< 1 Chronicles 27 >

1 This is the list of the Israelite family leaders, commanders of thousands and hundreds, as well as army officers who served the king in various ways. Each military division served month by month throughout the year. Each division had twenty-four thousand men.
이스라엘 자손의 모든 족장과 천부장과 백부장과 왕을 섬기는 유사들이 그 인수대로 반차가 나누이니 각 반열이 이만 사천명씩이라 일년동안 달마다 체번하여 들어가며 나왔으니
2 Over the division for the first month was Jashobeam son of Zabdiel. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
정월 첫반의 반장은 삽디엘의 아들 야소브암이요 그 반열에 이만 사천명이라
3 He was among the descendants of Perez and in charge of all the army officers for the first month.
저는 베레스의 자손으로서 정월반의 모든 장관의 두목이 되었고
4 Over the division for the second month was Dodai, from the clan descended from Ahoah. Mikloth was second in rank. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
이월반의 반장은 아호아 사람 도대요 또 미글롯이 그 반의 주장이 되었으니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
5 The commander of the army for the third month was Benaiah son of Jehoiada, a priest and leader. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
삼월 군대의 세째 장관은 대제사장 여호야다의 아들 브나야요 그 반열에 이만 사천명이라
6 This is the Benaiah who was the leader of the thirty, and over the thirty. Ammizabad his son was in his division.
이 브나야는 삼십인중에 용사요 삼십인 위에 있으며 그 반열 중에 그 아들 암미사밧이 있으며
7 The commander for the fourth month was Asahel brother of Joab. Zebadiah his son became commander after him. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
사월 네째 장관은 요압의 아우 아사헬이요 그 다음은 그 아들 스바댜니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
8 The commander for the fifth month was Shamhuth, a descendant of Izrah. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
오월 다섯째 장관은 이스라 사람 삼훗이니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
9 The commander for the sixth month was Ira son of Ikkesh, from Tekoa. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
유월 여섯째 장관은 드고아 사람 익게스의 아들 이라니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
10 The commander for the seventh month was Helez the Pelonite, from the people of Ephraim. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
칠월 일곱째 장관은 에브라임자손에 속한 발론 사람 헬레스니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
11 The commander for the eighth month was Sibbekai the Hushathite, from the clan descended from Zerah. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
팔월 여덟째 장관은 세라 족속 후사 사람 십브개니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
12 The commander for the ninth month was Abiezer the Anathothite, from the tribe of Benjamin. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
구월 아홉째 장관은 베냐민 자손 아나돗 사람 아비에셀이니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
13 The commander for the tenth month was Maharai from the city of Netophah, from the clan descended from Zerah. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
시월 열째 장관은 세라 족속 느도바 사람 마하래니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
14 The commander for the eleventh month was Benaiah from the city of Pirathon, from the tribe of Ephraim. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
십일월 열 한째 장관은 에브라임 자손에 속한 비라돈 사람 브나 야니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이요
15 The commander for the twelfth month was Heldai from the city of Netophah, from the clan descended from Othniel. In his division were twenty-four thousand men.
십이월 열 둘째 장관은 옷니엘 자손에 속한 느도바 사람 헬대니 그 반열에 이만 사천명이었더라
16 These were the leaders of the tribes of Israel: For the tribe of Reuben, Eliezer son of Zichri was the leader. For the tribe of Simeon, Shephatiah son of Maacah was the leader.
이스라엘 지파를 관할하는 자는 이러하니라 르우벤 사람의 관장은 시그리의 아들 엘리에셀이요 시므온 사람의 관장은 마아가의 아들 스바댜요
17 For the tribe of Levi, Hashabiah son of Kemuel was the leader, and Zadok led Aaron's descendants.
레위 사람의 관장은 그무엘의 아들 하사뱌요 아론 자손의 관장은 사독이요
18 For the tribe of Judah, Elihu, one of David's brothers, was the leader. For the tribe of Issachar, Omri son of Michael was the leader.
유다의 관장은 다윗의 형 엘리후요 잇사갈의 관장은 미가엘의 아들 오므리요
19 For the tribe of Zebulun, Ishmaiah son of Obadiah was the leader. For the tribe of Naphtali, Jerimoth son of Azriel was the leader.
스불론의 관장은 오바댜의 아들 이스마야요 납달리의 관장은 아스리엘의 아들 여레못이요
20 For the tribe of Ephraim, Hoshea son of Azaziah was the leader. For the half tribe of Manasseh, Joel son of Pedaiah was the leader.
에브라임 자손의 관장은 아사시야의 아들 호세아요 므낫세 반 지파의 관장은 브다야의 아들 요엘이요
21 For the half tribe of Manasseh in Gilead, Iddo son of Zechariah was the leader. For the tribe of Benjamin, Jaasiel son of Abner was the leader.
길르앗에 있는 므낫세 반 지파의 관장은 스가랴의 아들 잇도요 베냐민의 관장은 아브넬의 아들 야아시엘이요
22 For the tribe of Dan, Azarel son of Jeroham was the leader. These were the leaders of the tribes of Israel.
단의 관장은 여로함의 아들 아사렐이니 이스라엘 지파의 관장이 이러하며
23 David did not count those twenty years old or younger, because Yahweh had promised to increase Israel like the stars of heaven.
이스라엘 사람의 이십세 이하의 수효는 다윗이 조사하지 아니하였으니 이는 여호와께서 전에 말씀하시기를 이스라엘 사람을 하늘의 별같이 많게 하리라 하셨음이라
24 Joab son of Zeruiah began to count the men, but did not finish. Wrath fell on Israel for this. This number was not written down in the Chronicles of King David.
스루야의 아들 요압이 조사하기를 시작하고 끝내지 못하여서 그 일로 인하여 진노가 이스라엘에게 임한지라 그 수효를 다윗 왕의 역대지략에 기록하지 아니하였더라
25 Azmaveth son of Adiel was in charge of the king's treasuries. Jonathan son of Uzziah was over the storehouses in the fields, in the cities, and in the villages, and in the fortified towers.
아디엘의 아들 아스마웹은 왕의 곳간을 맡았고 웃시야의 아들 요나단은 밭과 성읍과 촌과 산성의 곳간을 맡았고
26 Ezri son of Kelub was over the farmers, those who plowed the land.
글룹의 아들 에스리는 밭 가는 농부를 거느렸고
27 Shimei the Ramathite was over the vineyards, and Zabdi the Shiphmite was over the grapes and the wine cellars.
라마 사람 시므이는 포도원을 맡았고 스밤 사람 삽디는 포도원의 소산 포도주 곳간을 맡았고
28 Over the olive trees and the sycamore trees that were in the lowlands was Baal-Hanan from Geder, and over the storehouses of oil was Joash.
게델 사람 바알하난은 평야의 감람나무와 뽕나무를 맡았고 요아스는 기름 곳간을 맡았고
29 Over the herds that were pastured in Sharon was Shitrai from Sharon, and over the herds that were in the valleys was Shaphat son of Adlai.
사론 사람 시드래는 사론에서 먹이는 소떼를 맡았고 아들래의 아들 사밧은 골짜기에 있는 소떼를 맡았고
30 Over the camels was Obil the Ishmaelite, and over the female donkeys was Jehdeiah from Meronoth. Over the flocks was Jaziz the Hagrite.
이스마엘 사람 오빌은 약대를 맡았고 메로놋 사람 예드야는 나귀를 맡았고 하갈 사람 야시스는 양떼를 맡았으니
31 Jaziz the Hagrite was in charge of the flocks. All these officials were in charge of the property of King David.
다윗 왕의 재산을 맡은 자들이 이러하였더라
32 Jonathan, David's uncle, was an advisor, since he was a wise man and a scribe. Jehiel son of Hakmoni cared for the king's sons.
다윗의 아자비 요나단은 지혜가 있어서 모사가 되며 서기관도 되었고 학모니의 아들 여히엘은 왕의 아들들의 배종이 되었고
33 Ahithophel was the king's advisor, and Hushai from the Arkite people was the king's private advisor.
아히도벨은 왕의 모사가 되었고 아렉 사람 후새는 왕의 벗이 되었고
34 Ahithophel's position was taken by Jehoiada son of Benaiah, and by Abiathar. Joab was commander of the king's army.
브나야의 아들 여호야다와 아비아달은 아히도벨의 다음이 되었고 요압은 왕의 군대 장관이 되었더라

< 1 Chronicles 27 >