< Matthew 25 >

1 Then ye kyngdome of heven shalbe lykened vnto. x. virgins which toke their lampes and wet to mete the brydgrome:
“Ho alu lo Nyidomooku gv Karv ngv vbvrire. Lvkogulo nyijar vring go dooto, bunu bunugv mvdurupum a naalayila makbu rijibonga kaarwk sibv vnglin nyatoku.
2 fyve of them were folysshe and fyve were wyse.
Angu gunv pvcha nyato okv kvvbi angu gunv mvnglak nyato.
3 The folysshe toke their lampes but toke none oyle wt the.
Pvchanv vdwv bunugv mvdurupum a bvngla vngnyato vbvritola bunu tvli gvpwng mato.
4 But ye wyse tooke oyle wt the in their vesselles wt their lampes also.
Mvnglaknv angu hv bvngia nvnvlo bunugv mvdurupum lvgabv tvli vkv yarbing dubv bvngtoku.
5 Whill the brydgrome taryed all slombred and slepte.
Makbu rijibongv aadu bv tapv toku, vkvlvgabv nyijar vdwv yumi mirapla yupngak nyatoku.
6 And even at mydnyght there was a crye made: beholde the brydgrome cometh goo out against him.
“Ayuyupra bv ritoku, ho sudu go dulinto, ‘Siinv makbu rijibongv! Aala okv ninyia kaarwk sulakuka!’
7 Then all those virgins arose and prepared their lampes.
Nyijar vring ngv hurap nyala bunugv mvdurupum baanu nyatoku.
8 And ye folysshe sayde to ye wyse: geve vs of youre oyle for our lampes goo out?
Vbvrikunamv pvchanv vdwv nyebanv vdwa minto, ‘Klai, ngonua nonugv tvli lokv jilabv, ogulvgavbolo ngonugv mvdurupum hv ngejiku.’
9 but ye wyse answered sayinge. Not so lest ther be not ynough for vs and you: but goo rather to them yt sell and by for youre selves.
Nyebanv vdwv mirwkto, ‘Ma,’ ‘Nonu gvbv la ngonu gvbv tvli hv chimare. Dukan lo vngnyika okv nonuno lvgabv rvvti laka.’
10 And whill they went to bye ye brydgrome came: and they yt were redy went in with him to ye weddinge and the gate was shett vp:
Vkvlvgabv pvchanv nyijar vdwv tvli mego rvvdubv vngnya toku; okv bunugv vngro kochingbv makbu rijibongv aatoku. Nyijar angu kaayanv vdwv makbu rijibonga lvkobv nyida dvpam lo vngming gvtoku, okv agi a koktum toku.
11 Afterwardes came also ye other virgins sayinge: master master open to vs.
“Ayungjvma nga kvvbi vdwv aalwk nyatoku. Bunu, ‘Tamsarnv, tamsarnv! Ngonua arwng aamu labv!’ vla kapla goknya toku.
12 But he answered and sayde: verely I saye vnto you: I knowe not you.
‘Ma rung! Ngo nonua chima,’ vla makburijibongv mirwk toku.”
13 Watche therefore: for ye knowe nether the daye nor yet the houre when the sonne of man shall come.
Okv Jisu minyabv mintoku, “Vbvrikunamv nonuno hinsu laka, ogulvgavbolo nonu alu vmalo dw nga chima.
14 Lykwyse as a certeyne ma redy to take his iorney to a straunge coutre called his servautes and delivered to them his gooddes.
“Ho alu lo Nyidomooku gv Karv ngv svbv rire. Alu gulo nyi ako dooto, nw adu lo moing vngtv tvvto; nw ninyigv pakbu vdwa goklwk gvrila ninyigv yikungyira nga kaaya dubv tinglwk toku.
15 And vnto one he gave. v. talentes to another. ii. and to another one: to every man after his abilite and streyght waye departed.
Nw nyi vdwa rilajinv nga kaala akin—akin a kaagvrila jito: Akonyi nw ain lokdwng hejar angu go jito, akonyi hejar anyigo okv akonyi nw hejar akin go jito. Vbvrikunamv nw moing vngyu toku.
16 Then he that had receaved the fyve talentes went and bestowed them and wanne other fyve talentes.
Hejar angu lokdwng go naarwknv pakbu angv vjakgobv vngda bongv ninyigv morko nga mvjinmvta toku okv hejar angu godv mvlin jitoku.
17 Lykwyse he that receaved. ii. gayned other. ii.
Ho apiabv ain lokdwng hejar anyigo naarwk sinv pakbu angv hejar anyi godv mvlin jitoku.
18 But he yt receaved ye one went and digged a pit in the erth and hyd his masters money.
Vbvritola lokdwng hejar go naarwk sinv pakbu angv vngla, kvdw lo ungrung go dutola ninyigv Ahtu gv morko nga hoka vvsi toku.
19 After a longe season ye lorde of those servauntes came and rekened with the.
“Achialvgo ayungjvma nga ho pakbu vdwgv atu angv aakur toku okv bunua lvkobv morko nga sapka toku.
20 Then came he yt had receaved fyve talentes and brought other fyve talentes sayinge: master thou deliveredst vnto one fyve talentes: beholde I have gayned wt the fyve talentes moo.
Lokdwng hejar angu go naarwksinv pakbu angv aatoku okv hejar angu go paatam nam hum laklwk toku, okv minto, ‘Atu, no ngam lokdwng hejar angu go jito, okv kaatoka! siinv ngo kvvbi hejar angu gudv ngo paalwk pvkunv.’
21 The his master sayde vnto him: well good servaut and faithfull. Thou hast bene faithfull in lytell I will make the ruler over moche: entre in into thy masters ioye.
‘Alvbv ripv, no alvnvgo okv jwkjwkvrwknv pakbu go!’ ninyigv atuv minto, ‘No miangnv morko nga alvbv mvjinmvtapv, vkvlvgabv ngo nam kainv morko nga kaaya modubv jire. Aatoka, soka okv ngoogv himpua pumin gvlaka!
22 Also he that receaved. ii. talentes came and sayde: master thou deliveredest vnto me. ii. talentes: beholde I have wone. ii. other talentes with them.
Vbvrikunamv pakbu morko lokdwng hejar anyigo jinam angv aala okv minto, ‘Atu, no nga lokdwng hejar anyigo jito. Kaatoka, vjak ngo hejar anyi godv paalwk pvkunv.’
23 And his master sayde vnto him well good servaunt and faithfull. Thou hast bene faithfull in lytell I wyll make the ruler over moche: go in into thy masters ioye.
‘Alvbv ripv, no alvnvgo okv jwkjwkvrwknv pakbu go!’ ninyigv atuv minto. ‘No miangnv morko nga alvbv mvjinmvtapv, vkvlvgabv ngo nam kainv morko nga rigv modubv jire. Aatoka, okv ngoogv himpu lo pumin gvlaka!’
24 Then he which had receaved ye one talent came and sayd: master I considered yt thou wast an harde man which repest where thou sowedst not and gadderest where thou strawedst not
Vbvrikunamv lokdwng hejar akin go naarwk sinv angv aala okv minto, ‘Tamsarbo, ngo chindu no raainv nyi go; no noogv rongo mvma kolo aam gvdu, okv no noogv aam chima kolo aam nvvdu.
25 and was therfore afrayde and went and hyd thy talent in ye erth: Beholde thou hast thyn awne.
Vkvlvgabv ngo busula vngla noogv morko nga kvdw lo vvsi pvkunv. Kaatoka, siinv no gvngvku.’
26 His master answered and sayde vnto him: thou evyll servaut and slewthfull thou knewest yt I repe where I sowed not and gaddre where I strawed not:
Ninyigv atuv ninyia mintoku, ‘No alvmanv okv svpenv pakbu go!’ ‘No nga rongo mvma kolo aam gvdubv okv aam chima kolo aam nvvdubv chindu ai?
27 thou oughtest therfore to have had my money to ye chaugers and then at my comynge shulde I have receaved myne awne with vauntage.
Vbvriku nvgo yilo, alv rinvpv, no ngoogv morko nga morko benk lo lvktola ngoogv aakur rikulo kuu naatak la ngo naaku nvgo yilo.
28 Take therfore the talent from him and geve it vnto him which hath. x. talentes.
Vjak morko nga nw gvlokv dvrit gvri kula nyi morko lokdwng hejar vring go doonv lo jitoka.
29 For vnto every man that hath shalbe geven and he shall have aboundance: and from him that hath not shalbe taken awaye even that he hath.
Yvvdw ogugo doodudw, um jitam yayare, okv nw kaiyayabv dooreku; vbvritola yvvnyiv ogu guka dooma dunv, ninyigv achukgo doonam haka nw gvlokv dvrit jireku.
30 And cast yt vnprofitable servaunt into vtter dercknes: there shalbe wepynge and gnasshinge of teeth.
Svbv alvmabv rinv pakbua—agum kanv kolo ninyia ora tvka; hoka nw kapla hijung nga hitwkkrwk sireku.’
31 When the sonne of ma cometh in his glorie and all the holy angels wt him then shall he syt vpon the seate of his glorie
“Vdwlo Nyia Kuunyilo ngv Dvbv bv rila aarikudw okv nyidogindung mvnwngngv ninyia lvkobv aariku, nw ninyigv Dvbv dooging lo dootung reku,
32 and before him shalbe Gaddred all nacions. And he shall seperate the one from a nother as a shepherde deuideth the shepe from the gootes.
okv diringmooku mvnwng gv nyi vdw mvnwngngv ninyigv kaagialo dookum reku. Vbvrikunamv nw bunua anyi gubv mvpin sureku, svlar kaaya nvgv svlar hala yabin a mvpin sunam apiabv.
33 And he shall set the shepe on his right honde and the gotes on the lyfte.
Nw alvnv nyi vdwa ninyigv lakbik kiamlo vvpv reku okv kvvbi vdwa ninyigv lakchi tangvlo vvpv reku.
34 Then shall the kynge saye to them on his right honde: Come ye blessed chyldren of my father inheret ye the kyngdo prepared for you from the beginninge of the worlde.
Vbvrikunamv Dvbv ngv ninyigv lakbik tangvlo nyi daknv vdwa minreku, ‘Aatoka, nonuno ngo Abu gv aya jinam vdwv! Nyia mooku a pwkri lokv nonugv lvgabv pwklin jikunam Karv nga aala kaato kuka.
35 For I was anhongred and ye gave me meate. I thursted and ye gave me drinke. I was herbourlesse and ye lodged me.
Ngo kano toku okv nonu nga dvmu toku, tvngnwngto nonu nga tvngse go jitoku; ngo nyen bv rito nonu nga nonugv naam lo naarwk sutoku,
36 I was naked and ye clothed me. I was sicke and ye visited me. I was in preson and ye came vnto me.
vji gvvpa mabv abinto nonu nga vji gvmutoku; ngo lvvmato okv nonu nga ringchum yato, patwklo dooto okv nonu nga kaalwk toku.’
37 Then shall ye righteous answere him sayinge master whe sawe we ye anhongred and feed the? or a thurst and gave ye drinke?
Alvnv nyi vdwv ninyia mirwk reku, ‘Ahtu, vdwlola, ngonu nam kano kvvbi kaapa namv okv nam dvmu kunamv vmalo tvngnwng kunam a tvngse go jinamv?
38 when sawe we ye herbourlesse and lodged the? or naked and clothed the?
Vdwlola ngonu nam nyen bv kaala ngonugv naam lo nam aamu namv, vmalo abin dubv kaapala nam vji gvmunamv?
39 or when sawe we the sicke or in preson and came vnto the?
Vdwlola ngonu nam lvvma dubv okv patwk doodubv kaala nam kaalwk namv?’
40 And ye kynge shall answere and saye vnto them: verely I saye vnto you: in as moche as ye have done it vnto one of ye leest of these my brethren ye have done it to me.
Dvbv ngv mirwk reku, ‘Ngo nonua minpa jidunv, vdwlo nonu ngoogv nyi miang nvgo nyika so vdw sum riku bolo, hv ngo lvgabv rinam vku!’
41 Then shall the kynge saye vnto them that shalbe on the lyfte hande: departe from me ye coursed into everlastinge fire which is prepared for the devyll and his angels. (aiōnios g166)
Vbvrikunamv nw ninyigv lakchikiam gv nyi vdwa minre, “Ngo gv lokv vngroto, Pwknvyarnv gv beenam arwng lo doonv vdw nonu! Uyudvbv okv ninyigv nyidogindung vdwgv lvgabv mvpv kunam doobwngnv vmvlo vngroto kulaka! (aiōnios g166)
42 For I was an hungred and ye gave me no meate. I thursted and ye gave me no drinke.
Ngo kano toku vbvritola nonu nga dvnam jima, tvngnwngto vbvritola nonu nga tvngse go jima;
43 I was herbourlesse and ye lodged me not. I was naked and ye clothed me not. I was sicke and in preson and ye visited me not.
Ngo nyen bv rito vbvritola nonu ngam nonugv naam vdwlo aamuma, vji koopa mato vbvritola nonu ngam vji jima; ngo lvvmato okv patwklo dooto vbvritola nonu ngam ringchumriaima.’
44 Then shall they also answere him sayinge: master when sawe we the an hungred or a thurst or herbourlesse or naked or sicke or in preson and did not ministre vnto the?
Vbvrikunamv bunu ninyia mirwk sireku, ‘Ahtu, vdwlola ngonu nam kano dubv, vmalo tvngnwng dubv, vmalo nyenbv ridubv, vmalo vji gvvpa madubv, vmalo lvvma dubv, vmalo patwk doodubv kaagvrila ridur maanammv?’
45 Then shall he answere the and saye: Verely I saye vnto you in as moche as ye did it not to one of ye leest of these ye did it not to me.
Dvbv ngv mirwk reku, ‘Ngo nonua minpa jidu, vdwlo nonu ngoogv nyi miang nvnga ridur maanammv hv nga ridur kuma namv.’
46 And these shall go into everlastinge payne: And the righteous into lyfe eternall. (aiōnios g166)
Vbvrikunamv, so vdwa hirukaya nyema kolo vngmu reku, okv alvnv nyi vdwa turbwngla dookulo vngmu reku.” (aiōnios g166)

< Matthew 25 >