< Mark 5 >

1 And they cam over to the other syde of ye see in to the coutre of ye Gaderenites.
Ndipo anawoloka nyanja napita ku dera la Gerasa.
2 And when he was come out of ye shippe there met him out of the graves a man possessyd of an vncleane sprete
Yesu atatuluka mʼbwato, munthu amene anali ndi mzimu woyipa anachoka ku manda ndi kukumana naye.
3 which had his abydinge amoge the graves. And no man coulde bynde him: no not with cheynes
Munthuyu amakhala ku manda, ndipo panalibe amene akanatha kumumanganso ngakhale ndi unyolo.
4 because that when he was often bounde wt fetters and cheynes he plucked ye chaynes asundre and brake the fetters in peaces. Nether coulde eny man tame him.
Pakuti nthawi zambiri akamumanga manja ndi miyendo amadula maunyolo ndi kudula zitsulo zimene zinali mʼmapazi ake. Panalibe amene anali ndi mphamvu yoti ndi kumugonjetsa.
5 And alwayes bothe nyght and daye he cryed in ye moutaynes and in ye graves and bet himsilfe wt stones.
Usana ndi usiku ankakhala ku manda ndi kumapiri, akulira ndi kudzicheka ndi miyala.
6 When he had spied Iesus afarre of he rane and worshipped him
Ataona Yesu ali patali, anathamanga nagwa pa mawondo ake pamaso pake.
7 and cryed wt a lowde voyce and sayde: what have I to do wt the Iesus ye sonne of the moost hyest God? I requyre ye in the name of God yt thou tormet me not.
Iye anafuwula kwambiri nati, “Mukufuna muchite nane chiyani, Yesu Mwana wa Mulungu Wammwambamwamba? Lumbirani kwa Mulungu kuti simundizunza!”
8 For he had sayd vnto hym: come out of the man thou fowle sprete.
Pakuti Yesu anati kwa iye, “Tuluka mwa munthuyu, iwe mzimu woyipa!”
9 And he axed him: what is thy name? And he answered sayinge: my name is Legion for we are many.
Ndipo Yesu anamufunsa iye, “Dzina lako ndani?” Iye anayankha kuti, “Dzina langa ndine Legiyo, pakuti tilipo ambiri.”
10 And he prayd him instantly that he wolde not sende the awaye out of the countre.
Ndipo anamupempha Yesu mobwerezabwereza kuti asazitulutse mʼderalo.
11 And ther was there nye vnto ye moutayns a greate heerd of swyne fedinge
Gulu lalikulu la nkhumba limadya mʼmbali mwa phiri limene linali pafupi.
12 and all the devyls besought him sayinge: sende vs into the heerde of swyne yt we maye enter in to them.
Ziwandazo zinapempha Yesu kuti, “Titumizeni pakati pa nkhumbazo; ndipo mutilole tilowe mwa izo.”
13 And anone Iesus gave them leave. And the vnclene spretes wet out and entred into ye swyne. And the heerd starteled and ran hedling into the see. They were about. ii. M. swyne and they were drouned in the see.
Iye anazipatsa chilolezo, ndipo mizimu yoyipayo inatuluka ndi kukalowa mu nkhumbazo. Gulu la nkhumba, zokwana pafupifupi 2,000 zinathamanga kutsetserekera ku nyanja ndipo zinamira.
14 And the swyne heerdes fleed and tolde it in ye cyte and in the countre. And they came out for to se what had hapened:
Omwe amaweta nkhumbazo anathawa ndi kukawuza anthu za izi mu mzinda ndi ku madera a ku midzi, ndipo anthu anapita kukaona zomwe zinachitika.
15 and came to Iesus and sawe hym that was vexed wt the fende and had the legio syt both clothed and in his right mynde and were afrayed.
Atafika kwa Yesu, anaona munthu amene anagwidwa ndi ziwanda zambiri uja atakhala pansi pomwepo, atavala, ndipo ali bwinobwino. Iwo anachita mantha.
16 And they that sawe it tolde them how it had happened vnto him that was possessed with the devyll: and also of the swyne.
Amene anaona zimenezi anawuza anthu zomwe zinachitika kwa munthu wogwidwa ndi ziwandayo ndipo anawawuzanso za nkhumbazo.
17 And they begane to praye him that he wolde departe fro their coostes.
Ndipo anthu anayamba kumupempha Yesu kuti achoke mʼdera lawo.
18 And when he was come in to the shyppe he that had ye devyll prayed him that he myght be with him.
Yesu akulowa mʼbwato, munthu amene anagwidwa ndi ziwanda uja anamupempha kuti apite nawo.
19 Howbeit Iesus wolde not suffre him but sayde vnto him: goo home in to thyne awne housse and to thy frendes and shewe the what great thinges ye Lorde hath done vnto the and how he had copassion on the.
Yesu sanamulole, koma anati, “Pita kwanu ku banja lako ndipo ukawawuze zimene Ambuye wakuchitira, ndi chifundo chimene wakuchitira.”
20 And he departed and begane to publisshe in ye ten cyties what greate thinges Iesus had done vnto him and all me dyd merveyle.
Pomwepo munthuyo anapita nayamba kuwuza anthu a ku Dekapoli zinthu zimene Yesu anamuchitira. Ndipo anthu onse anadabwa.
21 And when Iesus was come over agayne by shyp vnto the other syde moche people gadered vnto him and he was nye vnto the see.
Yesu atawolokeranso pa bwato kupita mbali ina ya nyanja, gulu lalikulu la anthu linasonkhana momuzungulira. Ali mʼmbali mwa nyanja,
22 And beholde ther came one of the rulers of ye Synagoge whose name was Iairus: and when he sawe him he fell doune at his fete
mmodzi wa akulu a mʼsunagoge, dzina lake Yairo anafika pamenepo. Ataona Yesu, anagwa pa mapazi ake,
23 and besought hym greatly sayinge: my doughter lyith at poynt of deeth I wolde thou woldest come and laye thy honde on her that she myght be safe and live.
ndi kumudandaulira kwambiri nati, “Mwana wanga wamkazi wamngʼono ali pafupi kufa. Chonde tiyeni kuti mukamusanjike manja kuti akachiritsidwe nakhala ndi moyo.”
24 And he wet with him and moche people folowed him and thronged him.
Ndipo Yesu anapita naye. Gulu lalikulu la anthu linamutsata ndi kumamupanikiza Iye.
25 And ther was a certen woman which was diseased of an yssue of bloude. xii. yeres
Pomwepo panali mayi amene amadwala nthenda yotaya magazi kwa zaka khumi ndi ziwiri.
26 and had suffred many thinges of many phisicios and had spet all yt she had and felte none amendmet at all but wexed worsse and worsse.
Iye anavutika kwambiri pamene asingʼanga ambiri ankamusamalira ndipo anagwiritsa ntchito zonse anali nazo, koma mʼmalo mochira, nthenda yake inkakulakulabe.
27 When she had herde of Iesus: she came into the preace behynde him and touched his garmet.
Atamva za Yesu, anabwera kumbuyo kwake mʼgulu la anthu ndipo anakhudza mkanjo wake,
28 For she thought: yf I maye but touche his clothes I shall be whole.
chifukwa anaganiza kuti, “Ngati nditangokhudza mkanjo wake, ndidzachiritsidwa.”
29 And streyght waye her foutayne of bloude was dryed vp aud she felt in her body that she was healed of the plage.
Nthawi yomweyo magazi ake analeka kutuluka ndipo anamva mʼthupi mwake kuti wamasulidwa ku vuto lake.
30 And Iesus immediatly felt in him silfe ye vertue that wet out of him and tourned him roude aboute in the preace and sayde: who touched my clothes?
Pomwepo Yesu anazindikira kuti mphamvu inachoka mʼthupi mwake. Anatembenuka mʼgulu la anthu ndipo anafunsa kuti, “Ndani wakhudza zovala zanga?”
31 And his disciples sayde vnto him: seist thou ye people thrust the and yet axest who dyd touche me?
Ophunzira ake anayankha kuti, “Mukuona kuti anthu akukupanikizani, ndipo Inu mukufunsa kuti, ‘Ndani wandikhudza?’”
32 And he loked roud about for to se her that had done that thinge.
Koma Yesu anapitirizabe kuyangʼana kuti aone amene anachita zimenezi.
33 The woman feared and trembled (for she knew what was done with in her) and she came and fell doune before him and tolde him ye truth of everythinge.
Kenaka mayi uja pozindikira chimene chinamuchitikira, anabwera ndi kugwa pa mapazi ake, ndipo akunjenjemera ndi mantha, anamuwuza zoona zokhazokha.
34 And he sayde to her: Doughter thy fayth hath made the whoale: goo in peace and be whole of thy plage.
Anati kwa iye, “Mwana wamkazi, chikhulupiriro chako chakuchiritsa. Pita mu mtendere ndipo khala womasulidwa ku mavuto ako.”
35 Whyll he yet spake ther came fro the ruler of ye synagoges housse certayne which sayde: thy doughter is deed: why diseasest thou ye master eny further?
Pamene Yesu ankayankhulabe, amuna ena anafika kuchokera ku nyumba ya Yairo, mkulu wa sunagoge. Iwo anati, “Mwana wanu wamkazi wamwalira, muvutitsiranjinso aphunzitsiwa?”
36 Assone as Iesus herde that worde spoke he sayde vnto the ruler of ye synagoge: be not afrayed only beleve.
Posasamala zomwe ananena, Yesu anamuwuza mkulu wa sunagoge uja kuti, “Usachite mantha; ingokhulupirira.”
37 And he suffred no man to folowe him moo then Peter and Iames and Ihon the brother of Iames.
Iye sanalole munthu wina aliyense kuti amutsatire koma Petro, Yakobo ndi Yohane mʼbale wa Yakobo.
38 And he came vnto the housse of the ruler of ye synagoge and sawe ye wondrynge and them that wepte and wayled greatly
Atafika ku nyumba ya mkulu wa sunagoge, Yesu anaona chipiringu cha anthu akulira ndi kufuwula kwambiri.
39 and went in and sayde vnto them: why make ye this adoo and wepe? The mayde is not deed but slepith.
Analowa nati kwa iwo, “Mukuchita phokoso ndi kulira chifukwa chiyani? Mwanayu sanamwalire koma ali mtulo.”
40 And they lawght him to scorne. Then he put them all out and toke ye father and the mother of ye mayden and them that were with him and entred in where the mayden laye
Koma anamuseka Iye. Atawatulutsa onse panja, Iye anatenga abambo ndi amayi ake a mwanayo ndi ophunzira omwe anali naye, ndipo analowa mʼmene munali mwanayo.
41 and toke the mayden by the honde and sayde vnto hyr: Tabitha cumi: which is by interpretacion: mayde I saye vnto the aryse.
Anagwira dzanja lake nanena kwa iye, “Talita Kumi!” (Kutanthauza kuti, “Mtsikana, ndikunena ndi iwe, imirira!”)
42 And streyght the mayden arose and went on her fete. For she was of the age of twelve yeres. And they were astonied at it out of measure.
Nthawi yomweyo anayimirira nayenda mozungulira (anali wa zaka khumi ndi ziwiri). Pa ichi onse anadabwa kwambiri.
43 And he charged the straytely that no man shuld knowe of it and comaunded to geve her meate.
Anawalamulira kwambiri kuti asawuze wina aliyense za ichi, ndipo anawawuza kuti amupatse kanthu koti adye.

< Mark 5 >