< Acts 3 >

1 Peter and Iohn went up togedder into the teple at the nynthe houre of prayer.
Ary Petera sy Jaona niakatra ho eo an-kianjan’ ny tempoly tamin’ ny ora fahasivy fotoam-pivavahana.
2 And ther was a certayne man halt from his mothers wobe who they brought and layde at the gate of the temple called beutifull to axe almes of them that entred into the temple.
Ary nisy nitondra lehilahy nalemy tongotra hatrany an-kibon-dreniny, izay napetrany isan’ andro teo anoloan’ ny vavahadin’ ny tempoly, ilay atao hoe Itsaraendrika, mba hangataka fiantrana amin’ izay niditra teo an-kianjan’ ny tempoly;
3 Which same when he sawe Peter and Iohn that they wolde in to the teple desyred to receave an almes.
nony nahita an’ i Petera sy Jaona efa niditra eo an-kianjan’ ny tempoly izy, dia nangataka mba homena fiantrana.
4 And Peter fastened his eyes on him with Iohn and sayde: looke on vs.
Ary Petera sy Jaona nibanjina azy ka nanao hoe: Mijere anay.
5 And he gaue hede vnto the trustinge to receave somthinge of them.
Dia nibanjina azy roa lahy tsara izy, fa nanantena hahazo zavatra taminy.
6 Then sayd Peter: Silver and golde have I none suche as I have geve I the. In the name of Iesu Christ of Nazareth ryse vp and walke.
Fa hoy Petera: Tsy manana volafotsy na volamena aho, fa izay ananako no omeko anao: Amin’ ny anaran’ i Jesosy Kristy avy any Nazareta, mitsangantsangàna.
7 And he toke him by the right honde and lifte him vp. And immediatly his fete and ancle bones receaved strenght.
Ary noraisiny tamin’ ny tànany ankavanana ralehilahy ka natsangany; dia natanjaka niaraka tamin’ izay ny tongony sy ny kitrokeliny.
8 And he sprage stode and also walked and entred with them into the temple walkinge and leapinge and laudynge God.
Ary niantsambotra izy ka nijoro, dia nitsangantsangana ary niara-niditra taminy ho eo an-kianjan’ ny tempoly, nitsangantsangana ny niantsambotsambotra sady nidera an’ Andriamanitra.
9 And all the people sawe him walke and laude God.
Ary ny vahoaka rehetra nahita azy mitsangantsangana sy midera an’ Andriamanitra.
10 And they knewe him that it was he which sate and begged at the beutifull gate of the temple. And they wondred and were sore astonnyed at that which had happened vnto him.
Ary fantany tsara fa io no ilay nipetraka teo amin’ ny vavahady Itsaraendrika eo amin’ ny tempoly mba hiantrana; dia gaga sady talanjona ny olona noho izay tonga tamin-dralehilahy.
11 And as ye halt which was healed helde Peter and Iohn all the people ranne amased vnto them in Salomons porche.
Ary raha nihazona an’ i Petera sy Jaona izy, dia niara-nirohitra ny olona rehetra ho eo amin’ izy telo lahy teo amin’ ny fialofana izay atao hoe Fialofan’ i Solomona, ka talanjona.
12 When Peter sawe that he answered vnto the people. Ye men of Israel why marvayle ye at this or why looke ye so stedfastly on vs as though by oure awne power or holynes we had made this man goo?
Ary Petera, nony nahita, dia namaly ny vahoaka hoe: Ry lehilahy Isiraely, nahoana no talanjona amin’ izany ianareo? Ary nahoana no mandinika anay ianareo, toa herinay na fahamasinanay no nanaovanay azy ho afa-mandeha?
13 The God of Abraham Isaac and Iacob the God of oure fathers hath glorified his sonne Iesus whom ye delyvered and denyed in the presence of Pylate whe he had iudged him to be lowsed.
Andriamanitr’ i Abrahama sy Isaka ary Jakoba, Andriamanitry ny razantsika, no nanome voninahitra an’ i Jesosy Mpanompony, Izay natolotrareo sy nolavinareo teo anatrehan’ i Pilato, rehefa nokasainy halefa.
14 But ye denyed the holy and iust and desyred a mortherar to be geven you
Fa ianareo nandà Ilay Masìna sy Marina, ary mpamono olona no nangatahinareo halefa ho anareo;
15 and kylled the Lorde of lyfe whom God hath raysed from deeth of the which we are wytnesses.
fa ny Tompon’ ny aina kosa no novonoinareo; fa Izy natsangan’ Andriamanitra tamin’ ny maty, ary vavolombelon’ izany izahay.
16 And his name thorow the fayth of his name hath made this man sound whom ye se and knowe. And the fayth which is by him hath geven to him this health in the presence of you all.
Ary ny anarany no nampahatanjaka io lehilahy hitanareo sy fantatrareo io noho ny finoana ny anarany; eny, ny finoana izay azo amin’ ny alalany no nahazoany izao fahasitranana tsara eto imasonareo rehetra izao.
17 And now brethre I wote well that thorow ignorauce ye did it as dyd also youre heddes.
Ary ankehitriny, ry rahalahy, fantatro fa tamin’ ny tsi-fahalalana no nanaovanareo izany, tahaka ny mpanapaka anareo koa.
18 But those thinges which God before had shewed by the mouth of all his Prophetes how yt Christ shuld suffre he hath thus wyse fulfilled.
Fa izany no nahatanterahan’ Andriamanitra ny zavatra nampilazainy ny mpaminany rehetra rahateo, fa hiaretan’ ny Kristiny.
19 Repent ye therfore and turne yt youre synnes maye be done awaye when the tyme of refresshinge commeth which we shall have of the presence of the Lorde
Koa mibebaha ianareo, ka miverena hamonoana ny fahotanareo, mba ho avy izay andro famelombelomana avy amin’ ny fanatrehan’ ny Tompo,
20 and when God shall sende him which before was preached vnto you that is to wit Iesus Christ
ary mba hanirahany ny Kristy voatendry ho anareo, dia Jesosy,
21 which must receave heave vntyll the tyme yt all thinges which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy Prophetes sence the worlde began be restored agayne. (aiōn g165)
Ilay tsy maintsy horaisin’ ny lanitra mandra-pihavin’ ny andro fampodiana ny zavatra rehetra, izay nampilazain’ Andriamanitra ny mpaminaniny masìna hatramin’ ny voalohany indrindra. (aiōn g165)
22 For Moses sayd vnto the fathers: A Prophet shall the Lorde youre God rayse vp vnto you even of youre brethren lyke vnto me: him shall ye heare in all thinges whatsoever he shall saye vnto you.
Fa Mosesy nilaza hoe: Mpaminany no hatsangan’ i Jehovah Andriamanitra ho anareo avy amin’ ny rahalahinareo, tahaka ahy; izy no hohenoinareo amin’ izay rehetra holazainy aminareo.
23 For the tyme will come yt every soule which shall not heare that same Prophet shalbe destroyed from amonge the people.
Ary izay rehetra tsy hihaino izany mpaminany izany dia haringana tsy ho eo amin’ ny olona.
24 Also all the Prophetes from Samuel and thence forth as many as have spoken have in lykwyse tolde of these dayes.
Ary ny mpaminany rehetra koa hatramin’ i Samoela sy izay nanarakaraka, na iza na iza niteny, dia nanambara izao andro izao.
25 Ye are the chyldren of the Prophetes and of the covenaunt which God hath made vnto oure fathers sayinge to Abraham: Eve in thy seede shall all the kinredes of the erth be blessed.
Hianareo no zanaky ny mpaminany sy ny fanekena nataon’ Andriamanitra tamin’ ny razanareo, raha hoy Izy tamin’ i Abrahama: Ary amin’ ny taranakao no hitahiana ny firenena rehetra ambonin’ ny tany.
26 Fyrst vnto you hath God raysed vp his sonne Iesus and him he hath sent to blysse you that every one of you shuld turne from youre wickednes.
Andriamanitra, rehefa nanangana ny Mpanompony, dia naniraka Azy ho aminareo voalohany, mitahy anareo amin’ ny fialanareo rehetra amin’ ny faharatsianareo isam-batan’ olona.

< Acts 3 >