< Luke 18 >
1 And he put forth a similitude vnto the signifyinge that men ought alwayes to praye and not to be wery
Ipapo Jesu akaudza vadzidzi vake mufananidzo wokuvaratidza kuti vaifanira kunyengetera nguva dzose vasingaori mwoyo.
2 sayinge: Ther was a Iudge in a certayne cite which feared not god nether regarded man.
Akati, “Mune rimwe guta maiva nomutongi akanga asingatyi Mwari uye asina hanya navanhu.
3 And ther was a certayne wedowe in the same cite which came vnto him sayinge: avenge me of myne adversary.
Uye muguta imomo maiva nechirikadzi yakaramba ichiuya kwaari nechikumbiro ichiti, ‘Ndiruramisireiwo kumuvengi wangu.’
4 And he wolde not for a whyle. But afterwarde he sayd vnto him selfe: though I feare not God nor care for man
“Kwechinguva akamboramba. Asi pakupedzisira akati mumwoyo make, ‘Kunyange dai ndisingatyi Mwari uye ndisina hanya navanhu,
5 yet because this wedowe troubleth me I will avenge her lest at the laste she come and hagge on me.
asi nokuda kwokuti chirikadzi iyi inoramba ichindinetsa, ndinofanira kuiruramisira, kuitira kuti arege kuzoramba achindinetsa nokuuya kwake!’”
6 And the lorde sayd: heare what the vnrightewes Iudge sayeth.
Zvino Ishe akati, “Inzwai zvinotaurwa nomutongi asakarurama.
7 And shall not god avenge his electe which crye daye and nyght vnto him ye though he differre them?
Ko, zvino Mwari haangaruramisiri vasanangurwa vake, vanodanidzira kwaari masikati nousiku here? Acharamba achivadzosa here?
8 I tell you he will avenge them and that quickly. Neverthelesse when the sonne of man cometh suppose ye that he shall fynde faithe on the erthe.
Ndinoti kwamuri, achaona kuti varuramisirwa, uye nokukurumidza. Kunyange zvakadaro hazvo, kana Mwanakomana woMunhu achisvika, achawana kutenda panyika here?”
9 And he put forthe this similitude vnto certayne which trusted in the selves yt they were perfecte and despysed other.
Jesu akataura mufananidzo uyu, kuna vamwe vakanga vachivimba nokururama kwavo uye vaizvidza vamwe akati,
10 Two men went vp into ye teple to praye: ye one a pharise and the other a publican.
“Varume vaviri vakakwira kutemberi kundonyengetera, mumwe akanga ari muFarisi uye mumwe ari muteresi.
11 The pharise stode and prayed thus wt him selfe. God I thanke the yt I am not as other men are extorsioners vniuste advoutrers or as this publican.
MuFarisi akasimuka akazvinyengeterera achiti, ‘Mwari, ndinokuvongai nokuti handina kufanana navamwe vanhu, makororo, vaiti vezvakaipa, mhombwe, kana kunyange muteresi uyu.
12 I fast twyse in ye weke. I geve tythe of all that I possesse.
Ndinozvinyima zvokudya kaviri pavhiki uye ndinopa chegumi chezvose zvandinowana.’
13 And the publican stode afarre of and wolde not lyfte vp his eyes to heven but smote his brest sayinge: God be mercyfull to me a synner.
“Asi muteresi akamira ari nechokure, asingadi kunyange kutarira kudenga, asi akazvirova chipfuva akati, ‘Mwari, ndinzwirei tsitsi, ini mutadzi.’
14 I tell you: this ma departed hoe to his housse iustified moore then the other. For every man that exalteth him selfe shalbe brought low: And he yt hubleth him selfe shalbe exalted
“Ndinokuudzai kuti munhu uyu, akadzokera kumba kwake aruramiswa pamberi paMwari kupinda muFarisi. Nokuti mumwe nomumwe anozvikudza achaninipiswa, uye uyo anozvininipisa achakudzwa.”
15 They brought vnto him also babes yt he shuld touche the. When his disciples sawe that they rebuked the.
Vanhu vakauyawo navacheche kuna Jesu kuti avanyengeterere. Vadzidzi vakati vachiona izvozvo, vakavatsiura.
16 But Iesus called the vnto him and sayde: Suffre chyldren to come vnto me and forbidde the not. For of soche is ye kyngdome of God.
Asi Jesu akadana vana kwaari achiti, “Regai vana vaduku vauye kwandiri, uye musavadzivisa, nokuti umambo hwaMwari ndohwavakadai.
17 Verely I saye vnto you: whosoever receaveth not the kyngdome of God as a chylde: he shall not enter therin.
Zvirokwazvo ndinoti kwamuri, ani naani asingagamuchiri umambo hwaMwari somwana muduku haangatongopindi mahuri.”
18 And a certayne ruler axed him sayinge: Good Master: what ought I to do to obtayne eternall lyfe? (aiōnios )
Mumwe mutongi akamubvunza achiti, “Mudzidzisi akanaka, ndinofanira kuitei kuti ndigogara nhaka youpenyu husingaperi?” (aiōnios )
19 Iesus sayd vnto him: Why callest thou me good? No man is good save God only.
Jesu akapindura achiti, “Seiko uchinditi ndakanaka? Hakuna akanaka kunze kwaMwari oga.
20 Thou knowest ye comaundmentes: Thou shalt not commit advoutry: thou shalt not kyll: thou shalt not steale: thou shalt not beare false witnes: Honoure thy father and thy mother.
Iwe unoziva mirayiro inoti: ‘Usaita upombwe, usauraya, usapupura nhema, kudza baba vako namai vako.’”
21 And he sayde: all these have I kept from my youthe.
Iye akati, “Izvi zvose ndakazvichengeta kubva paudiki hwangu.”
22 When Iesus hearde that he sayde vnto him: Yet lackest thou one thinge. Sell all that thou hast and distribute it vnto the poore and thou shalt have treasure in heven and come and folowe me.
Jesu akati achinzwa izvi, akati kwaari, “Uchiri kushayiwa chinhu chimwe chete. Tengesa zvose zvaunazvo ugopa varombo, ugozova nepfuma kudenga. Ipapo, ugouya unditevere.”
23 When he heard that he was hevy: for he was very ryche.
Akati anzwa izvozvo, akasuwa zvikuru, nokuti akanga ari murume akapfuma zvikuru.
24 When Iesus sawe him morne he sayde: with what difficulte shall they that have ryches enter into the kyngdome of God:
Jesu akatarisa kwaari akati, “Zvikukutu sei kuti mupfumi apinde muumambo hwaMwari!
25 it is easyer for a camell to goo thorow a nedles eye then for a ryche man to enter into the kyngdome of God.
Zvirokwazvo, zviri nyore kwazvo kuti ngamera ipinde napaburi retsono pano kuti mupfumi apinde muumambo hwaMwari.”
26 Then sayde they that hearde that: And who shall then be saved?
Vaya vakazvinzwa izvozvo vakabvunza vachiti, “Ndianiko zvino angaponeswa?”
27 And he sayde: Thinges which are vnpossible with men are possible with God.
Jesu akapindura achiti, “Zvisingagoneki kuvanhu zvinogoneka kuna Mwari.”
28 Then Peter sayde: Loo we have lefte all and have folowed the.
Petro akati kwaari, “Takasiya zvose zvataiva nazvo kuti tikuteverei!”
29 And he sayde vnto them: Verely I saye vnto you ther is noo man that leaveth housse other father and mother other brethren or wyfe or chyldren for the kyngdome of Goddes sake
Jesu akati kwavari, “Zvirokwazvo ndinoti kwamuri, hakuna munhu akasiya musha, kana mukadzi, kana mununʼuna, kana vabereki, kana vana nokuda kwoumambo hwaMwari,
30 which same shall not receave moche moore in this worlde: and in the worlde to come lyfe everlastinge. (aiōn , aiōnios )
asingazogamuchiri zvakapetwa kakawanda munguva ino, uye upenyu husingaperi munguva inouya.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
31 He toke vnto him twelve and sayde vnto them. Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem and all shalbe fulfilled that are written by ye Prophetes of the sonne of man.
Jesu akatsaura parutivi vane gumi navaviri akavaudza kuti, “Tiri kuenda kuJerusarema, uye zvose zvakanyorwa navaprofita pamusoro poMwanakomana woMunhu zvichazadziswa.
32 He shalbe delivered vnto the gentils and shalbe mocked and shalbe despytfully entreated and shalbe spetted on:
Achaiswa mumaoko evedzimwe ndudzi. Vachamuseka, vachamutuka, nokumupfira mate, vachamurova uye vachamuuraya.
33 and when they have scourged him they will put him to deeth and the thyrde daye he shall aryse agayne.
Pazuva rechitatu achamukazve.”
34 But they vnderstode none of these thinges. And this sayinge was hid fro them. And they perceaved not the thinges which were spoken.
Vadzidzi hapana chavakanzwisisa pachinhu ichi. Zvairehwa zvacho zvakanga zvakavanzika kwavari, uye havana kuziva zvaakanga achitaura pamusoro pazvo.
35 And it came to passe as he was come nye vnto Hierico a certayne blynde man sate by the waye syde begginge.
Jesu akati aswedera pedyo neJeriko, mumwe murume akanga ari bofu akanga agere parutivi pomugwagwa achipemha.
36 And when he hearde the people passe by he axed what it meant.
Akati achinzwa vanhu vazhinji vakanga vachipfuura, akabvunza kuti chii chakanga chichiitika.
37 And they sayde vnto him yt Iesus of Nazareth passed by.
Vakamuudza kuti, “Jesu weNazareta ari kupfuura napano.”
38 And he cryed sayinge: Iesus ye sonne of David have thou mercy on me.
Iye akadanidzira achiti, “Jesu, Mwanakomana waDhavhidhi, ndinzwireiwo ngoni!”
39 And they which went before rebuked him that he shuld holde his peace. But he cryed so moche the moare thou sonne of David have mercy on me.
Vaya vakanga vachitungamira vakamutsiura vakamuudza kuti anyarare, asi iye akanyanyisa kudanidzira achiti, “Mwanakomana waDhavhidhi, ndinzwireiwo ngoni!”
40 And Iesus stode styll and commaunded him to be brought vnto him. And when he was come neare he axed him
Jesu akamira ndokurayira kuti murume uyu auyiswe kwaari. Akati aswedera pedyo, Jesu akamubvunza akati,
41 sayinge: What wilt thou that I do vnto the? And he sayde: Lorde yt I maye receave my sight.
“Unoda kuti ndikuitireiko?” Iye akapindura akati, “Ishe, ndinoda kuti ndione.”
42 Iesus sayde vnto him: receave thy sight: thy faith hath saved the.
Jesu akati kwaari, “Chiona; kutenda kwako kwakuporesa.”
43 And immediatly he sawe and folowed him praysinge God. And all the people when they sawe it gave laude to God.
Pakarepo akaona akatevera Jesu, achirumbidza Mwari. Vanhu vose vakati vachizviona, naivowo vakarumbidza Mwari.