< Acts 23 >

1 Paul behelde the counsell and sayde: men and brethre I have lived in all good coscience before God vntill this daye.
Pawulo wakalangisisya basinkuta mpawo wakati, “Bakwesu, ime ndakapona kunembo lya Leza amoyo wangu woonse mubotu kuyoosikila sunu.”
2 The hye prest Ananias comaunded the that stode by to smyte him on the mouth.
Ananiyasi mupayizi mupati wakalayilila aabo bakayimvwi kubbazu lyakwe kuti bamuume kumulomo.
3 Then sayde Paul to him: God smyte the thou payntyd wall. Sittest thou and iudgest me after the lawe: and commaundest me to be smytten contrary to the lawe?
Mpawo Pawulo wakati kulinguwe, “Leza ulawuma nduwe, iwe yobulambo butubulukide. Ukkalilide kundibeteka kumalawu na, pesi ulayilila kuti nduumwe, chitali mumulawu?
4 And they that stode by sayde: revylest thou Goddes hye preste?
Aabo bakayimvwi mpawo bakaamba kuti, “Mbomubo na mbotukila mupayizi mupati wa Leza?”
5 Then sayd Paul: I wist not brethren that he was the hye preste. For it is writte thou shalt not curse the rular of thy people.
Pawulo wakaamba kuti, “Teendazi pe nobakwesu kuti ngomupayizi mupati. Nkaambo kulilembedwe, Tokoyoowambula bubi aatala amweendelei wabantu bako.”
6 When Paul perceaved that the one parte were Saduces and the other Pharises: he cryed oute in the counsell. Men and brethren I am a Pharisaye the sonne of a Pharisaye. Of the hope and resurreccion fro deeth I am iudged.
Aawo Pawulo naakabona kuti imwi nkamu yabantu bakali ba Sajusi mpawo bamwi bakali ba Falisi, wakaambuula ajwi pati nkali munkuta wati, “Bakwesu, mebo ndimu Falisii, ndimwana waba Falisii, nkaambo kakuti ndaabulangizi bwakubuka kubafu, nchenchicho nchendookubetekwa.”
7 And when he had so sayde ther arose a debate bitwene the Pharisayes and ye Saduces and the multitude was devided.
Nakaamba oobo kwakaba kukazyania aakati kaba Falisi aba Sajusi, mpawo nkamu yakaanzaana.
8 For ye Saduces saye that ther is no resurreccio nether angell nor sprete. But the Pharisayes graunt bothe.
Nkaambo ba Sajusi bati taakwe kubuka kubafu, taakwe bangelo alimwi taakwe myuuya, pesi ba Falisi balazizumina zyoonse eezyo.
9 And ther arose a great crye and the Scribes which were of the Pharisayes parte arose and strove sayinge: we fynde none evyll in this man. Though a sprete or an angell hath apered to him let vs not stryve agaynst God.
Mpawo kwakaba kuyooma kupati, bamwi balembi bamulawu balikubbazu lyaba Falisi, bakiimikila kabakazya kabati, “Taakwe bubi pe mbotujana mumwaalumi ooyu. Ani kuti muuya naakuti mungelo nguwaakambuula kuli nguwe?”
10 And when ther arose greate debate the captayne fearynge lest Paul shuld have bene pluckt asondre of them comaunded the soudiers to goo doune and to take him from amonge them and to bringe him into the castle.
Nikwakaba kuyooma kupati, mupati wabasilumamba wakayoowa kuti Pawulo balamukwamuma, aboobo wakalayilila basilumamba kuti bayinke aansi bakamubweze changuzu kuzwa kuli basinkuta amweete kusisikene.
11 The nyght folowyng God stode by him and sayde: Be of good cheare Paul: for as thou hast testified of me in Ierusalem so must thou beare witnes at Rome.
Busiku bwakatobela mwami wakiima kubbazu lyakwe mpawo wati, “Utayoowi, nkaambo mbuli mbwakandipeda bukamboni mu Jelusalema, mbubo mboyoondipeda bukamboni aku Loma.”
12 When daye was come certayne of the Iewes gaddered them selves to geder and made a vowe sayinge that they wolde nether eate nor drinke till they had killed Paul.
Nebwakacha, bamwi baJuda bakayungana balibika munsi lyachikonke, kabati tabakoolya na kunywa chikntu mane bamujaye Pawulo.
13 They were aboute. xl. which had made this conspiracio.
Bakalikwiinda makumi aane baalumi bakapanga jungwe eeli.
14 And they cam to ye chefe prestes and elders and sayde: we have boude oure selves with a vowe that we will eate nothinge vntill we have slayne Paul.
Bakayinka kubapayizi bapati akubaalu bembungano bakwaamba kuti, “Twaanga chikonke chipati kuti tutalyi chintu ado tumujaye Pawulo.
15 Now therfore geve ye knowlege to the vpper captayne and to the counsell that he bringe him forth vnto vs to morow as though we wolde knowe some thinge more perfectly of him. But we (or ever he come neare) are redy in ye meane season to kill him.
Aboobo, lino basinkuta abakumbile zilimumulawu kuli silutwe wabasilumamba bamweete kulindiswe, kube aanga kuli nchoyanda kumvwisisisya kumulandu wakwe. Swebo tulilibambilide kumujaya katanasika aano.
16 When Pauls sisters sonne hearde of their layinge awayte he wet and entred into the castle and tolde Paul.
Pesi mwana mulombe wamuchizi wa Pawulo wakamvwa kuti balimubawatilide, mpawo wakanjila mukati mwakabede Pawulo wakumwaambila.
17 And Paul called one of ye vnder captaynes vnto him and sayde: bringe this younge man vnto ye hye captayne: for he hath a certayne thinge to shewe him.
Pawulo wakayita umwi wabasilumamba bamwaanda wati, “Bweza mulombe ooyo umutole kuli Silutwe wabasilumamba nkaambo uli aachakwaambwa. “
18 And he toke him and sayd: Paul ye presoner called me vnto him and prayed me to brige this youge ma vnto ye which hath a certayne matter to shewe ye.
Eelyo Silutwe wabasilimamba bamwaanda wakabweza mulombe akumweeta kumupati wabasilumamba mpawo wamwaambila kuti, “Pawulo musungwa wandiita kulinguwe akundikumbila kuti njete mulombe ooyu kulinduwe. Ulachakwaamba kulinguwe.
19 The hye captayne toke him by the hond and wet a parte with him out of the waye: and axed him: what hast thou to saye vnto me?
Mupati wabasilumamba wakamujata wamutola kubusena busisikene mpawo wakamubuzya wati, “Niinzi nchoyanda kundaambila?”
20 And he sayd: the Iewes are determined to desyre the yt thou woldest brynge forth Paul to morowe into the counsell as though they wolde enquyre somwhat of him more parfectly.
Mulombe wakati, “BaJuda bazuminana kuti kukukumbila kuti uyete Pawul ijuunza kunkuta, kakubanga bayanda kumvwisisisya obootu obootu mulandu wakwe.
21 But folowe not their mindes: for ther lyein wayte for him of the moo then. xl. men which have boude the selves wt a vowe that they will nether eate ner drinke till they have killed him. And now are they redy and loke for thy promes.
Pesi utabazuminini nkaambo kuli baalumi biinda makumi one bamubwatilide munzila. Bakalimbika muchikonke chakuti tabakolya nanka kunywa chintu mane do bamujaye. Kwalino balindide biyo kuzumininwa anduwe.”
22 The vpper captayne let ye yoge man departe and charged: se thou tell it out to no man that thou hast shewed these thinges to me.
Mpawo mupati wabasilumamba wakamuleka mulombe ooyo weenda nakamana kumulayilila kuyi, “Utaambili muntu kuti wandaambila zintu eezi.”
23 And he called vnto him two vnder captaynes sayinge: make redy two hondred soudiers to goo to Cesarea and horsmen threscore and ten and speare men two houndred at the thyrde houre of the nyght.
Mpawo wakiita bapati babili babasilumamba bamwaanda wabaambila kuti, “Mubunganie mbasilumamba bali myaanda yobile balibambile kuyoosika ku Kkayisalia, abali makumi musanu aababili bama basimabbiza, abali myaanda yobile basimasumu. Mulanyampuka muwola lyatatu lyamansiku.”
24 And delyvre them beastes that they maye put Paul on and bringe him safe vnto Felix the hye debite
Wakambaambila alubo kuti babambe bamnyama mbatabelesye Pawulo akumutola katabililikide kuli elekisi mweendelezi wchilikiti.
25 and wrote a letter in this maner.
“Mpawo wakalemba lugwalo luti:
26 Claudius Lisias vnto ye most mighty rular Felix sendeth gretinges.
“Kkilawudiyasi Lisiyasi uyindila kulemekwa Mweendelezi Felekisi, ndajuzya.
27 This man was take of the Iewes and shuld have bene killed of them. Then cam I with soudiers and rescued him and perceaved that he was a Romayne.
Ooyu muntu wakasungwa abaJuda mpawo bakali kuyanda kumujaya nendakasika nkelabasilumamba akumuvuna nkaambo ndakamvwa kuti muna Loma
28 And when I wolde have knowen the cause wherfore they accused him I brought him forth into their cousell.
Ndakayanda kuziba kuti nkamboonzi nibamupa mulandu, aboobo ndakamutola kunkuta yabo.
29 There perceaved I yt he was accused of questios of their lawe: but was not giltye of eny thinge worthy of deeth or of bondes.
Ndakaziba kuti wakalikupegwa mulandu uulangene aamilawu yabo, pesi taakwe kaambo nkaakachita pe nkapedwe keelela mulandu walufu na ntolongo.
30 Afterwarde when it was shewed me how that ye Iewes layde wayte for ye man I sent him strayght waye to the and gave commaundmet to his accusars yf they had ought agaynst him to tell it vnto ye: fare well.
Kuzwaawo ndakazibisigwa kuti kubambidwe mabambe aalangene amwaalumi ooyu, aboobo ndafwaambana kumutumizya kulinduwe akulayilila basikumupa mulandu kuti beete moilandu njibamupa kunembo lyako. Ndalumba.”
31 Then ye soudiers as it was comaunded the toke Paul and brought him by nyght to Antipatras.
Aboobo basilumamba bakatobele malayilile aabo, mpawo bakatgola Pawulo akumweeta kut Antipatilisi mansiku.
32 On the morowe they lefte horsmen to goo with him and returned vnto the castle.
Mubuzuba bwakatobela basilumamba biingi bakasiya basimabbiza kuti biinkaawe mpawo bo babweeda kulubaya.
33 Which when they cam to Cesarea they delivered the epistle to the debite and presented Paul before him.
Aawo basimabbiza nibakasika ku Kkayisaliya akusisya lugwa kumweendelezi alimwi bakamutula Pawulo kulinguwe.
34 When the debite had redde the letter he axed of what countre he was and when he vnderstode that he was of Cicill
Aawo nakabala lugwalo mweendelezi, wakabuzya Pawulo chilikiti nkwazwa; naakamvwa; kuti wakalikuzwa ku Silisiya,
35 I will heare the (sayde he) whe thyne accusars are come also: and commaunded him to be kepte in Herodes pallys.
wakati, “Nzokumvwisisisya basika basikukupa mulandu.” Mpawo wakalayilila kutgi abambwe kung'anda mpati yabwami bwa Helodi.

< Acts 23 >