< Luke 14 >

1 And it chaunsed that he went into the housse of one of ye chefe pharises to eate breed on a saboth daye: and they watched him.
Wata ranar Asabaci, ya shiga gidan wani daya daga cikin shugabanin Farisawa domin cin abinci, mutane kuwa suna sa masa idanu.
2 And beholde ther was a man before him which had the dropsye.
Sai ga wani a gabansa mai ciwon fara.
3 And Iesus answered and spake vnto the lawears and pharises sayinge: is it laufull to heale on the saboth daye?
Yesu ya tambaye masanan attaura da Farisawa, “Ya halata a wakar a ranan Asabaci, ko a'a?”
4 And they helde their peace. And he toke him and healed him and let him goo:
Amma suka yi shiru. Yesu kuwa ya kama shi, ya warkar da shi, ya kuma sallame shi.
5 and answered the sayinge whiche of you shall have an asse or an oxe fallen into a pitt and will not strayght waye pull him out on the Saboth daye?
Sai yace masu, “Wanene a cikinku in yana da jaki ko takarkari ya fadi a rijiya ran Asabaci, ba zai fitar da shi nan da nan ba?”
6 And they coulde not answer him agayne to that.
Sai suka kasa ba da amsar wadannan abubuwa.
7 He put forthe a similitude to ye gestes whe he marked how they preased to the hyest roumes and sayd vnto the:
Sa'adda Yesu ya lura da yadda wadanda aka gayyato sun zabi mazaunan alfarma, sai ya ba su misali yana ce masu,
8 When thou arte bidde to a weddynge of eny man syt not doune in ye hyest roume lest a more honorable man then thou be bidden of him
“Sa'adda wani ya gayyace ka zuwa bikin aure, kada ka zauna a wuri mai daraja, domin yana yiwuwa an gayyaci wani wanda ya fi ka daraja.
9 and he that bade bothe him and the come and saye to the: geve this man roume and thou then beginne with shame to take the lowest roume.
Sa'adda wanda ya gayyace ku duka biyu ya zo, zai ce maka, 'Ka ba mutumin nan wurinka,' sa'annan a kunyace za ka koma mazauni mafi kaskanci.
10 But rather when thou arte bidden goo and syt in the lowest roume that when he that bade the cometh he maye saye vnto the: frende syt vp hyer. Then shalt thou have worshippe in the presence of them that syt at meate with the.
Amma idan an gayyace ka biki, sai ka je ka zauna a wuri mafi kaskanci, domin idan wanda ya gayyace ka ya zo, yana iya ce maka, 'Aboki, hawo nan mana'. Sannan za ka sami girma kenan a gaban dukan wadanda kuke zaune tare a kan teburi.
11 For whosoever exalteth him sylfe shalbe brought lowe. And he yt hubleth him sylfe shalbe exalted
Duk wanda ya daukaka kansa, za a kaskantar da shi, wanda ya kaskantar da kansa, kuma daukaka shi za a yi”.
12 Then sayde he also to him that had desyred him to diner: When thou makest a diner or a supper: call not thy frendes nor thy brethre nether thy kinsmen nor yet ryche neghbours: lest they bidde the agayne and a recompence be made the.
Yesu ya ce wa mutumin da ya gayyace shi, “Idan za ka gayyaci mutum cin abinci ko biki, kada ka gayyaci abokanka, ko 'yan'uwanka, ko danginka, ko makwabtanka masu arziki, kamar yadda suna iya gayyatar ka, sai ya zama an maida maka.
13 But when thou makest afeast call the poore the maymed the lame and the blynde
Amma idan za ka kira biki sai ka gayyace matalauta, da nakasassu, da guragu, da makafi,
14 and thou shalt be happy for they cannot recompence the. But thou shalt be recompensed at the resurreccion of the iuste men.
za ka kuwa sami albarka da yake ba su da hanyar saka maka. Gama za a saka maka a ranar tashin masu adalci.”
15 When one of them that sate at meate also hearde that he sayde vnto him: happy is he that eateth breed in the kyngdome of God.
Da daya daga cikin wadanda ke zama akan teburi da Yesu ya ji wadannan abubuwa, sai ya ce masa, “Albarka ta tabbata ga wanda zai ci abinci a mulkin Allah!”
16 Then sayd he to him. A certayne man ordened a greate supper and bade many
Amma Yesu ya ce masa, “Wani mutum ne ya shirya babban biki ya gayyaci mutane da yawa.
17 and sent his servaunt at supper tyme to saye to them that wer bidden come: for all thinges are now redy.
Da lokacin biki ya yi, sai ya aiki bawansa ya ce wa wadanda aka gayyata, “Ku zo, duk an shirya kome.”
18 And they all atonce begane to make excuse. The fyrst sayd vnto him: I have bought a ferme and I must nedes goo and se it I praye the have me excused.
Sai dukansu, suka fara kawo dalilai. Na farko ya ce masa, 'Na sayi gona, lalle ne in je in gan ta. Ina rokonka ka dauke mani.'
19 And another sayd: I hove bought fyve yooke of oxen and I goo to prove them I praye the have me excused.
Sai wani ya ce, 'Na sayi shanu garma biyar, ina so in gwada su. Ina ronkan ka, ka dauke mani.'
20 The thyrde sayd: I have maried a wyfe and therfore I cannot come.
Wani mutum kuma ya ce, 'Na yi aure, don haka ba zan iya zuwa ba.'
21 And the servaunt went and brought his master worde therof. Then was the good man of the housse displeased and sayd to his servaut: Goo out quickly into ye stretes and quarters of the cite and bringe in hidder the poore and the maymed and the halt and the blynde.
Da bawan ya zo ya fadi wa maigidansa wadannan abubuwa, sai maigidan yayi fushi, ya ce wa bawansa, jeka da sauri ka bi cikin titunan birni da kwararo-kwararo, ka kawo gajiyayyu, da nakasassu, da makafi, da guragu.'
22 And the servaut sayd: lorde it is done as thou comaundedst and yet ther is roume.
Sai bawan ya ce, 'Maigida, abin da ka umarta an gama, amma har yanzu da sauran wuri.”
23 And the lorde sayd to the servaunt: Go out into ye hye wayes and hedges and compell the to come in that my housse maye be filled.
Sai maigidan ya ce wa bawan, 'Jeka, ka bi kwararo-kwararo da hanyoyin karkara, ka rinjayi mutane su shigo, don a cika gidana.
24 For I saye vnto you that none of those men which were bidde shall tast of my supper.
Gama ina gaya maku, babu ko daya daga cikin mutanen da na gayyata da farko da zai dandana bikina.”
25 Ther went agreate copany with him and he turned and sayde vnto them:
Ana nan, taron suna tafiya tare da shi, sai ya juya ya ce masu,
26 If a man come to me and hate not his father and mother and wyfe and chyldren and brethren and sisters more over and his awne lyfe he cannot be my disciple.
“Duk mai zuwa wurina amma bai ki mahaifinsa da mahaifiyarsa, da matarsa, da 'ya'yansa, da 'yan'uwansa maza da mata ba - I, har da ransa ma, ba zai iya zama almajirina ba.
27 And whosoever beare not his crosse and come after me cannot be my disciple.
Duk wanda bai dauki gijiyensa ya biyo ni ba, ba zai iya zama almajirina ba.
28 Which of you disposed to bilde a toure sytteth not doune before and counteth ye cost whether he have sufficient to performe it?
Wanene a cikinku wanda yake niyyar gina bene, da ba zai zauna ya yi lissafin abin da zai kashe ba tun da farko, ko yana da ishashen kudi da zai iya kare aikin?
29 lest after he hath layde ye foundacion and is not able to performe it all yt beholde it beginne to mocke him
Kada ya zama bayan da ya sa harsashin ginin, ya kasa gamawa, har duk wadanda suka gani su fara yi masa ba'a,
30 sayinge: this man beganne to bilde and was not able to make an ende.
su rika cewa, ga mutumin nan ya fara gini amma ya kasa gamawa.'
31 Or what kynge goeth to make batayle agaynst another kinge and sitteth not doune fyrst and casteth in his mynde whether he be able wt ten thousande to mete him that cometh agaynst him wt. xx thousand.
Ko kuwa wanne sarki ne, in za shi je yaki da wani sarki, da ba zai zauna da farko ya yi shawara ya ga ko shi mai jarumawa dubu goma zai iya karawa da dayan sarkin mai jarumawa dubu ashirin ba?
32 Or els whyll ye other is yet a greate waye of he will sende embasseatours and desyre peace.
In kuwa ba zai iya ba, to tun wancan yana nesa, sai ya aiki wakili ya kuma tambayo sharudan salama.
33 So lykewyse none of you yt forsaketh not all yt he hath can be my disciple.
Haka ma, ba wani a cikinku wanda bai rabu da duk abin da ya mallaka ba, da zai iya zama almajirina.”
34 Salt is good but yf salt have loste hyr saltnes what shall be seasoned ther with?
“Gishiri abu ne mai kyau, amma idan gishiri ya sane, da me za a dadada shi?
35 It is nether good for ye londe nor yet for ye donge hill but men cast it out at ye dores. He yt hath eares to heare let him heare.
Ba shi da wani anfani a kasa, ko ya zama taki. Sai dai a zubar kawai. Duk mai kunnen ji, ya ji.”

< Luke 14 >