< Romans 10 >

1 Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for my People is for their Salvation.
hE bhrAtara isrAyElIyalOkA yat paritrANaM prApnuvanti tadahaM manasAbhilaSan Izvarasya samIpE prArthayE|
2 I can testify that they are zealous for the honour of God; but they are not guided by true insight,
yata IzvarE tESAM cESTA vidyata ityatrAhaM sAkSyasmi; kintu tESAM sA cESTA sajnjAnA nahi,
3 for, in their ignorance of the Divine Righteousness, and in their eagerness to set up a righteousness of their own, they refused to accept with submission the Divine Righteousness.
yatasta IzvaradattaM puNyam avijnjAya svakRtapuNyaM sthApayitum cESTamAnA Izvaradattasya puNyasya nighnatvaM na svIkurvvanti|
4 For Christ has brought Law to an end, so that righteousness may be obtained by every one who believes in him.
khrISTa EkaikavizvAsijanAya puNyaM dAtuM vyavasthAyAH phalasvarUpO bhavati|
5 For Moses writes that, as for the righteousness which results from Law, ‘those who practice it will find Life through it.’
vyavasthApAlanEna yat puNyaM tat mUsA varNayAmAsa, yathA, yO janastAM pAlayiSyati sa taddvArA jIviSyati|
6 But the righteousness which results from faith finds expression in these words — ‘Do not say to yourself “Who will go up into heaven?”’ — which means to bring Christ down —
kintu pratyayEna yat puNyaM tad EtAdRzaM vAkyaM vadati, kaH svargam Aruhya khrISTam avarOhayiSyati?
7 ‘or “Who will go down into the depths below?”’ — which means to bring Christ up from the dead. (Abyssos g12)
kO vA prEtalOkam avaruhya khrISTaM mRtagaNamadhyAd AnESyatIti vAk manasi tvayA na gaditavyA| (Abyssos g12)
8 No, but what does it say? ‘The Message of Faith’ which we proclaim.
tarhi kiM bravIti? tad vAkyaM tava samIpastham arthAt tava vadanE manasi cAstE, tacca vAkyam asmAbhiH pracAryyamANaM vizvAsasya vAkyamEva|
9 For, if with your lips you acknowledge the truth of the Message that JESUS IS LORD, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.
vastutaH prabhuM yIzuM yadi vadanEna svIkarOSi, tathEzvarastaM zmazAnAd udasthApayad iti yadyantaHkaraNEna vizvasiSi tarhi paritrANaM lapsyasE|
10 For with their hearts men believe and so attain to righteousness, while with their lips they make their Profession of Faith and so find Salvation.
yasmAt puNyaprAptyartham antaHkaraNEna vizvasitavyaM paritrANArthanjca vadanEna svIkarttavyaM|
11 As the passage of Scripture says — ‘No one who believes in him shall have any cause for shame.’
zAstrE yAdRzaM likhati vizvasiSyati yastatra sa janO na trapiSyatE|
12 For no distinction is made between the Jew and the Greek, for all have the same Lord, and he is bountiful to all who invoke him.
ityatra yihUdini tadanyalOkE ca kOpi vizESO nAsti yasmAd yaH sarvvESAm advitIyaH prabhuH sa nijayAcakAna sarvvAn prati vadAnyO bhavati|
13 For ‘every one who invokes the Name of the Lord shall be saved.’
yataH, yaH kazcit paramEzasya nAmnA hi prArthayiSyatE| sa Eva manujO nUnaM paritrAtO bhaviSyati|
14 But how, it may be asked, are they to invoke one in whom they have not learned to believe? And how are they to believe in one whose words they have not heard? And how are they to hear his words unless some one proclaims him?
yaM yE janA na pratyAyan tE tamuddizya kathaM prArthayiSyantE? yE vA yasyAkhyAnaM kadApi na zrutavantastE taM kathaM pratyESyanti? aparaM yadi pracArayitArO na tiSThanti tadA kathaM tE zrOSyanti?
15 And how are men to proclaim him unless they are sent as his messengers? As Scripture says — ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’
yadi vA prEritA na bhavanti tadA kathaM pracArayiSyanti? yAdRzaM likhitam AstE, yathA, mAggalikaM susaMvAdaM dadatyAnIya yE narAH| pracArayanti zAntEzca susaMvAdaM janAstu yE| tESAM caraNapadmAni kIdRk zObhAnvitAni hi|
16 Still, it may be said, every one did not give heed to the Good News. No, for Isaiah asks — ‘Lord, who has believed our teaching?’
kintu tE sarvvE taM susaMvAdaM na gRhItavantaH| yizAyiyO yathA likhitavAn| asmatpracAritE vAkyE vizvAsamakarOddhi kaH|
17 And so we gather, faith is a result of teaching, and the teaching comes in the Message of Christ.
ataEva zravaNAd vizvAsa aizvaravAkyapracArAt zravaNanjca bhavati|
18 But I ask ‘Is it possible that men have never heard?’ No, indeed, for — ‘Their voices spread through all the earth, and their Message to the very ends of the world.’
tarhyahaM bravImi taiH kiM nAzrAvi? avazyam azrAvi, yasmAt tESAM zabdO mahIM vyApnOd vAkyanjca nikhilaM jagat|
19 But again I ask ‘Did not the people of Israel understand? First there is Moses, who says — ‘I, the Lord, will stir you to rivalry with a nation which is no nation; Against an undiscerning nation I will arouse your anger.’
aparamapi vadAmi, isrAyElIyalOkAH kim EtAM kathAM na budhyantE? prathamatO mUsA idaM vAkyaM prOvAca, ahamuttApayiSyE tAn agaNyamAnavairapi| klEkSyAmi jAtim EtAnjca prOnmattabhinnajAtibhiH|
20 And Isaiah says boldly — ‘I was found by those who were not seeking me; I made myself known to those who were not inquiring of me.
aparanjca yizAyiyO'tizayAkSObhENa kathayAmAsa, yathA, adhi mAM yaistu nAcESTi samprAptastai rjanairahaM| adhi mAM yai rna sampRSTaM vijnjAtastai rjanairahaM||
21 But of the people of Israel he says — ‘All day long I have stretched out my hands to a people who disobey and contradict.’
kintvisrAyElIyalOkAn adhi kathayAnjcakAra, yairAjnjAlagghibhi rlOkai rviruddhaM vAkyamucyatE| tAn pratyEva dinaM kRtsnaM hastau vistArayAmyahaM||

< Romans 10 >