< Revelation 6 >

1 And I sawe when the lambe openyd one of the seales and I herde one of the iiii. bestes saye as it were the noyse of thonder come and se.
anantaraM mayi nirIkSamANE mESazAvakEna tAsAM saptamudrANAm EkA mudrA muktA tatastESAM caturNAm Ekasya prANina Agatya pazyEtivAcakO mEghagarjanatulyO ravO mayA zrutaH|
2 And I sawe and beholde there was a whyte horsse and he that sat on him had a bowe and a croune was gevyn vnto him and he went forth conqueringe and forto overcome.
tataH param EkaH zuklAzcO dRSTaH, tadArUPhO janO dhanu rdhArayati tasmai ca kirITamEkam adAyi tataH sa prabhavan prabhaviSyaMzca nirgatavAn|
3 And when he opened the secode seale I herde the seconde beste saye: come and se.
aparaM dvitIyamudrAyAM tEna mOcitAyAM dvitIyasya prANina Agatya pazyEti vAk mayA zrutA|
4 And there went out another horsse that was red and power was geven to him that satte thereon to take peace from the erth and that they shulde kyll one another. And there was geven vnto him a gret swearde.
tatO 'ruNavarNO 'para EkO 'zvO nirgatavAn tadArOhiNi pRthivItaH zAntyapaharaNasya lOkAnAM madhyE parasparaM pratighAtOtpAdanasya ca sAmarthyaM samarpitam, EkO bRhatkhaggO 'pi tasmA adAyi|
5 And when he opened ye thyrde seale I herde the thyrde beste saye: come and se. And I behelde and loo a blacke hors: and he that sate on him had a payre of balances in his honde.
aparaM tRtIyamudrAyAM tana mOcitAyAM tRtIyasya prANina Agatya pazyEti vAk mayA zrutA, tataH kAlavarNa EkO 'zvO mayA dRSTaH, tadArOhiNO hastE tulA tiSThati
6 And I herd a voyce in the myddes of the. iiii. bestes saye: a measure of whete for a peny and iii. measures of barly for a peny: and oyle and wyne se thou hurte not.
anantaraM prANicatuSTayasya madhyAd vAgiyaM zrutA gOdhUmAnAmEkaH sETakO mudrApAdaikamUlyaH, yavAnAnjca sETakatrayaM mudrApAdaikamUlyaM tailadrAkSArasAzca tvayA mA hiMsitavyAH|
7 And when he opened the fourthe seale I herde the voyce of the fourthe beste saye: come and se.
anantaraM caturthamudrAyAM tEna mOcitAyAM caturthasya prANina Agatya pazyEti vAk mayA zrutA|
8 And I loked and beholde a grene horsse and his name that sat on him was deeth and hell folowed after him and power was geven vnto them over the fourthe parte of the erth to kyll with swearde and with honger and with deeth that cometh of vermen of the erth. (Hadēs g86)
tataH pANPuravarNa EkO 'zvO mayA dRSTaH, tadArOhiNO nAma mRtyuriti paralOkazca tam anucarati khaggEna durbhikSENa mahAmAryyA vanyapazubhizca lOkAnAM badhAya pRthivyAzcaturthAMzasyAdhipatyaM tasmA adAyi| (Hadēs g86)
9 And when he opened the fyfte seale I sawe vnder the aultre the soules of them that were kylled for the worde of God and for the testymony which they had
anantaraM panjcamamudrAyAM tEna mOcitAyAm IzvaravAkyahEtOstatra sAkSyadAnAcca chEditAnAM lOkAnAM dEhinO vEdyA adhO mayAdRzyanta|
10 and they cryed with a lowde voyce sayinge: How loge tariest thou lorde holy and true to iudge and to avenge oure bloud on them that dwell on the erth?
ta uccairidaM gadanti, hE pavitra satyamaya prabhO asmAkaM raktapAtE pRthivInivAsibhi rvivadituM tasya phala dAtunjca kati kAlaM vilambasE?
11 And longe whyte garmentes were geven vnto every one of them. And it was sayde vnto them that they shulde reste for a lyttle season vntyll the nomber of their felowes and brethre and of them that shulde be kylled as they were were fulfylled.
tatastESAm Ekaikasmai zubhraH paricchadO 'dAyi vAgiyanjcAkathyata yUyamalpakAlam arthatO yuSmAkaM yE sahAdAsA bhrAtarO yUyamiva ghAniSyantE tESAM saMkhyA yAvat sampUrNatAM na gacchati tAvad viramata|
12 And I behelde when he opened the sixte seale and loo there was a grett erth quake and the sunne was as blacke as sacke clothe made of heare. And the mone wexed even as bloud:
anantaraM yadA sa SaSThamudrAmamOcayat tadA mayi nirIkSamANE mahAn bhUkampO 'bhavat sUryyazca uSTralOmajavastravat kRSNavarNazcandramAzca raktasagkAzO 'bhavat
13 and the starres of heven fell vnto the erth even as a fygge tree castith from her her fygges when she is shaken of a myghty wynde.
gaganasthatArAzca prabalavAyunA cAlitAd uPumbaravRkSAt nipAtitAnyapakkaphalAnIva bhUtalE nyapatan|
14 And heven vanysshed awaye as a scroll whe it is rolled togedder. And all mountayns and yles were moved oute of their places.
AkAzamaNPalanjca sagkucyamAnagranthaivAntardhAnam agamat giraya upadvIpAzca sarvvE sthAnAntaraM cAlitAH
15 And the kynges of the erth and the gret men and the ryche men and the chefe captaynes and the myghty men and every bond man and every free man hyd them selves in dennes and in rockes of the hylles
pRthivIsthA bhUpAlA mahAllOkAH sahastrapatayO dhaninaH parAkramiNazca lOkA dAsA muktAzca sarvvE 'pi guhAsu giristhazailESu ca svAn prAcchAdayan|
16 and sayde to the hylles and rockes: fall on vs and hyde vs from the presence of him that sytteth on the seate and from the wrath of the lambe
tE ca girIn zailAMzca vadanti yUyam asmadupari patitvA siMhAsanOpaviSTajanasya dRSTitO mESazAvakasya kOpAccAsmAn gOpAyata;
17 for the grete daye of hys wrath ys come And who can endure it.
yatastasya krOdhasya mahAdinam upasthitaM kaH sthAtuM zaknOti?

< Revelation 6 >