< John 5 >

1 Sometime after this there was a Jewish Festival; and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
Bayan haka akwai idi na yahudawa, kuma Yesu ya tafi Urashalima.
2 There is in Jerusalem, near the Sheep-gate, a Bath with five colonnades round it. It is called in Hebrew ‘Bethesda.’
To a cikin Urashilima kusa da kofar tumaki akwai tabki, wanda ake kira Baitasda da harshen Ibraniyanci, yana da shirayi biyar.
3 In these colonnades a large number of afflicted people were lying — blind, lame, and crippled.
Taron mutane dayawa masu ciwo da, makafi da guragu da shanyayyu suna kwance a wurin [suna jira a dama ruwan].
Gama mala'ikan Ubangiji kan sabko a cikin tabkin ya dama ruwan, wanda ya fara taba ruwan sai ya warke komai cutar da yake da ita.
5 One man who was there had been afflicted for thirty-eight years.
Akwai wani mutum a bakin tabki yana kwance yana da rashin lafiya har shekara talatin da takwas.
6 Jesus saw the man lying there, and, finding that he had been in this state a long time, said to him: “Do you wish to be cured?”
Da Yesu ya gan shi yana kwance a wurin sai ya gane ya dade a wurin, sai ya ce masa, “Ko kana so ka warke?”
7 “I have no one, Sir,” the afflicted man answered, “to put me into the Bath when there is a troubling of the water, and, while I am getting to it, some one else steps down before me.”
Sai mai rashin lafiyar ya amsa ya ce, “Malam, bani da kowa da zai sa ni a cikin tabkin idan ruwan ya motsa. Yayinda na ke kokari sai wani ya riga ni.”
8 “Stand up,” said Jesus, “take up your mat, and walk about.”
Yesu ya ce masa,” Ka tashi ka dauki shimfidarka ka tafi.”
9 The man was cured immediately, and took up his mat and began to walk about.
Nan dan nan Mutumin ya warke, ya dauki shimfidarsa ya tafi. Ranar kuwa Asabar ce.
10 Now it was the Sabbath. So the Jews said to the man who had been cured: “This is the Sabbath; you must not carry your mat.”
Sai Yahudawa suka ce da wanda aka warkar din, “Ai, Asabar ce, bai kuwa halatta ka dauki shimfidarka ba.”
11 “The man who cured me,” he answered, “said to me ‘Take up your mat and walk about.’”
Sai ya amsa ya ce, “Ai wanda ya warkar da ni, shine ya ce mani 'Dauki shimfidarka, ka tafi.”
12 “Who was it,” they asked, “that said to you ‘Take up your mat and walk about’?”
Suka tambaye shi, “wane mutum ne ya ce maka, 'Dauki shimfidar ka yi tafiya'?”
13 But the man who had been restored did not know who it was; for Jesus had moved away, because there was a crowd there.
Sai dai, shi wanda aka warka din, ba san ko wanene ya warkar da shi ba, domin Yesu ya riga ya tafi aboye, saboda akwai taro a wurin.
14 Afterwards Jesus found the man in the Temple Courts, and said to him: “You are cured now; do not sin again, for fear that something worse may befall you.”
Bayan haka, Yesu ya same shi a Haikalin, ya ce masa, “ka ga fa, ka warke. To, kada ka kara yin zunubi don kada wani abu da ya fi wannan muni ya same ka.”
15 The man went away, and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had cured him.
Sai mutumin ya tafi ya gaya wa Yahuduwa cewa Yesu ne ya warkar da shi.
16 And that was why the Jews began to persecute Jesus — because he did things of this kind on the Sabbath.
To saboda haka Yahudawa suka fara tsanantawa Yesu, don ya yi wadannan abubuwa ran Asabar.
17 But Jesus replied: “My Father works to this very hour, and I work also.”
Yesu kuwa ya amsa masu ya ce, “Ubana yana aiki har yanzu, ni ma ina aiki.”
18 This made the Jews all the more eager to kill him, because not only was he doing away with the Sabbath, but he actually called God his own Father — putting himself on an equality with God.
Saboda haka, Yahudawa suka kara nema su kashe shi ba don ya keta Asabar kadai ba, amma kuma domin ya ce Allah Ubansa ne, wato yana maida kansa dai-dai da Allah.
19 So Jesus made this further reply: “In truth I tell you, the Son can do nothing of himself; he does only what he sees the Father doing; whatever the Father does, the Son does also.
Yesu ya amsa masu ya ce, hakika hakika, ina gaya maku, Dan ba ya yin kome shi kadai, sai abin da ya ga Uba yana yi.
20 For the Father loves his Son, and shows him everything that he is doing; and he will show him still greater things — so that you will be filled with wonder.
Domin Uban na kaunar Dan, yana kuma nuna masa dukan abinda shi da kansa yake yi, kuma zai nuna masa abubuwan da suka fi wadannan, domin ku yi mamaki.
21 For, just as the Father raises the dead and gives them Life, so also the Son gives Life to whom he pleases.
Gama kamar yadda Uba yakan tada matattu ya kuma basu rai, haka Dan ma yake bada rai ga duk wanda ya nufa.
22 The Father himself does not judge any man, but has ‘entrusted the work of judging entirely to his Son,’
Gama Uban ba ya hukunta kowa, sai dai ya damka dukan hukunci ga Dan,
23 So that all men may honour the Son, just as they honour the Father. He who does not honour the Son fails to honour the Father who sent him.
domin kowa ya girmama Dan, kamar yadda suke girmama Uban. Shi wanda ba ya girmama Dan, ba ya girmama Uban da ya aiko shi.
24 In truth I tell you that he who listens to my Message and believes him who sent me, has Immortal Life, and does not come under condemnation, but has already passed out of Death into Life. (aiōnios g166)
Hakika, hakika, duk mai jin Maganata, yana kuma gaskata wanda ya aiko ni, yana da rai madawwami ba kuma za a kashe shi ba, domin ya ratse daga mutuwa zuwa rai. (aiōnios g166)
25 In truth I tell you that a time is coming, indeed it is already here, when the Dead will listen to the voice of the Son of God, and when those who listen will live.
Hakika hakika, ina gaya maku, lokaci na zuwa, har ma ya yi da matattatu za su ji muryar Dan Allah, wadanda suka ji kuwa za su rayu.
26 For, just as the Father has inherent Life within him, so also he has granted to the Son to have inherent Life within him;
Kammar yada Uba ya ke da rai a cikinsa, haka ya ba Dan don ya zama da rai cikin kansa.
27 and, because he is Son of Man, he has also given him authority to act as judge.
Uban ya kuma ba Dan ikon zartar da hukunci, saboda shi ne Dan Mutum.
28 Do not wonder at this; for the time is coming when all who are in their graves will hear his voice,
Kada ku yi mamakin wannan, domin lokaci na zuwa da duk wadanda suke kaburbura za su ji muryarsa,
29 and will come out — those who have done good rising to Life, and those who have lived evil lives rising for condemnation.
su kuma fito: wadanda suka aikata nagarta zawa tashi na rai, wadanda suka aikata mugunta kuwa zuwa tashi na hukunci.
30 I can do nothing of myself; I judge as I am taught; and the judgment that I give is just, because my aim is not to do my own will, but the will of him who sent me.
Ba na iya yin kome ni da kai na. Yadda na ke ji, haka nake yin hukunci, Hukunci na kuwa na adalci ne, domin ba nufin kaina nake bi ba, sai dai nufin wanda ya aiko ni.
31 If I bear testimony to myself, my testimony is not trustworthy;
Idan zan yi shaida game da kaina, shaidata baza ta zama gaskiya ba.
32 it is another who bears testimony to me, and I know that the testimony which he bears to me is trustworthy.
Akwai wani wanda ya ke bada shaida game da ni, na kuwa sani shaidar da yake bayarwa game da ni gaskiya ce.
33 You have yourselves sent to John, and he as testified to the Truth.
Kun aika zuwa wurin Yahaya, shi kuma ya yi shaidar gaskiya.
34 But the testimony which I receive is not from man; I am saying this for your Salvation.
Duk da haka shaidar da na karba bata mutum bace. Na fadi wadanan abubuwa domin ku sami ceto.
35 He was the ‘Lamp that was burning’ and shining, and you were ready to rejoice, for a time, in his light.
Yahaya fitila ne mai ci, mai haske ne kuma, kun yarda ku yi farinciki da haskensa dan lokaci kadan.
36 But the testimony which I have is of greater weight than John’s; for the work that the Father has given me to carry out — the work that I am doing — is in itself proof that the Father has sent me as his Messenger.
Amma shaidar da ni ke da ita ta fi ta Yahaya karfi. Domin ayyukan da Uba ya bani ni in yi, wato ainihin ayyukan da nake yi, su ne suke shaida ta cewa, Uba ne ya aiko ni.
37 The Father who has sent me has himself borne testimony to me. You have neither listened to his voice, not seen his form;
Uba wanda ya aiko ni, shi da kansa ya shaide ni. Ba ku taba jin muryar sa ba, ko ganin kamanninsa.
38 and you have not taken his Message home to your hearts, because you do not believe him whom he sent as his Messenger.
Maganarsa kuwa ba ta zaune a zuciyarku, domin baku gaskata da wanda ya aiko ni ba.
39 You search the Scriptures, because you think that you find in them Immortal Life; and, though it is those very Scriptures that bear testimony to me, (aiōnios g166)
Kuna nazarin littattafai, don a tsammaninku a cikinsu za ku sami rai Madawwami, alhali kuwa su ne suke shaidata. (aiōnios g166)
40 you refuse to come to me to have life.
kuma baku niyyar zuwa wurina domin ku sami rai.
41 I do not receive honour from men,
Ba na karbar yabo daga wurin mutane,
42 but I know this of you, that you have not the love of God in your hearts.
amma na sani baku da kaunar Allah a zuciyarku.
43 I have come in my Father’s name, and you do not receive me; if another comes in his own name, you will receive him.
Na zo a cikin sunan Ubana, amma ba ku karbe ni ba. Idan wani ya zo da sunan kansa, za ku karbe shi.
44 How can you believe in me, when you receive honour from one another and do not desire the honour which comes from the only God?
Ta yaya za ku ba da gaskiya, ku da kuke karban yabo daga junanku, amma ba ku neman yabon dake zuwa daga wurin Allah?
45 Do not think that I shall accuse you to the Father; your accuser is Moses, on whom you have been resting your hopes.
Kada ku yi tunani zan zarge ku a wurin Uba. Mai zargin ku shine Musa, wanda kuka sa begenku a cikin sa.
46 For, had you believed Moses, you would have believed me, for it was of me that Moses wrote;
Inda kun gaskata Musa, da kun gaskata da ni domin ya yi rubutu game da ni.
47 but, if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my teaching?”
Idan kuwa ba ku gaskata abin da ya rubuta ba, ta yaya za ku gaskata maganata?”

< John 5 >