< Revelation 16 >

1 And I herde a great voyce out of ye temple sayinge to the seven angels: goo youre wayes poure out youre vialles of wrath apon the erth.
Vbvrikunamv Pwknvyarnvnaam lokv vlvgo nyidogindung kanw vdwa gaamgo ngo vbv mindubv tvvto: “vngyika okv Pwknvyarnv gv haachi talu pwkkanw am sichingmooku soka pwwlu jitvka!”
2 And the fyrst went and poured out his viall apo the erth and there fell anoysom and a sore botche apo the me which had the marke of the best and ap on the which worshipped his ymage.
Atukchochok gv nyidogindung angv vngla okv ninyigv talu am sichingmooku lo pwwlu jitoku. Yvvdw svnwng gv amu mvunam doodudw okv vkvgv murti nga kumnyajonya dudw bunugv awlo maatarbv okv vkvnv achinv ungv nga paamu toku.
3 And the seconde angell shed out his viall apon ye see and it turned as it were into the bloud of a deed ma: and every lyvinge thynge dyed in the see.
Hokoching bvkuring anyinvnv nyidogindung angv ninyigv talu am svmasa aolo Pwwlu jito. Isi ngv kokwng loku sinv nyi akogv oyi jvbv ritoku, okv svmasa hoka turnv pwknamyarnam dvdv ngv singam toku.
4 And ye thyrde angell shed out his vyall apon the ryvers and fountaynes of waters and they turned to bloud.
Hokoching bv aomnvnv nyidogindung angv ninyigv talu am svko lo okv isi sigung lo pwklwk jito, okv isi vv bunu oyi gobv ringam toku.
5 And I herde an angell saye: lorde which arte and wast thou arte ryghteous and holy because thou hast geve soche iudgmentes
Oka isi am rigvyanv nyidogindung ngam vbv mindu bv ngo tvvto, “Yvvla okv yvvyila no jvjv lokv jwngkadakanv, Darwknv Akinnv!
6 for they shed out the bloude of sayntes and prophettes and therfore hast thou geven them bloud to drynke: for they are worthy.
Bunu Pwknvyarnv gv nyi vdwgv okv nyijwk vdwgv oyi am pwwlu jito, okv oogv aingbv nonuno oyi am jila bunua tvngmu toku. Bunu ogugo paasv vdw um bunu paadung siduku!”
7 And I herde another out of the aultre saye: even soo lorde god almyghty true and righteous are thy iudgementes.
Vbvrikunamv ngo vlvgo yogwngmvrwng lokv milin dubv tvvtoku, “kairungnv Pwknvyarnv Ahtu! noogv jwngkadaka namv Jvjvdu okv kiamkurkiamrwk madunv!”
8 And the fourth angell poured out his viall on the sunne and power was geve vnto him to vexe men with heate of fyre.
Vbvrikunamv apinvnv nyidogindung angv ninyigv talu am doonyi lo pwklwk jito, okv vv nyi vdwa doonyi gv hagu lokv gula gua mootoku.
9 And the men raged in gret heate and spake evyll of the name of God which had power over those plages and they repented not to geve him glory.
Bunu vdwa doonyi hagu lokv baayuk jitoku, okv chillichilum aolo rigv kunv tujupkunam Pwknvyarnv gv amin am bunu beeto. Vbvrijvka bunugv rimur lokv mvngdin kumadu okv ninyigv achialv bv kairungnam am hartv madu.
10 And the fifte angell poured out his vyall apon the seate of the beste and his kyngdome wexed derke and they gnewe their tonges for sorowe
Hokoching bvkuring angunvnv nyidogindung angv vv talu am svnwng gv dvbvdooginvnv dookulo pwlwk jito. Svnwng gv karv lo kanv ngv nvvlwk toku, okv nyi vdwv atubogv riu am achialvbv chiinam lokv gamtwk sila ritoku,
11 and blasphemed the god of heven for sorowe and payne of their sores and repented not of their dedes.
okv bunugv ungnv okv achinam lvgabv nyidomooku gv Pwknvyarnvnyi beeto. Vbvrijvka bunu alvmanv lamtv lokv mvngdin mabv ridu.
12 And the sixte angell poured out his vyall apon the gret ryver Euphrates and the water dryed vp that the wayes of the kyngss of the este shulde be prepared.
Hokokwng bvkuring akv nvnv nyidogindung angv vv kairungnv Euphrarates svko lo ninyigv talu am pwwlwk jito. Oogv donyichaagia peelv gv lokv aanv dvbv vdwgv lamtv rapku lvgabv, svko ngv pvtwngtakar toku.
13 And I sawe thre vnclene sprettes lyke frogges come out of the mouthe of the dragon and out of the mouthe of the beeste and out of the mouthe of the falce prophett.
Vbvrikunamv darwkmanv dow aom gunyi tatwk jvbv kaanv go ngo kaato. Bunu Sichingpanv gv gaam lokv linto, svnwng gv gaam lokv okv mvvnvrunv nyijwk vdwgv gaam lokv linto.
14 For they are the sprettes of devyls workynge myracles to go out vnto the kynges of the erth and of the whole worlde to gaddre them to the battayle of that gret daye of God allmyghty.
Bunu vdwv uyuvram gv dow lokv lamrwpanam kudungkua nga ridu. Oogv dow aom vv nyiamooku soogv dvbv mvnwng lo, bunua gwlwkyachoknv Pwknvyarnv gv kairungnv alu lo nyimakrimi simu nam lvgabv laakumlapa dobv vngtoku.
15 Beholde I come as a thefe. Happy is he that watcheth and kepeth his garmentes Lest he be founde naked and men se his filthynes.
“Tvvtoka! Ngo dvcho nvgv aingbv aare! Yvvdw vji am alvbv kooto la okv uula doobvnv vv mvngpuv, ogulvgavbolo vv abinbilin bv vngkarchakar mare okv nyi mvnwng gv dookumdakum lo hinying paamare!”
16 And he gaddered them togedder into a place called in the hebrue tonge Armagedon.
Vbvrikunamv Hebrew lo Armageddon vnam mooku lo dow vdwv dvbv dvdv nga gokkum la ritoku.
17 And the seventhe angell poured out his viall in to the ayre. And there came a voyce out of heven from the seate sayinge: it is done.
Vbvrikunamv kanwnvnv nyidogindung angv ninyigv talu am doori tapi lo pwlwk jito. Pwknvyarnvnaam arwng lo doogingnvnv lokv adu dutv rungnv go dulin la, vbv minto, “si rinya roku!”
18 And there folowed voyces thondringes and lightnynges and there was a grett erthquake soche as was not sence men were apon the erth so myghty an erthquake and so grett.
Hokokwng bv dooriakv riaklinla, dooridoogumv, gumsin gumyinla, okv maatar rungbv busunam, moobimok ngv hvkto. Nyi am Pwklinyarlin yilo kongv vdwloka svkvnv aingbv moobimok go hvkkw mato; Mvnwng gv lokv mamsvnga alvmaya choknv mobi bv rito!
19 And the greate cite was devyded into thre parties And the cities of nacions fell. And grett Babilon came in remembraunce before God to geve vnto hyr the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenes of his wrathe.
Kairungnv pamtv ngv aom gobv apinayin sitoku, okv diringmooku mvnwng gv pamtv vdwv takchitakyi nyami toku. Pwknvyarnv ngv kairungnv Bebilon am mvnggapto okv ninyigv koobu lokv opo nga tvngdubv mvtoku—ninyigv haachi chinam am opo bv tvngmu toku.
20 Every yle fled awaye and the mountaynes were not founde.
Bokpin dvdv ngv, okv moodw mvnwng ngv nyemi nyatoku.
21 And ther fell a gret hayle as it had bene talentes out of heven apon the men and the men blasphemed God be cause of the plage of the hayle for it was grett and the plage of it sore.
Nyido tolo gvngv nyi vdwgv aolo tvv pwktv rungnv ngv olu to, apw pwktv ngv kungka rinyi kg chamngu gobv rito. Tvv nga bunu oomu dunvnyi vla Pwknvyarnvnyi beeto, ogulvgavbolo vkvnv chilichilum si busunamgo bv rito.

< Revelation 16 >