< 1 Peter 3 >

1 In this way, you who are wives should submit to your own husbands. Do this so even if some men are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a word, through their wives' behavior.
Tako i vi, žene, pokoravajte se svojim muževima: ako su neki od njih možda neposlušni Riječi, da i bez riječi budu pridobiveni življenjem vas žena,
2 For they will have seen your sincere behavior with respect.
pošto promotre vaše bogoljubno i čisto življenje.
3 Let it be done not with outward ornaments such as braided hair, jewels of gold, or fashionable clothing.
Vaš nakit neka ne bude izvanjski - pletenje kose, kićenje zlatom ili oblačenje haljina.
4 Instead, let it be done with the inner person of the heart, and the lasting beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious before God.
Nego: čovjek skrovita srca, neprolazne ljepote, blaga i smirena duha. To je pred Bogom dragocjeno.
5 For this is how holy women long ago who hoped in God adorned themselves, by submitting to their husbands.
Tako su se doista i nekoć svete žene, zaufane u Boga, resile: pokoravale su se muževima.
6 In this way Sarah obeyed Abraham and called him her lord. You are now her children if you do what is good and if you are not afraid of trouble.
Sara se tako pokori Abrahamu te ga nazva gospodarom. Njezina ste djeca ako činite dobro ne bojeći se nikakva zastrašivanja.
7 In the same way, you husbands should live with your wives according to understanding, as with a weaker container, a woman. You should give them honor as fellow heirs of the grace of life. Do this so that your prayers will not be hindered.
Tako i vi, muževi, obazrivo živite sa svojim ženama, kao sa slabijim spolom, te im iskazujte čast kao subaštinicima milosti Života da ne spriječite svojih molitava.
8 Finally, all of you, be likeminded, compassionate, loving as brothers, tenderhearted, and humble.
Napokon, budite svi jednodušni, puni suosjećanja i bratske ljubavi, milosrdni, ponizni!
9 Do not pay back evil for evil or insult for insult. On the contrary, continue to bless, because for this you were called, that you might inherit a blessing.
Ne vraćajte zlo za zlo ni uvredu za uvredu! Naprotiv, blagoslivljajte jer ste na to i pozvani da baštinite blagoslov!
10 “The one who wants to love life and see good days should stop his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit.
Doista, tko želi ljubiti život i naužit se dana sretnih, nek suspregne jezik oda zla i usne od riječi prijevarnih;
11 Let him turn away from what is bad and do what is good. Let him seek peace and pursue it.
zla nek se kloni, a čini dobro, mir neka traži i za njim ide:
12 The eyes of the Lord see the righteous, and his ears hear their requests. But the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
jer oči Gospodnje gledaju pravedne, uši mu slušaju vapaje njihove, a lice se Gospodnje okreće protiv zločinaca.
13 Who is the one who will harm you if you are eager to do what is good?
Pa tko da vam naudi ako revnujete za dobro?
14 But if you suffer because of righteousness, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear. Do not be troubled.
Nego, morali i trpjeti zbog svoje pravednosti, blago vama! No ne bojte se njihova zastrašivanja i ne plašite se!
15 Instead, set apart the Lord Christ in your hearts as holy. Always be ready to answer everyone who asks you why you have confidence in God. Do this with meekness and respect.
Naprotiv, Gospodin - Krist neka vam bude svet, u srcima vašim, te budite uvijek spremni na odgovor svakomu koji od vas zatraži obrazloženje nade koja je u vama,
16 Have a good conscience so that the people who insult your good life in Christ may be ashamed because they are speaking against you as if you were evildoers.
ali blago i s poštovanjem, dobre savjesti da oni koji ozloglašuju vaš dobar život u Kristu, upravo onim budu postiđeni za što vas potvaraju.
17 It is better, if God desires, that you suffer for doing good than for doing evil.
Ta uspješnije je trpjeti, ako je to Božja volja, čineći dobro, nego čineći zlo.
18 Christ also suffered once for sins. He who is righteous suffered for us, who were unrighteous, so that he would bring us to God. He was put to death in the flesh, but he was made alive by the Spirit.
Doista, i Krist jednom za grijehe umrije, pravedan za nepravedne, da vas privede k Bogu - ubijen doduše u tijelu, ali oživljen u duhu.
19 By the Spirit, he went and preached to the spirits who are now in prison.
U njemu otiđe i propovijedati duhovima u tamnici
20 They were disobedient when the patience of God was waiting in the days of Noah, in the days of the building of an ark, and God saved a few people—eight souls—by means of the water.
koji bijahu nekoć nepokorni, kad ih ono Božja strpljivost iščekivaše, u vrijeme Noino, dok se gradila korablja u kojoj nekolicina, to jest osam duša, bi spašena vodom.
21 This is a symbol of the baptism that saves you now—not as a washing away of dirt from the body, but as the appeal of a good conscience to God—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Njezin protulik, krštenje - ne odlaganje tjelesne nečistoće, nego molitva za dobru savjest upravljena Bogu - i vas sada spasava po uskrsnuću Isusa Krista
22 Christ is at the right hand of God. He went into heaven. Angels, authorities, and powers must submit to him.
koji, uzašavši na nebo, jest zdesna Bogu, pošto mu bijahu pokoreni anđeli, vlasti i sile.

< 1 Peter 3 >

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