< Philippians 3 >

1 In conclusion, my Brothers, all joy be yours in your union with the Lord. To repeat what I have already written does not weary me, and is the safe course for you.
A karshe, 'yan'uwana, ku yi farin ciki cikin Ubangiji. In sake rubuta maku wadannan abubuwa ba wani abu mai nauyi ba ne a gare ni. Wadannan abubuwa zasu tsare ku.
2 Beware of those ‘dogs’! Beware of those mischievous workers! Beware of the men who mutilate themselves!
Ku yi hankali da karnuka. Ku yi hankali da miyagun ma'aikata. Ku yi hankali da masu yanke-yanke.
3 For it is we who are the circumcised — we whose worship is prompted by the Spirit of God, who exult in Christ Jesus, and who do not rely upon external privileges;
Gama mune kaciyar. Don mune muke sujada ta wurin Ruhun Allah. Mune masu fahariya chikin Almasihu Yesu, kuma ba mu da gabagadi cikin jiki.
4 though I, if any man, have cause to rely even upon them. If any one thinks he can rely upon external privileges, far more can I!
Ko da shike, ni kaina ina gabagadi ga jiki. Idan wani zai iya tunanin gabagadi ga jiki, ni na fi shi.
5 I was circumcised when eight days old; I am an Israelite by race, and of the tribe of Benjamin; I am a Hebrew, and the child of Hebrews. As to the Law, I was a Pharisee;
An yi mani kaciya a rana ta takwas, daga mutanen Israila, na kabilar Biliyaminu, Bayahuden Yahudawa; ga zancen shari'a Bafarisiye nake.
6 as to zeal, I was a persecutor of the Church; as to such righteousness as is due to Law, I proved myself blameless.
Wajen himma na tsanantawa ikilisiya. Ga zancen adalci cikin sharia, na zama mara abin zargi.
7 But all the things which I once held to be gains I have now, for the Christ’s sake, come to count as loss.
Amma duk wadannan abubuwan da suka zama riba a gare ni, na dauke su asara ne saboda Almasihu.
8 More than that, I count everything as loss, for the sake of the exceeding value of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord. And for his sake I have lost everything, and count it as refuse, if I may but gain Christ and be found in union with him;
I, lallai ina lisafta dukan wadannan abubuwa asara saboda mafificin sanin Almasihu Yesu Ubangijina. Saboda shine na yi asarar dukan abubuwa. Na maishe su marasa amfani domin in ribato Almasihu,
9 any righteousness that I have being, not the righteousness that results from Law, but the righteousness which comes through faith in Christ — the righteousness which is derived from God and is founded on faith.
a iske ni cikinsa. Ba ni da wani adalcin kaina ta wurin shari'a. Maimakon haka, ina da adalci ta wurin bangaskiya cikin Almasihu, adalcin dake daga wurin Allah ta wurin Bangaskiya.
10 Then indeed I shall know Christ, and the power of his resurrection, and all that it means to share his sufferings,
Yanzu ina so in san shi da ikon tashinsa, da tarayya cikin shan wuyarsa. In kuma zama kamarsa wajen mutuwarsa,
11 in the hope that, if I become like him in death, I may possibly attain to the resurrection from the dead.
domin ta ko kaka in kai ga tashi daga cikin matattu.
12 Not that I have already laid hold of it, or that I am already made perfect. But I press on, in the hope of actually laying hold of that for which indeed I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus.
Ba wai na rigaya na sami wadannan abubuwa bane, ko kuma na riga na zama cikakke. Amma ina nace bi domin in cafki wannan da Almasihu Yesu ya cafko ni dominsa.
13 For I, Brothers, do not regard myself as having yet laid hold of it. But this one thing I do — forgetting what lies behind, and straining every nerve for that which lies in front,
'Yan'uwa, ban dauka cewa na riga na cafka ba tukuna. Amma akwai abu daya da nake yi: ina mantawa da abin da ke baya, ina kutsawa zuwa ga abin da ke gaba.
14 I press on to the goal, to gain the prize of that heavenward Call which God gave me through Christ Jesus.
Ina nacewa zuwa ga manufar nan in kai ga samun ladar nasara na madaukakin kiran Allah cikin Almasihu Yesu.
15 Let all of us, then, whose faith is mature, think thus. Then, if on any matter you think otherwise, God will make that also plain to you.
Dukan mu wadanda muke kammalallu, sai mu yi tunani ta wannan hanyar, idan kuwa kun yi tunanin wani abu daban, to Allah zai bayyana maku wannan kuma.
16 Only we are bound to order our lives by what we have already attained.
Sai dai, in da muka rigaya muka kai, bari mu rike shi haka.
17 Brothers, unite in following my example, and fix your eyes on those who are living by the pattern which we have set you.
Ku zama masu koyi da ni, 'yan'uwa. Ku duba da kyau wadannan da suke tafiya yadda muka zama abin koyi a gare ku.
18 For there are many — of whom I have often told you, and now tell you even with tears — who are living in enmity to the cross of the Christ.
Mutane da dama suna tafiya -sune wadanda na ba ku labarin su, yanzu kuma ina fada maku har da hawaye - kamar makiyan gicciyen Almasihu ne.
19 The end of such men is Ruin; for their appetites are their God, and they glory in their shame; their minds are given up to earthly things.
Karshen su hallaka ne. Domin allahn su ciki ne, fahariyar su kuma tana cikin kunyar su. Tunanin su na kan al'amuran duniya.
20 But the State of which we are citizens is in Heaven; and it is from Heaven that we are eagerly looking for a Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ,
Amma mu 'yangarincin mu a sama yake, daga inda muke sauraron mai ceto, Ubangiji Yesu Almasihu.
21 who, by the exercise of his power to bring everything into subjection to himself, will make this body that we have in our humiliation like to that body which he has in his Glory.
Za ya sake jikinmu na kaskanci ya siffanta shi kamar jikin darajarsa, siffantacce ta karfin ikonsa inda ya sarayar da dukan abubuwa a gare shi.

< Philippians 3 >