< Matthew 25 >

1 Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
“Panguva iyoyo umambo hwokudenga huchange hwakafanana navasikana gumi, vakatora mwenje yavo vakabuda kundochingamidza chikomba.
2 Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent.
Vashanu vavo vakanga vari mapenzi uye vashanu vavo vakanga vakachenjera.
3 The foolish ones took their lamps, but took no oil with them;
Mapenzi vaya vakatora mwenje yavo asi havana kuisa mafuta mairi.
4 while the prudent ones, besides taking their lamps, took oil in their jars.
Kunyange zvakadaro, vakachenjera vakatora mafuta mumidziyo pamwe chete nemwenje yavo.
5 As the bridegroom was late in coming, they all became drowsy, and slept.
Chikomba chakanonoka kusvika, vose vakabatwa nehope ndokuvata.
6 But at midnight a shout was raised — ‘The bridegroom is coming! Come out to meet him!’
“Pava pakati pousiku vakanzwa mheremhere: ‘Chikomba chauya! Budai mumuchingamidze!’
7 Then all the bridesmaids awoke and trimmed their lamps.
“Ipapo vasikana vose vakamuka uye vakagadziridza mwenje yavo.
8 And the foolish said to the prudent ‘Give us some of your oil; our lamps are going out.’
Mapenzi akati kuna vakachenjera, ‘Tipeiwo mamwe emafuta enyu; mwenje yedu yava kudzima.’
9 But the prudent ones answered ‘No, for fear that there will not be enough for you and for us. Go instead to those who sell it, and buy for yourselves.’
“Vakapindura vakati, ‘Kwete, zvimwe haangakwaniri isu nemi tose. Asi endai kuna vaya vanotengesa mafuta mugondozvitengera mamwe.’
10 But while they were on their way to buy it, the bridegroom came; and the bridesmaids who were ready went in with him to the banquet, and the door was shut.
“Asi vachiri munzira kundotenga mafuta, chikomba chakasvika. Vasikana vakanga vakagadzirira vakapinda naye mumutambo wesvitsa uye musuo ukapfigwa.
11 Afterwards the other bridesmaids came. ‘Sir, Sir,’ they said, ‘open the door to us!’
“Pashure vamwe vaya vakadzokawo. Vakati, ‘Ishe! Ishe! Tizarurireiwo musuo!’
12 But the bridegroom answered ‘I tell you, I do not know you.’
“Asi akavapindura achiti, ‘Ndinokuudzai chokwadi, handikuzivei.’
13 Therefore watch, since you know neither the Day nor the Hour.
“Naizvozvo garai makagadzirira nokuti hamuzivi musi kana nguva.
14 For it is as though a man, going on his travels, called his servants, and gave his property into their charge.
“Zvakare, zvichaita somurume akabuda kuti afambe rwendo, akadana varanda vake akavachengetesa pfuma yake.
15 He gave three thousand pounds to one, twelve hundred to another, and six hundred to a third, in proportion to the ability of each. Then he set out on his travels.
Kuno mumwe akapa matarenda mashanu emari, kuno mumwe matarenda maviri, uye kuno mumwe tarenda rimwe chete, mumwe nomumwe maererano nokugona kwake. Ipapo akaenda zvake parwendo rwake.
16 The man who had received the three thousand pounds went at once and traded with it, and made another three thousand.
Murume akapiwa matarenda mashanu akaenda pakarepo akandoshandisa mari yake akawanazve mamwe mashanu.
17 So, too, the man who had received the twelve hundred pounds made another twelve hundred.
Saizvozvo uya aiva namatarenda maviri akawana mamwe maviri.
18 But the man who had received the six hundred went and dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master’s money.
Asi murume akanga apiwa tarenda rimwe chete akaenda akandochera gomba muvhu ndokuviga mari yatenzi wake.
19 After a long time the master of those servants returned, and settled accounts with them.
“Shure kwenguva refu tenzi wavaranda vaya akadzoka akagadzirisa nezvemari idzi navo.
20 The man who had received the three thousand pounds came up and brought three thousand more. ‘Sir,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with three thousand pounds; look, I have made another three thousand!’
Murume akanga apiwa matarenda mashanu akauya namamwe mashanu, akati, ‘Tenzi, makandipa matarenda mashanu. Tarirai ndakawana mamwe mashanu.’
21 ‘Well done, good, trustworthy servant!’ said his master. ‘You have been trustworthy with a small sum; now I will place a large one in your hands; come and share your master’s joy!’
“Tenzi wake akapindura akati, ‘Waita zvakanaka iwe muranda akanaka, akatendeka! Wanga wakatendeka pazvinhu zvishoma; ndichakuita mutariri wezvinhu zvizhinji. Pinda mumufaro watenzi wako!’
22 Then the one who had received the twelve hundred pounds came up and said ‘Sir, you entrusted me with twelve hundred pounds; look, I have made another twelve hundred!’
“Murume akanga apiwa matarenda maviri akauyawo. Akati, ‘Tenzi makandipa matarenda maviri, tarirai ndakawanazve mamwe maviri.’
23 ‘Well done, good, trustworthy servant!’ said his master. ‘You have been trustworthy with a small sum; now I will place a large one in your hands; come and share your master’s joy!’
“Tenzi wake akapindura akati, ‘Waita zvakanaka, iwe muranda akanaka, akatendeka! Wanga wakatendeka pazvinhu zvishoma, ndichakuita mutariri wezvinhu zvizhinji. Pinda mumufaro watenzi wako!’
24 The man who had received the six hundred pounds came up, too, and said ‘Sir, I knew that you were a hard man; you reap where you have not sown, and gather up where you have not winnowed;
“Ipapo murume akanga apiwa tarenda rimwe chete akauya, akati, ‘Tenzi, ndakaziva kuti muri munhu akaoma, munokohwa pamusina kudyara uye munounganidza pamusina kukusha mbeu.
25 and, in my fear, I went and hid your money in the ground; look, here is what belongs to you!’
Nokudaro ndakatya ndikandocherera tarenda renyu muvhu. Tarirai, pfuma yenyu iyi.’
26 ‘You lazy, worthless servant!’ was his master’s reply. ‘You knew that I reap where I have not sown, and gather up where I have not winnowed?
“Tenzi wake akapindura akati, ‘Iwe muranda akaipa, ano usimbe! Saka wakanga uchiziva zvako kuti ndinokohwa pandisina kudyara nokuunganidza pandisina kukusha mbeu?
27 Then you ought to have placed my money in the hands of bankers, and I, on my return, should have received my money, with interest.
Zvino ungadai wakachengetesa mari yangu kune vamabhangi kuitira kuti pakudzoka kwangu ndaizoiwana yabereka.
28 ‘Therefore,’ he continued, ‘take away from him the six hundred pounds, and give it to the one who has the six thousand.
“‘Mutorerei tarenda iri mupe kune uyo ane matarenda gumi.
29 For, to him who has, more will be given, and he shall have abundance; but, as for him who has nothing, even what he has will be taken away from him.
Nokuti wose anazvo achapiwa zvimwe, agova nezvakawanda kwazvo. Ani naani asina, kunyange nezvaanazvo achazvitorerwa.
30 As for the useless servant, ‘put him out into the darkness’ outside, where there will be weeping and grinding of teeth.’
Uye chikandai muranda uyo asingabatsiri kunze kurima, uko kuchava nokuchema nokurumanya kwameno.’
31 When the Son of Man has come in his glory and all the angels with him, then he ‘will take his seat on his throne of glory’;
“Mwanakomana woMunhu paanouya nokubwinya kwake, navatumwa vose, achagara pachigaro chake choushe mukubwinya kwokudenga.
32 and all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people — just as a shepherd separates sheep from goats —
Ndudzi dzose dzichaunganidzwa pamberi pake, achatsaura vanhu mumwe kubva kuno mumwe somufudzi anotsaura makwai kubva kumbudzi.
33 placing the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on his left.
Achaisa makwai kurudyi rwake, uye mbudzi kuruboshwe rwake.
34 Then the King will say to those on his right ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, enter upon possession of the Kingdom prepared for you ever since the beginning of the world.
“Ipapo Mambo achati kuna avo vari kurudyi rwake, ‘Uyai imi makaropafadzwa naBaba vangu, mutore nhaka yenyu, umambo hwamakagadzirirwa kubva pakusikwa kwenyika.
35 For, when I was hungry, you gave me food; when I was thirsty, you gave me drink; when I was a stranger, you took me to your homes;
Nokuti ndakanga ndine nzara mukandipa chokudya, ndakanga ndine nyota, mukandipa chokunwa, ndakanga ndiri mweni mukandipinza mumba,
36 when I was naked, you clothed me; when I fell ill, you visited me; and when I was in prison, you came to me.’
ndakanga ndisina zvokupfeka mukandipfekedza, ndakanga ndichirwara mukandipepa, ndakanga ndiri mutorongo mukandishanyira.’
37 Then the Righteous will answer ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry, and feed you? Or thirsty, and give you a drink?
“Ipapo vakarurama vachamupindura vachiti, ‘Ishe, takakuonai riniko mune nzara tikakupai chokunwa?
38 When did we see you a stranger, and take you to our homes? Or naked, and clothe you?
Takakuonai riniko muri mweni tikakupinzai mumba, kana musina zvokupfeka tikakupfekedzai?
39 When did we see you ill, or in prison, and come to you?’
Takakuonai riniko muchirwara kana muri mutorongo tikakushanyirai?’
40 And the King will reply ‘I tell you, as often as you did it to one of these my Brothers, however lowly, you did it to me.’
“Mambo achapindura achiti, ‘Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti, chose chamakaitira mumwe wavaduku vehama dzangu idzi, makachiitira ini.’
41 Then he will say to those on his left ‘Go from my presence, accursed, into the ‘aeonian fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels.’ (aiōnios g166)
“Ipapo achati kune avo vari kuruboshwe rwake, ‘Ibvai kwandiri imi makatukwa mupinde mumoto usingadzimi wakagadzirirwa dhiabhori navatumwa vake. (aiōnios g166)
42 For, when I was hungry, you gave me no food; when I was thirsty, you gave me no drink;
Nokuti ndakanga ndine nzara mukasandipa chokudya, ndakanga ndine nyota, mukasandipa chokunwa,
43 when I was a stranger, you did not take me to your homes; when I was naked, you did not clothe me; and, when I was ill and in prison, you did not visit me.’
ndakanga ndiri mweni mukasandipinza mumba, ndakanga ndisina zvokupfeka mukasandipfekedza, ndakanga ndichirwara uye ndiri mutorongo mukasandishanyira.’
44 Then they, in their turn, will answer ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or ill, or in prison, and did not supply your wants?’
“Naizvozvo vachapindura vachiti, ‘Ishe, takakuonai riniko mune nzara kana mune nyota kana muri mweni kana musina zvokupfeka kana muchirwara kana muri mutorongo tikasakubatsirai?’
45 And then he will reply ‘I tell you, as often as you failed to do it to one of these, however lowly, you failed to do it to me.’
“Achapindura achiti, ‘Ndinokuudzai chokwadi kuti, zvose zvamusina kuitira mumwe wavaduku ava, hamuna kuzviitira ini.’
46 And these last will go away ‘into aeonian punishment,’ but the righteous ‘into aeonian life.’” (aiōnios g166)
“Ipapo vachaenda mukurangwa kusingaperi, asi vakarurama vachipinda muupenyu husingaperi.” (aiōnios g166)

< Matthew 25 >