< Daniel 3 >

1 King Nebuchadnezzar made a gold statue that was sixty cubits tall and six cubits wide. He set it up in the Plain of Dura in the province of Babylon.
В лето осмонадесятое Навуходоносор царь сотвори тело злато, высота его лактий шестидесяти и широта его лактий шести, и постави е на поли Деире во стране Вавилонстей.
2 Then Nebuchadnezzar sent messages out to gather together the provincial governors, regional governors, and local governors, together with the counselors, treasurers, judges, magistrates, and all the high officials of the provinces to come to the dedication of the statue that he had set up.
И посла (Навуходоносор царь) собрати ипаты и воеводы и местоначалники, вожди же и мучители, и сущыя на властех и вся князи стран, приити на обновление кумира, егоже постави Навуходоносор царь.
3 Then the provincial governors, regional governors, and local governors, together with the counselors, treasurers, judges, magistrates, and all the high officials of the provinces gathered together to the dedication of the statue that Nebuchadnezzar had set up. They stood before it.
И собрашася местоначалницы, ипатове, воеводы, вождеве, мучителие велицыи, иже над властьми, и вси началницы стран на обновление тела, еже постави Навуходоносор царь: и сташа пред телом, еже постави Навуходоносор царь.
4 Then a herald loudly shouted, “You are commanded, peoples, nations, and languages,
И проповедник вопияше со крепостию: вам глаголется, народи, людие, племена, языцы:
5 that at the time you hear the sound of the horns, flutes, zithers, lyres, harps, and pipes, and all kinds of music, you must fall down and prostrate yourselves to the golden statue that King Nebuchadnezzar has set up.
в оньже час аще услышите глас трубы, свирели же и гусли, самвики же и псалтири и согласия, и всякаго рода мусикийска, падающе покланяйтеся телу златому, еже постави Навуходонсор царь:
6 Whoever does not fall down and worship, at that very moment, will be thrown into a blazing furnace.”
и иже аще не пад поклонится, в той час ввержен будет в пещь огнем горящую.
7 So when all the peoples heard the sounds of the horns, flutes, zithers, lyres, harps, and pipes, and all kinds of music, all the peoples, nations, and languages fell down and prostrated themselves to the golden statue that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
И бысть егда услышаша людие глас трубы, свирели же и гусли, самвики же и псалтири и согласия, и всякаго рода мусикийска, падающе вси людие, племена, языцы, покланяхуся телу златому, еже постави Навуходоносор царь.
8 Now at this time certain Chaldeans came and brought accusations against the Jews.
Тогда приступиша мужие Халдейстии и оболгаша Иудеев,
9 They said to Nebuchadnezzar the king, “King, live forever!
отвещавше реша Навуходоносору цареви: царю, во веки живи:
10 You, king, have made a decree that every person who hears the sounds of the horns, flutes, zithers, lyres, harps, and pipes, and all kinds of music, must fall down and prostrate himself to the golden statue.
ты, царю, положил еси повеление, да всяк человек, иже аще услышит глас трубы, свирели же и гусли, самвики же и псалтири и согласия, и всякаго рода мусикийска,
11 Whoever does not fall down and worship must be thrown into a blazing furnace.
и не пад поклонится телу златому, ввержен будет в пещь огнем горящую.
12 Now there are certain Jews whom you have appointed over the affairs of the province of Babylon; their names are Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. These men, king, pay no attention to you. They will not worship or serve your gods, or prostrate themselves before the golden statue you have set up.”
Суть убо мужие Иудее, ихже поставил еси над делы страны Вавилионския, Седрах, Мисах и Авденаго, иже не послушаша заповеди твоея, царю, и богом твоим не служат и телу златому, еже поставил еси, не покланяются.
13 Then Nebuchadnezzar, filled with anger and rage, commanded that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego be brought to him. So they brought these men before the king.
Тогда Навуходоносор в ярости и гневе рече привести Седраха, Мисаха и Авденаго. И приведени быша пред царя.
14 Nebuchadnezzar said to them, “Have you made your minds up, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you will not worship my gods or prostrate yourselves to the golden statue that I have set up?
И отвеща Навуходоносор и рече им: аще воистинну, Седрах, Мисах и Авденаго, богом моим не служите и телу златому, еже поставих, не покланяетеся?
15 Now if you are ready—when you hear the sounds of the horns, flutes, zithers, lyres, harps, and pipes, and all kinds of music—to fall down and prostrate yourselves to the statue that I have made, all will be well. But if you do not worship, you will immediately be thrown into a blazing furnace. Who is the god who is able to rescue you out of my hands?”
Ныне убо аще есте готови, да егда услышите глас трубы, свирели же и гусли, самвики же и псалтири и согласия, и всякаго рода мусикийска, падше поклонитеся телу златому, еже сотворих: аще же не поклонитеся, в той час ввержени будете в пещь огнем горящую: и кто есть Бог, иже измет вы из руки моея?
16 Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego answered the king, “Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to answer you in this matter.
И отвещаша Седрах, Мисах и Авденаго, глаголюще царю Навуходоносору: не требе нам о глаголе сем отвещати тебе:
17 If there is an answer, it is that our God whom we serve is able to keep us safe from the blazing furnace, and he will rescue us out of your hand, king.
есть бо Бог наш на небесех, Емуже мы служим, силен изяти нас от пещи огнем горящия и от руку твоею избавити нас, царю:
18 But if not, let it be known to you, king, that we will not worship your gods, and we will not prostrate ourselves to the golden statue you set up.”
аще ли ни, ведомо да будет тебе, царю, яко богом твоим не служим и телу златому, еже поставил еси, не кланяемся.
19 Then Nebuchadnezzar was filled with rage; the look on his face changed against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He commanded that the furnace should be heated seven times hotter than it was normally heated.
Тогда Навуходоносор исполнися ярости, и зрак лица его изменися на Седраха, Мисаха и Авденаго, и рече: разжжите пещь седмерицею, дондеже до конца разгорится.
20 Then he commanded some very strong men in his army to tie up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and to throw them into the blazing furnace.
И мужем сильным крепостию рече: оковавше Седраха, Мисаха и Авденаго, вверзите в пещь огнем горящую.
21 They were tied up still wearing their robes, tunics, turbans, and other clothing, and they were thrown into the blazing furnace.
Тогда мужие онии оковани быша с гащами своими и покрывалы, и сапогми и со одеждами своими, и ввержени быша посреде пещи огнем горящия.
22 Because the king's command was strictly followed and the furnace was very hot, the flames killed the men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
Понеже глагол царев превозможе, и пещь разжжена бысть преизлишше: и мужей оных, иже ввергоша Седраха, Мисаха и Авденаго, уби пламень огненный.
23 These three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell into the blazing furnace while they were tied up.
И мужие тии трие, Седрах, Мисах и Авденаго, падоша посреде пещи огнем горящия оковани,
24 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king was amazed and stood up quickly. He asked his advisors, “Did we not throw three men tied up into the fire?” They replied to the king, “Certainly, king.”
Навуходоносор же слыша поющих их, и почудися, и воста со тщанием, и рече вельможам своим: не триех ли мужей ввергохом среде огня связаных? И реша цареви: воистинну, царю.
25 He said, “But I see four men who are not tied up walking around in the fire, and they are not hurt. The brilliance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.”
И рече царь: се, аз вижду мужы четыри разрешены и ходящя среде огня, и истления несть в них, и зрак четвертаго подобен сыну Божию.
26 Then Nebuchadnezzar came near the door of the blazing furnace and called out, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of God Most High, come out! Come here!” Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of the fire.
Тогда прииде Навуходоносор ко устию пещи огнем разжженныя и рече: Седрах, Мисах, Авденаго, раби Бога Вышняго, изыдите и приидите. И изыдоша Седрах, Мисах, Авденаго от среды огня.
27 The provincial governors, regional governors, other governors, and the king's counselors who had gathered together saw these men. The fire had not hurt their bodies; the hair on their heads was not singed; their robes were not harmed; and there was no smell of fire on them.
И собрашася князи и воеводы, и местоначалницы и вельможи царевы, и видяху мужей, яко не одоле огнь телесем их и власа главы их не опали, и ризы их не изменишася, и вони огненны не бяше в них.
28 Nebuchadnezzar said, “Let us praise the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his messenger and given his message to his servants. They trusted in him when they set aside my command, and they gave up their bodies rather than worship or prostrate themselves to any god except their God.
И поклонися пред ними царь Богу, и отвеща Навуходоносор царь и рече: благословен Бог Седрахов, Мисахов и Авденаго, Иже посла Ангела Своего и изя отроки Своя, яко уповаша на Него: и слово царево премениша, и предаша телеса своя во огнь, яко да не послужат, ни поклонятся всякому богу иному, но точию Богу своему:
29 Therefore I make a decree that any people, nation, or language that speaks anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego must be torn apart, and that their houses must be made into rubbish heaps because there is no other god who is able to save like this.”
и аз заповедаю заповедь: вси людие, племя, язык, аще речет хулу на Бога Седрахова и Мисахова и Авденаго, в пагубу будут, и домове их в разграбление: понеже несть бога другаго, иже возможет избавити сице.
30 Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the province of Babylon.
Тогда царь постави Седраха, Мисаха и Авденаго во стране Вавилонстей, и возвеличи их, и сподоби их старейшинства Иудеев всех сущих во царстве его.

< Daniel 3 >