< Romans 2 >

1 Therefore you have nothing to say in your own defence, whoever you are who set yourself up as a judge. In judging others you condemn yourself, for you who set yourself up as a judge do the very same things.
Ac kom, kawuk luk, ya kom nununku mwet saya? Wanginna sripa kom in nununku mwet, finne su kom an. Mweyen ke kom nununku mwet saya u, a kom wi pac oru ouiya ma elos oru, kom sifacna liskomla.
2 And we know that God’s judgment falls unerringly upon those who do them.
Kut etu lah God El suwohs ke El nununkalos su oru kain in ouiya inge.
3 You who judge those that do such things and yet are yourself guilty of them — do you suppose that you of all men will escape God’s judgment?
A kom, kom wi oru kain in ouiya ma kom nununku mwet ngia kac! Ya kom nunku mu kom ac ku in kaingkunla nununku lun God?
4 Or do you think lightly of his abundant kindness, patience, and forbearance, not realising that his kindness is meant to lead you to repentance?
Ku sahp kom pilesru kulang lulap ac muteng ac mongfisrasr lun God! Ya kom tia akilen lah God El kulang ke sripen El kena kolkomla nu ke auliyak?
5 Hard-hearted and impenitent as you are, you are storing up for yourself Wrath on the ‘Day of Wrath,’ when God’s justice as a judge will be revealed;
Tusruktu ke sripen upa na insiom ac kom likkeke, kom sifacna akyokye kaiyuk nu sum ke Len se God El fah akkalemye kasrkusrak ac nununku suwohs lal.
6 for ‘he will give to every man what his actions deserve.’
Tuh God El ac fah moli nu sin mwet nukewa fal nu ke orekma lalos.
7 To those who, by perseverance in doing good, aim at glory, honour, and all that is imperishable, he will give Immortal Life; (aiōnios g166)
Oasr mwet su oaru na in oru ma wo, ac elos suk ohi, wolana, ac moul kawil sin God. Na God El ac fah sang nu selos moul ma pahtpat. (aiōnios g166)
8 while as to those who are factious, and disobedient to Truth but obedient to Evil, wrath and anger, distress and despair,
Ac kutu mwet uh nunku kaclos sifacna ac tia lungse ma suwohs, pwanang elos ukwe na ma sesuwos. God El fah fahkak lupan mulat ac kasrkusrak lal nu selos su ouinge.
9 will fall upon every human being who persists in wrong-doing — upon the Jew first, but also upon the Greek.
Ac fah oasr keok ac waiok nu selos nukewa su oru ma koluk — nu sin mwet Jew meet, ac oayapa nu sin mwet sayen mwet Jew.
10 But there will be glory, honour, and peace for every one who does right — for the Jew first, but also for the Greek,
Tusruktu God El fah sang wolana, sunak, ac misla nu selos nukewa su oru ma wo — nu sin mwet Jew meet, ac oayapa nu sin mwet sayen mwet Jew.
11 since God shows no partiality.
Tuh God El tia sulosol mwet.
12 All who, when they sin, are without Law will also perish without Law; while all who, when they sin, are under Law, will be judged as being under Law.
Ma Sap lal Moses finne wangin yurolos su tia mwet Jew, ke elos oru ma koluk elos ac nuna tuhlac na. Ma Sap u ma nu sin mwet Jew, na ke mwet Jew elos oru ma koluk, elos ac fah nununkeyuk fal nu ke Ma Sap.
13 It is not those who hear the words of a Law that are righteous before God, but it is those who obey it that will be pronounced righteous.
Tuh mwet uh tia aksuwosyeyuk ye mutun God ke sripen elos lohng Ma Sap uh, ac ke sripen elos akos ma sapkinyuk ke Ma Sap uh.
14 When Gentiles, who have no Law, do instinctively what the Law requires, they, though they have no Law, are a Law to themselves;
Ma Sap lal Moses tuh tia itukyang nu sin mwet sayen mwet Jew. Tusruktu kutena pacl elos moul fal nu ke ma sap mweyen na elos sifacna nunkauk mu fal, na elos akkalemye lah elos oakiya ma sap nu selos sifacna, finne wangin Ma Sap lal Moses yurolos.
15 for they show the demands of the Law written upon their hearts; their consciences corroborating it, while in their thoughts they argue either in self-accusation or, it may be, in self-defence —
Ouiyen moul lalos sifacna fahkak lah ma sapkinyuk in Ma Sap u simla insialos. Oayapa elahlos wi pac akpwayeye ma se inge, mweyen kutu pacl u nunak na lalos akkalemye nu selos ma su wo ac ma su koluk.
16 on the day when God passes judgment on men’s inmost lives, as the Good News that I tell declares that he will do through Christ Jesus.
Fal nu ke Pweng Wo su nga luti kac, ac fah ouinge ke Len se ma God El fah nununku nunak lukma lun mwet nukewa ke Jesus Christ.
17 But, perhaps, you bear the name of ‘Jew,’ and are relying upon Law, and boast of belonging to God, and understand his will,
A funu kom — kom sifacna fahk mu kom mwet Jew, ac kom filiya finsrak lom fin Ma Sap, ac konkin mu oasr kupasr lom nu sin God.
18 and, having been carefully instructed from the Law, have learned to appreciate the finer moral distinctions.
Kom etu ma lungse lun God, ac kom lotela ke Ma Sap u in sulela ma suwohs.
19 Perhaps you are confident that you are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in the dark, an instructor of the unintelligent,
Kom sifacna oru mu kom mwet kol nu sin mwet kun, ac kalem nu selos su muta in lohsr.
20 and a teacher of the childish, because in the Law you possess the outline of all Knowledge and Truth.
Kom aketeya nu sin mwet lalfon, ac kom mwet luti nu selos su sulalkung. Kom lulalfongi mu ke sripen Ma Sap u oasr sum, kom etu ma nukewa ac ma nukewa kom fahk u pwayena.
21 Why, then, you teacher of others, do not you teach yourself? Do you preach against stealing, and yet steal?
Kom luti mwet saya — ac efu kom tia luti kom sifacna? Kom fahkak mu, “Nik kom pisrapasr,” ac kom, kom tia pisrapasr?
22 Do you forbid adultery, and yet commit adultery? Do you loathe idols, and yet plunder temples?
Kom fahk mu, “Nik kom kosro,” ac kom, ya kom tia kosro? Kom kwase ma sruloala. Ac kom, ya kom tia pisre ma in tempul lalos u?
23 Boasting, as you do, of your Law, do you dishonour God by breaking the Law?
Kom konkin mu Ma Sap lun God oasr yurum. Ac kom, ya kom tia akmwekinye God ke kom kunausla Ma Sap lal?
24 For, as Scripture says — ‘The name of God is reviled among the Gentiles because of you’!
Ma Simusla u fahk, “Mwet in mutunfacl saya elos kaskas kupatol ke Een God, ke sripowos mwet Jew.”
25 Circumcision has its value, if you are obeying the Law. But, if you are a breaker of the Law, your circumcision is no better than uncircumcision.
Kom fin akos Ma Sap, oasr sripen kosrala lom; tusruktu kom fin seakos Ma Sap, wangin sripen kosrala lom.
26 If, then, an uncircumcised man pays regard to the requirements of the Law, will not he, although not circumcised, be regarded by God as if he were?
Mwet pegan elos tia kosrala, tusruktu elos fin akos ma sapkinyuk ke Ma Sap, ya God El ac tia akilenulos oana elos in mwet kosrala?
27 Indeed, the man who, owing to his birth, remains uncircumcised, and yet scrupulously obeys the Law, will condemn you, who, for all your written Law and your circumcision, are yet a breaker of the Law.
Ouinge mwet pegan elos ac fah nununkekowos mwet Jew, mweyen kowos kunausla Ma Sap, finne Ma Sap u simla oasr yuruwos ac kowos kosrala. A elos akos Ma Sap, elos ne tia kosrala in mano.
28 For a man who is only a Jew outwardly is not a real Jew; nor is outward bodily circumcision real circumcision. The real Jew is the man who is a Jew in soul;
Na su win mwet Jew na pwaye, ma kosrala na pwaye? Tiana mwet se ma mwet Jew ke luku, su kosrala na ke manol.
29 and the real circumcision is the circumcision of the heart, a spiritual and not a literal thing. Such a man wins praise from God, though not from men.
Mwet Jew na pwaye pa mwet Jew ke insia, su kalmeya pa mwet se su kosrala lal oan insial. Ma inge orekma lun Ngun lun God, tia ke Ma Sap ma simla uh. Kain mwet se inge eis kaksak sin God, ac tia sin mwet.

< Romans 2 >