< John 1 >

1 In the beginnynge was the worde and the worde was with God: and the worde was God.
Penapo pakutumbula, kwakona vindu vyoha viwumbiki lepi avili mmonga mweakemeliwi Lilovi. Lilovi avili na Chapanga. Mwene avili Chapanga.
2 The same was in the beginnynge with God.
Kuhuma kutumbula avili pamonga na Chapanga.
3 All thinges were made by it and with out it was made nothinge that was made.
Kupitila mwene, Chapanga awumbili vindu vyoha, kawaka chindu hati chimonga chechawumbiki changali mwene.
4 In it was lyfe and the lyfe was ye lyght of men
Mwene ndi chinyepa cha wumi na wumi wene uletili lumuli kwa vandu.
5 and the lyght shyneth in the darcknes but the darcknes comprehended it not.
Lumuli lwenulo lulangasa kuchitita, na chene chitita chihotola lepi kulujimisa.
6 There was a man sent from God whose name was Iohn.
Chapanga amtumili mundu mmonga liina laki Yohani,
7 The same cam as a witnes to beare witnes of the lyght that all men through him myght beleve.
mwene abweli kuvajovela vandu kuluvala lumuli lwenulo. Abweli muni vandu voha vayuwana na kusadika ujumbi waki.
8 He was not that lyght: but to beare witnes of the lyght.
Yohani mwene avi lepi lumuli lwenulo, nambu abweli kuvajovela vandu kuluvala lumuli lwenulo.
9 That was a true lyght which lyghteth all men that come into the worlde.
Lwenulo ndi lumuli lwa chakaka, lumuli lwelubwela pamulima na kuvalangasila vandu voha.
10 He was in ye worlde and the worlde was made by him: and yet the worlde knewe him not.
Hinu, lilovi lila avili pamulima na kupitila mwene Chapanga awumbili mulima, nambu vandu va pamulima wammanyili lepi.
11 He cam amonge his (awne) and his awne receaved him not.
Abwelili pavandu vaki mwene, nambu vandu vaki vampokili lepi.
12 But as meny as receaved him to them he gave power to be the sonnes of God in yt they beleved on his name:
Nambu vandu vevampokili, na kumsadika, avapeli uhotola wa kuvya vana va Chapanga.
13 which were borne not of bloude nor of the will of the flesshe nor yet of the will of man: but of God.
Vavi vana va Chapanga lepi kwa kuvelekewa ngati vandu chevivelekewa. Amala vavelikwi lepi ngati vandu chevigana, nambu kwa maganu ga Chapanga mwene.
14 And the worde was made flesshe and dwelt amonge vs and we sawe the glory of it as the glory of the only begotten sonne of ye father which worde was full of grace and verite.
Lilovi lila akavya mundu, akatama kwitu. Ndi tiuwene ukulu waki, ukulu waki mwene nga Mwana wa Dadi Chapanga, amemili ubwina wa Chapanga na uchakaka.
15 Iohn bare witnes of him and cryed sayinge: This was he of whome I spake he that cometh after me was before me because he was yer then I.
Yohani avajovili vandu malovi gaki. Akajova kwa lwami, “Mwenuyu ndi yula mwenamuluwili penajovili, ‘Ibwela mundu mweigelekela pahali pangu mkulu kuliku nene, muni amali kuvya kwakona nene kuvelekewa.’”
16 And of his fulnes have all we receaved even (grace) for grace.
Ndava cheavili ubwina waki wamahele tete tavoha tipokili mota yamahele.
17 For the lawe was geven by Moses but grace and truthe came by Iesus Christ.
Chapanga atipeli malagizu kupitila Musa, nambu ubwina wa Chapanga na chakaka utibwelili kupitila Yesu Kilisitu.
18 No ma hath sene God at eny tyme. The only begotte sonne which is in ye bosome of ye father he hath declared him.
Kawaka mundu mweamuwene Chapanga katu. Nambu nga Mwana waki yuyo mweavi Chapanga na mweaganiwi na Dadi, mwene atimanyisi mambu gaki.
19 And this is the recorde of Iohn: When the Iewes sent Prestes and Levites from Ierusalem to axe him what arte thou?
Genaga ndi malovi Yohani geajovili ndava yaki lukumbi vachilongosi va Vayawudi ku Yelusalemu pevavatumili vamteta va Chapanga na Valawi vamkotayi, “Veve wayani?”
20 And he confessed and denyed not and sayde playnly: I am not Christ.
Yohani abelili lepi kuyangula likotesi lenilo, nambu akajova hotohoto, “Nene lepi Kilisitu Msangula.”
21 And they axed him: what then? arte thou Helyas? And he sayde: I am not. Arte thou a Prophete? And he answered no.
Kangi vakamkota, “Hinu veve ndi wayani? Wu, veve ndi Eliya?” Yohani akayangula, “Lepi.” Vakamkota kangi, “Veve ndi yula mlota wa Chapanga?” Akavayangula, “Lepi!”
22 Then sayd they vnto him: what arte thou that we maye geve an answer to them that sent vs: What sayest thou of thy selfe?
Kangi vakamkota, “Hinu wayani veve? Wijova wuli kukuvala wamwene? Utijovelayi na tete tikavayangula vevatitumili.”
23 He sayde: I am the voyce of a cryar in the wyldernes make strayght the waye of the Lorde as sayde the Prophete Esaias.
Yohani akayangula, nene ndi yula mlota Isaya ajovili malovi gaki, “Nene ndi lwami lwa mundu ikemela kulugangatu. ‘Mgolosayi njila ya Bambu.’”
24 And they which were sent were of the pharises.
Vandu avo vatumwili na Vafalisayu,
25 And they axed him and sayde vnto him: why baptisest thou then yf thou be not Christ nor Helyas nether a Prophet?
vakamkota Yohani, “Ngati veve lepi Kilisitu Msangula mweahaguliwi na Chapanga, amala Eliya, amala mlota wa Chapanga, ndava kyani wibatiza?”
26 Iohn answered them sayinge: I baptise with water: but one is come amonge you whom ye knowe not
Yohani akavayangula, “Nene nibatiza kwa manji, nambu avi mmonga pagati yinu, mwakona kummanya.
27 he it is that cometh after me whiche was before me whose sho latchet I am not worthy to vnlose.
Mweibwela pahali pangu, ndi nene niganikiwa lepi hati kuwopola nyosi za champali zaki.”
28 These thinges were done in Bethabara beyonde Iordan where Iohn dyd baptyse.
Mambu genago gakitiki kumuji wa Betania, kumwambu ya mfuleni Yoludani, Yohani kweavi mukubatiza.
29 The nexte daye Iohn sawe Iesus commyge vnto him and sayde: beholde the lambe of God which taketh awaye the synne of the worlde.
Chilau yaki, Yohani amuwene Yesu akumbwelela akajova, “Lola, mwenuyu ndi Mwana limbelele wa Chapanga, ndi mweiwusa kumbudila Chapanga pamulima!
30 This is he of whom I sayde. After me cometh a man which was before me for he was yer then I
Ndi mwenamlongalili yula penajovili, ‘Pahali pa nene ibwela mundu mkulu kuliku nene, mwene avili kwakona nene kuvelekewa!’
31 and I knew him not: but that he shuld be declared to Israell therfore am I come baptisynge with water.
Hati namwene nangammanya, nambu nibweli kubatiza na manji muni vandu va Isilaeli vammanyayi.”
32 And Iohn bare recorde sayinge: I sawe the sprete descende from heven lyke vnto a dove and abyde apon him
Kangi Yohani atijovili gala geagawene, “Namuwene Mpungu Msopi akumuhelelela ngati ngunda kuhuma kunani na kutula panani yaki.
33 and I knewe him not. But he that sent me to baptise in water the same sayde vnto me: apon whom thou shalt se the sprete descende and tary styll on him the same is he which baptiseth with the holy goost.
Nene nangammanya, nambu yula mweanitumili kubatiza vandu na manji amali kunijovela, ‘Mundu mweakumlola Mpungu Msopi akumuhelelela kuhuma kunani na kutama panani yaki, ndi mweibatiza na Mpungu Msopi.’
34 And I sawe and bare recorde that this is the sonne of God.
Kangi Yohani akajova nene nigalolili mambu aga na nikuvajovela uchakaka kuvya mwenuyu ndi Mwana waki Chapanga.”
35 The next daye after Iohn stode agayne and two of his disciples.
Kangi chilau yaki, Yohani avili pandu penapo, pamonga na vawuliwa vaki vavili.
36 And he behelde Iesus as he walked by and sayde: beholde the lambe of God.
Peamuwene Yesu ipita akajova, “Lola! Uyu ndi Mwana Limbelele wa Chapanga.”
37 And the two disciples hearde him speake and folowed Iesus.
Vawuliwa vavili vala pevayuwini malovi geajovayi Yohani gala vakamlanda Yesu.
38 And Iesus turned about and sawe them folowe and sayde vnto them: what seke ye? They sayde vnto him: Rabbi (which is to saye by interpretacion Master) where dwellest thou?
Yesu ang'anamwiki, avawene vawuliwa vala vakumlanda, akavakota, “Mwilonda kyani?” Vakamkota, “Labi witama koki?” Labi mana yaki Muwula.
39 He sayde vnto them: come and se. They came and sawe where he dwelt: and abode with him that daye. For it was about the tenthe houre.
Yesu akavajovela, “Mbwela, na nyenye yati mwilola,” Vawuliwa vala vakamlanda yavili lukumbi lwa saa kumi ya kimihi na vakatama kwaki ligono lenilo.
40 One of the two which hearde Iohn speake and folowed Iesus was Andrew Simon Peters brother.
Andelea, mlongo waki Simoni Petili avi mmonga pagati ya vavili avo vevamyuwini Yohani geajovili, vakamlanda Yesu.
41 The same founde his brother Simon fyrst and sayde vnto him: we have founde Messias which is by interpretacion annoynted:
Andelea akatumbula kumlonda Simoni mlongo waki, akamjovela “Timuwene Msangula.” Ndi kujova “Kilisitu.”
42 and brought him to Iesus. And Iesus behelde him and sayde: thou arte Simon the sonne of Ionas thou shalt be called Cephas: which is by interpretacion a stone.
Kangi ampeliki Simoni kwa Yesu. Ndi Yesu akamlolokesa Simoni akajova, “Simoni veve mwana wa Yohani. Hinu yati ukemelewa Kefa,” Kwa Chigiliki ndi Petili, mana yaki “Litalau.”
43 The daye folowynge Iesus wolde goo into Galile and founde Philip and sayde vnto him folowe me.
Chilau yaki Yesu akawuka, kuhamba kumulima wa Galilaya ndi amkolili Filipi, akamjovela “Nilandayi.”
44 Philip was of Bethsaida the cite of Andrew and Peter.
Filipi mkolonjinji wa ku Betisaida, muji wevitama Andelea na Petili.
45 And Philip founde Nathanael and sayde vnto him. We have founde him of whom Moses in the lawe and the prophetes dyd wryte. Iesus the sonne of Ioseph of Nazareth.
Filipi amkoli Natanyeli, akamjovela, “Timuwene mwene, mweayandikiwi na Musa muchitabu cha malagizu, na vamlota va Chapanga vayandiki mambu gaki, Yesu wa kuhuma kumuji wa Nazaleti mwana wa Yosefu.”
46 And Nathanael sayde vnto him: can ther eny good thinge come out of Nazareth? Philip sayde to him: come and se.
Natanyeli akamkota Filipi, “Chindu cha bwina chihotola wuli kuhumila ku Nazaleti?” Mwene akamjovela, “Bwelayi ulole.”
47 Iesus sawe Nathanael commynge to him and sayde of him. Beholde a ryght Israelite in who is no gyle.
Yesu peamuwene Natanyeli akumbwelela, akajova, “Lola! Chakaka mwenuyu ndi Mwiisilaeli chakaka, kawaka udese mugati yaki hati padebe.”
48 Nathanael sayd vnto him: where knewest thou me? Iesus answered and sayde vnto him: Before that Philip called the when thou wast vnder ye fygge tree I sawe the.
Natanyeli akamkota Yesu, “Unimanyi wuli?” “Mwene akamyangula, kwakona Filipi angakukemela nakuwene pewavi pahi pa mkongo wa mkuyu.”
49 Nathanael answered and sayde vnto him: Rabbi thou arte the sonne of God thou arte the kynge of Israel.
Penapo Natanyeli akamjovela, “Muwula,” Veve ndi Mwana wa Chapanga! “Veve ndi Nkosi wa Isilaeli!”
50 Iesus answered and sayd vnto him: Because I sayde vnto the I sawe the vnder the fygge tree thou belevest. Thou shalt se greater thinges then these.
Yesu akamjovela usadika ndava nikujovili nakuwene pahi ya mkongo wa mkuyu? Yati ukugawona gavaha neju ya aga.
51 And he sayde vnto him: Verely verely I saye vnto you: herafter shall ye se heven open and the angels of God ascendynge and descendynge over the sonne of man.
Ndi akayonjokesa kujova, “Chakaka nikuvajovela, yati mwilola kunani kwa Chapanga kudinduka na vamitumu va kunani kwa Chapanga vikwela na kuhelela panani pa Mwana wa Mundu.”

< John 1 >