< Acts 18 >
1 After that Paul departed from Attens and came to Corinthu
tadghaṭanātaḥ paraṁ paula āthīnīnagarād yātrāṁ kṛtvā karinthanagaram āgacchat|
2 and founde a certayne Iewe named Aquila borne in Ponthus latly come from Italie wt his wyfe Priscilla (because that the Emperour Claudius had comaunded all Iewes to departe fro Rome) and he drewe vnto them.
tasmin samaye klaudiyaḥ sarvvān yihūdīyān romānagaraṁ vihāya gantum ājñāpayat, tasmāt priskillānāmnā jāyayā sārddham itāliyādeśāt kiñcitpūrvvam āgamat yaḥ pantadeśe jāta ākkilanāmā yihūdīyalokaḥ paulastaṁ sākṣāt prāpya tayoḥ samīpamitavān|
3 And because he was of the same crafte he abode with them and wrought: their crafte was to make tentes.
tau dūṣyanirmmāṇajīvinau, tasmāt parasparam ekavṛttikatvāt sa tābhyāṁ saha uṣitvā tat karmmākarot|
4 And he preached in ye synagoge every saboth daye and exhorted the Iewes and the gentyls.
paulaḥ prativiśrāmavāraṁ bhajanabhavanaṁ gatvā vicāraṁ kṛtvā yihūdīyān anyadeśīyāṁśca pravṛttiṁ grāhitavān|
5 When Sylas and Timotheus were come from Macedonia Paul was constrayned by the sprete to testifie to the Iewes that Iesus was very Christ.
sīlatīmathiyayo rmākidaniyādeśāt sametayoḥ satoḥ paula uttaptamanā bhūtvā yīśurīśvareṇābhiṣikto bhavatīti pramāṇaṁ yihūdīyānāṁ samīpe prādāt|
6 And whe they sayde cotrary and blasphemed he shoke his rayment and sayde vnto the: youre bloud apon youre awne heeddes and fro hence forth I goo blamelesse vnto ye gentyls.
kintu te 'tīva virodhaṁ vidhāya pāṣaṇḍīyakathāṁ kathitavantastataḥ paulo vastraṁ dhunvan etāṁ kathāṁ kathitavān, yuṣmākaṁ śoṇitapātāparādho yuṣmān pratyeva bhavatu, tenāhaṁ niraparādho 'dyārabhya bhinnadeśīyānāṁ samīpaṁ yāmi|
7 And he departed thence and entred into a certayne manes housse named Iustus a worshiper of god whose housse ioyned harde to ye synagoge.
sa tasmāt prasthāya bhajanabhavanasamīpasthasya yustanāmna īśvarabhaktasya bhinnadeśīyasya niveśanaṁ prāviśat|
8 How be it one Crispus ye chefe rular of the synagoge beleved on ye lorde with all his housholde and many of the Corinthias gave audience and beleved and were baptised.
tataḥ krīṣpanāmā bhajanabhavanādhipatiḥ saparivāraḥ prabhau vyaśvasīt, karinthanagarīyā bahavo lokāśca samākarṇya viśvasya majjitā abhavan|
9 Then spake the lorde to Paul in the nyght by a vision: be not afrayde but speake and holde not thy peace:
kṣaṇadāyāṁ prabhuḥ paulaṁ darśanaṁ datvā bhāṣitavān, mā bhaiṣīḥ, mā nirasīḥ kathāṁ pracāraya|
10 for I am with the and no man shall invade the that shall hurte the. For I have moche people in this cite.
ahaṁ tvayā sārddham āsa hiṁsārthaṁ kopi tvāṁ spraṣṭuṁ na śakṣyati nagare'smin madīyā lokā bahava āsate|
11 And he continued there a yeare and sixe monethes and taught them the worde of God.
tasmāt paulastannagare prāyeṇa sārddhavatsaraparyyantaṁ saṁsthāyeśvarasya kathām upādiśat|
12 When Gallio was rular of the countre of Acaia the Iewes made insurreccion with one accorde agaynst Paul and brought him to the iudgement seate
gālliyanāmā kaścid ākhāyādeśasya prāḍvivākaḥ samabhavat, tato yihūdīyā ekavākyāḥ santaḥ paulam ākramya vicārasthānaṁ nītvā
13 saying: this felow counceleth men to worship God contrary to ye lawe.
mānuṣa eṣa vyavasthāya viruddham īśvarabhajanaṁ karttuṁ lokān kupravṛttiṁ grāhayatīti niveditavantaḥ|
14 And as Paul was about to open his mouth Gallio sayde vnto ye Iewes: yf it were a matter of wronge or an evyll dede (o ye Iewes) reason wolde that I shuld heare you:
tataḥ paule pratyuttaraṁ dātum udyate sati gālliyā yihūdīyān vyāharat, yadi kasyacid anyāyasya vātiśayaduṣṭatācaraṇasya vicāro'bhaviṣyat tarhi yuṣmākaṁ kathā mayā sahanīyābhaviṣyat|
15 but yf it be a question of wordes or of names or of youre lawe loke ye to it youre selves. For I wilbe no iudge in soche maters
kintu yadi kevalaṁ kathāyā vā nāmno vā yuṣmākaṁ vyavasthāyā vivādo bhavati tarhi tasya vicāramahaṁ na kariṣyāmi, yūyaṁ tasya mīmāṁsāṁ kuruta|
16 and he drave them from the seate.
tataḥ sa tān vicārasthānād dūrīkṛtavān|
17 Then toke all the Grekes Sostenes the chefe rular of the synagoge and smote him before the iudges seate. And Gallio cared for none of tho thinges.
tadā bhinnadeśīyāḥ sosthinināmānaṁ bhajanabhavanasya pradhānādhipatiṁ dhṛtvā vicārasthānasya sammukhe prāharan tathāpi gālliyā teṣu sarvvakarmmasu na mano nyadadhāt|
18 Paul after this taryed there yet a good whyle and then toke his leave of the brethren and sayled thence into Ciria Priscilla and Aquila accompanyinge him. And he shore his heed in Cenchrea for he had a vowe.
paulastatra punarbahudināni nyavasat, tato bhrātṛgaṇād visarjanaṁ prāpya kiñcanavratanimittaṁ kiṁkriyānagare śiro muṇḍayitvā priskillākkilābhyāṁ sahito jalapathena suriyādeśaṁ gatavān|
19 And he came to Ephesus and lefte them there: but he him selfe entred into the synagoge and reasoned with the Iewes.
tata iphiṣanagara upasthāya tatra tau visṛjya svayaṁ bhajanabhvanaṁ praviśya yihūdīyaiḥ saha vicāritavān|
20 When they desyred him to tary longer tyme with the he consented not
te svaiḥ sārddhaṁ punaḥ katipayadināni sthātuṁ taṁ vyanayan, sa tadanurarīkṛtya kathāmetāṁ kathitavān,
21 but bad the fare well sayinge. I must nedes at this feast that cometh be in Ierusalem: but I will returne agayne vnto you yf God will. And he departed from Ephesus
yirūśālami āgāmyutsavapālanārthaṁ mayā gamanīyaṁ; paścād īśvarecchāyāṁ jātāyāṁ yuṣmākaṁ samīpaṁ pratyāgamiṣyāmi| tataḥ paraṁ sa tai rvisṛṣṭaḥ san jalapathena iphiṣanagarāt prasthitavān|
22 and came vnto Cesarea: and ascended and saluted the congregacion and departed vnto Antioche
tataḥ kaisariyām upasthitaḥ san nagaraṁ gatvā samājaṁ namaskṛtya tasmād āntiyakhiyānagaraṁ prasthitavān|
23 and when he had taryed there a whyle he departed. And went over all the countre of Galacia and Phrigia by order strengthynge all the disciples.
tatra kiyatkālaṁ yāpayitvā tasmāt prasthāya sarvveṣāṁ śiṣyāṇāṁ manāṁsi susthirāṇi kṛtvā kramaśo galātiyāphrugiyādeśayo rbhramitvā gatavān|
24 And a certayne Iewe named Apollos borne at Alexandria came to Ephesus an eloquent man and myghty in the scriptures.
tasminneva samaye sikandariyānagare jāta āpallonāmā śāstravit suvaktā yihūdīya eko jana iphiṣanagaram āgatavān|
25 The same was informed in the waye of the Lorde and he spake fervently in the sprete and taught diligently the thinges of the Lorde and knewe but the baptim of Iohn only.
sa śikṣitaprabhumārgo manasodyogī ca san yohano majjanamātraṁ jñātvā yathārthatayā prabhoḥ kathāṁ kathayan samupādiśat|
26 And the same began to speake boldely in the synagoge. And when Aquila and Priscilla had hearde him: they toke him vnto them and expounded vnto him the waye of God more perfectly.
eṣa jano nirbhayatvena bhajanabhavane kathayitum ārabdhavān, tataḥ priskillākkilau tasyopadeśakathāṁ niśamya taṁ svayoḥ samīpam ānīya śuddharūpeṇeśvarasya kathām abodhayatām|
27 And when he was disposed to goo into Acaia the brethren wrote exhortynge the disciples to receave him. After he was come thyther he holpe them moche which had beleved thorowe grace.
paścāt sa ākhāyādeśaṁ gantuṁ matiṁ kṛtavān, tadā tatratyaḥ śiṣyagaṇo yathā taṁ gṛhlāti tadarthaṁ bhrātṛgaṇena samāśvasya patre likhite sati, āpallāstatropasthitaḥ san anugraheṇa pratyayināṁ bahūpakārān akarot,
28 And myghtely he overcame the Iewes and that openly shewynge by the scriptures that Iesus was Christ.
phalato yīśurabhiṣiktastrāteti śāstrapramāṇaṁ datvā prakāśarūpeṇa pratipannaṁ kṛtvā yihūdīyān niruttarān kṛtavān|