must surely be put to death.
шесть дний да сотвориши дела, в день же седмый суббота, покой свят Господу: всяк, иже сотворит дело в седмый день, смертию умрет:
16 Therefore the Israelites must keep the Sabbath. They must observe it throughout their people's generations as a permanent law.
и да сохранят сынове Израилевы субботы держати я в роды их:
17 The Sabbath will always be a sign between Yahweh and the Israelites, for in six days Yahweh made heaven and earth, and on the seventh day he rested and was refreshed.'”
завет вечен во Мне и в сынех Израилевых, знамение есть во мне вечное: яко в шести днех сотвори Господь небо и землю, в седмый же день преста, и почи.
18 When God had finished talking with Moses on Mount Sinai, he gave him two tablets of covenant decrees, made of stone, written on by his own hand.
И даде (Бог) Моисею, егда преста глаголя ему на горе Синайстей, две скрижали свидения, скрижали каменны написаны перстом Божиим.

< Exodus 31 >