< Daniel 6 >

1 It pleased Darius to appoint over the kingdom 120 provincial governors who would rule over all the kingdom.
Li te fè Darius plezi pou chwazi san-ven satrap sou wayòm nan, pou yo ta kapab pran chaj a tout wayòm nan.
2 Over them there were three chief administrators, and Daniel was one of them. These chief administrators were appointed so that they might supervise the provincial governors, so that the king should suffer no loss.
Epi sou yo menm, twa chèf. Youn nan chèf sila yo se te Daniel. Satrap sila yo ta dwe responsab bay kont sou yo menm, pou wa a pa ta soufre okenn pèt.
3 Daniel was distinguished above the other chief administrators and the provincial governors because he had an extraordinary spirit. The king was planning to put him over the whole kingdom.
Daniel te kòmanse distenge li menm pami chèf ak satrap yo akoz li te posede yon lespri ekstrawòdinè, e wa a te fè plan pou plase li sou tout wayòm nan.
4 Then the other chief administrators and the provincial governors looked for mistakes in the work Daniel did for the kingdom, but they could find no corruption or failure in his duty because he was faithful. No mistakes or negligence was found in him.
Konsa, chèf ak satrap yo te kòmanse chache pou twouve yon koz akizasyon kont Daniel nan zafè wayòm nan; men yo pa t ka jwenn okenn baz pou akize l, ni okenn koripsyon, akoz li te fidèl. Okenn neglijans ni koripsyon pa t ka twouve nan li.
5 Then these men said, “We cannot find any reason to complain against this Daniel unless we find something against him regarding the law of his God.”
Epi mesye sila yo te di: “Nou p ap jwenn okenn mwayen pou fè akizasyon kont Daniel eksepte nou jwenn sa kont li konsènan lalwa Bondye li a.”
6 Then these administrators and governors brought a plan before the king. They said to him, “King Darius, may you live forever!
Alò, chèf sila yo ak satrap yo te antann yo pou te parèt devan wa a, e te pale avèk li konsa: “Wa Darius, viv jis pou tout tan!
7 All the chief administrators of the kingdom, the regional governors, and the provincial governors, the advisors, and the governors have consulted together and decided that you, the king, should issue a decree and should enforce it, so that whoever makes a petition to any god or man for thirty days, except to you, king, that person must be thrown into the den of lions.
Tout chèf wayòm ak prefè yo, satrap yo, wo ofisyèl ak gouvènè yo te fè konsiltasyon ansanm pou wa a ta etabli yon estati e fè yon dekrè pou nenpòt moun ki ta fè yon priyè a yon lòt dye oswa lòm sof ke ou menm pandan trant jou, o wa, dwe jete nan fòs lyon an.
8 Now, King, issue a decree and sign the document so that it may not be changed, as directed by the laws of the Medes and Persians, so it cannot be repealed.”
Alò, O wa, fè dekrè a e siyen dokiman pou l pa ka chanje selon lalwa Mèd ak Pès yo, ki p ap ka chanje.”
9 So king Darius signed the document making the decree into a law.
Konsa Darius, wa a, te siyen dokiman an, ak dekrè a.
10 When Daniel learned that the document had been signed into law, he went into his house (now his windows were open in his upper room toward Jerusalem), and he got down on his knees, as he did three times a day, and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as he had done before.
Alò, lè Daniel te konnen ke dokiman an te fin siyen, li te lantre lakay li (alò, nan chanm anwo a, te gen fenèt ki te ouvri vè Jérusalem), epi li te mete li sou jenou li twa fwa pa jou, pou fè lapriyè, e bay remèsiman devan Bondye li a, jan li te kon fè oparavan an.
11 Then these men who had formed the plot together saw Daniel make requests and seek help from God.
Alò, mesye sila yo te reyini ansanm e yo te vin jwenn Daniel ki t ap fè petisyon ak siplikasyon li devan Bondye li a.
12 Then they approached the king and spoke with him about his decree: “Did you not make a decree that everyone who makes a petition to any god or human being during the next thirty days, except to you, king, must be throw into the den of lions?” The king answered, “The matter is settled, as directed by the law of the Medes and Persians; it cannot be repealed.”
Konsa, yo te pwoche pou te pale devan wa a konsènan dekrè a: “Èske ou pa t siyen yon dekrè ke yon moun ki ta fè petisyon a yon lòt dye oswa lòm sof ke ou menm, O wa, pandan trant jou, ta vin jete nan fòs lyon an?” Wa a te reponn: “Pawòl sa a se verite, selon Lalwa a Mèd ak Pès yo, ki p ap ka chanje menm.”
13 Then they replied to the king, “That person Daniel, who is one of the people of the exile from Judah, pays no attention to you, king, or to the decree that you have signed. He prays to his God three times a day.”
Epi yo te reponn, e te pale devan wa a: “Daniel, ki se youn nan egzile ki soti Juda yo pa okipe ou, O wa, ni dekrè ke ou te siyen an, men kontinye fè petisyon li yo twa fwa pa jou.”
14 When the king heard this, he was terribly distressed, and he applied his mind to rescue Daniel from this ruling. He labored until sunset to try to save Daniel.
Alò, depi wa a te fin tande pawòl sa a, li te vin byen twouble e te dirije panse li sou mwayen pou delivre Daniel. Epi jiskaske solèy fin kouche, li te kontinye fè efò pou l ta ka sove li.
15 Then these men who had formed the plot gathered together with the king and said to him, “Know, king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians, that no decree or statute that the king issues can be changed.”
Alò, mesye sila yo te rasanble ansanm devan wa a. Yo te di wa a: “Byen konprann, O wa, ke sa se yon lwa a Mèd ak Pès yo, ke okenn pwosè legal, ni dekrè ke wa a ta etabli, pa kapab chanje.”
16 Then the king gave an order, and they brought in Daniel, and they threw him into the lions' den. The king said to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you.”
Konsa, wa a te pase lòd pou mennen Daniel jete nan fos lyon an. Wa a te pale. Li te di a Daniel: “Bondye ou a, ke ou sèvi san rete a, va Li menm, delivre ou.”
17 A stone was brought over the entrance to the den, and the king sealed it with his own signet ring and with the signet rings of his nobles so that nothing might be changed concerning Daniel.
Yon wòch te mennen pou te plase sou bouch a fòs la, epi wa a te sele li ak pwòp bag so li a, e ak bag so a prens li yo, pou anyen pa ta chanje konsènan Daniel.
18 Then the king went to his palace and he went through the night fasting. No entertainment was brought before him, and sleep fled from him.
Konsa, wa a te ale nan palè li e te pase nwit lan nan fè jèn. Pa t gen okenn enstriman mizik ki te pote devan l, epi somèy te kite l.
19 Then at daybreak the king got up and he quickly went to the lions' den.
Alò, wa a te leve avan solèy la, lè bajou fenk kase, e li te fè vit ale nan fòs lyon an.
20 As he came near to the den, he called out to Daniel in a sad voice, saying to Daniel, “Daniel, servant of the living God, has your God, whom you serve continually, been able to save you from the lions?”
Lè li te vin pre fòs kote Daniel la, li te kriye fò ak yon vwa byen twouble. Wa a te pale e te di a Daniel: “Daniel, sèvitè a Bondye vivan an, èske Bondye ou a, ke ou sèvi san rete a te gen kapasite pou delivre ou de lyon yo?”
21 Then said Daniel to the king, “King, live forever!
Konsa, Daniel te reponn a wa a: “O wa, viv jis pou tout tan!
22 My God has sent his messenger and has shut the lions' mouths, and they have not hurt me. For I was found blameless before him and also before you, king, and I have done you no harm.”
Bondye mwen an te voye zanj li. Li te fèmen bouch a lyon yo e yo pa t fè m okenn mal, paske, mwen te twouve inosan devan l, e anplis, anvè ou menm, O wa a, mwen pa t fè okenn krim.”
23 Then the king was very happy. He gave an order that they should take Daniel up out of the den. So Daniel was lifted up out of the den. No harm was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.
Wa a te vrèman kontan e te pase lòd pou Daniel ta retire nan fòs la. Konsa, Daniel te vin retire nan fòs la e okenn blesi pa t menm twouve sou li, akoz li te mete konfyans nan Bondye li a.
24 The king gave an order, and they brought those men who had accused Daniel and threw them into the den of lions—they, their children, and their wives. Before they reached the floor, the lions overpowered them and broke all their bones to pieces.
Konsa, wa a te pase lòd pou yo te mennen mesye sila ki te aji ak movèz fwa, pou akize Daniel yo, e yo te jete yo menm, pitit yo ak madanm yo nan fòs lyon an. Konsa, yo pa t menm rive nan baz fòs la avan lyon yo te sezi yo e te kraze tout zo yo.
25 Then King Darius wrote to all the peoples, nations, and languages that live in all the earth: “May peace increase for you.
Epi Darius, wa a te ekri a tout pèp yo, nasyon ak lang ki t ap viv nan tout peyi a: “Ke lapè ou kapab vin miltipliye!
26 I hereby make a decree that in all the dominion of my kingdom men tremble and fear before the God of Daniel, for he is the living God and lives forever, and his kingdom shall not be destroyed; his dominion shall be to the end.
Mwen fè yon dekrè ke nan tout dominasyon wayòm mwen an, pou tout moun gen pou gen lakrent e tranble devan Dye Daniel la; Paske Li se Bondye vivan an, ki dire jis pou tout tan an, epi wayòm Li an se yon wayòm ki p ap janm detwi. Règn li an va jis pou tout tan.
27 He makes us safe and rescues us, and he does signs and wonders in heaven and in earth; he has kept Daniel safe from the strength of the lions.”
Li delivre e Li sove, Li fè sign ak mèvèy nan syèl la ak sou tè a. Li menm ki te delivre Daniel soti nan pouvwa a lyon yo.”
28 So Daniel prospered during the reign of Darius and during the reign of Cyrus the Persian.
Konsa, Daniel sila a te vin pwospere pandan règn a Darius la, e pandan règn a Cyrus, Pès la.

< Daniel 6 >