< 2 Peter 1 >
1 Simon Peter, a slave and apostle of Jesus Christ, to those who have received the same precious faith as we have received, faith in the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ.
Njame, Shimoni Petulo, musebenshi kayi mutumwa wa Yesu Klistu, ndalembelenga bantu balatambula lushomo ulo nenjafwe ndotwalatambula. Balalutambula cebo ca bululami bwa Lesa ne Mupulushi wetu Yesu Klistu.
2 May grace and peace increase in measure in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
Lesa amunyumfwile nkumbo nekumupa lumuno lwesula pakumwishiba Lesa ne Yesu Mwami wetu.
3 All the things concerning divine power for life and godliness have been given to us through the knowledge of God, who called us through his own glory and excellence.
Lesa mwangofu shakendi latupa byonse mbyetulayandanga mubuyumi bwa ciklistu kupitila mulwinshibo lwa uyo walatukuweti tuyabane bulemu ne kwina kwakendi.
4 Through these, he gave us precious and great promises, so that you might be sharers in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world that is caused by evil desires.
Munshila ilico latupa cipo cinene cilayandikinga ncalatulaya, kwambeti kupitila mubipo bilicisa mukakonshe kuleya lunkumbwa lwaipa luli mucishici, kwambeti mutambuleko buyumi bwa Lesa.
5 For this reason, do your best to add goodness to your faith; and to goodness add knowledge;
Lino kamubani nempapa musankanye mikalilo yaina pa lushomo lwenu, nawo mano mwasankanye pa mikalilo yenu yaina,
6 to knowledge add self-control; to self-control add endurance; to endurance add godliness;
kayi pa mano musankanyepo kulikanisha, pakulikanisha musankanyepo kulimbikila, kayi pa kulimbikila musankanyepo buyumi bwa kukambilila Lesa,
7 to godliness add brotherly affection; and to brotherly affection add love.
pabuyumi bwa kukambilila Lesa, musankanyepo nkumbo, pankumbo musankanyepo lusuno.
8 If these things are in you and grow in you, you will not be barren or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Na mikalilo iyi ifula mulinjamwe, nteti mukalilwe nekuba babula pindu pa mano akwishiba cena Mwami wetu Yesu Klistu.
9 But whoever lacks these things is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten he has been cleansed from his past sins.
Nomba abo babula mikalilo ilicisa bashipilwa, nkabela kubona patali sobwe, kayi balalubu kwambeti balasukwa bwipishi bwabo bwakaindi.
10 Therefore, brothers, do your best to make your calling and election sure, for if you do these things, you will not stumble.
Ecebo cakendi mobanse bame, kamubani nekangwabu kwambeti mushininkisheti Lesa ewalamukuwa nekumusala. Mwenseco nkamwela kuwa mulushomo sobwe.
11 In this way there will be richly provided for you an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. (aiōnios )
Neco nakamucalwile cishinga cakwingilila mu Bwami butapu bwa Lesa wetu ne mupulushi wetu Yesu Klistu. (aiōnios )
12 Therefore I will always be ready to remind you of these things, although you know them, and although you are strong in the truth you now have.
Ecebo cakendi ame ndayandanga kandimwanusha cindi conse, nambi mucishi ne kushoma ne moyo wonse cancine ncine ncemwalatambula.
13 It is proper for me to think, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by way of reminder.
Ndabonongeti caina kwambeti kandicili muyumi ndimuyuminishenga pakumwanushako.
14 For I know that the putting off of my tent will be soon, because our Lord Jesus Christ has revealed this to me.
Pakwinga ndicisheti ndilipepi kufwa, mbuli Yesu Klistu ncalanjishibisha.
15 I will make every effort to see that after my departure you may be always able to remember these things.
Nomba ninjelekeshe kubambeti nambi nkafumepo mukapitilishe kubyanuka cindi conse.
16 For we did not follow cleverly invented myths when we made known to you the power and the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.
Afwe tuliya kukonkela tulabi, mpotwalamwishibisha kwisa kwangofu kwa Mwami wetu Yesu Klistu. Nsombi twalensa kubona ne menso etu bukulene bwakendi.
17 For he received honor and glory from God the Father when a voice was brought to him by the Majestic Glory saying, “This is my beloved Son, with him I am well pleased.”
Neye walatambula bulemu bunene kuli Lesa Bata, mpwalanyumfwika maswi alafuma kuli Bata Balemekeshewa kupita bonse akwambeti, “Uyu e Mwaname ngonsuni, mulyendiye ndakondwa”
18 We ourselves heard this voice brought from heaven when we were with him on the holy mountain.
Maswi awa alafumina kwilu afwe twalanyumfwa pakwinga twalikuba nendi pa mulundu waswepa usa.
19 For we have this prophetic word made more sure, and you do well to pay attention to it, as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
Neco tucishi lino nditu kwambeti maswi asa abashinshimi nacancinencine. Caina kwambeti lino mulangishishe pa lampi ilamunikinga mumushinshe, mpaka cindi cakumaca ntanda mpweshikatatike kumunika mumyoyo mwenu.
20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy comes from someone's own interpretation.
Nomba cakutanguna kamwishibani, paliya muntu wela kucikonsha kusansulula cena maswi abashinshimi alembwa mu Mabala.
21 For no prophecy was ever brought by the will of man, but men spoke from God when they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.
Pakwinga maswi abushinshimi aliya kufumina kukuyanda kwa bantu sobwe, nsombi Mushimu Uswepa ewalikubambisha maswi alikufumina kuli Lesa.