< Acts 13 >
1 Among the members of the Church at Antioch there were several Prophets and Teachers — Barnabas, Simeon who was known by the name of ‘Black’, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen, foster-brother of Prince Herod, and Saul.
E kꞌo kꞌu qꞌalajisal taq rech ri utzij ri Dios xuqujeꞌ aꞌjtijabꞌ pa ri komontyox rech ri tinimit Antioquía pa Siria, ri Bernabé, ri Simón (ri kabꞌix Qꞌeq che), ri Lucio (aj Cirene), ri Manaén ri junam xekꞌiy rukꞌ ri Herodes Antipas, xuqujeꞌ ri Saulo.
2 While they were engaged in the worship of the Lord and were fasting, the Holy Spirit said: “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul, for the work to which I have called them.”
Jun qꞌijal are tajin kakibꞌan chꞌawem xuqujeꞌ tajin kakiqꞌip kiwaꞌim, ri Uxlabꞌixel xubꞌij chike: Chiꞌqꞌata ri Bernabé rachiꞌl ri Saulo rech kebꞌe che ri chak ri e nusikꞌim wi.
3 Accordingly, after fasting and prayer, they placed their hands on them and dismissed them.
Xkibꞌan kꞌu qꞌipoj waꞌim xuqujeꞌ xkibꞌan chꞌawem pa kiwiꞌ ri Saulo rachiꞌl ri Bernabé xkiya kiqꞌabꞌ pa kiwiꞌ, kꞌa te riꞌ xeꞌkitaq bꞌik.
4 Barnabas and Saul, sent on this mission, as they were, by the Holy Spirit, went down to Seleucia, and from there sailed to Cyprus.
Ri Uxlabꞌixel xutaq bꞌik ri Bernabé rachiꞌl ri Saulo xebꞌe chuchiꞌ ri jaꞌ rech Seleucia kelik bꞌi chilaꞌ xebꞌe puꞌwiꞌ ri jaꞌ xoꞌpan pa jun leꞌaj sutital che jaꞌ pa ri tinimit Chipre.
5 On reaching Salamis, they began to tell the Message of God in the Jewish Synagogues; and they had John with them as an assistant.
Are xoꞌpan pa ri tinimit Salamina, xoꞌk pa ri Sinagoga kech ri winaq aꞌj Israel chilaꞌ xkitzijoj wi ri utzij ri Dios. Ri Juan Marcos xeꞌ kukꞌ chikitoꞌik.
6 After passing through the whole island, they reached Paphos, where they found an astrologer who pretended to be a Prophet — a Jew by birth, whose name was Barjoshua.
Xebꞌe pa jaljoj taq tinimit kꞌa te riꞌ xoꞌpan pa ri tinimit Pafos. Chilaꞌ xketaꞌmaj wi uwach jun ajqꞌij, jun menkꞌetinel aꞌj Israel ubꞌiꞌ Barjesús.
7 He was at the court of the Governor, Sergius Paulus, a man of intelligence, who sent for Barnabas and Saul and asked to be told God’s Message.
Ri achi riꞌ kachakun rukꞌ ri qꞌatal tzij, Sergio Paulo, jun qꞌatal tzij ri sibꞌalaj kꞌo retaꞌmabꞌal. Xtaqan kꞌu chikisikꞌixik ri Bernabé rachiꞌl ri Saulo, rumal cher karaj kuta ri utzij ri Dios.
8 But Elymas, the astrologer (for that is the meaning of the word), opposed them, eager to divert the Governor’s attention from the Faith.
Are kꞌu ri Elimas ri ajqꞌij (are waꞌ ri ubꞌiꞌ pa tzijobꞌal griego) xukoj ukꞌuꞌx ri nim qꞌatal tzij rech man kutatabꞌej ta ri kakitzijoj ri Bernabé rachiꞌl ri Saulo rech jeriꞌ man kakojon taj.
9 However, Saul (who is the same as Paul), full of the Holy Spirit, fixed his eyes on him and said:
Ri Saulo ubꞌiꞌ Pablo xnoj che ri Uxlabꞌixel ko xukaꞌyej ri achi.
10 “You incarnation of deceit and all fraud! You son of the Devil! You opponent of all that is good! Will you never cease to divert ‘the straight paths of the Lord’? Listen!
Kꞌa te riꞌ xubꞌij che: ¡Ralkꞌwaꞌl itzel, at ukꞌulel ri sukꞌal, at nojinaq che menkꞌetinik, xuqujeꞌ bꞌanoj tzij. At ukꞌulel ronojel utzilal! ¿Jampaꞌ kattaniꞌk chukotik ri utz laj ubꞌe ri Ajawxel?
11 The hand of the Lord is upon you even now, and you will be blind for a time and unable to see the sun.” Immediately a mist and darkness fell upon him, and he went feeling about for some one to guide him.
Ri Ajawxel kꞌut kuqꞌat tzij paꞌwiꞌ rumal riꞌ katmoyar chanim. Man kawil ta chi ri utunal ri qꞌij jun janipa qꞌij. Jeriꞌ aninaq xok sutzꞌ xuqujeꞌ qꞌequꞌmal pa ri ubꞌoqꞌoch ri achi, xuchapleꞌj bꞌinem, man karil ta chi ri ubꞌe, xa xuta chi toqꞌobꞌ xtzuyexik kakꞌut ri ubꞌe.
12 When the Governor saw what had happened, he became a believer in Christ, being greatly impressed by the teaching about the Lord.
Ri qꞌatal tzij are xril ri xkꞌulmatajik, xkojonik rumal xmayijanik che ri kꞌutuꞌn rech ri Ajawxel Jesús.
13 After this, Paul and his companions set sail from Paphos and went to Perga in Pamphylia, where John left them and returned to Jerusalem.
Ri Pablo xuqujeꞌ ri e rachiꞌl xeꞌl bꞌik pa ri tinimit Pafos, xebꞌe pa jun jukubꞌ bꞌinibꞌal puꞌwiꞌ ri jaꞌ, xebꞌe pa ri tinimit Panfilia. Xoꞌpan chuchiꞌ ri jaꞌ pa ri tinimit Perge. Chilaꞌ xtzalij wi kanoq ri Juan Marcos xeꞌ kanoq pa Jerusalén.
14 The others went on from Perga and arrived at Antioch in Pisidia. There they went into the Synagogue on the Sabbath and took their seats.
Ri Pablo kꞌut rachiꞌl ri Bernabé xkisukꞌu xoꞌpan pa ri tinimit Antioquía pa Pisidia. Pa ri qꞌij rech uxlanem xebꞌe pa ri mulim ibꞌ pa ri Sinagoga.
15 After the reading of the Law and the Prophets, the President of the Synagogue sent them this message — “Brothers, if you have any helpful words to address to the people, now is the time to speak.”
Are xsikꞌitaj ri wuj rech ri Moisés, ri naqꞌatalik kakisikꞌij xuqujeꞌ ri kiwuj ri e qꞌalajisal taq rech ri utzij ri Dios, ri e kꞌamal taq bꞌe kech ri winaq ri kimulin kibꞌ xkitaq ubꞌixik chike: Alaxik, we kꞌo tzij iwukꞌ ri kuya jororemal xuqujeꞌ kuꞌtaqchiꞌj ri alaxik kebꞌe chikiwach, chixqꞌaxoq jiꞌbꞌij.
16 So Paul rose and, motioning with his hand, spoke as follows: “Men of Israel and all here who reverence God, hear what I have to say.
Xwaꞌjil kꞌu ri Pablo, pa memal tzij xubꞌij chike chi man kechꞌaw ta na kꞌa te riꞌ xuchapleꞌj chꞌawem xubꞌij: Chitampeꞌ, achyabꞌ aꞌj Israel xuqujeꞌ ri ix man ix aꞌj Israel taj, ri kixiꞌj iwibꞌ cho ri Dios.
17 The God of this people Israel chose our ancestors, and during their stay in Egypt increased the prosperity of the people, and then ‘with uplifted arm brought them out from that land.’
Ri Dios rech we tinimit Israel xuꞌchaꞌ ri qamam ojer, xuꞌkꞌiyarisaj, xuya kichuqꞌabꞌ are xekꞌojiꞌ pa ri tinimit Egipto, kꞌa te riꞌ rukꞌ ri kwinel laj uqꞌabꞌ xeꞌresaj loq pa ri patanijik.
18 For about forty years ‘he bore with them in the Desert’;
Xukochꞌ uwach chike kawinaq junabꞌ are xebꞌin pa ri katzꞌinow ulew.
19 then, after destroying seven heathen nations in Canaan, he allotted their land to this people —
Xusach kiwach wuqubꞌ tinimit ri e kꞌo pa Canaán rech jeriꞌ xuya ri ulew chike ri winaq aꞌj Israel.
20 For about four hundred and fifty years. In later times he gave them Judges, of whom the Prophet Samuel was the last.
We jastaq riꞌ xkꞌulmatajik kajibꞌ ciento rukꞌ kawinaq lajuj junabꞌ. Kꞌa te riꞌ ri Dios xuꞌkoj qꞌatal taq tzij kꞌamal taq kibꞌe ri tinimit Israel, ri kꞌisbꞌal qꞌatal tzij are ri Samuel.
21 And, when they demanded a king, God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, who reigned for forty years.
Ri winaq xkita kꞌu jun kitaqanel, ri Dios xuya chike ri Saúl ukꞌojol ri Cis, rech ri jupuq winaq rech Benjamín are waꞌ xtaqan pa Israel kawinaq junabꞌ.
22 After removing him, he raised David to the throne, and bore this testimony to him — ‘In David, the son of Jesse, I have found a man after my own heart, who will carry out all my purposes.’
Ri Dios are xresaj ri Saúl che taqanel, xukoj ri David che ukꞌaxel, are waꞌ ri xbꞌix che rumal ri Dios: Ri David ukꞌojol ri Isaí are qas kaqaj chinuwach, rumal cher kubꞌan na ronojel ri kinbꞌij che kubꞌano.
23 It was from this man’s descendants that God, in accordance with his promise, gave Israel a Saviour — Jesus;
Ri Jesús kꞌut are jun chike ri e rijaꞌl ri David are waꞌ ri kolonel uchiꞌm loq ri Dios chike ri utinimit Israel.
24 John having first proclaimed, before the appearance of Jesus, a baptism upon repentance for all the people of Israel.
Majoꞌq kape ri Jesús, are xpe ri Juan Bꞌanal qasanaꞌ, xubꞌij chike ri winaq aꞌj Israel chi rajawaxik kakikꞌex kikꞌuꞌx che ri kimak, ketzalij rukꞌ ri Dios, xuqujeꞌ kabꞌan kiqasanaꞌ.
25 As John was drawing towards the end of his career, he said what do you suppose that I am? I am not the Christ. But there is “One Coming” after me, whose very sandal I am not worthy to untie.’
Are xuriq ri kꞌisbꞌal qꞌij rech ukꞌaslemal ri Juan, xubꞌij: “¿Teꞌq piꞌkꞌuꞌx chi in in Mesías? Man in taj. Kape kꞌu na Areꞌ, man taqal ta kꞌu chwe in kinoq che patanil re, man ne taqal ta chwe kinkir ri ximbꞌal uxajabꞌ.”
26 Brothers, descendants of Abraham, and all those among you who reverence God, it was to us that the Message of this Salvation was sent.
Qachalal ralkꞌwaꞌl ri Abraham xuqujeꞌ winaq ri man ix aꞌj Israel taj ix ri kixiꞌj iwibꞌ cho ri Dios, we tzij rech kolotajem chaqe uj xyaꞌtaj wi.
27 The people of Jerusalem and their leading men, failing to recognise Jesus, and not understanding the utterances of the Prophets that are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him.
Ri winaq aꞌj Jerusalén, xuqujeꞌ ri kꞌamal taq kibꞌe man xkichꞌobꞌ taj chi ri Jesús xtzijox loq kumal ri qꞌalajisal taq rech ri utzij ri Dios. Rumal riꞌ xkiqꞌat tzij puꞌwiꞌ je xkibꞌano jetaq ri kitzijom loq ri qꞌalajisal taq rech ri utzij ri Dios, ri kasikꞌix pa ronojel taq qꞌij rech uxlanem.
28 They found no ground at all for putting him to death, and yet demanded his execution from Pilate;
Man kꞌo ta kꞌu rumal kakamisaxik, pune jeriꞌ xkita wi che ri Pilato chi kakamisaxik.
29 and, after carrying out everything written about him, they took Jesus down from the cross, and laid him in a tomb.
Are xbꞌantaj kumal ronojel ri tzꞌibꞌatal chrij ri Jesús, xkiqasaj cho ri cheꞌ kꞌa te riꞌ xeꞌkimuqu kanoq.
30 But God raised him from the dead;
Ri Dios kꞌut xukꞌastajisaj uwach chkixoꞌl ri kaminaqibꞌ.
31 and he appeared for many days to those who had gone up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, and who are now witnesses for him to the people.
Ri Jesús xukꞌut ribꞌ sibꞌalaj kꞌi mul chikiwach ri winaq ri xebꞌin rukꞌ kelik loq pa Galilea xebꞌe pa ri tinimit Jerusalén. Kamik riꞌ, are waꞌ we winaq riꞌ ketzijon ri ukamikal xuqujeꞌ ri kꞌastajibꞌal uwach ri Jesús chike ri tinimit Israel.
32 We also have good news to tell you, about the promise made to our ancestors —
Kamik riꞌ, uj kꞌo waral chutzijoxik ri utz laj tzij ri bꞌiꞌtal loq chike ri e qamam ojer.
33 That our children have had this promise completely fulfilled to them by God, by his raising Jesus. That is just what is said in the second Psalm — ‘Thou art my Son; this day I have become thy Father.’
Ri Dios xubꞌano ri ubꞌim loq chaqe are xukꞌastajisaj uwach ri Jesús. Are waꞌ ri kubꞌij ri ukabꞌ Salmo che ri Jesús. At at nukꞌojol, kamik riꞌ xinux aTat.
34 As to his raising Jesus from the dead, never again to return to corruption, this is what is said — ‘I will give to you the sacred promises made to David;’
Ri Dios xubꞌij loq chi kuwaꞌjilisaj na ri Jesús chikixoꞌl ri kaminaqibꞌ, man xuya ta kanoq pa ri jul rech kaqꞌayik, xubꞌij xuqujeꞌ: Kinya na ri Tyoxalaj tewechibꞌal ri nuchiꞌm loq che ri David.
35 And, therefore, in another Psalm it is said — ‘Thou wilt not give up the Holy One to undergo corruption.’
Kꞌo chi jun Salmo ri kꞌyaqal kubꞌan chubꞌixik: Man kaya ta la bꞌe chi ri Tyox patanil e la kaqꞌay pa ri jul.
36 David, after obediently doing God’s will in his own time, ‘fell asleep and was laid by the side of his ancestors, and did undergo corruption;
We Salmo riꞌ man are ta kutzijoj rij ri David. Ri David are xepatanitaj ri e rach kꞌiyik, xkam bꞌik, xmuq kukꞌ ri ratiꞌt umam, xqꞌay ri areꞌ.
37 but Jesus, whom God raised from the dead, did not undergo corruption.
Man are ta kutzijoj rij ri David xane jun winaq chik ri xkꞌastajisax rumal ri Dios ri man xqꞌay ta ri ubꞌaqil.
38 I would, therefore, have you know, brothers, that through Jesus forgiveness of sins is being proclaimed to you,
Qachalal, chitampeꞌ, uj kꞌo waral che uqꞌalajisaxik chi kꞌo kuybꞌal imak rumal ri Jesús.
39 and that, in union with him, every one who believes in him is absolved from every sin from which under the Law of Moses you could not be absolved.
Xapachin ri kakojon che ri Jesús kabꞌantaj sukꞌ che cho ri Dios, are waꞌ ri man xkwin ta ri utaqanik ri Moisés xubꞌano.
40 Beware, therefore, that what is said in the Prophets does not come true of you —
Qas chixchomanoq rech man kakꞌulmataj ta iwukꞌ ri xkibꞌij loq ri e qꞌalajisal taq rech ri utzij ri Dios, are xkibꞌij:
41 ‘Look, you despisers, and wonder, and perish; For I am doing a deed in your days — A deed which, though told you in full, you will never believe’.”
Chiwilampeꞌ ix ri ix ajyoqꞌolobꞌ, chixmayijanoq xuqujeꞌ sach iwach, rumal cher tajin kinbꞌan jun jastaq ri pune kꞌo katzijon chiꞌwe man kikoj ta wi riꞌ.
42 As Paul and Barnabas were leaving the Synagogue, the people begged for a repetition of this teaching on the next Sabbath.
Ri Pablo rachiꞌl ri Bernabé are xeꞌl loq pa ri Sinagoga xebꞌochiꞌx kumal ri winaq rech kakitzalij utzijoxik ri jastaq pa jun qꞌij chik rech uxlanem.
43 After the congregation had dispersed, many of the Jews, and of the converts who joined in their worship, followed Paul and Barnabas, who talked with them and urged them to continue to rely upon the loving-kindness of God.
E kꞌi winaq aꞌj Israel xuqujeꞌ winaq ri xkibꞌan aꞌj Israel chibꞌil kibꞌ xeꞌkitereneꞌj ri Pablo rachiꞌl ri Bernabé. Konojel we winaq riꞌ xeꞌkitaqchiꞌj ri Pablo rachiꞌl ri Bernabé rech kajeqiꞌ kikꞌuꞌx pa ri utoqꞌobꞌ ri Dios.
44 On the following Sabbath, almost all the city gathered to hear God’s Message.
Che ri jun qꞌij chik rech uxlanem, konojel ri winaq rech ri tinimit xkimulij kibꞌ chutayik ri utzij ri Dios.
45 But the sight of the crowds of people filled the minds of the Jews with jealousy, and they kept contradicting Paul’s statements in violent language.
Ri winaq aꞌj Israel are xkil ri kikꞌyal ri winaq, itzel xkinaꞌo xkichapleꞌj ubꞌixik bꞌanoj taq tzij chirij ri Pablo, xkichapleꞌj ukꞌululaꞌxik ronojel ri kubꞌij.
46 Then Paul and Barnabas spoke out fearlessly, and said: “It was necessary that the Message of God should be told to you first; but, since you reject it and reckon yourselves not worthy of the Immortal Life — we turn to the Gentiles! (aiōnios )
Ri Pablo xuqujeꞌ ri Bernabé xkibꞌij rukꞌ chuqꞌabꞌ: Sibꞌalaj rajawaxik nabꞌe kaqatzijoj ri utzij ri Dios chiꞌwe ix, ri ix aj Israel, rumal kꞌu cher xiwetzelaj uwach kinaꞌo chi man kataqiꞌ ta chiꞌwe ri jun alik kꞌaslemal, rumal riꞌ kaqatzijoj chi we tzij riꞌ chike ri winaq ri man aꞌj Israel taj. (aiōnios )
47 For this is the Lord’s command to us — ‘I have destined thee for a Light to the Gentiles, A means of Salvation to the ends of the earth’.”
Ri Ajawxel xuya we taqanik riꞌ chaqe are xubꞌij: At nuyaꞌom chikitunaxik ri winaq ri man aꞌj Israel taj, rech katzijoj ri koltajem pa taq ri naja taq tinimit rech ri uwachulew.
48 On hearing this, the Gentiles were glad and extolled God’s Message; and all those who had been enrolled for Immortal Life became believers in Christ; (aiōnios )
Ri winaq ri man aꞌj Israel taj are xkita ri xbꞌixik, xetyoxin che ri Ajawxel rumal ri utzij, konojel ri e chaꞌtal chukꞌamawaꞌxik ri jun alik kꞌaslemal, xekojonik. (aiōnios )
49 and the Lord’s Message was carried throughout that district.
Ri utzij ri Dios xjabꞌun pa ri tinimit riꞌ.
50 But the Jews incited the women of position who worshiped with them, and the leading men of the town, and started a persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and drove them out of their neighbourhood.
Are kꞌu ri kꞌamal taq kibꞌe ri winaq aꞌj Israel xeꞌkitaqchiꞌj ixoqibꞌ ri muꞌl kikꞌuꞌx pa ri kinaqꞌatajibꞌal xuqujeꞌ e kꞌamal taq bꞌe rech ri tinimit rech xkimulij kibꞌ chikij ri Pablo rachiꞌl ri Bernabé rech jeriꞌ xeꞌkesaj bꞌik pa ri tinimit.
51 They, however, shook the dust off their feet in protest,
Ri Pablo rachiꞌl ri Bernabé xeꞌl loq pa ri tinimit, xkitota kan ri ulew che ri kaqan kꞌutbꞌal rech chi maj kimak chike ri winaq we kape kꞌaxkꞌolal pa kiwiꞌ. Kꞌa te riꞌ xebꞌe pa ri tinimit Iconio.
52 and went to Iconium, leaving the disciples full of joy and of the Holy Spirit.
Ri tijoxelabꞌ xenoj che kiꞌkotemal xuqujeꞌ che ri Uxlabꞌixel.