< Acts 24 >
1 After five days, Ananias the chief priest, certain elders, and an orator named Tertullus went there. These men brought charges against Paul before the governor.
pa ncabhyo dinebhya. h para. m hanaaniiyanaamaa mahaayaajako. adhipate. h samak. sa. m paulasya praatikuulyena nivedayitu. m tartullanaamaana. m ka ncana vaktaara. m praaciinajanaa. m"sca sa"ngina. h k. rtvaa kaisariyaanagaram aagacchat|
2 When Paul stood before the governor, Tertullus began to accuse him and said to the governor, “Because of you we have great peace, and your foresight brings good reform to our nation;
tata. h paule samaaniite sati tartullastasyaapavaadakathaa. m kathayitum aarabhata he mahaamahimaphiilik. sa bhavato vayam atinirvvighna. m kaala. m yaapayaamo bhavata. h pari. naamadar"sitayaa etadde"siiyaanaa. m bahuuni ma"ngalaani gha. titaani,
3 so with all thankfulness we welcome everything that you do, most excellent Felix.
iti heto rvayamatik. rtaj naa. h santa. h sarvvatra sarvvadaa bhavato gu. naan gaayama. h|
4 So that I detain you no more, I ask you to briefly listen to me with kindness.
kintu bahubhi. h kathaabhi rbhavanta. m yena na vira njayaami tasmaad vinaye bhavaan banukampya madalpakathaa. m "s. r.notu|
5 For we have found this man to be a pest and one who causes all the Jews throughout the world to rebel. He is a leader of the Nazarene sect.
e. sa mahaamaariisvaruupo naasaratiiyamatagraahisa. mghaatasya mukhyo bhuutvaa sarvvade"se. su sarvve. saa. m yihuudiiyaanaa. m raajadrohaacara. naprav. rtti. m janayatiityasmaabhi rni"scita. m|
6 He even tried to desecrate the temple, so we arrested him.
sa mandiramapi a"suci karttu. m ce. s.titavaan; iti kaara. naad vayam ena. m dh. rtvaa svavyavasthaanusaare. na vicaarayitu. m praavarttaamahi;
kintu lu. siya. h sahasrasenaapatiraagatya balaad asmaaka. m karebhya ena. m g. rhiitvaa
8 When you question Paul about all these matters, you will be able to learn about these charges we are bringing against him.”
etasyaapavaadakaan bhavata. h samiipam aagantum aaj naapayat| vaya. m yasmin tamapavaadaamo bhavataa padapavaadakathaayaa. m vicaaritaayaa. m satyaa. m sarvva. m v. rttaanta. m veditu. m "sak. syate|
9 The Jews also joined in the accusation, affirming that these charges were true.
tato yihuudiiyaa api sviik. rtya kathitavanta e. saa kathaa pramaa. nam|
10 But when the governor motioned for Paul to speak, Paul answered, “I understand that for many years you have been a judge to this nation, and so I gladly explain myself to you.
adhipatau kathaa. m kathayitu. m paula. m pratii"ngita. m k. rtavati sa kathitavaan bhavaan bahuun vatsaraan yaavad etadde"sasya "saasana. m karotiiti vij naaya pratyuttara. m daatum ak. sobho. abhavam|
11 You will be able to find out that it has not been more than twelve days since I went up to worship in Jerusalem.
adya kevala. m dvaada"sa dinaani yaataani, aham aaraadhanaa. m karttu. m yiruu"saalamanagara. m gatavaan e. saa kathaa bhavataa j naatu. m "sakyate;
12 When they found me in the temple, I did not argue with anyone, and I did not stir up a crowd, either in the synagogues, or in the city.
kintvibhe maa. m madhyemandira. m kenaapi saha vita. n.daa. m kurvvanta. m kutraapi bhajanabhavane nagare vaa lokaan kuprav. rtti. m janayantu. m na d. r.s. tavanta. h|
13 They cannot prove to you the accusations they are now making against me.
idaanii. m yasmin yasmin maam apavadante tasya kimapi pramaa. na. m daatu. m na "saknuvanti|
14 But I admit this to you, that according to the Way that they call a sect, in that same way I serve the God of our fathers. I am faithful to all that is in the law and the writings of the prophets.
kintu bhavi. syadvaakyagranthe vyavasthaagranthe ca yaa yaa kathaa likhitaaste taasu sarvvaasu vi"svasya yanmatam ime vidharmma. m jaananti tanmataanusaare. naaha. m nijapit. rpuru. saa. naam ii"svaram aaraadhayaamiityaha. m bhavata. h samak. sam a"ngiikaromi|
15 I have the same confident hope in God as these men, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.
dhaarmmikaa. naam adhaarmmikaa. naa nca pramiitalokaanaamevotthaana. m bhavi. syatiiti kathaamime sviikurvvanti tathaahamapi tasmin ii"svare pratyaa"saa. m karomi;
16 So I always strive to have a clear conscience before God and human beings.
ii"svarasya maanavaanaa nca samiipe yathaa nirdo. so bhavaami tadartha. m satata. m yatnavaan asmi|
17 Now after many years I came to bring help to my nation and gifts of money.
bahu. su vatsare. su gate. su svade"siiyalokaanaa. m nimitta. m daaniiyadravyaa. ni naivedyaani ca samaadaaya punaraagamana. m k. rtavaan|
18 When I did this, certain Jews from Asia found me in a purification ceremony in the temple, not with a crowd or an uproar.
tatoha. m "suci rbhuutvaa lokaanaa. m samaagama. m kalaha. m vaa na kaaritavaan tathaapyaa"siyaade"siiyaa. h kiyanto yihudiiyalokaa madhyemandira. m maa. m dh. rtavanta. h|
19 These men ought to be before you now and say what they have against me, if they have anything.
mamopari yadi kaacidapavaadakathaasti tarhi bhavata. h samiipam upasthaaya te. saameva saak. syadaanam ucitam|
20 Or else, these same men should say what wrong they found in me when I stood before the Jewish council,
nocet puurvve mahaasabhaasthaanaa. m lokaanaa. m sannidhau mama da. n.daayamaanatvasamaye, ahamadya m. rtaanaamutthaane yu. smaabhi rvicaaritosmi,
21 unless it is about this one thing that I shouted out when I stood among them, 'It is concerning the resurrection of those who have died that I am on trial before you today.'”
te. saa. m madhye ti. s.thannaha. m yaamimaa. m kathaamuccai. h svare. na kathitavaan tadanyo mama kopi do. so. alabhyata na veti varam ete samupasthitalokaa vadantu|
22 Then Felix, who was well informed about the Way, ajourned the hearing. He said, “When Lysias the commander comes down from Jerusalem, I will decide your case.”
tadaa phiilik. sa etaa. m kathaa. m "srutvaa tanmatasya vi"se. sav. rttaanta. m vij naatu. m vicaara. m sthagita. m k. rtvaa kathitavaan lu. siye sahasrasenaapatau samaayaate sati yu. smaaka. m vicaaram aha. m ni. spaadayi. syaami|
23 Then he commanded the centurion that Paul should be kept under guard, but to have some freedom so that none of his friends would be prevented from attending to his needs.
anantara. m bandhana. m vinaa paula. m rak. situ. m tasya sevanaaya saak. saatkara. naaya vaa tadiiyaatmiiyabandhujanaan na vaarayitu nca "samasenaapatim aadi. s.tavaan|
24 After some days, Felix returned with Drusilla his wife, a Jewess, and he sent for Paul and he heard from him about faith in Christ Jesus.
alpadinaat para. m phiilik. so. adhipati rdru. sillaanaamnaa yihuudiiyayaa svabhaaryyayaa sahaagatya paulamaahuuya tasya mukhaat khrii. s.tadharmmasya v. rttaantam a"srau. siit|
25 But when Paul reasoned with him about righteousness, self-control, and the coming judgment, Felix became frightened and said, “Go away for now. But when I have the opportunity later on, I will send for you.”
paulena nyaayasya parimitabhogasya caramavicaarasya ca kathaayaa. m kathitaayaa. m satyaa. m phiilik. sa. h kampamaana. h san vyaaharad idaanii. m yaahi, aham avakaa"sa. m praapya tvaam aahuusyaami|
26 At the same time he wanted Paul to give money to him, so he often sent for him and spoke with him.
muktipraptyartha. m paulena mahya. m mudraadaasyante iti patyaa"saa. m k. rtvaa sa puna. h punastamaahuuya tena saaka. m kathopakathana. m k. rtavaan|
27 But when two years passed, Porcius Festus became the governor after Felix, but Felix wanted to gain favor with the Jews, so he left Paul to continue under guard.
kintu vatsaradvayaat para. m parkiyaphii. s.ta phaalik. sasya pada. m praapte sati phiilik. so yihuudiiyaan santu. s.taan cikiir. san paula. m baddha. m sa. msthaapya gatavaan|