< Romans 1 >

1 Paul the seruaut of Iesus Christ called to be an Apostle put a parte to preache the Gospell of God
Njame Paulo musebenshi wa Yesu Klistu. Lesa walankuweti mbe mutumwa, kayi ne kunsaleti nkakambauke Mulumbe wakendi Waina.
2 which he promysed afore by his Prophetes in the holy scriptures
Lesa walashomesha kupa uwu Mulumbwe Waina kupitila mu bashinshimi bakendi, kayi walalembwa mu Mabala Aswepa.
3 that make mension of his sonne the which was begotte of the seed of David as pertayninge to the flesshe:
Ukute kwamba sha Yesu Klistu Mwanendi, Mwami wetu. Na tulalanga pa buntu bwakendi, walasemenwa mu mukowa wa Dafeti.
4 and declared to be the sonne of God with power of the holy goost that sanctifieth sence ye tyme that Iesus Christ oure Lorde rose agayne from deeth
Nomba twalanga pa kuswepa kwakendi kwabu Lesa, kupunduka kubafu kwakendi kulaleshenga mwangofu kwambeti ni Mwanendi Lesa.
5 by whom we have receaved grace and apostleshyppe to bringe all maner hethe people vnto obedience of the fayth that is in his name:
Muli Klistu, kayi pacebo ca lina lyakendi, ame ndalatambula colwe cakuba mutumwa, kwambeti nyamfwe bantu ba mishobo yonse kumushoma ne kumunyumfwila Yesu.
6 of the which hethen are ye a part also which are Iesus christes by vocacio.
Nabambi pakati pa abo bantu, njamwe muli ku Loma, omwalakwiweti mube bakendi Yesu Klistu.
7 To all you of Rome beloved of God and saynctes by callinge. Grace be with you and peace from God oure father and from the Lorde Iesus Christ.
Neco kayi ndamulembele mwense ba ku Loma, abo Lesa mbwasuni kayi ne kubakuweti babe bantu bakendi. Lesa Bata ne Mwami Yesu Klistu balamuleshe kwina moyo ne kumupa lumuno.
8 Fyrst verely I thanke my God thorow Iesus Christ for you all because youre fayth is publisshed through out all the worlde.
Cakutanguna ndalumbunga Lesa wakame kupitila muli Yesu Klistu pacebo ca njamwe mwense, pakwinga pa cishi conse capanshi bantu balambanga sha lushomo lwenu.
9 For God is my witnes whom I serve with my sprete in the Gospell of his sonne that with out ceasinge I make mencion of you alwayes in my prayers
Lesa nikamboni wakame, ucinsheti ndambanga cancinencine. Nkute kumusebensela ne moyo wakame wonse, pakukambauka Mulumbe Waina ulambanga sha Mwanendi. Neco Lesa ucinsheti nkute kumuyeya cindi conse mumipailo yakame,
10 besechinge that at one tyme or another a prosperous iorney (by ye will of god) myght fortune me to come vnto you.
nkute kumusenga Lesa kwambeti na kayanda, ncane cindi cakwambeti njise ndimufwakashile.
11 For I longe to see you that I myght bestowe amoge you some spirituall gyfte to strength you with all:
Pakwinga ndayandishishinga kwisa kumubona, kwambeti ndimuyabileko cipo ca Mushimu Uswepa, kayi ne kumuyuminisha.
12 that is that I myght have consolacion together with you through the commen fayth which bothe ye and I have.
Ncendambanga nikwambeti, lushomo lwakame lukamuyuminishe ndakesa kuli njamwe, kayi ne njamwe lushomo lwenu lukanjuminishe.
13 I wolde that ye shuld knowe brethre how that I have often tymes purposed to come vnto you (but have bene let hitherto) to have some frute amonge you as I have amonge other of ye Gentyls.
Lino mobase bame, ndamwinshibishinga kwambeti nkanjeya sha kwisa kwenu, nsombi kushikila lelo kuli bintu bikute kungalisha kwambeti njise kwenu. Ndayandangeti nkese nkapesheti bantu bangi pali njamwe, bakasandukile kuli Klistu mbuli ncendalensa ku bantu ba mishobo naimbi.
14 For I am detter both to the Grekes and to them which are no Grekes vnto the learned and also vnto the vnlearned.
Pakwinga nkute cikweleti cakukambaukila bantu baiya ne babula kwiya, kayi kuli bakute mano ne mbutuma.
15 Lykewyse as moche as in me is I am redy to preache the Gospell to you of Rome also.
Weco cilankakatishinga kwisa akukambauka Mulumbe Waina kuli amwe ba ku Loma.
16 For I am not ashamed of the Gospell of Christ because it is ye power of God vnto salvacio to all yt beleve namely to the Iewe and also to ye getyle.
Ame ndashomeshesha Mulumbe Waina, pakwinga engofu sha Lesa shikute kupulusha muntu uliyense washoma, kutatikila ne Bayuda kushikila ku bantu bamishobo naimbi.
17 For by it ye rightewesnes which cometh of god is opened fro fayth to fayth. As it is written: The iust shall live by fayth.
Uwu Mulumbe ukute kutuyubulwila bantu mobela kubela balulama pamenso a Lesa. Kufuma kumatatikilo kushikila kumapwililisho cilayandikinga nikwambeti bantu bashome. Mbuli Mabala ncalambangeti, “Muntu walulama kuli Lesa kupitila mulushomo nakabe ne buyumi.”
18 For the wrath of God apereth from heven agaynst all vngodlynes and vnrightewesnes of me which withholde ye trueth in vnrightewesnes
Lesa layubululunga bukalu bwakendi kufuma kwilu kwisa pa bantu baipa kayi babula kululama, kwipa kwabo ekukute kubalisha kwinshiba cancine ncine ca Lesa.
19 seynge what maye be knowen of God that same is manifest amoge them. For God dyd shewe it vnto them.
Lesa ukute kubapa cisubulo pakwinga bintu byela kwinshibikwa pali Lesa, nabo babinshi, kayi Lesa ewalabayubwilila ibi bintu.
20 So that his invisible thinges: that is to saye his eternall power and godhed are vnderstonde and sene by the workes from the creacion of the worlde. So that they are without excuse (aïdios g126)
Pakwinga kufuma pacindi Lesa mpwalalenga cishi capanshi ne lelo pano, bantu bakute kubona bwikalo bwa Lesa butaboneke, kayi ne ngofu shakendi shitapu ne bu Lesa bwakendi. Bantu bakute kubinshiba pakubona bintu Lesa mbyalalenga, neco bantu paliyawa mpobela kuleyela. (aïdios g126)
21 in as moche as when they knewe god they glorified him not as God nether were thakfull but wexed full of vanities in their imaginacions and their folisshe hertes were blynded.
Lesa bamwinshi, nsombi nkabakute kumupa bulemu bwamwelela nambi kumulumba, neco miyeyo yabo yalasanduka kuba yabula ncito, Kayi mumyoyo yabo mwesulowa mushinshe.
22 When they couted them selves wyse they became foles
Nabo bakute kulibona kuba bamano, kakuli bapusa.
23 and turned the glory of the immortall god vnto the similitude of the ymage of mortall man and of byrdes and foure foted beastes and of serpentes.
Mu musena wa kukambilila Lesa wa cindi conse, balatatika kukambilila tumbwanga tukute kuboneketi muntu ukute kufwa, nambi bikeni nambi banyama, nambi tulyeti bintu bikute kukalaba.
24 Wherfore god lykewyse gave the vp vnto their hertes lustes vnto vnclennes to defyle their awne boddyes bitwene them selves:
Weco Lesa walabaleka kwambeti bapitilishe kwinsa byaipa, ibyo myoyo yabo mbyoilandanga kushikila pakusafwanya mibili yabo.
25 which tourned his truthe vnto a lye and worshipped and served the creatures more then ye maker which is blessed for ever. Ame. (aiōn g165)
Balashiya cancine ncine ca Lesa ne kutatika kushoma bwepeshi. Balatatika kukambilila ne kusebensela bilengwa mucindi ca kusebensela Mulengi, kayi welela kulemekwa kushikila muyayaya. Amen. (aiōn g165)
26 For this cause god gave them vp vnto shamfull lustes. For even their wemen did chaunge the naturall vse vnto the vnnaturall.
Pacebo ca bintu ibi Lesa walabaleka kwambeti bensenga bintu byeshikupa nsoni, bilayandanga lunkumbwa lwa mibili yabo. Nambi batukashi balalula bwikalo bwa kona ne batuloba ne kutatika konana bonkabonka.
27 And lyke wyse also the men lefte the naturall vse of the woma and bret in their lustes one on another. And man with man wrought filthynes and receaved in them selves the rewarde of their erroure as it was accordinge.
Kayi nabo batuloba balalula bwikalo bwa kona ne batukashi ne kutatika kuba ne lunkumbwa lwa konana ne batuloba banabo. Balensa bintu byeshikupa nsoni. Pacebo ici balalitelenga bene cisubulo celela micito yabo yaipa.
28 And as it semed not good vnto them to be aknowen of God even so God delivered them vp vnto a leawde mynd yt they shuld do tho thinges which were not comly
Pakwinga balaciboneti nkacelela kuba ne lwinshibo lwesulila lwa ncinencine lwa Lesa, weco nendi Lesa walabaleka ne miyeyo yabo yaipa, yakwinsa bintu byeshikupa nsoni.
29 beinge full of all vnrighteous doinge of fornicacio wickednes coveteousnes maliciousnes full of envie morther debate disseyte evill codicioned whisperers
Myoyo yabo yalesula ne kutalulama kwapusana pusana, mbuli kwipa ne bukuma ne bukapondo ne lukanda. Kayi myoyo yabo yesula ne kubepana ne minyono ne kwinshila banabo byaipa. Kayi ne kunung'unusha, ne bufwishi,
30 backbyters haters of God doers of wroge proude bosters bringers vp of evyll thinges disobedient to father and mother
kayi ne kwambana kwipa umo ne munendi, neco bakute kupatana ne Lesa, bamatuka beshikutwanga ne kulibonesha. Kayi bakute kuyeya nshila sha kwinsa byaipa, baliya bulemu ku bamashali babo.
31 with out vnderstondinge covenaunte breakers vnlovinge trucebreakers and merciles.
Nibantu batalisende, babula kushomeka baipa myoyo kayi babula nkumbo.
32 Which me though they knew the rightewesnes of God how that they which soche thinges commyt are worthy of deeth yet not only do the same but also have pleasure in them that do them.
Bawinshi mulawo wa Lesa wakwambeti bantu beshikwinsa bintu byamushoboyo belela kufwa. Necikabeco nabo ebakute kubinsa, kayi ebakute ne kulumbaisha abo balabinshinga.

< Romans 1 >