< Romans 5 >
1 Because therfore that we are iustified by fayth we are at peace with god thorow oure Lorde Iesue Christ:
iustificati igitur ex fide pacem habeamus ad Deum per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum
2 by who we have awaye in thorow fayth vnto this grace wherin we stonde aud reioyce in hope of the prayse that shalbe geven of God.
per quem et accessum habemus fide in gratiam istam in qua stamus et gloriamur in spe gloriae filiorum Dei
3 Nether do we so only: but also we reioyce in tribulacion. For we know that tribulacion bringeth pacience
non solum autem sed et gloriamur in tribulationibus scientes quod tribulatio patientiam operatur
4 pacience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope.
patientia autem probationem probatio vero spem
5 And hope maketh not ashamed for the love of God is sheed abrod in oure hertes by the holy goost which is geven vnto vs.
spes autem non confundit quia caritas Dei diffusa est in cordibus nostris per Spiritum Sanctum qui datus est nobis
6 For when we were yet weake accordynge to ye tyme: Christ dyed for vs which were vngodly.
ut quid enim Christus cum adhuc infirmi essemus secundum tempus pro impiis mortuus est
7 Yet scace will eny man dye for a rightewes man. Paraventure for a good ma durst a man dye.
vix enim pro iusto quis moritur nam pro bono forsitan quis et audeat mori
8 But God setteth out his love that he hath to vs seinge that whyll we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs.
commendat autem suam caritatem Deus in nos quoniam cum adhuc peccatores essemus
9 Moche more then now (seynge we are iustifyed in his bloud) shall we be saved from wrath thorow him.
Christus pro nobis mortuus est multo igitur magis iustificati nunc in sanguine ipsius salvi erimus ab ira per ipsum
10 For yf when we were enemyes we were reconciled to God by the deeth of his sonne: moche more seinge we are reconciled we shal be preservid by his lyfe.
si enim cum inimici essemus reconciliati sumus Deo per mortem Filii eius multo magis reconciliati salvi erimus in vita ipsius
11 Not only so but we also ioye in God by the meanes of oure Lorde Iesus Christ by whom we have receavyd the attonment.
non solum autem sed et gloriamur in Deo per Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum per quem nunc reconciliationem accepimus
12 Wherfore as by one ma synne entred into the worlde and deeth by the meanes of synne. And so deeth went over all men in somoche that all men synned.
propterea sicut per unum hominem in hunc mundum peccatum intravit et per peccatum mors et ita in omnes homines mors pertransiit in quo omnes peccaverunt
13 For even vnto the tyme of the lawe was synne in the worlde: but synne was not regarded as longe as ther was no lawe:
usque ad legem enim peccatum erat in mundo peccatum autem non inputatur cum lex non est
14 neverthelesse deeth rayned fro Adam to Moses eve over them also that synned not wt lyke transgression as dyd Adam: which is ye similitude of him that is to come.
sed regnavit mors ab Adam usque ad Mosen etiam in eos qui non peccaverunt in similitudinem praevaricationis Adae qui est forma futuri
15 But the gyfte is not lyke as the synne. For yf thorow the synne of one many be deed: moche more plenteous vpon many was the grace of God and gyfte by grace: which grace was geven by one man Iesus Christ.
sed non sicut delictum ita et donum si enim unius delicto multi mortui sunt multo magis gratia Dei et donum in gratiam unius hominis Iesu Christi in plures abundavit
16 And ye gifte is not over one synne as deeth cam thorow one synne of one yt synned. For damnacion cam of one synne vnto condemnacion: but the gyft cam to iustify fro many synnes.
et non sicut per unum peccantem ita et donum nam iudicium ex uno in condemnationem gratia autem ex multis delictis in iustificationem
17 For yf by the synne of one deeth raigned by the meanes of one moche more shall they which receave aboundance of grace and of the gyfte of rightewesnes raygne in lyfe by the meanes of one (that is to saye) Iesus Christ.
si enim in unius delicto mors regnavit per unum multo magis abundantiam gratiae et donationis et iustitiae accipientes in vita regnabunt per unum Iesum Christum
18 Lykewyse then as by the synne of one condemnacion cam on all men: eve so by the iustifyinge of one cometh the rightewesnes that bringeth lyfe vpo all men.
igitur sicut per unius delictum in omnes homines in condemnationem sic et per unius iustitiam in omnes homines in iustificationem vitae
19 For as by one manes disobediece many be cam synners: so by ye obediece of one shall many be made righteous.
sicut enim per inoboedientiam unius hominis peccatores constituti sunt multi ita et per unius oboeditionem iusti constituentur multi
20 But ye lawe in the meane tyme entred in yt synne shuld encreace. Neverthelater where aboundaunce of synne was there was more plenteousnes of grace.
lex autem subintravit ut abundaret delictum ubi autem abundavit delictum superabundavit gratia
21 That as synne had raigned vnto deeth even so might grace raygne thorow rightewesnes vnto eternall lyfe by the helpe of Iesu Christ. (aiōnios )
ut sicut regnavit peccatum in morte ita et gratia regnet per iustitiam in vitam aeternam per Iesum Christum Dominum nostrum (aiōnios )