< John 5 >
1 After that ther was a feast of the Iewes and Iesus went vp to Ierusalem.
Nikwakamana aya kwakaba pobwe lya maJuda, alakwe Jesu wakayinka kuJelusalema.
2 And ther is at Ierusalem by ye slaughterhousse a pole called in ye Ebrue toge Bethseda havinge five porches
Elyo muJelusalema afwifwi amulyango wambelele kwakali kalambw, kitwa kuti muchi Alamayiki Betesida, kwakayakidwe nganda ilamanda alimusanu.
3 in which laye a greate multitude of sicke folke of blinde halt and wyddered waytinge for the movinge of the water.
Ibantu bingi bakali kuchiswa, boofu, bateendi, abalebukide bakalikulinda mpawawo.
4 For an angell wet doune at a certayne ceason into ye pole and troubled ye water. Whosoever then fyrst after the steringe of the water stepped in was made whoale of what soever disease he had.
Nkambo mungelo wakali kuseluka akukopa manzi mulizimwi zyindi elyo kufumbwa walikunjila imanzi nkachikopegwa wakali kupona kuzwa kubulwazi fumbwa mbwali kuchiswa.
5 And a certayne ma was theare which had bene diseased. xxxviii. yeares
Awo kwakali umwi mwalumi wakali kuchiswa kwaminyaka ilimakkumi otatwe amusanu ayitatu. Awo Jesu nakamubona nkalede
6 When Iesus sawe him lye and knewe that he now longe tyme had bene diseased he sayde vnto him. Wilt thou be made whoale?
mpawaw, nkali waziba kuti waliwawo kwachindi chilamfu. Wakati kulinguwe, “ulayanda na kuponesegwa?”
7 The sicke answered him: Syr I have no man whe the water is troubled to put me into the pole. But in the meane tyme whill I am about to come another steppeth doune before me.
Mulwazi wakati, “Mwami, nsikwe muntu wakundinjizya mudambwa awo manzi na kopanisigwa, awo nenti njile, umwi anga wandindila kunjila.”
8 And Iesus sayde vnto him: ryse take vp thy beed and walke.
Jesu wakamwambila kuti, “Nyampuka, bweza buulo bwako, uyende.”
9 And immediatly the man was made whole and toke vp his beed and went. And the same daye was the Saboth daye
Mpawawo oyu mwalumi wakapona, mpawawo wakabweza buulo bwakwe elyo wakenda. Yino obo buzuba bwakali kutegwaSabata.
10 The Iewes therfore sayde vnto him that was made whole. It is ye Saboth daye it is not laufull for the to cary thy beed
Aboobo bamaJuda bakamwambila kuti oyu mwalumi wakaponesegwa, “Sunu niSabata tozumizigwi pe kubweza buulo bwako.”
11 He answered them: he that made me whole sayde vnto me: take vp thy beed and get the hence.
Wakati, “Oyo wandiponia wati kulindime, 'bweza buulo bwako wende.”'
12 Then axed they him: what man is that which sayde vnto the take vp thy beed and walke.
Bakamubuzya kuti, 'ngwani mwalumi oyu mwalumi wakubuzya kuti, bweza buulo bwako uyende'?”
13 And he yt was healed wist not who it was. For Iesus had gotte him selfe awaye be cause yt ther was preace of people in ye place.
Nekuliboob, iwakasilikwa takamwizi pe kuti ngwani nkambo Jesu wakazwebeleka wanjila mubantu, mukuti kwakali bantu bingi abusena oobu.
14 And after that Iesus founde him in the teple and sayd vnto him: beholde thou arte made whole synne no moore lest a worsse thinge happe vnto the.
Kuzwawo, Jesu wakamujana mutempele wamwambila kuti “boona, wapona! Utakabisyi limbi, kuchitila kuti zibi kwinda awa zitakakuchitikili.”
15 The man departed and tolde ye Iewes that yt was Iesus whiche had made him whole.
Imwalumi oyu wakazwa waya kuyobuzya maJuda kuti nguJesu wamuponia.
16 And therfore the Iewes dyd persecute Iesus and sought the meanes to slee him because he had done these thinges on the Saboth daye.
Ino nkambo kazezi zintu maJuda bakapenzegwa Jesu, mukuti wakachita zintu ezi muzuba litegwa Sabata.
17 And Iesus answered them: my father worketh hidder to and I worke.
Jesu wakati kulimbabo, “Taata ulokubeleka ayin, aboobo ambebo, ndookubeleka.”
18 Therfore the Iewes sought the moare to kill him not only because he had broken the Saboth: but sayde also that God was his father and made him selfe equall with God.
Nkambo kazez, maJuda bakayindilila kuyanda kumujaya mukuti takatyola Sabata biyo pe, pesi akuti lubo wakita Leza nkati nguwisi mwini, kulyelanisya aLeza.
19 Then answered Iesus and sayde vnto them: verely verely I saye vnto you: the sonne can do no thinge of him selfe but that he seeth ye father do. For whatsoever he doeth yt doeth the sonne also.
Jesu wakabasandula, “Nchobeni, imwana takonzyi kuchita chintu mwini, ado biyo zyabona Taata nkachita, nkambo kufumbwa Taata nchalokuchita, Imwana uchita munzila njiyo.
20 For the father loveth ye sonne and sheweth him all thinges whatsoever he him selfe doeth. And he will shewe him greter workes then these because ye shoulde marvayle.
Nkambo Taata ulamuyanda Mwana aboobo ulamutondezya zyonse nzyachita mwini, akumutondezya zintu zipati kwinda ezi kuti mugambe.
21 For lykwyse as the father rayseth vp ye deed and quickeneth them even so the sonne quyckeneth whom he will.
Mbubo Taata mbabusya bafwide akubapa buumi, aboobo alakwe Mwana ulapa buumi kuli kufumbwa ngwasal.
22 Nether iudgeth ye father eny ma: but hath comitted all iudgemet vnto the sonne
Nkaambo Taata takwe ngwabeteka, pesi wakapa lubeta loonse kuMwami.
23 because that all men shuld honoure the sonne eve as they honoure the father. He that honoureth not ye sonne the same honoureth not the father which hath sent him.
Kuchitila kuti bantu boonse bakalemye Mwana mbuli mbobalemya Taata. Oyo utalemyi Mwana talemyi Taata wakamutuma.
24 Verely verely I saye vnto you: He that heareth my wordes and beleveth on him that sent me hath everlastinge lyfe and shall not come into damnacion: but is scaped fro deth vnto lyfe. (aiōnios )
Nchobeni, nchobeni, Oyo umvwa ijwi lyangu akumusyoma wakandituma ulabuumi butamani mpawo tayopegwa mulandu, pesi winda kuzwa kulufu kuya kubuumi. (aiōnios )
25 Verely verely I saye vnto you: the tyme shall come and now is when the deed shall heare the voyce of the sonne of God. And they yt heare shall live.
Nchobeni, nchobeni, ndamwambila chindi chiyobuza, ayino nchenchichechino, awo bafwide mpobayomvwa ijwi lyamwana Leza, abaabo bamvwa bayo pona.
26 For as the father hath life in him silfe: so lyke wyse hath he geven to ye sonne to have lyfe in him silfe:
Nkaambo mbuli Taata mbala buumi mulinguwe mbubo mbapede Mwana kuti abe abuumi muli nguw,
27 and hath geven him power also to iudge in that he is the sonne of man.
Mpawo Taata wakapa mwana bwendelezi bwakubeteka nkambo mwana wa muntu.
28 Marvayle not at this ye houre shall come in the which all yt are in the graves shall heare his voice
Mutagambi aatala azez, nkaambo kulichindi chiyobuza mulinchicho woonse muntu ulimuchumbwe mpayo limvwa ijwi lyakwe
29 and shall come forthe: they that have done good vnto the resurreccion of lyfe: and they that have done evyll vnto the resurreccion of dampnacion.
Mpawo bayozwa aboobo bakachita kabotu kububuke bwamwami aabobo bakachita bubi kububuke bwalubeta.
30 I can of myne awne selfe do nothinge at all. As I heare I iudge and my iudgemet is iust because I seke not myne awne will but the will of ye father which hath sent me.
Nsikonzyi kuchita chintu lwangu. Mbuli mbomvwa ndabeteka, mpawo kubeteka kwangu kuliluleme nkaambo nsiyobuyandula luyando lwangu pesi luyando lyayoyo wakanditum.
31 Yf I beare witnes of my selfe my witnes is not true.
Ikuti ndalipeda bukamboni lwangu ndemwin, bukamboni bwangu tabunosinizyi pe.
32 Ther is a nother that beareth witnes of me and I am sure that the witnes whiche he beareth of me is true.
Kuli umwi upeda bukamboni atala andime mpawo ndizizi kuti bukamboni mbwapa atala anduwe bulisinizizye.
33 Ye sent vnto Iohn and he bare witnes vnto the truthe.
Mwakatuma bantu kuli joni mpawo wakapa bukamboni businizizye.
34 But I receave not the recorde of man. Neverthelesse these thinges I saye that ye might be safe.
Pesi bukamboni mbotambula tabuzwi kumuntu. Ngwamba zintu ezi kuti mukonzye kufutulwa.
35 He was a burninge and a shyninge light and ye wolde for a season have reioysed in his light.
Joni wakali lampi lyakali kuyaka akumunik, mpawo mwakanda kukondwa mumumuni wakwe kwakindi.
36 But I have greater witnes then the witnes of Iohn. For ye workes which ye father hath geve me to fynisshe: the same workes which I do beare witnes of me that ye father sent me.
Pesi ibukamboni mbondabo mbupati kwinda bwa Jon, nkaambo imilimu eyo
37 And the father him silfe which hath sent me beareth witnes of me. Ye have not hearde his voyce at eny tyme nor ye have sene his shape:
Taata njandipa kuti njimanisizy, njiyo milimo njechit, indipede bukamboni kuli Taata wakandituma. Taata wakandituma lwakwe mwini wakandipeda bukambon.
38 therto his wordes have ye not abydinge in you. For whome he hath sent: him ye beleve not.
Tamuna kumumvwida jwi nanka kumubona chimo chakwe naba achili chind. Tamukwe ijwi likkalilide pe mulindinyw, nkaambo tamulikusyoma pe muliyooyo ngwakatum.
39 Searche the scriptures for in them ye thinke ye have eternall lyfe: and they are they which testify of me. (aiōnios )
Mulayandula magwalo nkaambo muyeye kuti muli ngawo mulibuumi butaman, mpawo ngayaya magwalo apeda bukamboni aatala andime. (aiōnios )
40 And yet will ye not come to me that ye might have lyfe.
Inywe tamukwe chiyandisyo chakuza kulindime kuti mukonzye kuba abuumi.
41 I receave not prayse of men.
Nsitambuli mulema buzwa kumuntu,
42 But I knowe you that ye have not the love of God in you
, pesi ndilizi kuti tamukwe luyando lwa Leza pe mulindinywe.
43 I am come in my fathers name and ye receave me not. Yf another shall come in his awne name him will ye receave.
Ndasika muzina lya Taat, inywe inywe tamunditambuli pe. Ikuti umwi wasika muzina lyakw, mulakonzya kumutambul.
44 How can ye beleve which receave honoure one of another and seke not the honoure that commeth of God only?
Mbobuli mbomunga mulasyom, inywe nomutambula bulemu kuzwa kulibamwi banu pesi tamuyanduli bulemu buzwa kuli Leza alike?
45 Doo not thinke that I wyll accuse you to my father. Ther is one that accuseth you eve Moses in whom ye trust.
Mutayeyi kuti lwangu ndemwini njomupa mulanda kunembo lya Taata. Uyomupa mulanda ngu Musa, mulinguwe mumwakabikide bulangizi.
46 For had ye beleved Moses ye wold have beleved me: for he wrote of me.
Ikuti mwakamusyoma Mus, mwayinondisyoma ambeb, nkambo wakalemba atala ambebo.
47 But now ye beleve not his writinge: how shall ye beleve my wordes.
Ikuti kamutasyomi malembe akw, mbobuli mbomuyosyoma majwi angu?”