< John 4 >
1 Assone as the Lorde had knowledge how the Pharises had hearde that Iesus made and baptised moo disciples then Iohn
Mafarisayo wakasikia kwamba Yesu alikuwa anapata na kubatiza wanafunzi wengi zaidi kuliko Yohana,
2 (though that Iesus him selfe baptised not: but his disciples)
ingawa kwa kweli si Yesu mwenyewe aliyekuwa akibatiza, ila ni wanafunzi wake.
3 he lefte Iewry and departed agayne into Galile.
Bwana alipojua mambo haya, aliondoka Uyahudi akarudi tena Galilaya.
4 And it was so that he must nedes goo thorowe Samaria.
Wakati huo ilimlazimu apitie Samaria.
5 Then came he to a cyte of Samaria called Sichar besydes the possession that Iacob gave to his sonne Ioseph.
Akafika kwenye mji mmoja wa Samaria uitwao Sikari, karibu na lile shamba ambalo Yakobo alimpa mwanawe Yosefu.
6 And there was Iacobs well. Iesus then weryed in his iorney sate thus on the well. And it was about the sixte houre:
Huko ndiko kulikokuwa na kile kisima cha Yakobo. Naye Yesu alikuwa amechoka kwa kuwa alikuwa ametoka safarini. Akaketi karibu na hicho kisima. Ilikuwa yapata saa sita mchana.
7 and there came a woman of Samaria to drawe water. And Iesus sayde vnto her: geve me drynke.
Mwanamke mmoja Msamaria akaja kuteka maji, Yesu akamwambia, “Naomba maji ninywe.”
8 For his disciples were gone awaye vnto the toune to bye meate.
(Wakati huo wanafunzi wake walikuwa wamekwenda mjini kununua chakula.)
9 Then sayde the woman of Samaria vnto him: how is it that thou beinge a Iewe axest drinke of me which am a Samaritane? for the Iewes medle not with the Samaritans.
Yule mwanamke Msamaria akamjibu, “Wewe ni Myahudi na mimi ni Msamaria. Yawezekanaje uniombe nikupe maji ya kunywa?” (Wayahudi walikuwa hawashirikiani kabisa na Wasamaria.)
10 Iesus answered and sayde vnto hir: yf thou knewest the gyfte of God and who it is that sayeth to the geve me drynke thou woldest have axed of him and he wolde have geven the water of lyfe.
Yesu akajibu akamwambia, “Kama ungelijua karama ya Mungu, naye ni nani anayekuambia, Nipe maji ninywe, wewe ungelimwomba yeye, naye angelikupa maji yaliyo hai.”
11 The woman sayde vnto him. Syr thou hast no thinge to drawe with and the well is depe: from whence then hast thou yt water of lyfe?
Yule mwanamke akamjibu, “Bwana, wewe huna chombo cha kutekea maji na kisima hiki ni kirefu. Hayo maji ya uzima utayapata wapi?
12 Arte thou greater then oure father Iacob which gave vs the well and he him silfe dranke therof and his chyldren and his catell?
Kwani wewe ni mkuu kuliko baba yetu Yakobo ambaye alitupatia kisima hiki, ambacho yeye pamoja na watoto wake na mifugo yake walikitumia?”
13 Iesus answered and sayde vnto hir: whosoever drinketh of this water shall thurst agayne.
Yesu akamjibu, “Kila mtu anayekunywa maji ya kisima hiki ataona kiu tena.
14 But whosoever shall drinke of ye water yt I shall geve him shall never be more a thyrst: but the water that I shall geve him shalbe in him a well of water springinge vp in to everlastinge lyfe. (aiōn , aiōnios )
Lakini yeyote anywaye maji nitakayompa hataona kiu kamwe. Maji nitakayompa yatakuwa ndani yake chemchemi ya maji, yakibubujika uzima wa milele.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
15 The woma sayd vnto him: Syr geve me of that water that I thyrst not nether come hedder to drawe.
Yule mwanamke akamwambia, “Bwana, tafadhali nipe maji hayo ili nisipate kiu tena na wala nisije tena hapa kuteka maji!”
16 Iesus sayde vnto her. Go and call thy husband and come hydder.
Yesu akamjibu, “Nenda ukamwite mumeo, uje naye hapa.”
17 The woman answered and sayde to him: I have no husband.
Yule mwanamke akajibu, “Sina mume.” Yesu akamwambia, “Umesema kweli kuwa huna mume.
18 Iesus sayde to her. Thou hast well sayd I have no husbande. For thou haste had five husbandes and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband. That saydest thou truely.
Kwa maana umeshakuwa na wanaume watano na mwanaume unayeishi naye sasa si mume wako! Umesema ukweli.”
19 The woman sayde vnto him: Syr I perceave yt thou arte a prophet.
Yule mwanamke akasema, “Bwana, naona bila shaka wewe ni nabii.
20 Oure fathers worshipped in this mountayne: and ye saye that in Hierusalem is the place where men ought to worshippe.
Baba zetu waliabudu kwenye mlima huu, lakini ninyi Wayahudi mnasema ni lazima tukaabudu huko Yerusalemu.”
21 Iesus sayde vnto her: woman beleve me the houre cometh when ye shall nether in this moutayne nor yet at Ierusalem worshippe the father.
Yesu akamjibu, “Mwanamke, niamini, wakati unakuja ambapo hamtamwabudu Baba katika mlima huu, wala huko Yerusalemu.
22 Ye worshippe ye wot not what: we knowe what we worshippe. For salvacion cometh of the Iewes.
Ninyi Wasamaria mnaabudu msichokijua. Sisi Wayahudi tunamwabudu Mungu tunayemjua kwa sababu wokovu unatoka kwa Wayahudi.
23 But the houre commeth and nowe is when the true worshippers shall worshippe the father in sprete and in trouthe. For verely suche the father requyreth to worshippe him.
Lakini saa yaja, tena ipo, ambapo wale waabuduo halisi, watamwabudu Baba katika roho na kweli. Watu wanaoabudu namna hii, ndio Baba anawatafuta.
24 God is a sprete and they that worshippe him must worshippe him in sprete and trouthe.
Mungu ni Roho na wote wanaomwabudu imewapasa kumwabudu katika roho na kweli.”
25 The woman sayde vnto him: I wot well Messias shall come which is called Christ. When he is come he will tell vs all thinges.
Yule mwanamke akamwambia, “Ninafahamu kwamba Masiya (aitwaye Kristo) anakuja. Yeye akija, atatueleza mambo yote.”
26 Iesus sayde vnto hir: I that speake vnto the am he.
Yesu akamwambia, “Mimi ninayezungumza nawe, ndiye.”
27 And eve at that poynte came his disciples and marvelled that he talked with the woman. Yet no man sayde vnto him: what meanest thou or why talkest thou with her?
Wakati huo wanafunzi wake wakarudi, wakashangaa sana kumwona akizungumza na mwanamke. Lakini hakuna aliyemuuliza, “Unataka nini kwake?” Au “Kwa nini unazungumza naye?”
28 The woma then lefte her waterpot and went her waye into the cite and sayde to the men.
Yule mwanamke akaacha mtungi wake, akarudi mjini akawaambia watu,
29 Come se a man which tolde me all thinges yt ever I dyd. Is not he Christ?
“Njooni mkamwone mtu aliyeniambia kila kitu nilichotenda! Je, yawezekana huyu ndiye Kristo?”
30 Then they went ont of the cite and came vnto him.
Basi wakamiminika watu kutoka mjini wakamwendea Yesu.
31 And in ye meane while his disciples prayed him sayinge: Master eate.
Wakati huo wanafunzi wake walikuwa wakimsihi, “Rabi, kula angalau chochote.”
32 He sayde vnto the: I have meate to eate that ye knowe not of.
Lakini yeye akawajibu, “Mimi ninacho chakula ambacho ninyi hamkifahamu.”
33 Then sayd ye disciples bitwene them selves: hath eny ma brought him meate?
Basi wanafunzi wakaanza kuulizana, “Kuna mtu ambaye amemletea chakula?”
34 Iesus sayde vnto them: my meate is to doo the will of him that sent me. And to fynnysshe his worke.
Lakini Yesu akawajibu, “Chakula changu ni kufanya mapenzi ya Mungu ambaye amenituma na kuikamilisha kazi yake.
35 Saye not ye: there are yet foure monethes and then cometh harvest? Beholde I saye vnto you lyfte vp youre eyes and loke on ye regios: for they are whyte all redy vnto harvest.
Je, ninyi hamsemi, ‘Bado miezi minne tuvune?’ Inueni macho yenu myaangalie mashamba jinsi mazao yalivyo tayari kuvunwa!
36 And he ye repeth receaveth rewarde and gaddereth frute vnto life eternall: that bothe he that soweth and he yt repeth myght reioyse to gether. (aiōnios )
Mvunaji tayari anapokea mshahara wake, naye anakusanya mazao kwa ajili ya uzima wa milele. Ili yeye apandaye na yeye avunaye wafurahi pamoja. (aiōnios )
37 And herin is the sayinge true yt one soweth and another repeth.
Hivyo kule kusema, ‘Mmoja hupanda na mwingine huvuna,’ ni kweli kabisa.
38 I sent you to repe yt whero ye bestowed no laboure. Other men laboured and ye are entred into their labours.
Niliwatuma mkavune mazao ambayo hamkupanda, wengine walifanya kazi ngumu, nanyi mmevuna faida ya taabu yao.”
39 Many of the Samaritas of that cyte beleved on him for ye sayinge of the woma which testified: he tolde me all thinges yt ever I dyd.
Wasamaria wengi katika mji ule wakamwamini Yesu kwa sababu ya ushuhuda wa yule mwanamke alipowaambia kwamba, “Ameniambia kila kitu nilichotenda.”
40 Then when the Samaritas were come vnto him they besought him yt he wolde tary wt the. And he aboode there two dayes.
Hivyo wale Wasamaria walipomjia, wakamsihi akae kwao. Naye akakaa huko siku mbili.
41 And many moo beleved because of his awne wordes
Kwa sababu ya neno lake, watu wengi wakaamini.
42 and sayd vnto the woman: Now we beleve not because of thy sayinge. For we have herde him oure selves and knowe that this is even in dede Christ the savioure of the worlde.
Wakamwambia yule mwanamke, “Sasa tunaamini, wala si kwa sababu ya maneno yako tu, bali kwa kuwa tumemsikia sisi wenyewe. Tumejua hakika kweli ya kwamba huyu ndiye Kristo, Mwokozi wa ulimwengu.”
43 After two dayes he departed thence and wet awaye into Galile.
Baada ya zile siku mbili, Yesu aliondoka kwenda Galilaya.
44 And Iesus him selfe testified that a Prophete hath none honoure in his awne countre.
(Basi Yesu mwenyewe alikuwa amesema kwamba nabii hapati heshima katika nchi yake mwenyewe.)
45 Then assone as he was come into Galile the Galileans receaved him which had sene all the thinges yt he dyd at Ierusalem at ye feast. For they wet also vnto ye feast daye.
Alipofika Galilaya, Wagalilaya walimkaribisha, kwani walikuwa wameona yale aliyoyatenda huko Yerusalemu wakati wa Sikukuu ya Pasaka. Kwa maana wao pia walikuwa wamehudhuria hiyo Sikukuu.
46 And Iesus came agayne into Cana of Galile wher he turned water into wyne. And ther was a certayne ruler whose sonne was sicke at Capernaum.
Hivyo Yesu akaja tena mpaka Kana ya Galilaya, kule alikokuwa amebadili maji kuwa divai. Huko kulikuwepo na afisa mmoja wa mfalme, ambaye mwanawe alikuwa mgonjwa huko Kapernaumu.
47 Assone as the same herde that Iesus was come out of Iewry into Galile he wet vnto him and besought him yt he wolde descende and heale his sonne: For he was eve readie to dye.
Huyo mtu aliposikia kwamba Yesu alikuwa amewasili Galilaya kutoka Uyahudi, alimwendea na kumwomba ili aje kumponya mwanawe, aliyekuwa mgonjwa karibu ya kufa.
48 Then sayde Iesus vnto him: excepte ye se signes and wodres ye canot beleve.
Yesu akamwambia, “Ninyi watu msipoona ishara na miujiza kamwe hamtaamini.”
49 The ruler sayd vnto him: Syr come awaye or ever yt my chylde dye.
Yule afisa wa mfalme akamwambia, “Bwana, tafadhali shuka kabla mwanangu hajafa.”
50 Iesus sayde vnto him goo thy waye thy sonne liveth. And the ma beleved ye wordes yt Iesus had spoke vnto him and wet his waye.
Yesu akamjibu, “Enenda zako, mwanao yu hai.” Yule afisa akaamini yale maneno Yesu aliyomwambia, akaondoka akaenda zake.
51 And anone as he went on his waye his servantes met him and tolde him sayinge: thy chylde liveth.
Alipokuwa bado yuko njiani, akakutana na watumishi wake wakamwambia kwamba mwanawe yu mzima.
52 Then enquyred he of the the houre when he begane to amende. And they sayde vnto him: Yester daye the sevethe houre the fever lefte him.
Akawauliza saa ambayo alianza kupata nafuu. Wakamwambia, “Jana yapata saa saba, homa ilimwacha.”
53 And the father knew that it was the same houre in which Iesus sayde vnto him: Thy sonne liveth. And he beleved and all his housholde.
Ndipo baba wa huyo mtoto akakumbuka kuwa huo ndio wakati ambapo Yesu alikuwa amemwambia, “Mwanao yu hai.” Kwa hiyo yeye pamoja na wote wa nyumbani mwake wakamwamini Yesu.
54 Thys is agayne the seconde myracle yt Iesus dyd after he was come oute of Iewry into Galile.
Hii ilikuwa ishara ya pili ambayo Yesu alifanya aliporudi Galilaya kutoka Uyahudi.