< James 5 >

1 Listen to me, you rich men, weep and wail for the miseries that are coming upon you!
Okv vjak, nonu nyitv nyi vdwv, nga tvvgap tvlaka! nonuno gvlo maatar alvbv chimbulvya go aatv dunv lvgabv mvngrula okv kapla ritolaka!
2 Your riches have wasted away, and your clothes have become moth-eaten.
Nonugv nyitv ngv yalayaa roku, okv nonugv vji am tagit ngv chelachia nyami roku,
3 Your gold and silver are rusted; and the rust on them shall be evidence against you, and shall eat into your very flesh. It was fire, so to speak, that you stored up for yourselves in these last days.
Nonugv ain okv raaji am chinglwng ngv dvmi roku, okv soogv chinglwng dvnv si nonugv lvkwng lo minjiyanv akobv rireku okv nonugv adwnayak ka vmv gukunam aingbv dvmichiki la rireku. Nonugv nyitvai am vjak gv anyung achok so pvvkum nyadu.
4 I tell you, the wages of the labourers who mowed your fields, which you have been fraudulently keeping back, are crying out against you, and the outcries of your reapers have reached the ears of the Lord of Hosts!
Nonugv rongo lo oogv kudungkua rinv nga rvklap lapnam am jiji kumadu. Nonuno bunugv kapnam minam am tvvtoka! Nonugv rongo lo aliami gvchinggvmu jinv gv kapnam rinamv, maatar alvbv Kaiyachonv Ahtu Pwknvyarnv gv nyarung lo tvvpala riduku.
5 You have lived on earth a life of extravagance and luxury; you have indulged your fancies in a time of bloodshed.
Sichingmooku so nonugv singnam si hvriokpajak namv okv himpukain kunamv akomaring duku. Nonugv aw am vbv pootv mola rinamv erinpeedw gv alu lvgabv mvsudunv.
6 You have condemned, you have murdered, the Righteous One! Must not God be opposed to you?
Nonuno nyabvdanv nyi vdwa miyakaya lachin okv gwngrw gwklachin okv bunu vdwv nonua ritor sula madu.
7 Be patient, then, Brothers, till the Coming of the Lord. Even the farmer has to wait for the precious fruit of the earth, watching over it patiently, till it has had the spring and summer rains.
Vbvkubolo, ngoogv ajin vdw, Ahtu gv aama dvdv gobv, Saktv tvlaka. Kaaka tvka rongo mvnv vdwgv rongo nga mvlwk tokula bunu kvdw lo aamtami mvlinkunam lindw am kaayakunam aingbv ridu. Bunu vdwv dvrw nyido okv dvra gv nyido am kaaya dula saktvla doodu.
8 And you must be patient also, and not be discouraged; for the Lord’s Coming is near.
Nonuka vbv saktvla doorung tvka. Nonugv mvngtin nama aokoko motoka, holvgavbolo Ahtu gv aadw aluv nvchi duku.
9 Do not make complaints against one another, Brothers, or judgment will be passed upon you. The Judge is already standing at the door!
Ngoogv ajin vdw, ajin anying gv lvkwnglo pordvr minsu yoka, vbvrikubolo Pwknvyarnv nonua jwngkadaka mare. Jwngkadaka svngv nvchi duku, kaatam dukubv doya duku.
10 Brothers, as an example of the patient endurance of suffering, take the Prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord.
Ngoogv ajin vdwv, oogv Ahtu gv amin lo nyijwk vdwgv japji kunam um mvnggap tvlaka. Bunugv hirukaya bv hindu laka saktvla rinampanam am hingvkagv sitoka.
11 We count those who displayed such endurance blessed! You have heard, too, of Job’s endurance, and have seen what the Lord’s purpose was, for ‘the Lord is full of pity and compassion.’
Bunugv chitam sikunam lvgabv ngonu bunua himpuv vduku. Nonu Job gv saktv sila duku nama tvtoku, okv Ahtu gv anyunganya aku ninyigv lvgabv jilwk kunam am nonuno chindu. Vkvlvgavbolo Ahtu ayanam lokv okv arwngjvbv paknam amin lokv yarbingdu.
12 Above all things, my Brothers, never take an oath, either by heaven, or by earth, or by anything else. With you let ‘Yes’ suffice for yes, and ‘No’ for no, so that you may escape condemnation.
Ngoogv ajin vdw, mvnwng gv aolo, vdwlo milvpvvnam go dooredw ho nonuno milvpvvla beegingbuging nvnvgo beetak nvvma bvka. Nyidomooku lokvka ogugo beetak nvla vbvmajvka sichingmooku sum beetak nvla vbvmajvka ogunv yikungyira go beetak nvla beeyoka. Vbv mvngchik mintoka, “umkv” okv “maakv” Vdwlo nonu umkv vsvgo dubolo umkv vla minchar jitoka, okv maakv vsvgo dubolo maakv vla minchar jitoka, okv vbvribolo nonuno Pwknvyarnv gv jwngkadaka nam arwnglo aamare.
13 If any of you is in trouble, let him pray; if any one is happy, let him sing hymns.
Nonugv aralo mvngru mvngnvgo doodure? Vv bunu kumsu rungtoka. Nonugv aralo mvngpu nvgo doodure? Vv bunu hartvbamtv nvnv mirimimpak mirung dubv ridu.
14 If any one of you is ill, let him send for the Officers of the Church, and let them pray over him, after anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.
Nonugv aralo lvvma nvgo doodure? Bunu vdwgv lokv gvrja nyigagatv vdwgvlo vngmu rungtoka, holvgavbolo bunua kumji monam lvgabv okv olib tvvli go Ahtu gv amin lokv bunua piakmu laka.
15 The prayer offered in faith will save the man who is sick, and the Lord will raise him from his bed; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
Soogv mvngjwngla kumku lokv lvvma nvnga mvpu reku; Ahtu bunua adwnamar nga gwlwk moreku okv rimur la bunugv rikunam um mvngnga jila rireku.
16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be cured. Great is the power of a good man’s fervent prayer.
Vkvlvgabv, nonugv ajin anying lo rimur minsukunam am mvngnga minsu dukubv minji minsu tvkuka okv ajin anyingnga kumgur minsu tvkuka, vbvribolo nonu vdwv um poya moriku. Alvnv nyigonvgv kumnamv achialvbv jwkrwrwtv gobv ridu.
17 Elijah was only a man like ourselves, but, when he prayed fervently that it might not rain, no rain fell upon the land for three years and a half.
Elija ka ngonugv aingbv nyinyupada gobv ridunv. Hv nyido homa dubv vla dinchirungbv kumto, okv vbv kumnamv jvjvrungbv anying nyingum gola patak gobv kvdw so nyido holwk jimu matoku.
18 And, when he prayed again, the clouds brought rain, and the land bore crops.
Lvkodv hv kumdv kunamv, okv ao tlogv lokv nyido nga holwk molakula rito okv kvdw lo rongo nampo ngv alvrungbv aliamiv boklin molakula ritoku.
19 My Brothers, should one of you be led astray from the Truth, and someone bring him back again,
Ngoogv ajin vdw, nonugv lokv akonv jvjvnam lokv ngakla ngaga kubolo okv um kvvbi gonv akonv nam aakur mola ridu,
20 be sure that he who brings a sinner back from his mistaken ways will save that man’s soul from Death, and throw a veil over countless sins.
sum mvnggap tvlaka: yvvdw rimurnv um rimur lamtv loka laakur dukudw oogv rimur nvgv yalua sijikunam lokv ringdu kunv okv rimur meego rikunama mvngnga jidukubv laalwk jiduku.

< James 5 >