< Esther 4 >
1 When Mordecai learned of all that had been done, he tore his clothes and put on sackcloth and ashes. He went out into the middle of the city, and cried out with a loud and a bitter cry.
जब मोर्दकैले यी सबै कुरा थाहा पाए, तब तिनले आफ्ना लुगा च्याते अनि भाङ्ग्रा र खरानी लगाए । तिनी सहरको बिचमा गए, र ठुलो सोरले कराए, र विलाप गरे ।
2 He went up only as far as the king's gate, because no one was allowed to go through it clothed in sackcloth.
तिनी राजाको ढोकासम्म मात्र गए किनकि कसैलाई पनि भाङ्ग्रा लगाएर त्यसबाट जान अनुमति थिएन ।
3 In every province, wherever the king's command and decree reached, there was great mourning among the Jews, with fasting, weeping, and lamenting. Many of them lay in sackcloth and ashes.
राजाको हुकुम र आदेश पुगेको हरेक प्रान्तमा यहूदीहरूका माझमा उपवास, रुवाबासी र विलासँगै ठुलो शोक थियो । तिनीहरूमध्ये धेरै जानले भाङ्ग्रा लगाए, र खरानीमा बसे ।
4 When Esther's young women and her servants came and told her, the queen was in great distress. She sent garments to clothe Mordecai (so he could take off his sackcloth), but he would not accept them.
जब एस्तरका युवतीहरू र सेविकाहरू आएर उनलाई त्यो कुरा बताए, तब रानी ठुलो शोकमा डुबिन् । उनले मोर्दकैको लागि पोशाकहरू पठाइन् (ताकि तिनले भाङ्ग्रा फुकालून्), तर तिनले ती स्वीकार गरेनन् ।
5 Then Esther called for Hathak, one of the king's officials who had been assigned to serve her. She ordered him to go to Mordecai to learn what had happened and what it meant.
तब एस्तरको सेवा गर्न खटाइएका राजाका अधिकारीहरूमध्ये हताकलाई तिनले बोलाइन् । के भएको थियो र यसको अर्थ के हो भनी जान्न उनले तिनलाई मोर्दकैकहाँ पठाइन् ।
6 So Hathak went to Mordecai in the city square in front of the king's gate.
त्यसैले हताक राजाको ढोकाको सामु सहरको खुला चोकमा मोर्दकैकहाँ गए ।
7 Mordecai reported to him all that had happened to him, and the total amount of the silver that Haman had promised to weigh out and put into the king's treasuries in order to put the Jews to death.
मोर्दकैको जीवनमा आइपरेका सबै कुरा, र यहूदीहरूलाई मार्नका लागि हामानले राज्यकोषमा दिने प्रतिज्ञा गरेका सम्पूर्ण चाँदीको मात्राबारे तिनले हताकलाई विवरण दिए ।
8 He also gave him a copy of the decree that was issued in Susa for the Jews' destruction. He did this so that Hathak could show it to Esther, and that he should give her the responsibility of going to the king to beg for his favor, and to plead with him on behalf of her people.
यहूदीहरूको विनाशको निम्ति शूशनमा जारी गरिएको उर्दीको नक्कल पनि तिनले हताकलाई दिए । हताकले यो एस्तरलाई देखाउन सकून्, अनि राजाको निगाहा प्राप्त गर्नलाई गएर बिन्ति चढाउने र आफ्नो जातिको पक्षमा उहाँलाई याचना गर्ने जिम्मेवारी तिनले उनलाई दिन सकून् भनेर तिनले यसो गरे ।
9 So Hathak went and told Esther what Mordecai had said.
त्यसैले हताक गए र मोर्दकैले तिनलाई भनेका कुरा एस्तरलाई बताए ।
10 Then Esther spoke to Hathak and told him to go back to Mordecai.
तब एस्तरले हताकसित कुरा गरिन्, र तिनलाई मोर्दकैकहाँ फर्केर जान आज्ञा दिइन् ।
11 She said, “All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that if any man or woman goes to the king inside the inner courtyard without being summoned, there is only one law: That he must be put to death—except for anyone to whom the king holds out the golden scepter so that he may live. I have not been called to come to the king these thirty days.”
उनले भनिन्, “राजाका सबै अधिकारी र राजाका प्रान्तहरूका मानिसहरूलाई थाहा छ, कि राजाको नबोलाइकन कुनै पुरुष वा स्त्री भित्री दरबारमा प्रवेश गर्यो भने, त्यसको लागि एउटा मात्र कानुन छः कुनै व्यक्ति बाँचोस् भनेर राजाले आफ्नो सुनको राजदण्ड पसार्नुभएन भने त्यो मारिने छ । म आफैलाई पनि राजाकहाँ नबोलाइएको तिस दिन भइसक्यो ।”
12 So Hathak reported Esther's words to Mordecai.
त्यसैले हताकले एस्तरको कुरा मोर्दकैलाई बताए ।
13 Mordecai sent back this message: “You must not think that in the king's palace, you will escape any more than all the other Jews.
मोर्दकैले यो सन्देश पठाए, “तिमी राजदरबारमा भएकी हुनाले अरू सबै यहूदीमध्ये तिमीचाहिं बाँच्नेछ्यौ भनी तिमीले नसोचे हुन्छ ।
14 If you remain silent at this time, relief and rescue will rise up for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Who knows whether you have come to this royal position for such a time as this?”
यस बेला तिमी चुप लाग्यौ भने, यहूदीहरूका निम्ति सहायता र छुटकारा अरू ठाउँबाट आउनेछ, तर तिमी र तिम्रो पिताको परिवार नष्ट हुनेछ । यस्तै समयको लागि नै तिमी यो राजकीय पदमा पुगेकी हुन सक्छ्यौ भनी कसलाई थाहा छ?”
15 Then Esther sent this message to Mordecai,
तब एस्तरले मोर्दकैलाई यो सन्देश पठाइन्,
16 “Go, gather together all the Jews who live in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My young girls and I will fast in the same way. Then I will go to the king, even though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.”
“जानुहोस्, र मेरो निम्ति उपवास बस्न शूशनमा बस्ने सबै यहूदीलाई भेला गर्नुहोस् । तिन दिन र तिन रातसम्म केही नखानुहोस्, न त केही पिउनुहोस् । मेरा युवतीहरू र म पनि त्यसरी नै उपवास बस्नेछौँ । त्यसपछि कानुनको विरुद्धमा भए तापनि म राजाकहाँ जानेछु, र मेरो नाश हुन्छ भने पनि होस् ।”
17 Mordecai went and did all that Esther told him to do.
मोर्दकै गए, र तिनले एस्तरले भनेझैँ सबै गरे ।