< Acts 20 >

1 After the rage was ceased Paul called the disciples vnto him and toke his leave of them and departed for to goo into Macedonia.
itthaṁ kalahe nivṛtte sati paulaḥ śiṣyagaṇam āhūya visarjanaṁ prāpya mākidaniyādeśaṁ prasthitavān|
2 And when he had gone over those parties and geven them large exhortacions he came into Grece
tena sthānena gacchan taddeśīyān śiṣyān bahūpadiśya yūnānīyadeśam upasthitavān|
3 and there abode. iii. monethes. And when the Iewes layde wayte for him as he was about to sayle into Syria he purposed to returne thorowe Macedonia.
tatra māsatrayaṁ sthitvā tasmāt suriyādeśaṁ yātum udyataḥ, kintu yihūdīyāstaṁ hantuṁ guptā atiṣṭhan tasmāt sa punarapi mākidaniyāmārgeṇa pratyāgantuṁ matiṁ kṛtavān|
4 Ther acompanied him into Asia Sopater of Berrea and of Thessalonia Aristarcus and Secundus and Gayus of Derba and Timotheus: and out of Asia Tychicus and Trophimos.
birayānagarīyasopātraḥ thiṣalanīkīyāristārkhasikundau darbbonagarīyagāyatīmathiyau āśiyādeśīyatukhikatraphimau ca tena sārddhaṁ āśiyādeśaṁ yāvad gatavantaḥ|
5 These went before and taryed vs at Troas.
ete sarvve 'grasarāḥ santo 'smān apekṣya troyānagare sthitavantaḥ|
6 And we sayled awaye fro Philippos after the ester holydayes and came vnto them to Troas in five dayes where we abode seven dayes.
kiṇvaśūnyapūpotsavadine ca gate sati vayaṁ philipīnagarāt toyapathena gatvā pañcabhi rdinaistroyānagaram upasthāya tatra saptadinānyavātiṣṭhāma|
7 And on the morowe after the saboth daye the disciples came to geder for to breake breed and Paul preached vnto them (redy to departe on the morowe) and cotinued the preachynge vnto mydnyght.
saptāhasya prathamadine pūpān bhaṁktu śiṣyeṣu militeṣu paulaḥ paradine tasmāt prasthātum udyataḥ san tadahni prāyeṇa kṣapāyā yāmadvayaṁ yāvat śiṣyebhyo dharmmakathām akathayat|
8 And there were many lyghtes in the chamber where thy were gaddered to geder
uparisthe yasmin prakoṣṭhe sabhāṁ kṛtvāsan tatra bahavaḥ pradīpāḥ prājvalan|
9 and there sate in a wyndowe a certayne yonge man named Eutichos fallen into a depe slepe. And as Paul declared he was the moare overcome with slepe and fell doune from the thyrde lofte and was taken vp deed.
utukhanāmā kaścana yuvā ca vātāyana upaviśan ghorataranidrāgrasto 'bhūt tadā paulena bahukṣaṇaṁ kathāyāṁ pracāritāyāṁ nidrāmagnaḥ sa tasmād uparisthatṛtīyaprakoṣṭhād apatat, tato lokāstaṁ mṛtakalpaṁ dhṛtvodatolayan|
10 Paul went doune and fell on him and embrased him and sayde: make nothinge ado for his lyfe is in him.
tataḥ paulo'varuhya tasya gātre patitvā taṁ kroḍe nidhāya kathitavān, yūyaṁ vyākulā mā bhūta nāyaṁ prāṇai rviyuktaḥ|
11 When he was come vp agayne he brake breed and tasted and comened a longe whyle even tyll the mornynge and so departed.
paścāt sa punaścopari gatvā pūpān bhaṁktvā prabhātaṁ yāvat kathopakathane kṛtvā prasthitavān|
12 And they brought the youge man a lyve and were not alytell comforted.
te ca taṁ jīvantaṁ yuvānaṁ gṛhītvā gatvā paramāpyāyitā jātāḥ|
13 And we went a fore to shippe and lowsed vnto Asson there to receave Paul. For so had he apoynted and wolde him selfe goo a fote.
anantaraṁ vayaṁ potenāgrasarā bhūtvāsmanagaram uttīryya paulaṁ grahītuṁ matim akurmma yataḥ sa tatra padbhyāṁ vrajituṁ matiṁ kṛtveti nirūpitavān|
14 When he was come to vs vnto Asson we toke him in and came to Mytelenes.
tasmāt tatrāsmābhiḥ sārddhaṁ tasmin milite sati vayaṁ taṁ nītvā mitulīnyupadvīpaṁ prāptavantaḥ|
15 And we sayled thence and came the nexte daye over agaynst Chios. And the nexte daye we aryved at Samos and taryed at Trogilion. The nexte daye we came to Myleton:
tasmāt potaṁ mocayitvā pare'hani khīyopadvīpasya sammukhaṁ labdhavantastasmād ekenāhnā sāmopadvīpaṁ gatvā potaṁ lāgayitvā trogulliye sthitvā parasmin divase milītanagaram upātiṣṭhāma|
16 for Paul had determined to leave Ephesus as they sayled because he wolde not spende ye tyme in Asia. For he hasted to be (yf he coulde possible) at Ierusalem at the daye of pentecoste.
yataḥ paula āśiyādeśe kālaṁ yāpayitum nābhilaṣan iphiṣanagaraṁ tyaktvā yātuṁ mantraṇāṁ sthirīkṛtavān; yasmād yadi sādhyaṁ bhavati tarhi nistārotsavasya pañcāśattamadine sa yirūśālamyupasthātuṁ matiṁ kṛtavān|
17 Wherfore from Myleton he sent to Ephesus and called the elders of the cogregacion.
paulo milītād iphiṣaṁ prati lokaṁ prahitya samājasya prācīnān āhūyānītavān|
18 And when they were come to him he sayde vnto the: Ye knowe fro the fyrst daye yt I came vnto Asia after what maner I have bene wt you at all ceasons
teṣu tasya samīpam upasthiteṣu sa tebhya imāṁ kathāṁ kathitavān, aham āśiyādeśe prathamāgamanam ārabhyādya yāvad yuṣmākaṁ sannidhau sthitvā sarvvasamaye yathācaritavān tad yūyaṁ jānītha;
19 servynge the lorde with all humblenes of mynde and with many teares and temptacions which happened vnto me by the layinges awayte of the Ieues
phalataḥ sarvvathā namramanāḥ san bahuśrupātena yihudīyānām kumantraṇājātanānāparīkṣābhiḥ prabhoḥ sevāmakaravaṁ|
20 and how I kept backe no thinge that was profitable: but that I have shewed you and taught you openly and at home in youre houses
kāmapi hitakathāṁ na gopāyitavān tāṁ pracāryya saprakāśaṁ gṛhe gṛhe samupadiśyeśvaraṁ prati manaḥ parāvarttanīyaṁ prabhau yīśukhrīṣṭe viśvasanīyaṁ
21 witnessinge bothe to the Iewes and also to the Grekes the repentaunce toward God and faith towarde oure Lorde Iesu.
yihūdīyānām anyadeśīyalokānāñca samīpa etādṛśaṁ sākṣyaṁ dadāmi|
22 And now beholde I goo bounde in the sprete vnto Ierusalem and knowe not what shall come on me there
paśyata sāmpratam ātmanākṛṣṭaḥ san yirūśālamnagare yātrāṁ karomi, tatra māmprati yadyad ghaṭiṣyate tānyahaṁ na jānāmi;
23 but that the holy goost witnesseth in every cite sayinge: yt bondes and trouble abyde me.
kintu mayā bandhanaṁ kleśaśca bhoktavya iti pavitra ātmā nagare nagare pramāṇaṁ dadāti|
24 But none of tho thinges move me: nether is my lyfe dere vnto my selfe that I myght fulfill my course wt ioye and the ministracio which I have receaved of ye Lorde Iesu to testify the gospell of ye grace of god.
tathāpi taṁ kleśamahaṁ tṛṇāya na manye; īśvarasyānugrahaviṣayakasya susaṁvādasya pramāṇaṁ dātuṁ, prabho ryīśoḥ sakāśāda yasyāḥ sevāyāḥ bhāraṁ prāpnavaṁ tāṁ sevāṁ sādhayituṁ sānandaṁ svamārgaṁ samāpayituñca nijaprāṇānapi priyān na manye|
25 And now beholde I am sure yt hence forth ye all (thorow who I have gone preachinge ye kyngdome of God) shall se my face no moore.
adhunā paśyata yeṣāṁ samīpe'ham īśvarīyarājyasya susaṁvādaṁ pracāryya bhramaṇaṁ kṛtavān etādṛśā yūyaṁ mama vadanaṁ puna rdraṣṭuṁ na prāpsyatha etadapyahaṁ jānāmi|
26 Wherfore I take you to recorde this same daye that I am pure fro the bloude of all me.
yuṣmabhyam aham īśvarasya sarvvān ādeśān prakāśayituṁ na nyavartte|
27 For I have kepte nothinge backe: but have shewed you all the counsell of God.
ahaṁ sarvveṣāṁ lokānāṁ raktapātadoṣād yannirdoṣa āse tasyādya yuṣmān sākṣiṇaḥ karomi|
28 Take hede therfore vnto youre selves and to all the flocke wherof the holy goost hath made you oversears to rule the congregacion of God which he hath purchased with his bloud.
yūyaṁ sveṣu tathā yasya vrajasyādhyakṣan ātmā yuṣmān vidhāya nyayuṅkta tatsarvvasmin sāvadhānā bhavata, ya samājañca prabhu rnijaraktamūlyena krītavāna tam avata,
29 For I am sure of this that after my departynge shall greveous wolves entre in amonge you which will not spare the flocke.
yato mayā gamane kṛtaeva durjayā vṛkā yuṣmākaṁ madhyaṁ praviśya vrajaṁ prati nirdayatām ācariṣyanti,
30 Moreover of youre awne selves shall men aryse speakinge perverse thinges to drawe disciples after the.
yuṣmākameva madhyādapi lokā utthāya śiṣyagaṇam apahantuṁ viparītam upadekṣyantītyahaṁ jānāmi|
31 Therfore awake and remember that by the space of. iii. yeares I ceased not to warne every one of you both nyght and daye with teares.
iti heto ryūyaṁ sacaitanyāḥ santastiṣṭata, ahañca sāśrupātaḥ san vatsaratrayaṁ yāvad divāniśaṁ pratijanaṁ bodhayituṁ na nyavartte tadapi smarata|
32 And now brethren I comende you to God and to the worde of his grace which is able to bylde further and to geve you an inheritaunce amoge all them which are sanctified.
idānīṁ he bhrātaro yuṣmākaṁ niṣṭhāṁ janayituṁ pavitrīkṛtalokānāṁ madhye'dhikārañca dātuṁ samartho ya īśvarastasyānugrahasya yo vādaśca tayorubhayo ryuṣmān samārpayam|
33 I have desyred no mas silver golde or vesture.
kasyāpi svarṇaṁ rūpyaṁ vastraṁ vā prati mayā lobho na kṛtaḥ|
34 Ye knowe well yt these hondes have ministred vnto my necessities and to them that were wt me.
kintu mama matsahacaralokānāñcāvaśyakavyayāya madīyamidaṁ karadvayam aśrāmyad etad yūyaṁ jānītha|
35 I have shewed you all thinges how that so laborynge ye ought to receave the weake and to remember the wordes of the Lorde Iesu howe that he sayde: It is more blessed to geve then to receave.
anena prakāreṇa grahaṇad dānaṁ bhadramiti yadvākyaṁ prabhu ryīśuḥ kathitavān tat smarttuṁ daridralokānāmupakārārthaṁ śramaṁ karttuñca yuṣmākam ucitam etatsarvvaṁ yuṣmānaham upadiṣṭavān|
36 When he had thus spoken he kneled doune and prayed with them all.
etāṁ kathāṁ kathayitvā sa jānunī pātayitvā sarvaiḥ saha prārthayata|
37 And they wept all aboundantly and fell on Pauls necke and kissed him
tena te krandrantaḥ
38 sorowinge most of all for the wordes which he spake that they shuld se his face no moore. And they acompanyed him vnto the shyppe.
puna rmama mukhaṁ na drakṣyatha viśeṣata eṣā yā kathā tenākathi tatkāraṇāt śokaṁ vilāpañca kṛtvā kaṇṭhaṁ dhṛtvā cumbitavantaḥ| paścāt te taṁ potaṁ nītavantaḥ|

< Acts 20 >