< John 6 >
1 After these thinges Iesus wet his waye over the see of Galile nye to a cyte called Tiberias.
Anyimo anime yeso makafa u teku ugalili, a gusan uni uteki utibariya.
2 And a greate multitude folowed him because they had sene his myracles which he dyd on them that were diseased.
Ni gura gbardang ni tarsime barki wa iri katuma ka biyyau sa mazi unu wuza ana tikoni.
3 And Iesus went vp into a mountayne and there he sate with his disciples.
Yeso ma nyane anipo macukuno abirko nan na hana a katuma kameme.
4 And ester a feast of ye Iewes was nye.
(U idi wa yahudawa wa mu aye mamamu.)
5 Then Iesus lifte vp his eyes and sawe a greate copany come vnto him and sayde vnto Philip: whence shall we bye breed yt these might eate.
Sa yeso mavanki nicce ma iri ni gura ni gbardang ni haza ahira ameme, magun in filibus, “Abani tidi kem immu'are be sa anu age me wadi ree.”
6 This he sayde to prove him: for he him sylfe knewe what he wolde do.
Mabuki anime bati madari me ma iri, barki meme nicce ni meme marusa imumbe sa madi wuu.
7 Philip answered him two hondred peny worthe of breed are not sufficient for them yt every ma have a litell.
Filibus ma kabirka magu, immare dinari a ino ana akure ida barime kode vi makem ma re cingiln ba ma.
8 Then sayde vnto him one of his disciples Andrew Simon Peters brother.
Abini me andarawas uhenu u bitrus debe sa mazi vana u katuma me, magun me ana.
9 There ys a lad here which hath fyve barly loves and two fisshes: but what is that amoge so many?
Ira kure ku kpana kuinta immare ma mara u cibi musha'ir, nan ni cere ini-re idi wuzi ane ni ibari anabu gbardang ana me.
10 And Iesus sayde. Make the people sit doune: Ther was moche grasse in the place. And the men sate doune in nombre about five thousande.
Yeso magu bukan anabu wacukono ahira me azin ukpe. A hana ruma wa cukuno ahiranawwe wazi we udabu cibi.
11 And Iesus toke the breed and gave thankes and gave to the disciples and his disciples to them that were set doune. And lykwyse of the fysshes as moche as they wolde.
Yeso mazeki ugurasa me, sa bezi a puru aram a meme ahira Asere ma hari andebe sa cicaki ani mani makuri mawun in nicere me, ubinani imumbe sa wa bari we.
12 When they had eate ynough he sayd vnto his disciples: gadder vp the broke meate that remayneth: that nothinge be loost.
Sa ware watii magun na hana aatuma kameme, orsoni ukasume sawade kati iremum ihun neme.
13 And they gadered it to geder and fylled twelve baskettes with the broken meate of the five barly loves which broken meate remayned vnto the that had eaten.
Wanno wa orso ukasu ugurasa ugino unu cibi usha'ir uge sawa din sa koda vi mari matii, ukasume wa minca mugira kirau in mure.
14 Then the men when they had sene the myracle that Iesus dyd sayde: This is of a trueth the Prophet that shuld come into the worlde.
Sa anabu wa iri ubari sa ma wuzi, wa gu ani mani, unu ugeme memani una kadura kasere ugino sa ma eze unee.
15 When Iesus perceaved that they wolde come and take him vp to make him kinge he departed agayne into a mountayne him silfe a lone.
Sa yeso marusa wa nyarsa uzika ume inni kafa nan nu binani urusa abanga aweme wa tirzi me tigomo, madusa makuri anipo me in sissi ume.
16 And when eve was come his disciples wet vnto the see
Unu wonjoro a hana akatuma kameme wattu uhana uteku.
17 and entred into a shyppe and went over the see vnto Capernaum. And anone it was darcke and Iesus was not come to them.
Wa ribe uzirgi me wa dusa ukafa uhana ukafarna hum, uganiya me mareu mamu wuna Yeso mada sarku u aye.
18 And ye see arose with a greate winde yt blew.
Ine ini uteku utubi ranza barki upebu wa hiiri ini nikara.
19 And when they had rowe aboute a. xxv. or a xxx. furlonges they sawe Iesus walke on ye see and drawe nye vnto the shyp and they were afrayed.
Sa wazin in tanu wa biki gusi ma mei ma taru ahana manzi, wa dusa iri Yeso ma haka azezzere agmei me, ma aye mamamu nan nu zirgi me wanno wadiri urusa ahira me sa warani.
20 And he sayde vnto them: It is I be not a frayde.
Yeso manno magun we kati i kunna biyyau.
21 Then wolde they have receaved him into the shyp and the ship was by and by at the londe whyther they went.
Abini me ani wa hem me maribe uzirgi me, uzirgi me uba dusa ubiki ukiri me sa wa hazan.
22 The daye folowynge the people which stode on the other syde of the see sawe that ther was none other shyp theare save yt one wher in his disciples were entred and that Iesus went not in with his disciples into the ship: but that his disciples were gone awaye alone.
Sa ahira asana ukasu uni ori me sa wadii uhuru uteku me warusi uguna ure uzirgi usoni ahira me, kure ku ciniln kuni karani, iri daki Yeso maribe une nan na hana akatuma kameme, ahana a katuma kameme kani wa dusa cas.
23 How be it ther came other shippes from Tiberias nye vnto the place where they ate breed when the Lorde had blessed.
Mure muzirgi mu nan na ahira sa a na ori ware immaren sa ugomo asere ma wu iriba irom men.
24 Then whe the people sawe that Iesus was not there nether his disciples they also toke shippinge and came to Caparnaum sekinge for Iesus.
Sa niori na ira yeso mazoni, ahana akatuma wa zoni ahirame, wa dusa waribise a mu cinici mugino cangi, uhana ukafarna hum unyara u yeso.
25 And when they had founde him on ye other syde of ye see they sayd vnto him: Rabbi whe camest thou hidder?
Sa wa kem me uhuru utekum me, wagume hu unudang, “Wa aye abanname unu mayya uni?”
26 Iesus answered them and sayde: verely verely I saye vnto you: ye seke me not because ye sawe the myracles: but because ye ate of the loves and were filled.
Yeso makabirka we magu, rep animami, in booshi izi na nyara um azo barki imum ibiyyau, barki immare ini sa yare ya tonii.
27 Laboure not for ye meate which perissheth but for ye meate that endureth vnto everlastynge lyfe whiche meate ye sonne of ma shall geve vnto you. For him hath god ye father sealed. (aiōnios )
Kati iziti unu nyara immare ige be sa idi corno me, inki immare ido-dongino uhana uvenke uka biki uvenke uzatu umara, uge sa vana unubo mani madi nya shiBarki me mani unu be sa acco, mamani Asere, ma nya me likara ni wuna ugino.” (aiōnios )
28 Then sayd they vnto him: what shall we do that we myght worke ye workes of God?
Wanno imum be sa asere ma nyara?
29 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. This is ye worke of God that ye beleve on him who he hath sent.
Yeso makabirka we magu, katuma ka gino kane kani Asere nyara, ine ini ihem in de sa ma matuma me.”
30 They sayde vnto him: what signe shewest thou then that we maye se and beleve the? What doest thou worke?
Wanno wagumme nyanini udi wu i biyyau sa tidi iri ti hem in huu? uyanini udi wu?
31 Oure fathers dyd eate Manna in the desert as yt is writte: He gave them breed fro heaven to eate.
acokoro aka cokoro aru ware inama anijaa, sa anyetike unuguna, ma nyawe immare usuro azesere warii.”
32 Iesus sayde vnto the: verely verely I saye vnto you: Moses gave you breed fro heave: but my father geveth you the true breed fro heave.
Ine ini yeso magun we, inzinnu buka ushi, izome musa mani manya shi immare me sa asuso ini azesere me ba, acco am mani manyin shi immare me.
33 For the breed of God is he which cometh doune from heave and geveth lyfe vnto the worlde.
Ya ira immare igomo Asere ine ini i suso azesere, unu nya unee uvenke.
34 Then sayde they vnto him: Lorde ever moore geve vs this breed.
Wanno wagumme ugomo Asere uyan duru immare igino-koya uwui.
35 And Iesus sayde vnto them: I am that breed of life. He that cometh to me shall not honger: and he that beleveth on me shall never thurst.
Yeso magum we, mimani immare nyinza uvenke me, desa ma aye ahire am, madi kunna ikomo ba desa manya kadura madi kunna niwe ni gmei ba.
36 But I sayed vnto you: that ye have sene me aud yet beleve not.
Ma mabuka shi ya ira vat ani ma daki yanya kadura me ba.
37 All that the father geveth me shall come to me: and him yt cometh to me I cast not awaye.
Vat desa acco me manyan, madi eh ahira am, desa ma aye ahira am mi inda gido me ba.
38 For I came doune fro heaven: not to do myne awne will but his will which hath sent me.
Barki matino azezsere azo gunna intarsi iriba ini cce num neneba, sai intarsi ireba idesa matumam.
39 And this is the fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath geven me I shuld loose no thinge: but shuld rayse it vp agayne at the last daye.
Iriba idesa matumam, ine ini in hem nan kodevi anyimo aninonzo nan desa manyam, indi hirza we rono aye umeme.
40 And this is the wyll of him yt sent me: yt every man which seith ye sonne and beleveth on him have everlastinge lyfe. And I will rayse him vp at ye last daye. (aiōnios )
Iriba yaco am, vat desa mahira vaname, manya kadura nanmi, madi kem uvenke udadankino, mi indi hirzame rono aye ugomo asere. (aiōnios )
41 The Iewes then murmured at him because he sayde: I am that breed which is come doune from heaven.
A Yahudawa wa meki ugbejere agi Yeso maguna memani immare iginome saya suro azezsere.
42 And they sayde: Is not this Iesus ye sonne of Ioseph whose father and mother we knowe? How ys yt then that he sayeth I came doune from heave?
Wanno wagu, “Ingusa Yeso mani, vana u Yusufu, desa ainome nan ka come. Ingusa tirusa we? Nyanini yawuna me maguna, masuro azizsere ani?”
43 Iesus answered and sayde vnto them. Murmur not betwene youre selves.
Yeso makabirka magun we, “Kati ihummoro acce ashimi ba.
44 No man can come to me except the father which hath sent me drawe him. And I will rayse him vp at the last daye.
Unu rusa uhana ahira am mara niba, aco memani cas desa matumum, memani ma hungu kom madi hirza anaboo rono umara unee.
45 It is written in the Prophetes yt they shall all be taught of God. Every man therfore that hath hearde and hath learned of the father commeth vnto me.
Anyentike anyimo atize ta sere, nanu bezi tize ta asere vat uwe asere ani adi beziwe, vat desa makaba mamanza ahira acome madi eh ahira am.
46 Not that eny man hath sene ye father save he which is of God: the same hath sene the father.
Unu ira acco me mazoni abanna me desa marani ahira Asere memani maira a come.
47 Verely verely I saye vnto you he that beleveth on me hath everlastinge lyfe. (aiōnios )
Mabuka shi makuri mabuka shi, desa ma nyara kadura mazinnu venke udandang. (aiōnios )
48 I am that breed of lyfe.
Mimani immare uninza uvenke.
49 Youre fathers dyd eate Mana in ye wildernes and are deed.
Vat aka co ashi me wari umanna anijaa wanno wa wee.
50 This is that breed which cometh fro heave yt he which eateth of it shuld also not dye.
Immare inno izinno tuzo azezsere kode vi marii kati kadevi ma wee.
51 I am that lyvinge breed which came doune from heave. Yf eny man eate of this breed he shall live forever. And the breed that I will geve is my flesshe which I will geve for the lyfe of ye worlde (aiōn )
Mimane uzatu umara sa in zin nu tuzo azezsere desa mare immare me madi wii ba immare me sa manya inama inipum nom nini barki unee ukem uvenke. (aiōn )
52 And the Iewes strove amoge them selves sayinge: How can this felowe geve vs his flesshe to eate?
A Yahudawa wa hiran initize acece aure me agi aneni unu ugene me madi nyam duru inama inipum nameme har tirii?”
53 Then Iesus sayde vnto them: Verely verely I saye vnto you except ye eate ye flesshe of ye sonne of man and drinke his bloude ye shall not have lyfe in you
Ine Yeso magun we ine ni mabuka shi, inki daki yare inama inepum ni vana unububa, ikuri isii maye mameme, izo shi unu venke ahira a shi me.
54 Whosoever eateth my flesshe and drinketh my bloude hath eternall lyfe: and I will rayse him vp at the last daye. (aiōnios )
Vat andesa wariza inama inipum num, wasii maye mam, maraa anyimo uvenke uzatu umarsa, mi indi hirzame rono umara unee. (aiōnios )
55 For my flesshe is meate in dede: and my bloude is drynke in dede.
Barki inama inipum immare ige be sa ahira ini, maye mam immare be sa ahirani ini.
56 He that eateth my flesshe and drynketh my bloude dwelleth in me and I in him.
Vat andesa wariza inama inipum num, amasii maye mam maciki anyimo am, mima ayimo ameme.
57 As the lyvinge father hath sent me even so lyve I by my father: and he that eateth me shall live by me.
Gusi acco me sa ma ciki anyimo uvenke sa matumum, in raa anyimo ati cukum ta cco me tini, ani mani ahira unu ge be sa imani immare imeme madi venke barki mi.
58 This is the breed which cam from heave: not as youre fathers have eaten Manna and are deed. He that eateth of this breed shall live ever. (aiōn )
Ige me ine ini immare sa ya tuu usuro azezsere, azo ige sa acokoro anka cokoro ushi me sa warii, vat ani me wanno wa wii. Vat desa mare immare ige me madi madi venke ukabiki. (aiōn )
59 These thinges sayd he in the synagoge as he taught in Capernaum.
Mabuki anime anyimo udenge wasere, ahira me sa ma zinu bezi uwe tize ukafarnahu.
60 Many of his disciples when they had herde this sayde: this is an herde sayinge: who can abyde the hearinge of it?
Innu kunnu anime anugbardang anyimo ahana akatuma kameme. Wanno wagu tize tiginome tikuna, aveni madi kunna tini?”
61 Iesus knew in him selfe that his disciples murmured at it and sayde vnto them: Doth this offende you?
Yeso sammu rusa irba imeme ahana akatuma kameme wazennu humoro, mano magunwe eginome ini yacukono imum upilko?
62 What and yf ye shall se the sonne of man ascede vp where he was before?
Idi zi ani inkiya ira vana unubu mazinnu nyeze ahirame sama rani dati?
63 It is the sprete that quyckeneth the flesshe proffeteth nothinge. The wordes that I speake vnto you are sprete and lyfe.
Abanna bibe sere bini bi eze nu venke nipum ni zin katuma ka hura, asap me sa mabuka shi abibe bi rere bini wannu, wannu venke.
64 But ther are some of you that beleve not. For Iesus knewe from the begynnynge which they were that beleved not and who shuld betraye him.
Ayye ashi me sa warani wa nyarima kadura me, barki datti Yeso marusa ande sa nyara me unya acce in kadurame, nan de be sa madi vete wen.
65 And he sayde: Therfore sayde I vnto you: that no man can come vnto me except it were geven vnto him of my father.
Manno makuri magu ine ini mabukashi, unu aye ahira am ma, omi, inki acco am maceki me abine ani madi eh.
66 From that tyme many of his disciples wet backe and walked no moore with him.
Barki tize gino me ahana akatuma ka meme gbardang wakuri madumo, daki wakuri wa haki nan me.
67 Then sayde Iesus to the twelve: will ye alsoo goo awaye?
Yeso magun nanu kirau in wa-re me, shi me cangi inyara udusa?
68 Then Simon Peter answered: Master to whom shall we goo? Thou haste the wordes of eternall lyfe (aiōnios )
Bitrus makabirka magu, ugomo Asere ahira aveni tidihan? Hamani uzin tize tu venke uzatu marsa. (aiōnios )
69 and we beleve and knowe yt thou arte Christ the sonne of the lyvinge God.
Harume tanya kadura takuri taira hamani unu lau ugi wa Asere.”
70 Iesus answered them: Have not I chosen you twelve and yet one of you is the devyll?
Yeso makabirka magunwe ingusa mimane mazauka shi kirau nanawarem? Unu inde ushi uburu mani.
71 He spake it of Iudas Iscariot the sonne of Simon. For he it was yt shuld betraye him and was one of the twelve.
Ma insi ani cce ni yahuza isicaroti usan usamanu barki memani nyam me, sa izi uye anyimo ashi me ukirau ina na ware.