< Revelation 10 >

1 Then I saw another mighty angel, descending from Heaven. His robe was a cloud; over his head was the rainbow; his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire;
Adudagi atoppa matik leiraba swargadut ama swargadagi kumtharakpa eina ure. Mahak leichilna phigum setli amasung makokta chumthang khalli; magi maithong adu numitkumna amasung makhong aduna meigi yumbigumna oirammi.
2 in his hand he held a little book open. He set his right foot on the sea, and his left on the land;
Mahakki makhutta hangdoklaba lairik makol macha ama leirammi. Mahakna mahakki makhong yet adu samudrada aduga oina kangphalda thamlammi.
3 and he cried in a loud voice like the roaring of a lion. At his cry the seven peals of thunder spoke, each with its own voice.
Aduga nongsana khongbagumna mahakna awangba khonjelda laorammi. Mahakna laoraba matungda nong khakpa taretna ngangbaga loinana paokhum pirammi.
4 And, when they spoke, I was about to write; but I heard a voice from Heaven say — ‘Keep secret what the seven peals of thunder said, and do not write it down.’
Nong khakpa taret aduna wa hek ngangbaga, eina isinnaba tourammi. Adubu swargadagi khonjel amana haiba eina tarammi, “Nong khakpa taretna hairiba adu aronba oina thammu, madu isinganu.”
5 Then the angel, whom I had seen standing on the sea and on the land, ‘raised his right hand to the heavens,
Adudagi samudra amasung kangphalgi mathakta lepliba swargadut aduna swargada yetthangba khut adu thanggatlammi.
6 and swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, and the earth and all that is in it, and the sea and all that is in it,’ that time should cease to be. (aiōn g165)
Aduga swarga, malem, samudra amasung maduda leiriba pumnamakpu sembiba, lomba naidana hingliba Tengban Mapugi mingda wasakladuna hairak-i, “Amuk Panthararoi.” (aiōn g165)
7 Moreover at the time when the seventh angel shall speak, when he is ready to blow his blast, then the hidden purposes of God, of which he told the good news to his servants, the Prophets, are at once fulfilled.
Adubu taretsuba swargadut aduna magi peresinggadu khongba matamda, Tengban Mapuna mahakki manai, Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpiba maichousingda laothokkhibagumna mahakki athuppa thourang adu thunghangani.
8 Then came the voice which I had heard from Heaven. It spoke to me again, and said — ‘Go and take the book that is open in the hand of the angel who stands on the sea and on the land.’
Adudagi eina takhiba swargadagi khonjel aduna amuk hanna eingonda hairak-i, “Chatlu aduga samudra amadi kangphalda lepliba swargadut adugi khutta pairiba hangdoklaba lairik makol adu lou.”
9 So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little book. And he said ‘Take it, and eat it. It will be bitter to your stomach, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’
Maduda eina swargadut adugi manakta chattuna, lairik makol macha adu eingonda pinaba hairammi. Mahakna eingonda hairak-i, “Masi lou aduga chao; masina nahakki chindadi khoihigumna thumgani adubu nahakki chakhaodadi asinba ongani.”
10 I took the little book out of the angel’s hand ‘and ate it, and, while in my mouth, it was like the sweetest honey’; but, when I had eaten it, it was bitter to my stomach.
Swargadut adugi khuttagi lairik makol macha adu louduna eina chare; madu eigi chindadi khoihigumna thumlammi. Adubu eina yotlaba matungda, eigi chakhaoda madu asinba onkhirammi.
11 And I was told — ‘You must prophesy again about men of many peoples, and nations, and languages, and about many kings.’
Adudagi eingonda hairak-i, “Nahakna amuk hanna phurup kayagi, kanglup kayagi, lon kayagi amadi ningthou kayagi maramda Tengban Mapugi wa phongdokpa tare.”

< Revelation 10 >