< Matthew 15 >
1 Then came to Iesus scribes and pharises from Ierusalem sayinge:
U Farisawa ni anabawa bari barji ni Urushalima yeni Yesu. Ba tre.
2 why do thy disciples transgresse the tradicios of ye elders? for they wesshe not their hondes when they eate breed.
“A ngye tie rli u mir koh me ba wru ikpi ba tie hlega? Bana ngla wo mba rli na nda rli birli na”
3 He answered and sayde vnto them: why do ye also transgresse ye comaundment of God thorowe youre tradicions?
Yesu a saa bawu nda tre, “U ni tungye mba bi wru tre Rji hle ndi hu tre ba tie mbi?
4 For God comaunded sayinge: honoure thy father and mother and he that cursseth father or mother shall suffer deeth.
E Irji hla, 'ku khwu ni tieme ni yime, mba Indi wa tre meme ni tieme kani yimaa, gbigbi ani khwu.
5 But ye saye every ma shall saye to his father or mother: That which thou desyrest of me to helpe ye with: is geven God:
U bi hla ndi, Indi wa a hla ni tiema ka ni yima, Bi zo wa u fe rji ni mea, zizanyi ahi nno uka nno Rji”
6 and so shall he not honoure his father or his mother. And thus haue ye made yt the comaundment of God is with out effecte through youre tradicios.
Indi kima na sison tie zizi ni tiema na. Ni nkonyi mba bi ya tre Rji hlega ni tu ikpi u ba baci mbi.
7 Ypocrites well prophesyed of you Esay sayinge:
Biyi bi brji! a tsra ni tre Ishaya ni wa a tre ni tu mbi a,
8 This people draweth nye vnto me with their mouthes and honoureth me with their lippes howbe it their hertes are farre from me:
Indi birji ba gbre mi san ni l'me mba, u dri mba he gbugban mu ni me.
9 but in vayne they worshippe me teachinge doctrines whiche are nothing but mens precepts.
Ba kukhwu ni mu megyen don ba tsro na ikpi u ba baci mba ni ndi”.
10 And he called the people vnto him and sayde to them: heare and vnderstande.
Wa ayo j'bu ndi ye ni kpama nda hla bawu, “Srenton ndi tozu-”
11 That which goeth into the mouth defyleth not ye man: but that which commeth out of the mouth defyleth the man.
Ana kpye wa ari nyua mba ni ka indi tie rji na. Ahi kpye wa a rju rji ni mi nyua, kimayi ni kpa indi tie rji”.
12 Then came his disciples and sayde vnto him. Perceavest thou not how that the pharises are offended in hearinge thys sayinge?
U mrli koh ma baka ye nda hla wu din “u to' ndi Farisawa ba ba tie nfu ni wa ba wo tre mea?”
13 He answered and sayde: all plantes which my hevely father hath not planted shalbe plucked vp by the rotes.
Yesu a saa bawu nda tre, “Iwu wa ana tiemu u shulu cuna, ba gbi u rju.
14 Let them alone they be the blynde leaders of the blynde. If the blynde leede the blynde boothe shall fall into the dyche.
Don ba me, ba bi fyen bi tsro nkon. U ndi u fyen ni ta tsro indin u fyen ri nkon hamba wu ba kuhle ni mi nkpenrlen.
15 Then answered Peter and sayd to him: declare vnto vs this parable.
Bitru a saa ni Yesu, “Hla misalia ni tawu,”
16 Then sayde Iesus: are ye yet with oute vnderstondinge?
Yesu a hla, “Biyi me bina to zu ngame rlina?
17 perceave ye not that what soever goeth in at the mouth descendeth doune in to the bely and is cast out into the draught?
Bina to na din ikpye wa ari ni nyu ani grji tsihi ni mi ne nda rju hle hi ni juju utra nye?
18 But those thingis which procede out of the mouth come from the herte and they defyle the man.
U ikpye wa ani rju rji ni nyua ba rju rji ni mi dri. Bi kimayi ba kpa ndi tie rji.
19 For out of the herte come evyll thoughtis murder breakyng of wedlocke whordo theefte falce witnes berynge blasphemye.
A ni mi dri mba meme mre ba rju wuu ndi wa mba kplakpa zren iybi hu gonce, ni ba mre.
20 These are the thingis which defyle a man. But to eate with vnwesshen hondes defyleth not a man.
Biyi yi ba kpi wa ba kpa ndi tie rjia. Rli ni wo wa bana ngla a na-na kpa ndi tie rji (meme) na.
21 And Iesus went thence and departed in to the costis of Tyre and Sidon.
Yesu a wlu ni kiyi hi ni ko kiekle gbu bi taya mba sidon
22 And beholde a woman which was a Cananite came out of ye same coostis and cryed vnto him sayinge: have mercy on me Lorde the sonne of David my doughter is pytiously vexed with a devyll.
U'wa u ka'ana ri aye rji ni nklan kokima a kla gble nyu nda tre, “Wo yi mu, Baci, Ivren Doda! Ivrenwa mu si ti kponya ni meme brji.
23 And he gave her never a worde to answer. Then came to him his disciples and besought him sayinge: sende her awaye for she foloweth vs cryinge.
U Yesu kana saa kpyeri niwu na. Mrli koh ma baye nda brewu, nda tre, “Zuu don hi kpama, ahu ta nda ni han ta ton”.
24 He answered and sayde: I am not sent but vnto ye loost shepe of ye housse of Israel.
U Yesu kana saa ni bawu nda tre, Bana ton me hi ni ndio na, atutu ntma Israila wa ba kadoa.
25 Then she came and worshipped him sayinge: master helpe me.
Aye nda kukhwu ni ko shishima, nda tre “Baci zome”.
26 He answered and sayde: it is not good to take the chyldrens breed and to cast it to whelpes.
A saa niwu nda tre, “A na he tu nkon na ni ndu ba ban bredi mrli tayo ni mrli yawhu na.
27 She answered and sayde: truthe Lorde: neverthelesse the whelpes eate of the cromes which fall from their masters table.
A tre, “E, Baci imrli yawhu ba rli rjurju wa ani kuhle ni tebru indi u koha.
28 Then Iesus answered and sayde vnto her. O woman greate is thy faith be it to the even as thou desyrest. And her doughter was made whole even at that same houre.
U Yesu saa niwu, “Iwa ikponji me babran ndu he niwu towa u son a” Ivrenwa ma a fe si ni nton kima.
29 Then Iesus went awaye from thence and came nye vnto the see of Galile and went vp in to a mountayne and sat doune there.
Yesu a don wrji kima nda hi ni ne Galili a hon hi ni ngblu nda ka kuson ni kima.
30 And moche people came vnto him havinge with the halt blynde domme maymed and other many: and cast them doune at Iesus fete. And he healed them
Kpentren ndi baye niwu. Ba nji bi conrju, bifyen bi nkpran, bi cbiza ni ndi bi kuyren ni gbugbuwu ndi bari bi lilo ye niwu. Ba nji ba ye ni kbu ma wa a den ba.
31 in so moche that the people wondred to se the dome speake the maymed whole the halt to go and ye blynde to se. And they glorified the God of Israel.
U j'bu ndi ba baka manji ma wakran ni wa ba to bi tie nkpan ba tre, bi c'bi za ba fe den, ubi conrju ba zren ni bi fyen ba to. ba gbyre Rji Israila san.
32 Then Iesus called his disciples to him and sayde: I have compassion on ye people becau se they have cotynued with me now. iii. dayes and have nought to eate: and I wyll not let them departe fastinge leste they perisshe in ye waye.
Yesu a yo mrli koh ma ye ni kpama nda tre,”Ijbu ndi ba ba' lome sron niwa ba he nime vi tra ye nda nafe kpye rli na. mina son tru bahi hama ni rli na, ni ndu ba na kukmo ni nkon na.
33 And his disciples sayd vnto him: whece shuld we get so moche breed in ye wildernes as shuld suffise so greate a multitude?
Mrli koh ma ba tre, “Ani ntsen yi kie fe gble bredi wa ani mla ijbu ndi bayi?
34 And Iesus sayde vnto them: how many loves have ye? And they sayde: seven and a feawe litle fysshes.
Yesu a tre ni ba, “Bi he ni gble bredi bren?” Ba tre, “Itangban, ni mrli lambe tsame”
35 And he comaunded ye people to syt doune on ye grounde:
U Yesu a yo ba ndu ba kuki ni meme.
36 and toke the seven loves and the fysshes and gave thankes and brake them and gave to his disciples and the disciples gave them to the people.
A vu gble bredi tangban ba u lambe'a a ngyri, nda mre gble bredi ba kanno mrli koh ma. Mrli koh maa ba kpa nno jbu ndi ba.
37 And they dyd all eate and were suffised. And they toke vp of the broke meate that was lefte. vii. basketes full.
Indi ba ba tan wawu mba wu nda whrjia. Ba vu rjurju wa ba tan don mbru ma tie sisen tangban.
38 And yet they that ate were. iiii. M. men besyde wemen and chyldren.
Biwa ba tan a, ba lilon dubu zya, imba ni mrli bana bla ba yo na.
39 And he sent awaye the people and toke shippe and came into the parties of Magdala.
Yesu a ndu j'bu ndi ba hi kpa mba nda ri ni ghwu hi nklan Magadan.