< Acts 27 >

1 When it was cocluded that we shuld sayle into Italy they delivered Paul and certayne other presoners vnto one named Iulius an vnder captayne of Cesars soudiars.
jalapathEnAsmAkam itOliyAdEzaM prati yAtrAyAM nizcitAyAM satyAM tE yUliyanAmnO mahArAjasya saMghAtAntargatasya sEnApatEH samIpE paulaM tadanyAn katinayajanAMzca samArpayan|
2 And we entred into a ship of Adramicium and lowsed from lond apoynted to sayle by the costes of Asia one Aristarcus out of Macedonia of the contre of Thessalia beinge with vs.
vayam AdrAmuttIyaM pOtamEkam Aruhya AziyAdEzasya taTasamIpEna yAtuM matiM kRtvA laggaram utthApya pOtam amOcayAma; mAkidaniyAdEzasthathiSalanIkInivAsyAristArkhanAmA kazcid janO'smAbhiH sArddham AsIt|
3 And the nexte daye we came to Sidon. And Iulius courteously entreated Paul and gave him liberte to goo vnto his frendes and to refresshe him selfe.
parasmin divasE 'smAbhiH sIdOnnagarE pOtE lAgitE tatra yUliyaH sEnApatiH paulaM prati saujanyaM pradarthya sAntvanArthaM bandhubAndhavAn upayAtum anujajnjau|
4 And from thence lanched we and sayled harde by Cypers because the wyndes were contrarye.
tasmAt pOtE mOcitE sati sammukhavAyOH sambhavAd vayaM kuprOpadvIpasya tIrasamIpEna gatavantaH|
5 Then sayled we over the see of Cilicia and Pamphylia and came to Myra a cite in Lycia.
kilikiyAyAH pAmphUliyAyAzca samudrasya pAraM gatvA lUkiyAdEzAntargataM murAnagaram upAtiSThAma|
6 And there ye vnder captayne founde a shippe of Alexander redy to sayle into Italy and put vs therin.
tatsthAnAd itAliyAdEzaM gacchati yaH sikandariyAnagarasya pOtastaM tatra prApya zatasEnApatistaM pOtam asmAn ArOhayat|
7 And when we had sayled slowly many dayes and scace were come over agaynst Gnydon (because the wynde with stode vs) we sayled harde by the costes of Candy over agaynste Salmo
tataH paraM bahUni dinAni zanaiH zanaiH rgatvA knIdapArzvOpasthtiH pUrvvaM pratikUlEna pavanEna vayaM salmOnyAH sammukham upasthAya krItyupadvIpasya tIrasamIpEna gatavantaH|
8 and with moche worke sayled beyonde yt and came vnto a place called good porte. Nye whervnto was a citie called Lasea.
kaSTEna tamuttIryya lAsEyAnagarasyAdhaH sundaranAmakaM khAtam upAtiSThAma|
9 When moche tyme was spent and saylinge was now ieoperdeous because also that we had overlonge fasted Paul put them in remembraunce
itthaM bahutithaH kAlO yApita upavAsadinanjcAtItaM, tatkAraNAt nauvartmani bhayagkarE sati paulO vinayEna kathitavAn,
10 and sayde vnto them Syrs I perceave that this vyage wilbe with hurte and moche domage not of the ladynge and ship only: but also of oure lyves.
hE mahEcchA ahaM nizcayaM jAnAmi yAtrAyAmasyAm asmAkaM klEzA bahUnAmapacayAzca bhaviSyanti, tE kEvalaM pOtasAmagryOriti nahi, kintvasmAkaM prANAnAmapi|
11 Neverthelather the vndercaptayne beleved the governer and the master better then tho thinges which were spoken of Paul.
tadA zatasEnApatiH paulOktavAkyatOpi karNadhArasya pOtavaNijazca vAkyaM bahumaMsta|
12 And because the haven was not comodius to wynter in many toke counsell to departe thence yf by eny meanes they myght attayne to Phenices and there to wynter which is an haven of Candy and servith to the southwest and northwest wynde.
tat khAtaM zItakAlE vAsArhasthAnaM na tasmAd avAcIpratIcOrdizOH krItyAH phainIkiyakhAtaM yAtuM yadi zaknuvantastarhi tatra zItakAlaM yApayituM prAyENa sarvvE mantrayAmAsuH|
13 When the south wynde blewe they supposynge to obtayne their purpose lowsed vnto Asson and sayled paste all Candy.
tataH paraM dakSiNavAyu rmandaM vahatIti vilOkya nijAbhiprAyasya siddhEH suyOgO bhavatIti buddhvA pOtaM mOcayitvA krItyupadvIpasya tIrasamIpEna calitavantaH|
14 But anone after ther arose agaynste their purpose a flawe of wynde out of the northeeste.
kintvalpakSaNAt paramEva urakludOnnAmA pratikUlaH pracaNPO vAyu rvahan pOtE'lagIt
15 And when the ship was caught and coulde not resist the wynde we let her goo and drave with the wether.
tasyAbhimukhaM gantum pOtasyAzaktatvAd vayaM vAyunA svayaM nItAH|
16 And we came vnto an yle named Clauda and had moche worke to come by abote
anantaraM klaudInAmna upadvIpasya kUlasamIpEna pOtaM gamayitvA bahunA kaSTEna kSudranAvam arakSAma|
17 which they toke vp and vsed helpe vndergerdynge the shippe fearynge lest we shuld have fallen into Syrtes and we let doune a vessell and so were caryed.
tE tAmAruhya rajjcA pOtasyAdhObhAgam abadhnan tadanantaraM cEt pOtO saikatE lagatIti bhayAd vAtavasanAnyamOcayan tataH pOtO vAyunA cAlitaH|
18 The nexte daye when we were tossed wt an exceadynge tempest they lyghtened ye ship
kintu kramazO vAyOH prabalatvAt pOtO dOlAyamAnO'bhavat parasmin divasE pOtasthAni katipayAni dravyANi tOyE nikSiptAni|
19 and the thyrde daye we cast out with oure awne hondes the tacklynge of the shippe.
tRtIyadivasE vayaM svahastaiH pOtasajjanadravyANi nikSiptavantaH|
20 When at the last nether sunne nor starre in many dayes appered and no small tempest laye apon vs all hope that we shuld be saved was then taken awaye.
tatO bahudinAni yAvat sUryyanakSatrAdIni samAcchannAni tatO 'tIva vAtyAgamAd asmAkaM prANarakSAyAH kApi pratyAzA nAtiSThat|
21 Then after longe abstinence Paul stode forth in the myddes of them and sayde: Syrs ye shulde have harkened to me and not have lowsed from Candy nether to have brought vnto vs this harme and losse.
bahudinESu lOkairanAhArENa yApitESu sarvvESAM sAkSat paulastiSThan akathayat, hE mahEcchAH krItyupadvIpAt pOtaM na mOcayitum ahaM pUrvvaM yad avadaM tadgrahaNaM yuSmAkam ucitam AsIt tathA kRtE yuSmAkam ESA vipad ESO'pacayazca nAghaTiSyEtAm|
22 And nowe I exhorte you to be of good chere. For ther shalbe no losse of eny mas lyfe amonge you save of the ship only.
kintu sAmprataM yuSmAn vinIya bravImyahaM, yUyaM na kSubhyata yuSmAkam EkasyApi prANinO hAni rna bhaviSyati, kEvalasya pOtasya hAni rbhaviSyati|
23 For ther stode by me this nyght the angell of God whose I am and whom I serve
yatO yasyEzvarasya lOkO'haM yanjcAhaM paricarAmi tadIya EkO dUtO hyO rAtrau mamAntikE tiSThan kathitavAn,
24 sayinge: feare not Paul for thou must be brought before Cesar. And lo God hath geven vnto the all that sayle with ye.
hE paula mA bhaiSIH kaisarasya sammukhE tvayOpasthAtavyaM; tavaitAn sagginO lOkAn IzvarastubhyaM dattavAn|
25 Wherfore Syrs be of good chere: for I beleve God that so it shalbe even as it was tolde me.
ataEva hE mahEcchA yUyaM sthiramanasO bhavata mahyaM yA kathAkathi sAvazyaM ghaTiSyatE mamaitAdRzI vizvAsa IzvarE vidyatE,
26 How be it we must be cast into a certayne ylonde.
kintu kasyacid upadvIpasyOpari patitavyam asmAbhiH|
27 But when ye fourtethe nyght was come as we were caryed in Adria about mydnyght the shipmen demed that ther appered some countre vnto the:
tataH param AdriyAsamudrE pOtastathaiva dOlAyamAnaH san itastatO gacchan caturdazadivasasya rAtrE rdvitIyapraharasamayE kasyacit sthalasya samIpamupatiSThatIti pOtIyalOkA anvamanyanta|
28 and sounded and founde it. xx. feddoms. And when they had gone a lytell further they sounded agayne and founde. xv. feddoms.
tatastE jalaM parimAya tatra viMzati rvyAmA jalAnIti jnjAtavantaH| kinjciddUraM gatvA punarapi jalaM parimitavantaH| tatra panjcadaza vyAmA jalAni dRSTvA
29 Then fearinge lest they shuld have fallen on some Rocke they cast. iiii. ancres out of the sterne and wysshed for ye daye.
cEt pASANE lagatIti bhayAt pOtasya pazcAdbhAgatazcaturO laggarAn nikSipya divAkaram apEkSya sarvvE sthitavantaH|
30 As the shipmen were about to fle out of the ship and had let doune the bote into the see vnder a coloure as though they wolde have cast ancres out of the forshippe:
kintu pOtIyalOkAH pOtAgrabhAgE laggaranikSEpaM chalaM kRtvA jaladhau kSudranAvam avarOhya palAyitum acESTanta|
31 Paul sayd vnto ye vnder captayne and the soudiers: excepte these abyde in the ship ye cannot be safe.
tataH paulaH sEnApatayE sainyagaNAya ca kathitavAn, EtE yadi pOtamadhyE na tiSThanti tarhi yuSmAkaM rakSaNaM na zakyaM|
32 Then the soudiers cut of the rope of the bote and let it fall awaye.
tadA sEnAgaNO rajjUn chitvA nAvaM jalE patitum adadAt|
33 And in ye meane tyme betwixt that and daye Paul besought them all to take meate sayinge: this is ye fourtenthe daye that ye have taried and continued fastynge receavinge nothinge at all.
prabhAtasamayE paulaH sarvvAn janAn bhOjanArthaM prArthya vyAharat, adya caturdazadinAni yAvad yUyam apEkSamAnA anAhArAH kAlam ayApayata kimapi nAbhuMgdhaM|
34 Wherfore I praye you to take meate: for this no dout is for youre helth: for ther shall not an heere fall fro the heed of eny of you.
atO vinayE'haM bhakSyaM bhujyatAM tatO yuSmAkaM maggalaM bhaviSyati, yuSmAkaM kasyacijjanasya zirasaH kEzaikOpi na naMkSyati|
35 And when he had thus spoke he toke breed and gave thankes to God in presence of the all and brake it and begane to eate.
iti vyAhRtya paulaM pUpaM gRhItvEzvaraM dhanyaM bhASamANastaM bhaMktvA bhOktum ArabdhavAn|
36 Then were they all of good cheare and they also toke meate.
anantaraM sarvvE ca susthirAH santaH khAdyAni parpyagRhlan|
37 We were all together in ye ship two hundred thre score and sixtene soules.
asmAkaM pOtE SaTsaptatyadhikazatadvayalOkA Asan|
38 And whe they had eate ynough they lightened ye ship and cast out the wheate into the see.
sarvvESu lOkESu yathESTaM bhuktavatsu pOtasthan gOdhUmAn jaladhau nikSipya taiH pOtasya bhArO laghUkRtaH|
39 Whe yt was daye they knew not ye lande but they spied a certayne haven with a banke into ye which they were mynded (yf yt were possible) to thrust in the ship.
dinE jAtE'pi sa kO dEza iti tadA na paryyacIyata; kintu tatra samataTam EkaM khAtaM dRSTvA yadi zaknumastarhi vayaM tasyAbhyantaraM pOtaM gamayAma iti matiM kRtvA tE laggarAn chittvA jaladhau tyaktavantaH|
40 And when they had taken vp the ancres they comytted them selves vnto the see and lowsed the rudder bondes and hoysed vp ye mayne sayle to the wynde and drue to londe.
tathA karNabandhanaM mOcayitvA pradhAnaM vAtavasanam uttOlya tIrasamIpaM gatavantaH|
41 But they chaunsed on a place which had the see on bothe the sydes and thrust in the ship. And the foore parte stucke fast and moved not but ye hynder brake with the violence of the waves.
kintu dvayOH samudrayOH saggamasthAnE saikatOpari pOtE nikSiptE 'grabhAgE bAdhitE pazcAdbhAgE prabalataraggO'lagat tEna pOtO bhagnaH|
42 The soudears counsell was to kyll ye presoners lest eny of them when he had swome out shulde fle awaye.
tasmAd bandayazcEd bAhubhistarantaH palAyantE ityAzagkayA sEnAgaNastAn hantum amantrayat;
43 But the vndercaptayne willinge to save Paul kept the from their purpose and commaunded that they yt could swyme shulde cast the selves first in to ye see and scape to londe.
kintu zatasEnApatiH paulaM rakSituM prayatnaM kRtvA tAn taccESTAyA nivartya ityAdiSTavAn, yE bAhutaraNaM jAnanti tE'grE prOllampya samudrE patitvA bAhubhistIrttvA kUlaM yAntu|
44 And the other he comaunded to goo some on bordes and some on broken peces of the ship. And so it came to passe that they came all safe to londe.
aparam avaziSTA janAH kASThaM pOtIyaM dravyaM vA yEna yat prApyatE tadavalambya yAntu; itthaM sarvvE bhUmiM prApya prANai rjIvitAH|

< Acts 27 >