< Mark 12 >

1 And he beganne to speake vnto them in similitudes. A certayne man planted a vineyarde and copased it with an hedge and ordeyned a wyne presse and bylt a toure in yt. And let yt out to hyre vnto husbandme and went into a straunge countre.
et coepit illis in parabolis loqui vineam pastinavit homo et circumdedit sepem et fodit lacum et aedificavit turrem et locavit eam agricolis et peregre profectus est
2 And when the tyme was come he sent to the tennauntes a servaunt that he myght receave of the tenauntes of the frute of the vyneyarde.
et misit ad agricolas in tempore servum ut ab agricolis acciperet de fructu vineae
3 And they caught him and bet him and sent him agayne emptye.
qui adprehensum eum ceciderunt et dimiserunt vacuum
4 And moreoever he sent vnto them another servaunt and at him they cast stones and brake his heed and sent him agayne all to revyled.
et iterum misit ad illos alium servum et illum capite vulneraverunt et contumeliis adfecerunt
5 And agayne he sent another and him they kylled: and many other beetynge some and kyllinge some.
et rursum alium misit et illum occiderunt et plures alios quosdam caedentes alios vero occidentes
6 Yet had he one sonne whom he loved tenderly him also he sent at the last vnto them sayinge: they wyll feare my sonne.
adhuc ergo unum habens filium carissimum et illum misit ad eos novissimum dicens quia reverebuntur filium meum
7 But the tenauntes sayde amongest them selves: this is the heyre: come let vs kyll hym and ye inheritauce shalbe oures.
coloni autem dixerunt ad invicem hic est heres venite occidamus eum et nostra erit hereditas
8 And they toke him and kyllid him and cast him out of the vyneyarde.
et adprehendentes eum occiderunt et eiecerunt extra vineam
9 What shall then the lorde of the vyneyarde do? He will come and destroye ye tenauntes and let out the vyneyarde to other.
quid ergo faciet dominus vineae veniet et perdet colonos et dabit vineam aliis
10 Have ye not redde this scripture? The stoone which ye bylders dyd refuse is made ye chefe stoone in ye corner:
nec scripturam hanc legistis lapidem quem reprobaverunt aedificantes hic factus est in caput anguli
11 this was done of ye Lorde and is mervelous in oure eyes.
a Domino factum est istud et est mirabile in oculis nostris
12 And they went about to take him but they feared the people. For they perceaved that he spake that similitude agaynst them. And they left him and went their waye.
et quaerebant eum tenere et timuerunt turbam cognoverunt enim quoniam ad eos parabolam hanc dixerit et relicto eo abierunt
13 And they sent vnto him certayne of ye Pharises with Herodes servantes to take him in his wordes.
et mittunt ad eum quosdam ex Pharisaeis et Herodianis ut eum caperent in verbo
14 And assone as they were come they sayd vnto him: master we knowe yt thou arte true and carest for no man: for thou consyderest not the degre of men but teachest the waye of God truly: Ys it laufull to paye tribute to Cesar or not?
qui venientes dicunt ei magister scimus quoniam verax es et non curas quemquam nec enim vides in faciem hominis sed in veritate viam Dei doces licet dari tributum Caesari an non dabimus
15 Ought we to geve or ought we not to geve? He vnderstode their simulacion and sayde vnto them: Why tepte ye me? Brynge me a peny that I maye se yt.
qui sciens versutiam eorum ait illis quid me temptatis adferte mihi denarium ut videam
16 And they brought. And he sayde vnto them: Whose ys thys ymage and superscripcion? And they sayde vnto him Cesars.
at illi adtulerunt et ait illis cuius est imago haec et inscriptio dicunt illi Caesaris
17 And Iesus answered and saide vnto the: Then geve to Cesar that which belongeth to Cesar: and to God that which perteyneth to God. And they mervelled at him.
respondens autem Iesus dixit illis reddite igitur quae sunt Caesaris Caesari et quae sunt Dei Deo et mirabantur super eo
18 Then came the Saduces vnto him which saye ther is no resurreccion. And they axed hym sayinge:
et venerunt ad eum Sadducaei qui dicunt resurrectionem non esse et interrogabant eum dicentes
19 Master Moses wroote vnto vs yf eny mans brother dye and leve his wyfe behinde him and leve no chyldren: that then hys brother shuld take his wyfe and reyse vp seed vnto his brother.
magister Moses nobis scripsit ut si cuius frater mortuus fuerit et dimiserit uxorem et filios non reliquerit accipiat frater eius uxorem ipsius et resuscitet semen fratri suo
20 Ther were seven brethren: and the fyrst toke a wyfe and when he dyed leeft no seed behynde him.
septem ergo fratres erant et primus accepit uxorem et mortuus est non relicto semine
21 And the seconde toke hir and dyed: nether leeft eny seed. And the thyrde lyke wyse.
et secundus accepit eam et mortuus est et nec iste reliquit semen et tertius similiter
22 And seve had her and leeft no seed behynde them. Last of all the wyfe dyed also.
et acceperunt eam similiter septem et non reliquerunt semen novissima omnium defuncta est et mulier
23 In the resurreccio then when they shall ryse agayne: whose wyfe shall she be of them? For seven had her to wyfe.
in resurrectione ergo cum resurrexerint cuius de his erit uxor septem enim habuerunt eam uxorem
24 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them: Are ye not therfore deceaved and vnderstonde not the scryptures nether the power of God?
et respondens Iesus ait illis non ideo erratis non scientes scripturas neque virtutem Dei
25 For when they shall ryse agayne fro deeth they nether mary nor are maryed: but are as the angels which are in heven.
cum enim a mortuis resurrexerint neque nubent neque nubentur sed sunt sicut angeli in caelis
26 As touchynge the deed that they shall ryse agayne: have ye not redde in the boke of Moses howe in the busshe God spake vnto him sayinge: I am the God of Abraham and God of Ysaac and the God of Iacob?
de mortuis autem quod resurgant non legistis in libro Mosi super rubum quomodo dixerit illi Deus inquiens ego sum Deus Abraham et Deus Isaac et Deus Iacob
27 He is not the God of the deed but the God of the livynge. Ye are therfore greatly deceaved.
non est Deus mortuorum sed vivorum vos ergo multum erratis
28 And ther came one of the scribes that had hearde them disputynge to gedder and perceaved that he had answered them well and axed him: Which is the fyrste of all the commaundemetes?
et accessit unus de scribis qui audierat illos conquirentes et videns quoniam bene illis responderit interrogavit eum quod esset primum omnium mandatum
29 Iesus answered him: the fyrste of all the comaundementes is. Heare Israel: The Lorde God is one Lorde.
Iesus autem respondit ei quia primum omnium mandatum est audi Israhel Dominus Deus noster Deus unus est
30 And thou shalt love the Lorde thy God with all thy hert and with all thy soule and with all thy mynde and with all thy strength. This is the fyrste commaundement.
et diliges Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo et ex tota anima tua et ex tota mente tua et ex tota virtute tua hoc est primum mandatum
31 And the seconde is lyke vnto this: Thou shalt love thy neghbour as thy silfe. Ther is none other commaundement greater then these.
secundum autem simile illi diliges proximum tuum tamquam te ipsum maius horum aliud mandatum non est
32 And the Scribe sayde vnto him: well master thou hast sayd ye truthe that ther ys one God and that ther is none but he.
et ait illi scriba bene magister in veritate dixisti quia unus est et non est alius praeter eum
33 And to love him with all the herte and with all the mynde and with all the soule and with all the stregth: and to love a mans neghbour as him silfe ys a greater thinge then all burntofferings and sacrifices.
et ut diligatur ex toto corde et ex toto intellectu et ex tota anima et ex tota fortitudine et diligere proximum tamquam se ipsum maius est omnibus holocaustomatibus et sacrificiis
34 And when Iesus sawe that he answered discretly he sayde vnto him: Thou arte not farre from the kyngdome of God. And no man after that durst axe him eny questio.
Iesus autem videns quod sapienter respondisset dixit illi non es longe a regno Dei et nemo iam audebat eum interrogare
35 And Iesus answered and sayde teachynge in the temple: how saye the Scribes yt Christ is the sonne of David?
et respondens Iesus dicebat docens in templo quomodo dicunt scribae Christum Filium esse David
36 for David him selfe inspyred with the holy goost sayde: The Lorde sayde to my Lorde syt on my right honde tyll I make thyne enemyes thy fote stole.
ipse enim David dicit in Spiritu Sancto dixit Dominus Domino meo sede a dextris meis donec ponam inimicos tuos scabillum pedum tuorum
37 Then David hym silfe calleth him Lorde: and by what meanes is he then his sonne? And moche people hearde him gladly.
ipse ergo David dicit eum Dominum et unde est filius eius et multa turba eum libenter audivit
38 And he sayde vnto them in his doctrine: beware of the Scribes which love to goo in longe clothinge: and love salutacions in ye market places
et dicebat eis in doctrina sua cavete a scribis qui volunt in stolis ambulare et salutari in foro
39 and the chefe seates in the synagoges and to syt in the vppermost roumes at feastes
et in primis cathedris sedere in synagogis et primos discubitus in cenis
40 and devoure widowes houses and that vnder coloure of longe prayinge. These shall receave greater dampnacion.
qui devorant domos viduarum sub obtentu prolixae orationis hii accipient prolixius iudicium
41 And Iesus sat over agaynst the treasury and behelde how the people put money in to the treasury. And many that were ryche cast in moch.
et sedens Iesus contra gazofilacium aspiciebat quomodo turba iactaret aes in gazofilacium et multi divites iactabant multa
42 And ther cam a certayne povre widowe and she threwe in two mytes which make a farthynge.
cum venisset autem una vidua pauper misit duo minuta quod est quadrans
43 And he called vnto him his disciples and sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you that this pover widowe hath cast moare in then all they which have caste into the treasury.
et convocans discipulos suos ait illis amen dico vobis quoniam vidua haec pauper plus omnibus misit qui miserunt in gazofilacium
44 For they all dyd cast in of their superfluyte: but she of her poverte dyd cast in all that she had eve all her livynge.
omnes enim ex eo quod abundabat illis miserunt haec vero de penuria sua omnia quae habuit misit totum victum suum

< Mark 12 >