< Matthew 13 >
1 The same daye wet Iesus out of ye house and sat by the seesyde
Numit aduda Jisuna yum adudagi thokraklaga pat mapanda laktuna miyamda tambinabagidamak phamlammi.
2 and moch people resorted vnto him so gretly yt he wet and sat in a shippe and all the people stode on ye shoore.
Amasung Ibungogi akoibada tilliba miyam adu yammankhibana Ibungona hi amada kakhatlaga hithakta phamladuna tambirammi, aduga miyam aduna pat mapan aduda leplammi.
3 And he spake many thynges to the in similitudes sayinge: Beholde ye sower wet forth to sowe.
Adudagi Ibugona makhoida hiram kaya ama pandam sijinnaduna tambirak-i. “Yeng-u, lou-uba amana maru hunba chatlammi.
4 And as he sowed some fell by ye wayessyde and the fowlles came and devoured it vp.
Mahakna loubukta maru asum hullakpada, maru kharana lambi mapanda tare aduga ucheksing laktuna marusingdu chathokkhre.
5 Some fell apo stony groude where it had not moche erth and a none it sproge vp because it had no depth of erth:
Aduga kharana leibak kaya leitaba nunglakta tare. Amasung leibak luthana leitabana marusing adu thuna mayon chonglakle.
6 and when ye sunne was vp it cauht heet and for lake of rotynge wyddred awaye.
Adubu numit thorakpada nungsagi meisana pambisingdu thuna kangsilhalle, maramdi pambisingdu mara luna taramde.
7 Some fell amoge thornes and the thornes sproge vp and chooked it.
Aduga kharana tingkhangsinggi marakta tare, amasung tingkhangsingduna chaokhatlaktuna pambising adubu namhatle.
8 Parte fell in good groud and brought forth good frute: some an hudred fold some sixtie fold some thyrty folde.
Adubu maru kharadi aphaba leihao chenba maphamda tarammi aduga pambising adu mahei yamna yallammi, madudi kharana chama, kharana humphu aduga khara amana mahei kunthra yallammi.”
9 Whosoever hath eares to heare let him heare.
Adudagi Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “Tananaba nakong panba mahak aduna tasanu!”
10 And the disciples came and sayde to him: Why speakest thou to the in parables?
Adudagi tung-inbasing aduna laktuna Ibungoda hanglak-i, “Karigi Ibungona misingda pandam sijinnaduna ngangbiribano?”
11 He answered and sayde vnto them: it is geve vnto you to knowe ye secretes of the kyngdome of heve but to the it is not geve.
Maduda Jisuna makhoida khumlak-i, “Nakhoida swarga leibakki athuppa khangnaba lousing adu pibire, adubu makhoidadi pibide.
12 For whosoever hath to him shall be geven: and he shall have aboundance. But whosoever hath not: fro hym shalbe takyn awaye even that he hath.
Maramdi areiba mahak aduda henna pibigani, amasung mahakna marang kaina leijagani. Aduga leitaba mahak adudagi mahakki leijaba adu phaoba louthokkani.
13 Therfore speake I to them in similitudes: for though they se they se not: and hearinge they heare not: nether vnderstonde.
Eina makhoida pandamsing sijinnaduna nganglibagi maram adudi asini: Makhoina una una ude, aduga tana tana tade aduga khangsu khangde.
14 And in the is fulfilled ye Prophesie of Esayas which prophesie sayth: with the eares ye shall heare and shall not vnderstonde and with the eyes ye shall se and shall not perceave.
Asumna maichou Isaiah-na haikhiba wasing asi makhoida thunghalle: ‘Makhoina hanna hanna tagani, adubu wakhal taba ngamloi Makhoina hanna hanna yenggani, adubu khangloi.
15 For this peoples hertes are wexed grosse and their eares were dull of herynge and their eyes have they closed lest they shulde se with their eyes and heare with their eares and shuld vnderstonde with their hertes and shuld tourne that I myght heale them.
Maramdi makhoigi thamoi kansinkhre, makhoigi manana taningde; aduga makhoigi mamit uisinkhre. Adu natlamdrabadi makhoigi mitna ujaramgadabani, makhoigi manakongna tajaramgadabani, amasung makhoina wakhal tajaduna, makhoina eingonda hallaklamgadabani, aduga eina makhoibu phahanbiramgadabani.’
16 But blessed are youre eyes for they se: and youre eares for they heare.
“Adubu nakhoigi mit amasung nakongdi yaiphei, maramdi nakhoigi mitna ujare aduga nakhoigi nakongna tajare.
17 Verely I say vnto you that many Prophetes and perfaicte me have desired to se tho thinges which ye se and have not sene the: and to heare tho thinges which ye heare and have not herde the.
Eina nakhoida tasengnamak hairibasini, Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpiba kayana amadi achumba chatpa mi kayana nakhoina uriba adubu yamna uninglamkhi, adubu makhoina ukhide; aduga nakhoina tariba adubu taninglamkhi adubu makhoina takhide.
18 Heare ye therfore ye similitude of the sower.
“Maram aduna maru hunbagi pandamgi wahanthok asi taro.
19 Whosoever heareth the worde of ye kingdome and vnderstondeth it not ther cometh the evyll ma and catcheth awaye yt which was sowne in his hert. And this is he which was sowne by the wayesyde.
Ningthou leibakki wa adu tabadi targa adubu khangbadi ngamdaba makhoising adu lambi mapanda taba marusing aduga mannei. Madudi Phattaba aduna lakllaga mahakki thamoida hunkhiba maru adu louthokkhi.
20 But he yt was sowne in ye stony groude is he which heareth the worde of God and anone wt ioye receaveth it
Aduga nunglakta hunba maru adudi wa adu taraga thunamak haraona lousinba mahak aduni.
21 yet hath he no rottes in him selfe and therfore dureth but a season: for assone as tribulacion or persecucion aryseth because of the worde by and by he falleth.
Adum oinamak makhoina mara phajana tadabana ngaihaktamak leirammi. Aduga wa adugi maramna awa-ana amadi ot-neiba lakpada mahakna thuna tukhi.
22 He yt was sowne amoge thornes is he yt heareth ye worde of God: but the care of this worlde and the dissaytfulnes of ryches choke ye worde and so is he made vnfrutfull. (aiōn )
Aduga tingkhang marakta hunba maru aduna wa adu tariba makhoising aduni. Adubu taibangpan punsi asigi langtaknaba amadi lanthumgi oiba nungaibagi lounamna wa adubu namhatkhibana makhoina mahei yanba ngamde. (aiōn )
23 He which is sowne in ye good grounde is he yt heareth ye worde and vnderstodeth it which also bereth frute and bringeth forth some an. C. folde some sixtie folde and some. xxx. folde.
Aduga aphaba leihao chenba maphamda hunba marusing aduna wa adubu taba amadi wakhal taba makhoising aduni. Amasung makhoina mahei yalli, madudi kharana chama, kharana humphu aduga kharana mahei kunthra yalli.”
24 Another similitude put he forth vnto the sayinge: The kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a man which sowed good seed in his felde.
Adudagi Jisuna makhoida atoppa pandam amaga hairak-i, “Swarga leibak adu masagi loubukta aphaba maru hunkhiba nupa amaga changdamnei.
25 But whyll men slepte ther came his foo and sowed tares amoge ye wheate and wet his waye.
Adubu pumnamakna tumnaringei matamda, mahakki yeknabana laklaga gehu marakta napi maru hunjinlamlaga chatkhirammi.
26 When ye blade was sproge vp and had brought forth frute the appered ye tares also.
Aduga gehu pambi aduna chaokhatlaktuna gehu satlakpa matamda napi adusu satlakle.
27 The servauntes came to the housholder and sayde vnto him: Syr sowedest not thou good seed in thy closse fro whece the hath it tares?
Maduda loupu adugi manaisingna mahakki manakta laktuna hairak-i, ‘Ibungo, nahakna nahakki loubukta aphaba maru hunkhiba nattra? Aduga napising asina kadaidagi laklibano?’
28 He sayde to the the envious ma hath done this. Then ye servauntes sayde vnto him: wilt thou then yt we go and gader them?
Mahakna makhoida khumlak-i, ‘Yeknaba amana masi tourambani.’ Adudagi manaising aduna mangonda hanglak-i, ‘Eikhoina chattuna napising adu phukthokcharu haibra?’
29 But he sayde nay lest whill ye go aboute to wede out ye tares ye plucke vppe also wt them ye wheate by ye rottes:
Maduda mahakna khumlak-i, ‘Phuktokluraganu, maramdi nakhoina napising adu phuktokpada gehu pambising adusu phuktokkhiba yai.
30 let bothe growe to gether tyll harvest come and in tyme of harvest I wyll saye to the repers gather ye fyrst ye tares and bind the in sheves to be bret: but gather the wheete into my barne.
Aduna lokpa matam youdribaphaobadi animak punna adum houminnarasanu. Aduga matamduda eina lou lokpagi thabak suriba mising aduda haigani nakhoina napising adu hanna phuktoktuna meida thananaba mapun oina punsillu adudagi gehusing adu khomjinduna eigi keida peisillu haigani.’”
31 Another parable he put forthe vnto the sayinge. The kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seed which a ma taketh and soweth in his felde
Jisuna makhoida atoppa pandam amasu hairak-i, “Swarga leibak adudi kanagumba mi amana louduna mahakki loubukta hullamba hanggam maru amagumbani.
32 which is ye leest of all seedes. But when it is groune it is the greatest amoge yerbes and it is a tree: so yt the bryddes of the ayer come and bylde in the brauches of it.
Hanggam maru asi marusinggi marakta khwaidagi pik-i, adumakpu chaoraklaba matamdadi mahakna ingkholgi mana masingsinggi maraktagi khwaidagi chaoba pambi oirak-i aduga upal ama oiraktuna atiyagi ucheksingna laktuna magi masasingda mahum sarei.”
33 Another similitude sayde he to them. The kyngdome of heven is lyke vnto leve which a woman taketh and hydeth in. iii. peckes of meele tyll all be levended.
Jisuna makhoida atoppa pandam amagasu hairak-i: “Swarga leibak adudi nupi amana louraga yam thumok amada yansinduna anoiba yam pumnamak aduna kamkhattriphaoba thamba hameigumbani.”
34 All these thynge spake Iesus vnto the people by similitudes and with oute similitudes spake he nothinge to them
Jisuna hiram pumnamaksing asi miyam aduda pandamsing sijinnaduna hairammi; mahakna pandam sijinadana misingda karigumba amata hairamde.
35 to fulfyll that which was spoke by the Prophet sayinge: I wyll ope my mouth in similitudes and wyll speake forth thinges which have bene kepte secrete from the begynninge of the worlde.
Masina Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpa maichouna haikhiba wa adu thunghalle. “Eina nakhoida pandamsing sijinnaduna nganggani; Malem leisemngeidagi khanghandana thamlakpasing adubu eina phongdokkani.”
36 Then sent Iesus ye people awaye and came to housse. And his disciples came vnto him sayinge: declare vnto vs the similitude of the tares of the felde.
Adudagi Jisuna miyam adu thadoklamduna yum manungda changlaklaba matungda Ibungogi tung-inbasing aduna Ibungogi nakta laktuna hairak-i, “Loubukki napigi pandam adu eikhoida sandokna takpiyu.”
37 Then answered he and sayde to them. He that soweth the good seed is the sonne of man.
Maduda Jisuna makhoida khumlak-i, “Aphaba maru hulliba nupa adu Migi Machanupa aduni.
38 And ye felde is the worlde. And the chyldre of the kingdome they are ye good seed. And the tares are the chyldren of ye wicked.
Loubuk aduna taibangpanni, amasung aphaba maru aduna ningthou leibak adugi machasingni. Aduga napising aduna phattaba adugi machasingni.
39 And the enemye that soweth the is ye devell. The harvest is ye end of the worlde. And the repers be ye angels. (aiōn )
Amasung makhoising adubu hullamba yeknaba aduna Devil-ni. Lokpagi matam aduna taibangpangi aroiba matam aduni, aduga lokpagi thabak suribasing aduna swargadutnisingni. (aiōn )
40 For eve as the tares are gaddred and bret in ye fyre: so shall it be in ye ende of this worlde. (aiōn )
Aduga napising adubu khomjillaga meida thajinba aduga chap mannana taibangpangi aroiba matam adudasu oigani. (aiōn )
41 The sonne of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kyngdome all thinges that offende and them which do iniquite
Madudi Migi Machanupa aduna mahakki dutsingbu tharaktuna misingbu papta tahalliba pumnamak amasung phattaba touba pumnamakpu mahakki ningthou leibaktagi khomjingani,
42 and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre. There shalbe waylynge and gnasshing of teth.
aduga makhoina makhoising adubu meigi komda langsin-gani, mapham aduda makhoina kap-laogani amasung maya krak-krak chikkani.
43 Then shall the iuste men shyne as bryght as the sunne in ye kyngdome of their father. Whosoever hath eares to heare let him heare.
Aduga Tengban Mapugi oiba misingna Mapa Ibungogi leibak aduda numitkumna ngangani. Tananaba manakong panba mahak aduna tasanu.
44 Agayne ye kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto treasure hidde in the felde ye which a man fyndeth and hideth: and for ioy therof goeth and selleth all that he hath and byeth that felde.
“Swarga leibak adudi loubukta lottuna leiba lan-gumbani. Mi amana madubu phangba matamda mahakna madubu amuk hanna lotsilli. Amasung mahakna adukki matik haraojarammi madudi mahakna chatkhiduna mahakki leijaba pumnamak yonthoklaga loubuk adubu leijei.
45 Agayne ye kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a marchaunt that seketh good pearles
“Amuksu, swarga leibak adudi aphaba mani-mukta thiriba lalonba amagumbani.
46 which when he had founde one precious pearle wet and solde all that he had and bought it.
Mahakna mamal yamna tanglaba mani-mukta ama phangba matamda, mahakna chattuna mahakki leijaba pumnamak yonthoktuna mani-mukta adubu leijei.
47 Agayne the kyngdome of heve is lyke vnto a neet cast into ye see yt gadereth of all kyndes of fysshes:
“Amukkasu, swarga leibak adudi patta hunduna makhal kayagi ngasing phariba in amagumbani.
48 which whe it is full men drawe to londe and sitte and gadre the good into vessels and cast the bad awaye.
In adu ngana thallabada, nga phabasing aduna pat mapanda chingkhattuna phamtharaga ngasing adubu khandoktuna aphaba ngasing aduna tunggolda hapchilli aduga kanadaba ngasing aduna hundokkhi.
49 So shall it be at the ende of the worlde. The angels shall come oute and sever the bad from the good (aiōn )
Aduga taibangpangi aroiba matam adudasu matou asumna oigani. Swargadutsingna laktuna achumba chatpasingdagi phattaba misingbu tonganna khaidokkani. (aiōn )
50 and shall cast them into a furnes of fyre: there shalbe waylinge and gnasshynge of teth.
Aduga makhoibu meigi komda langsingani, mapham aduda makhoina kap laogani amasung maya krak-krak chikkani.”
51 Iesus sayde vnto them: vnderstonde ye all these thynges? They sayde ye Lorde.
Adudagi Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “Hairiba pumnamaksing asi nakhoi khanglabra?” Makhoina khumlak-i, “Hoi, Ibungo.”
52 The sayde he vnto them: Therfore every scribe which is taught vnto the kyngdome of heve is lyke an housholder which bryngeth forth out of hys treasure thynges bothe new and olde.
Adudagi Ibungona makhoida hairak-i, “Maram aduna swarga leibakki tung-inba oiraba Wayel Yathanggi oja khudingmak mahakki pukeida leiba ariba amasung anouba lansing puthoklakpa yumbu amagumbani.”
53 And it came to passe when Iesus had finisshed these similitudes yt he departed thece
Jisuna pandamsing asi haiba loiraba tungda mapham adu thadoklamduna,
54 and came in to his awne coutre and taught them in their synagoges in so moche yt they were astonyed and sayde: whece cometh all this wysdome and power vnto him?
masagi lamdamda lakle. Amasung mapham aduda mahakna misingbu synagogue-ta tambirammi aduga maduda mising aduna ngakladuna hanglak-i, “Mahakna mapham kadaidagi asigumba lousing amasung matik leiba thabaksing asi tounabagi panggal phanglibano?”
55 Is not this the carpeters sonne? Is not his mother called Mary? and his brethre be called Iames and Ioses and Simo and Iudas?
“Mahak asi u-suba adugi machanupa nattra? Mary-du mahakki mama nattra? Aduga Jacob, Joseph, Simon amasung Judas-na mahakki manaosing nattra?
56 And are not his susters all here wt vs? Whece hath he all these thynge.
Mahakki machansing eikhoiga leiminariba nattra? Aduga mahakna kadaidagi pumnamak asi phanglibano?”
57 And they were offended by him. The Iesus sayd to the a Prophet is not wt out honoure save in hys awne countre and amoge his awne kynne.
Maram aduna makhoina Ibungobu yaramde. Adudagi Jisuna makhoida hairak-i, “Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpa maichousingbu makhoigi maramdam amadi masamakki imung manungna ikai khumnabidrabasu mapham khudingmakta ikai khumnei.”
58 And he dyd not many miracles there for there vnbelefes sake.
Aduga makhoina thajaba leitabagi maramna, Ibungona mapham aduda matik leiba thabak yamna toukhide.