< Acts 20 >

1 After the uproar was over, Paul sent for the disciples and after he encouraged them, he said farewell and left to go into Macedonia.
Ze yakilaa u minyomo kuhila, uPaulo akaitanga i amanyisigwa nu kuakinyila. Uugwa kualaga nu kuhega kulongola ku Makedonia.
2 When he had gone through those regions and had spoken many words of encouragement to them, he came to Greece.
Nung'wenso nai wakondya kukila mikoa nanso hangi ai watula ukuakinyila i ahuiili, akingila mu Uyunani.
3 After he had spent three months there, a plot was formed against him by the Jews as he was about to sail for Syria, so he decided to return through Macedonia.
Ze yakilaa ung'wenso kutula pang'wanso ku itungo nila myeli itaatu, ushaala ai uzepigwe ki talakwe ni Ayahudi nai watula ukuhumbeela kutunga muhinzo ku nzila a luzi kutunga ku Shamu, iti akasiga kusuka kukiila ku Makedonia.
4 Accompanying him as far as Asia were Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea; Aristarchus and Secundus, both from the Thessalonian believers; Gaius of Derbe; Timothy; and Tychicus and Trophimus from Asia.
Nai akuie nu ng'wenso kupikiila ku Sopatro, ng'wana nuang'wa Pirho kupuma mu Berea; Aristariko nu Sekundo, ihi kupuma mu ahuiili nia ku Athesalonike; uGayo nua ku Derbe; Timotheo, Tikiko nu Trofimo kupuma ku Asia.
5 But these men had gone before us and were waiting for us at Troas.
Kuiti antu awa akondyaa kutongela hangi ai atulaa akulindiila uko ku Troa.
6 We sailed away from Philippi after the days of unleavened bread, and in five days we came to them in Troas. There we stayed for seven days.
Ku nzila na luzi kupuma ku Filipi ze yakilaa luhiku nula mikate ni shanga i ikiwe igai, nu mu mahiku a taano ki ka apikiila ku Troa. Ki kikie kuko ku mahiku mu tandaatu.
7 On the first day of the week, when we were gathered together to break bread, Paul spoke to the believers. He was planning to leave the next day, so he kept speaking until midnight.
Ga nu luhiku nulang'wandyo nula wiki, nai kukoli kilingiie palung'wi iti ku uega u mukate, uPaulo ai witambuuye ni ahuiili. Ai watulaa ukuzipya kuhega mudau akwe, itigwa akalongoleka kuligitya kupikiila u utiku wigengu.
8 There were many lamps in the upper room where we had come together.
Ai ikoli intala idu mu shumba nika migulya naiza kilundiie palung'wi.
9 In the window was sitting a young man named Eutychus, who fell into a deep sleep. As Paul spoke even longer, this young man, still sleeping, fell down from the third story and was picked up dead.
Mi ibolomyo ai ukoli wikiie muhumba ung'wi i lina nilakwe Utiko, naiza ulemeigwe nu tulo mulito. Ga nu Paulo nai watula ukutanantya ku itungo ilipu, u umuhumba uyu, aze ulae, akagwa pihi kupuma mu gorofa a kataatu hangi ai ukugilwe aze ukule.
10 But Paul went down, stretched himself out on him, and embraced him. Then he said, “Do not be upset any more, for he is alive.”
Kuiti uPaulo wakasima pihi, ai wigooe ng'wenso mukola migulya akwe, akamu ungatila. Uugwa akaligitya, Leki kuhung'wi ukata, ku nsoko ukoli mupanga.”
11 Then he went upstairs again and broke bread and ate. After talking with them much longer until dawn, he left.
Uugwa akanankila hangi mu golofa nu ku uega u mukate, akalya. Ze yakilaa kitambuila ni enso ku itngo ilipu kupikiila maniambwa, akahega.
12 They brought back the boy alive and were greatly comforted.
Akamuleta uyo u muhumba aze mupanga akiloelya nangaluu.
13 We ourselves went ahead of Paul by ship and sailed away to Assos, where we planned to take Paul on board. This is what he himself desired to do, because he planned to go by land.
Usese akola ai kutongee ntongeela ang'wa Paulo ku meli hangi kikatunga ku Aso, naza usese kuzipilye kumuhola uPaulo kuko. Iki kiko ung'wenso mukola ai uloilwe kituma, ku nsoko ai uzipilye kulongola kukiila mihi ni nyumu.
14 When he met us at Assos, we took him onto the ship and went to Mitylene.
Nai wakapika uko ku Aso, kikamunankilya mu meli kikalongola ku Mitilene.
15 Then we sailed from there and arrived the next day opposite the island of Chios. The following day we touched at the island of Samos, and the day after we came to the city of Miletus.
Uugwa usese kikahumbuka kupuma kung'wanso nu luhiku nula kabiili ai kupikile nkika a kabiili na kisiwa nika Kio. Luhiku nai lutyatile, kikapikiila ku kisiwa nika Samo, nu mudau akwe kikapika kisali nika Mileto.
16 For Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus, so that he would not spend any time in Asia; for he was hurrying to be in Jerusalem for the day of Pentecost, if it were at all possible for him to do so.
Kunsoko u Paulo ai watulaa walamula kutunga muhinzo kukiila ku Efeso, iti kina waleke kutumila itungo ilipu lihi mu Asia; ku ndogoelyo ai watula nu upepele nua kukaya ku Yerusalemu kunsoko a luhiku nula Pentekoste, anga ai ihumike nuanso kituma iti
17 From Miletus he sent men to Ephesus and called to himself the elders of the church.
Kupuma ku Mileto akalagiilya antu kupika ku Efeso hangi akaitanga anyampala ni itekeelo.
18 When they had come to him, he said to them, “You yourselves know, from the first day that I set foot in Asia, how I always spent my time with you.
Nai akapika kitalakwe, aka atambuila, unyenye akola mulingile puma u luhiku nula ng'wandyo nai mpambatile apa ku Asia, iti nai nkoli kitalanyu matungo ihi.
19 I kept serving the Lord with all lowliness of mind and with tears, and in sufferings that happened to me because of the plots of the Jews.
Nitumile ku Mukulu ku ulyuuku wihi hangi ku liholi, nu lwago nai lumpatile unene ku isui nila Ayahudi.
20 You know how I did not keep back from declaring to you anything that was useful, and how I taught you in public and from house to house,
Mulingile iti naiza shanga ai nigiiye kutanantya kitalanyu kintu kihi naza kituile ka kusanigwa, ni iti unene nai numumanyisilye kihenga ga ni kulongola ito ku ito.
21 testifying both Jews and Greeks about repentance toward God and of faith in our Lord Jesus.
Mulingile iti unene nai nongolekile kualanga i Ayahudi ni Ayunani migulya a kila itunu kung'wa Itunda nu u huiili mu Mukulu nuitu uYesu.
22 Now look, I am going to Jerusalem, compelled by the Spirit, not knowing what will happen to me there,
Ni itungili, gozeeli, unene, nize nkoli nu muhuiie u Ng'wau Ng'welu kutunga ku Yerusalemu, ndeke kumalinga i makani niiza akumpumila unene kung'wanso,
23 except that the Holy Spirit warns to me in every city that chains and sufferings await me.
ila ku nsoko u Ng'wau Ng'welu winkuiila unene mu kila kisali hangi wiligitya kina i minyororo nu lwago zizo inindiie.
24 But I do not consider my life is valuable to myself, if only I may finish the race and complete the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.
Kuiti unene shanga ai nsigile kina u likalo nu lane ingi ku nzila ihi na nsailo kitalane, iti nihume kumalinkiilya u lugendo nu lane nu uaiilya nai nsingiiye kupuma ku Mukulu uYesu, kukuiila u lukani nu luza nula ukende nuang'wa Itunda.
25 Now look, I know that you all, among whom I went about proclaiming the kingdom, will see my face no more.
Ni itungili, goza, ningile kina ihi, mukati ao mu awo nai nongoe kuatanantilya u Utemi, shanga mukunihenga u usu hangi.
26 Therefore I testify to you this day, that I am innocent of the blood of any man.
Ku lulo kumu kuiila lelo yiyi, kina nimugila igazo ku sakami a muntu wihi.
27 For I did not hold back from declaring to you the whole will of God.
Ku ndogoelyo shanga ai nigiiye kumutanantilya u ulowa nuang'wa Itunda.
28 Therefore be careful about yourselves, and about all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be careful to shepherd the church of God, which he purchased with his own blood.
Ku lulo tuli akendegeeli migulya anyu unyenye akola, ni migulya idale lihi niize u Ng'wau Ng'welu umuikile unyenye kutula miasunja. Tuli miakendegeeli ku usunja umilundo nua Mukulu, naiza uliguile ku sakami akwe mukola.
29 I know that after my departure, vicious wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock.
Ningile kina ze yakilaa kuhega kitalane, mbugi ni ntaki yukingila mitalanyu, hangi ihite kuliaisiilya idale.
30 I know that from even among you some men shall come and distort the truth in order to draw away the disciples after them.
Ningile kina ga nu mukati anyu akola, ang'wi a antu azile nu kuligitya makani a mulimili, iti kualuta i amanyisigwa a atyate enso.
31 So be on guard. Remember that for three years I did not stop instructing every one of you with tears night and day.
Ku lulo mutule miho. Kimbukiilyi kina ku myaka i taatu shanga ai nihumile kuleka kumanyisa kila ung'wi anyu ku liholi utiku nu mung'wi.
32 Now I entrust you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are being sanctified.
Ni itungili unene naminkiilya kung'wa Itunda, nu kulukani nula ukende nuakwe, naiza luhumile kumuzenga nu kuminkiilya isalo palung'wi ni enso ihi niaikilwe ikulyo kung'wa Itunda.
33 I coveted no man's silver, gold, or clothing.
Shanga ai nkete nsula a mpia, zahabu, ang'wi a ng'wenda.
34 You yourselves know that these hands served my own needs and the needs of those who were with me.
Mulingile unyenye akola kina i mikono iyi ininkiiye u lwinzo nulane mukola nu lwinzo nula awo nai akoli palung'wi nu nene.
35 In all things I gave you an example of how you should help the weak by working, and of how you should remember the words of the Lord Jesus, words that he himself said: “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
Mu makani ihi ai numinkiiye mpyani a iti ni mutakiwe ku a aiilya ia nyeku ku kituma i milimo, ni iti ni mutakiwe ku kimbukiilya i makani a Mukulu uYesu, makani naiza u ng'wenso mukola ai uligitilye; “Ingi ibahu kupumya kukila kusingiilya.”
36 After he had spoken in this way, he knelt down and prayed with them all.
Ze yakilaa kuligitya kinya iti, ai utugamile akalompa palung'wi ni enso.
37 There was a lot of crying and they embraced Paul and kissed him.
Ihi akalila nangaluu nu kumugwila uPaulo mu nkingo nu kumulungila.
38 They were sad most of all because of what he had said, that they would never see his face again. Then they escorted him to the ship.
Ai ahumilwe kinya uwai ikilo nila ihi ku nsoko a iko naiza watulaa ukiligitilye, kina nangaluu shanga akihenga u usu nuakwe hangi. Uugwa akamutindikiilya mu Melikebu.

< Acts 20 >