< John 11 >

1 A certayne man was sicke named Lazarus of Bethania the toune of Mary and her sister Martha.
Muntu yumu yawamshema Lazaru, kalikaliti Betaniya, kaweriti mlweri. Betaniya lushi lwawalikaliti Mariya na Marita muhasha gwakuwi.
2 It was that Mary which annoynted Iesus with oyntment and wyped his fete with her heere whose brother Lazarus was sicke
Mariya ndo uliya yakamswagiti uturi Mtuwa na kumpukuta kwa viri zyakuwi. Ayu ndo Lazaru kaka gwakuwi yakaweriti mlweri.
3 and his sisters sent vnto him sayinge. Lorde behold he whom thou lovest is sicke.
Wahasha watuma ujumbi kwa Yesu, “Mtuwa, ganja gwaku yagumfira, mlweri!”
4 When Iesus hearde yt he sayd: this infirmite is not vnto deth but for ye laude of God that the sonne of God myght be praysed by the reason of it.
Yesu pakapikaniriti aga, katakula, “Ulweri awu hapeni hujegi kuhowa kwa Lazaru, ira ndo kwajili ya kumkwisa Mlungu na kwa mana ayi Mwana gwa Mlungu kakwiswi.”
5 Iesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.
Yesu kamfiriti Marita na muhasha gwakuwi pamuhera na Lazaru.
6 After he hearde that he was sicke then aboode he two dayes still in the same place where he was.
Pakapatiti shisoweru handa Lazaru mlweri, kulikala pahala panu kwa mashaka mawili nentu.
7 Then after that sayd he to his disciples: let us goo into Iewry agayne.
Shakapanu kawagambira wafundwa wakuwi, “Tuwuyi kayi Yudeya!”
8 His disciples sayde vnto him. Master the Iewes lately sought meanes to stone the and wilt thou goo thyther agayne?
Wafundwa wamgambira, “Mfunda! Shipindi shifupi hera shipita Wayawudi wafira kukuguma mabuwi, na gwenga gufira kugenda kayi aku?”
9 Iesus answered: are ther not twelve houres in ye daye? Yf a man walke in ye daye he stombleth not because he seith the lyght of this worlde.
Yesu kankula, “Lishaka lyana saa lilongu na mawili ndiri, ndo hangu? Pakagendagenda paliwala hapeni kawezi kulikwala, kawona kulangala kwa pasipanu.
10 But yf a ma walke in ye nyght he stombleth because ther is no lyght in him.
Kumbiti muntu pakagendagenda pashiru katalikwala, Toziya kulangala kwahera.”
11 This sayde he and after yt he sayde vnto the: oure frende Lazarus slepeth but I goo to wake him out of slepe.
Yesu katakuliti hangu na pakamaliriti, kawagambira, “Ganja gwetu Lazaru kagonja, kumbiti neni nankugenda na kumyumusiya.”
12 Then sayde his disciples: Lorde yf he slepe he shall do well ynough.
Wafundwa wakuwi wamgambira, “Mtuwa, handa yomberi kagonja su hakaponiziwi.”
13 How be it Iesus spake of his deeth: but they thought yt he had spoke of ye naturall slepe.
Kumbiti Yesu kaweriti kankutakula kuusu kuhowa kwakuwi, womberi waliholiti kuwera kankutakula kuusu kugonja mbota.
14 Then sayde Iesus vnto the playnly Lazarus is deed
Yesu kawagambira pota kufifa, “Lazaru kahowa,
15 and I am glad for youre sakes yt I was not there because ye maye beleve. Neverthelesse let vs go vnto him.
kumbiti nemelera kwa ajili ya mwenga handa mweri ndiri aku, su mpati kujimira. Haya tugendeni kwakuwi.”
16 Then sayde Thomas which is called Dydimus vnto ye disciples: let vs also goo that we maye dye wt him
Tomasi yawamshema mawira kawagambira wantumini wamonga, “Tugendeni woseri pamuhera na mfunda tukahowi!”
17 Then went Iesus and founde that he had lyne in his grave foure dayes already.
Yesu pakafikiti aku, kamwoniti Lazaru wamtula kala mlipumba kwa mashaka msheshi.
18 Bethanie was nye vnto Ierusalem aboute. xv. furlonges of
Shijiji sha Betaniya shiweriti pakwegera na Yerusalemu utali wa kilumita ntatu,
19 and many of the Iewes were come to Martha and Mary to comforte them over their brother.
na Wayawudi wavuwa wiziti kumlola Marita na Mariya kuwapanani ushiwa kwa kuhowa kaka gwawu.
20 Martha assone as she hearde yt Iesus was comynge went and met him: but Mary sate still in the housse.
Shipindi Marita pakapikaniriti handa Yesu kaweriti kamkwiza, kagenda kumwanka, kumbiti Mariya kasigaliti ukaya.
21 Then sayde Martha vnto Iesus: Lorde yf thou haddest bene here my brother had not bene deed:
Marita kamgambira Yesu, “Mtuwa handa gwangaweriti panu, kaka gwangu mekahowiti ndiri!
22 but neverthelesse I knowe that whatsoever thou axest of God God will geve it the.
Kumbiti nuvimana handa ata vinu shoseri shagufira kumluwa Mlungu, hakakupi.”
23 Iesus sayde vnto her: Thy brother shall ryse agayne.
Yesu kamgambira, “Kaka gwaku hakawuyi mkomu kayi.”
24 Martha sayde vnto him: I knowe that he shall ryse agayne in the resurreccion at the last daye.
Marita kamwankula, “Nuvimana handa hawazyuki shipindi sha uzyukisiwu, mulishaka lya kupelera.”
25 Iesus sayde vnto her: I am the resurreccion and the lyfe: He that beleveth on me ye though he were deed yet shall he lyve.
Yesu kamgambira, “Neni ndo uzyukisiya na ukomu. Yakanjimira neni ata tembera hakahowi, hakalikali.
26 And whosoever lyveth and belevest on me shall never dye. Beleveth thou this? (aiōn g165)
Na kila yakalikala na kunjimira, hapeni kahowi. Hashi, gujimira aga?” (aiōn g165)
27 She sayde vnto him: ye Lorde I beleve that thou arte Christ the sonne of god which shuld come into the worlde.
Marita kamwankula, “Yina, Mtuwa! Neni njimira handa gwenga ndo Kristu, Mwana gwa Mlungu, uliya yakiza pasipanu.”
28 And assone as she had so sayde she went her waye and called Marie her sister secretly sayinge: The master is come and calleth for the
Marita pakatakuliti aga, kagenditi na kumshema Mariya mlongu gwakuwi, kamgambira pagweka, “mfunda kapanu na kafira kukuwona.”
29 And she assone as she hearde that arose quickly and came vnto him.
Nayomberi pakapikaniriti aga, kamukamu kagoloka, kamgendera Yesu.
30 Iesus was not yet come into the toune: but was in the place where Martha met him.
Yesu kaweriti keniyingiri mushijiji, kumbiti kaweriti palaa palii Marita pakamwankiti.
31 The Iewes then which were with her in the housse and comforted her when they sawe Mary that she rose vp hastely and went out folowed her saying: She goeth vnto the grave to wepe there.
Su, Wayawudi yawaweriti ukaya pamuhera na Mariya pawamnyamaziya muushiwa, pawamwoniti kagoloka na kulawa kunja vumu, wamwiziriti. Wavimaniti kaweriti kankugenda mulipumba kudaya.
32 Then when Mary was come where Iesus was and sawe him she fell doune at his fete sayinge vnto him: Lorde yf thou haddest bene here my brother had not bene deed.
Mariya pakasokiti pahala palii Yesu pakaweriti na kumwona, kasuntamala, kamgambira, “Mtuwa, handa gwangaweriti panu, kaka gwangu kangahowiti ndiri!”
33 When Iesus sawe her wepe and ye Iewes also wepe which came wt her he groned in ye sprete and was troubled in him selfe
Yesu pakamwoniti kankulira na Wayawudi walii wawiziti pamuhera nayomberi wankulira viraa, kamemiti na maholu na kuhinginika mumoyu.
34 and sayde: Where have ye layed him? They sayde vnto him: Lorde come and se.
Shakapanu kawakosiya, “Lipumba lya koshi?” Wamgambira, “Mtuwa, gwizi na gulori.”
35 And Iesus wept.
Yesu kalira.
36 Then sayde the Iewes: Beholde howe he loved him.
Su, Wayawudi watakula, “Mlori ntambu yakamfiriti!”
37 And some of the sayde: coulde not he which openned the eyes of the blynde have made also that this man shuld not have dyed?
Kumbiti wamonga wawu watakula, “Hashi, ayu yakamtenditi katumuli masu lwisi uliya, kaweza ndiri kumtenda Lazaru nakahowi?”
38 Iesus agayne groned in him selfe and came to the grave. It was a caue and a stone layde on it.
Su, Yesu kahinginika kayi mmoyu, kiziti mlipumba. Lipumba lyeni liweriti mpanga na liweriti ludiwirwa kwa libuwi.
39 And Iesus sayd: take ye awaye the stone. Martha the sister of him that was deed sayd vnto him: Lorde by this tyme he stinketh. For he hath bene deed foure dayes:
Yesu kalagaliriti, “Mliwusiyi libuwi ali!” Marita mlongu gwakuwi ayu yakahowiti kamgambira, “Mtuwa kanja kala kununka, kalikala mulipumba mashaka msheshi!”
40 Iesus sayde vnto her: Sayde I not vnto the yt if thou didest beleve thou shuldest se ye glory of God.
Yesu kamgambira, “Hashi, nukugambira ndiri handa pagujimira haguwoni ukwisa wa Mlungu?”
41 Then they toke awaye ye stone from ye place where the deed was layde. And Iesus lyfte vp his eyes and sayde: Father I thanke the because that thou hast hearde me.
Su waliwusiya libuwi lilii, Yesu kalola kumpindi, katakula, “Mayagashii Tati toziya gwenga gumpikanira.
42 I wot that thou hearest me all wayes: but because of the people that stonde by I sayde it yt they maye beleve that thou hast sent me.
Nuvimana handa gumpikanira neni. Kumbiti ntakula aga toziya ya wantu awa wapala panu su wapati kujimira handa gwenga ndo yaguntumiti.”
43 And when he thus had spoken he cryed wt a loud voyce. Lazarus come forthe.
Pakamaliriti kutakula aga, kashema kwa liziwu likulu, “Lazaru! Gulawi kunja!”
44 And he that was deed came forth bounde hand and fote with grave bondes and his face was bounde with a napkin. Iesus sayde vnto the: loowse him and let him goo.
Uliya yakaweriti kahowa kalawiti kunja, aku wamyopa sanda mmagulu na mmawoku na sheni shakuwi shigubikirwa. Yesu kawagambira, “Mumyopoli, mkamleki kagendi zyakuwi.”
45 Then many of the Iewes which came to Mary and had sene the thinges which Iesus dyd beleved on him.
Su, Wayawudi wavuwa waweriti wamtyangira Mariya pawawoniti Yesu shintu gaa shakatenditi, na kumjimira.
46 But some of them went their wayes to the Pharises and tolde them what Iesus had done.
Kumbiti wamonga wawu wagenditi kwa Mafalisayu na wawagambira shitwatira ashi shakatenditi Yesu.
47 Then gadered the hye prestes and the Pharises a counsell and sayde: what do we? This ma doeth many miracles.
Mafalisayu na watambika wakulu waliwoniti Mwashizungu na watakula, “Tutendi shishi? Muntu ayu kankutenda mauzauza nentu.
48 Yf we let him scape thus all men will beleve on him and ye Romaynes shall come and take awaye oure countre and the people.
Patumleka hera wantu woseri hawamjimiri, womberi Warumi hawizi kuwalibisiya Numba nkulu ya Mlungu gwetu na isi yetu!”
49 And one of them named Cayphas which was the hieprest yt same yeare sayde vnto them: Ye perceave nothinge at all
Panu yumu gwawu, yawamchema Kayafa, ndo kiwiti mtambika mkulu wa shinja ashi, kawagambira, “Mwenga muvimana ndiri shintu!
50 nor yet consider that it is expedient for vs that one man dye for the people and not that all the people perisshe.
Hashi, mwona ndiri handa ndo mbaka kwamwenga muntu yumu kahowi kwa ajili ya wantu, kuliku isi yoseri ipalanganyika?”
51 This spake he not of him selfe but beinge hye preste that same yeare he prophesied that Iesus shulde dye for the people
Yomberi katakula ndiri hangu ntambu yakafiriti mweni, ira kaweriti mtambika mkulu shinja ashi su katungiti handa Yesu hakahowi toziya ya wantu wa Isi ya Shiyawudi,
52 and not for the people only but that he shuld gader to geder in one the chyldren of God which were scattered abroode.
na toziya ndiri gweka yawu hera, kumbiti kapati kuwajega pamuhera munshimba yimu yaipalanganyikiti kwa wantu wa Mlungu.
53 From that daye forth they held a counsell to geder for to put him to deeth.
Su, kwanjira lishaka ali watuwa wa Shiyawudi watenda mipangu gwa kumlaga Yesu.
54 Iesus therfore walked no more opely amoge the Iewes: but wet his waye thence vnto a coutre nye to a wildernes into a cite called Ephraim and there hauted with his disciples.
Su, Yesu hapeni kagendigendi kayi paweru muisi ya Wayawudi, kumbiti kawukiti panu kagenditi pahala pagwekera na kushiwala, mlushi lwa walushema Efrayimu. Kalikaliti aku pamuhera na wafundwa wakuwi.
55 And the Iewes ester was nye at hand and many went out of the countre vp to Ierusalem before the ester to purify them selves.
Shipindi sha msambu sha Wayawudi sha Pasaka shiweriti pakwegera na wantu wavuwa walawa muisi wagenditi Yerusalemu su walipungi pa msambu agu.
56 Then sought they for Iesus and spake bitwene the selves as they stode in the teple: What thinke ye seynge he cometh not to the feast.
Su, waweriti wankumsakula Yesu. Na womberi pawaliwoniti Mnumba nkulu ya Mlungu, walikosiyana, “Mulihola hashi? Nakaka hakizi ndiri ku msambu agu, awu ndiri?”
57 The hye prestes and Pharises had geven a comaundemet that yf eny man knew where he were he shuld shewe it that they myght take him.
Watambika wakulu na Mafalisayu walagalira kuwera, handa muntu yoseri pakavimaniti pahala pakaweriti Yesu, kalazimika kutakula su wapati kumbata.

< John 11 >