< Acts 28 >
1 And when they were scaped then they knewe that the yle was called Milete.
και διασωθεντες τοτε επεγνωσαν οτι μελιτη η νησος καλειται
2 And the people of the countre shewed vs no lytell kyndnes: for they kyndled a fyre and receaved vs every one because of the present rayne and because of colde.
οι δε βαρβαροι παρειχον ου την τυχουσαν φιλανθρωπιαν ημιν αναψαντες γαρ πυραν προσελαβοντο παντας ημας δια τον υετον τον εφεστωτα και δια το ψυχος
3 And when Paul had gaddered a boundle of stickes and put them into the fyre ther came a viper out of the heet and lept on his honde.
συστρεψαντος δε του παυλου φρυγανων πληθος και επιθεντος επι την πυραν εχιδνα εκ της θερμης εξελθουσα καθηψεν της χειρος αυτου
4 When the men of the contre sawe the worme hange on his honde they sayde amonge the selves: this man must nedes be a mortherer. Whome (though he have escaped the see) yet vengeaunce suffreth not to lyve.
ως δε ειδον οι βαρβαροι κρεμαμενον το θηριον εκ της χειρος αυτου ελεγον προς αλληλους παντως φονευς εστιν ο ανθρωπος ουτος ον διασωθεντα εκ της θαλασσης η δικη ζην ουκ ειασεν
5 But he shouke of the vermen into the fyre and felt no harme.
ο μεν ουν αποτιναξας το θηριον εις το πυρ επαθεν ουδεν κακον
6 Howbeit they wayted when he shuld have swolne or fallen doune deed sodenly. But after they had loked a greate whyle and sawe no harme come to him they chaunged their myndes and sayde that he was a God.
οι δε προσεδοκων αυτον μελλειν πιμπρασθαι η καταπιπτειν αφνω νεκρον επι πολυ δε αυτων προσδοκωντων και θεωρουντων μηδεν ατοπον εις αυτον γινομενον μεταβαλλομενοι ελεγον θεον αυτον ειναι
7 In the same quarters the chefe man of the yle whose name was Publius had a lordshippe: the same receaved vs and lodged vs thre dayes courteously.
εν δε τοις περι τον τοπον εκεινον υπηρχεν χωρια τω πρωτω της νησου ονοματι ποπλιω ος αναδεξαμενος ημας τρεις ημερας φιλοφρονως εξενισεν
8 And it fortuned that the father of Publius laye sicke of a fiever and of a bluddy flixe. To who Paul entred in and prayde and layde his hondes on him and healed him.
εγενετο δε τον πατερα του ποπλιου πυρετοις και δυσεντερια συνεχομενον κατακεισθαι προς ον ο παυλος εισελθων και προσευξαμενος επιθεις τας χειρας αυτω ιασατο αυτον
9 When this was done other also which had diseases in the yle came and were healed.
τουτου ουν γενομενου και οι λοιποι οι εχοντες ασθενειας εν τη νησω προσηρχοντο και εθεραπευοντο
10 And they dyd vs gret honoure. And when we departed they laded vs with thinges necessary.
οι και πολλαις τιμαις ετιμησαν ημας και αναγομενοις επεθεντο τα προς την χρειαν
11 After thre monethes we departed in a ship of Alexandry which had wyntred in the yle whose badge was Castor and Pollux.
μετα δε τρεις μηνας ανηχθημεν εν πλοιω παρακεχειμακοτι εν τη νησω αλεξανδρινω παρασημω διοσκουροις
12 And whe we came to Cyracusa we taryed there. iii. dayes.
και καταχθεντες εις συρακουσας επεμειναμεν ημερας τρεις
13 And from thence we set a compasse and came to Regium. And after one daye the south wynde blewe and we came the next daye to Putiolus:
οθεν περιελθοντες κατηντησαμεν εις ρηγιον και μετα μιαν ημεραν επιγενομενου νοτου δευτεραιοι ηλθομεν εις ποτιολους
14 where we founde brethren and were desyred to tary with them seven dayes and so came to Rome.
ου ευροντες αδελφους παρεκληθημεν επ αυτοις επιμειναι ημερας επτα και ουτως εις την ρωμην ηλθομεν
15 And from thence when ye brethren hearde of vs they came agaynst vs to Apiphorum and to ye thre taverns. When Paul sawe the he thanked God and wexed bolde.
κακειθεν οι αδελφοι ακουσαντες τα περι ημων εξηλθον εις απαντησιν ημιν αχρις αππιου φορου και τριων ταβερνων ους ιδων ο παυλος ευχαριστησας τω θεω ελαβεν θαρσος
16 And when he came to Rome ye vnder captayne delyvered ye presoners to ye chefe captayne of ye host: but Paul was suffered to dwell by him selfe with one soudier that kept him.
οτε δε ηλθομεν εις ρωμην ο εκατονταρχος παρεδωκεν τους δεσμιους τω στρατοπεδαρχη τω δε παυλω επετραπη μενειν καθ εαυτον συν τω φυλασσοντι αυτον στρατιωτη
17 And it fortuned after thre dayes that Paul called ye chefe of ye Iewes together. And whe they were come he sayde vnto the: Men and brethren though I have comitted nothinge agaynst the people or lawes of oure fathers: yet was I delyvered presoner from Ierusalem in to the hondes of ye Romayns.
εγενετο δε μετα ημερας τρεις συγκαλεσασθαι τον παυλον τους οντας των ιουδαιων πρωτους συνελθοντων δε αυτων ελεγεν προς αυτους ανδρες αδελφοι εγω ουδεν εναντιον ποιησας τω λαω η τοις εθεσιν τοις πατρωοις δεσμιος εξ ιεροσολυμων παρεδοθην εις τας χειρας των ρωμαιων
18 Which when they had examined me wolde have let me goo because they founde no cause of deeth in me.
οιτινες ανακριναντες με εβουλοντο απολυσαι δια το μηδεμιαν αιτιαν θανατου υπαρχειν εν εμοι
19 But when ye Iewes cryed cotrary I was constrayned to appeale vnto Cesar: not because I had ought to accuse my people of.
αντιλεγοντων δε των ιουδαιων ηναγκασθην επικαλεσασθαι καισαρα ουχ ως του εθνους μου εχων τι κατηγορησαι
20 For this cause have I called for you eve to se you and to speake with you: because that for the hope of Israel I am bounde with this chayne.
δια ταυτην ουν την αιτιαν παρεκαλεσα υμας ιδειν και προσλαλησαι ενεκεν γαρ της ελπιδος του ισραηλ την αλυσιν ταυτην περικειμαι
21 And they sayde vnto him: We nether receaved letters out of Iewry pertayninge vnto ye nether came eny of the brethren that shewed or spake eny harme of the.
οι δε προς αυτον ειπον ημεις ουτε γραμματα περι σου εδεξαμεθα απο της ιουδαιας ουτε παραγενομενος τις των αδελφων απηγγειλεν η ελαλησεν τι περι σου πονηρον
22 But we will heare of the what thou thynkest. For we have hearde of this secte that every wheare it is spoken agaynst.
αξιουμεν δε παρα σου ακουσαι α φρονεις περι μεν γαρ της αιρεσεως ταυτης γνωστον εστιν ημιν οτι πανταχου αντιλεγεται
23 And when they had apoynted him a daye ther came many vnto him into his lodgynge. To whom he expounded and testifyed the kyngdome of God and preached vnto the of Iesu: both out of the lawe of Moses and also out of the prophetes even from mornynge to nyght.
ταξαμενοι δε αυτω ημεραν ηκον προς αυτον εις την ξενιαν πλειονες οις εξετιθετο διαμαρτυρομενος την βασιλειαν του θεου πειθων τε αυτους τα περι του ιησου απο τε του νομου μωσεως και των προφητων απο πρωι εως εσπερας
24 And some beleved ye thinges which were spoken and some beleved not.
και οι μεν επειθοντο τοις λεγομενοις οι δε ηπιστουν
25 When they agreed not amonge the selves they departed after that Paul had spoken one worde. Well spake the holy goost by Esay ye prophet vnto oure fathers
ασυμφωνοι δε οντες προς αλληλους απελυοντο ειποντος του παυλου ρημα εν οτι καλως το πνευμα το αγιον ελαλησεν δια ησαιου του προφητου προς τους πατερας ημων
26 sayinge: Goo vnto this people and saye: with youre eares shall ye heare and shall not vnderstonde: and with youre eyes shall ye se and shall not perceave.
λεγον πορευθητι προς τον λαον τουτον και ειπε ακοη ακουσετε και ου μη συνητε και βλεποντες βλεψετε και ου μη ιδητε
27 For the hert of this people is wexed grosse and their eares were thycke of hearynge and their eyes have they closed: lest they shuld se with their eyes and heare with their eares and vnderstonde with their hertes and shuld be converted and I shulde heale them.
επαχυνθη γαρ η καρδια του λαου τουτου και τοις ωσιν βαρεως ηκουσαν και τους οφθαλμους αυτων εκαμμυσαν μηποτε ιδωσιν τοις οφθαλμοις και τοις ωσιν ακουσωσιν και τη καρδια συνωσιν και επιστρεψωσιν και ιασωμαι αυτους
28 Be it knowen therfore vnto you that this salvacion of God is sent to the gentyls and they shall heare it.
γνωστον ουν εστω υμιν οτι τοις εθνεσιν απεσταλη το σωτηριον του θεου αυτοι και ακουσονται
29 And when he had sayde that the Iewes departed and had grete despicios amonge them selves.
και ταυτα αυτου ειποντος απηλθον οι ιουδαιοι πολλην εχοντες εν εαυτοις συζητησιν
30 And Paul dwelt two yeares full in his lodgynge and receaved all that came to him
εμεινεν δε ο παυλος διετιαν ολην εν ιδιω μισθωματι και απεδεχετο παντας τους εισπορευομενους προς αυτον
31 preachyng the kyngdome of God and teachynge those thinges which concerned the lorde Iesus with all confidence vnforboden.
κηρυσσων την βασιλειαν του θεου και διδασκων τα περι του κυριου ιησου χριστου μετα πασης παρρησιας ακωλυτως