< Revelation 11 >
1 And then was geven me a rede lyke vnto a rodd and it was sayd vnto me: Ryse and mete the temple of god and the aultre and them that worshippe therin
et datus est mihi calamus similis virgae dicens surge et metire templum Dei et altare et adorantes in eo
2 and the quyre which is within the temple cast oute and mete it not: for it is gevyn vnto the gentyles and the holy cite shall they treade vnderfote. xlii. monethes.
atrium autem quod est foris templum eice foras et ne metieris eum quoniam datum est gentibus et civitatem sanctam calcabunt mensibus quadraginta duobus
3 And I will geve power vnto my two wytnesses and they shall prophesy. M. iic. and. lx. dayes clothed in sacke cloth.
et dabo duobus testibus meis et prophetabunt diebus mille ducentis sexaginta amicti saccos
4 These are two olyve trees and two cadlestyckes stodinge before ye god of ye erth
hii sunt duo olivae et duo candelabra in conspectu Domini terrae stantes
5 And if eny man will hurt them fyre shall procede out of their mouthes and consume their ennemyes. And yf eny ma will hurt the this wyse muste he be kylled.
et si quis eos voluerit nocere ignis exiet de ore illorum et devorabit inimicos eorum et si quis voluerit eos laedere sic oportet eum occidi
6 These have power to shut heven that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophesyinge: and have power over waters to turne them to bloud and to smyte the erth wt almaner plages as often as they will.
hii habent potestatem cludendi caelum ne pluat diebus prophetiae ipsorum et potestatem habent super aquas convertendi eas in sanguinem et percutere terram omni plaga quotienscumque voluerint
7 And when they have fynysshed their testimony the beste that cam oute of the bottomlesse pytt shall make warre agaynst them and shall overcome them and kyll them. (Abyssos )
et cum finierint testimonium suum bestia quae ascendit de abysso faciet adversus illos bellum et vincet eos et occidet illos (Abyssos )
8 And their boddyes shall lye in the stretes of the greate cite which spritually is called zodom and Egypte where oure lorde was crucified.
et corpora eorum in plateis civitatis magnae quae vocatur spiritaliter Sodoma et Aegyptus ubi et Dominus eorum crucifixus est
9 And they of the people and kynredes and tonges and they of the nacions shall se their bodyes. iii. dayes and an halfe and shall not suffre their boddyes to be put in graves.
et videbunt de populis et tribubus et linguis et gentibus corpora eorum per tres dies et dimidium et corpora eorum non sinunt poni in monumentis
10 And they that dwell apon the erth shall reioyce over them and be glad and shall send gyftes one to another for these two prophetes vexed them yt dwelt on the erth.
et inhabitantes terram gaudebunt super illis et iucundabuntur et munera mittent invicem quoniam hii duo prophetae cruciaverunt eos qui inhabitant super terram
11 And after. iii. dayes and an halffe the sprete of lyfe from god entred into the. And they stode vp apo their fete: and greate feare came apon the which sawe them.
et post dies tres et dimidium spiritus vitae a Deo intravit in eos et steterunt super pedes suos et timor magnus cecidit super eos qui viderunt eos
12 And they herde a greate voyce from heven saying vnto the. Come vp hidder. And they ascended vp into heven in a cloude and their ennemyes sawe the.
et audierunt vocem magnam de caelo dicentem illis ascendite huc et ascenderunt in caelum in nube et viderunt illos inimici eorum
13 And ye same houre was ther a gret erth quake and the tenthe parte of the cite fell and in the erth quake were slayne names of men seven. M. and the remnaunt were feared and gave glory to god of heven.
et in illa hora factus est terraemotus magnus et decima pars civitatis cecidit et occisi sunt in terraemotu nomina hominum septem milia et reliqui in timore sunt missi et dederunt gloriam Deo caeli
14 The seconde woo is past and beholde ye thyrd woo wyll come ano
vae secundum abiit ecce vae tertium veniet cito
15 And the seventh angell blewe and therwere made great voyces in heve sayinge: the kyngdoms of this worlde are oure lordes and his christes and he shall raygne for ever more. (aiōn )
et septimus angelus tuba cecinit et factae sunt voces magnae in caelo dicentes factum est regnum huius mundi Domini nostri et Christi eius et regnabit in saecula saeculorum (aiōn )
16 And the. xxiiii. elders which sytt before god on their seates fell apon their faces and worshipped God
et viginti quattuor seniores qui in conspectu Dei sedent in sedibus suis ceciderunt in facies suas et adoraverunt Deum
17 sayinge: we geve the thankes lorde God allmyghte: which arte and wast and arte to come for thou haste receaved thy great myght and hast raygned.
dicentes gratias agimus tibi Domine Deus omnipotens qui es et qui eras quia accepisti virtutem tuam magnam et regnasti
18 And the nacions were angry and thy wrath is come and the tyme of ye deed that they shuld be iudged and that thou shuldest geve rewarde vnto thy servauntes the prophettes and saynctes and to them that feare thy name small and great and shuldest destroye them which destroye ye erth.
et iratae sunt gentes et advenit ira tua et tempus mortuorum iudicari et reddere mercedem servis tuis prophetis et sanctis et timentibus nomen tuum pusillis et magnis et exterminandi eos qui corruperunt terram
19 And the temple of God was openyd in heve and there was sene in his teple the arcke of his testamet: and ther folowed lyghtnynges and voyces and thondrynges and erth quake and moche hayle.
et apertum est templum Dei in caelo et visa est arca testamenti eius in templo eius et facta sunt fulgora et voces et terraemotus et grando magna